Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Leamington Society
Chwilio o’r newyddGwrthwynebu
Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
2 - DS11 (H01)
ID sylw: 67252
Derbyniwyd: 11/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Leamington Society
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The Draft Plan allocates housing to site H01 and, with the removal of the employment allocation, increases that from 1190 to 1300 dwellings.
We argue elsewhere (3. Updated evidence) that WDC has over-provided in total housing provision within its Draft Plan. However if sites in this area are to be allocated to housing it is perverse to remove the specific community hub element from such large new settlements. (The added NB that these uses "will still be required" smacks of a hasty afterthought to cover a dubious fix).
To replace it with a football stadium will introduce disturbance of extra traffic, noise and lights on match days. To badge it with the contrived title "Community stadium" is absolutely no substitute for vital community facilities and services in daily use as listed in the original Draft Plan.
The future residents of these houses will not be given the chance to object to this large independent structure in the middle of their suburb or to the absence of local retail, community and medical facilities, which will not be built unless planned for in advance.
Attached are the Leamington Society's response to the Local Plan Focused Consultation 2014 and two responses to the additional evidence on projected future population and employment for the West Midlands, for which no Consultation has been offered even though the changes to the distribution of population increase are material. The second and third attached items address this topic. The second file has already been sent to WD Councillors but the arguments should be reviewed by WDC and if the housing numbers are not amended in the light of this new evidence, it will be sent to the Inspector.
We also wish to ensure that St Mary's Lands and areas of Newbold Comyn are designated as Local Green Spaces in the absence of a Neighbourhood Plan. This is summarised in the last attachment.
The Leamington Society wishes to be represented at all discussions of these plans where the public are allowed to make a contribution. Please would you notify me or my husband Archie Pitts
Chapter 5 Sustainable Communities
Policy HS3 LGS (Local Green Spaces) draft p.125
New Evidence
The recent Petition, followed by Council debate and resolution have high-lighted the very special nature of St. Mary's Lands and this was after previous Local Plan consultation.
Why Draft Plan is incomplete
We note that the draft supports the principle of designating an LGS (as provided for in NPPF).
HS3 suggests that local communities may designate through Neighbourhood Plans. But many communities are not proposing neighbourhood plans (eg Leamington Town Council) and adjacent spaces may relate to either several or to no neighbourhood plans. The NPPF states (para 76) that an LGS "should be designated when a plan is prepared or reviewed" so now is the time for designation, not left as vague possibility.
There will be few spaces appropriate for LGS status within the WDC area. But we suggest two notable spaces which could and should be designated in the text of the Local Plan. They are :-
St. Mary's Lands
This is demonstrably special to the local community, as indicated above, and not just to those livingimmediately adjacent. It also fulfils most of the possible criteria. We support this designation as a unique space within the District.
Welch's Meadow and east as far as the canal (and old railway line)
This land, bounded to north by River Leam and south by A425, is certainly close to and special for the local community. It meets various criteria including tranquillity close to the town, richness of wildlife, and recreational value for many walkers.
see attached
Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
ID sylw: 67324
Derbyniwyd: 11/12/2014
Ymatebydd: Leamington Society
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
New Evidence
The recent Petition, followed by Council debate and resolution have high-lighted the very special nature of St. Mary's Lands and this was after previous Local Plan consultation.
Why Draft Plan is incomplete
We note that the draft supports the principle of designating an LGS (as provided for in NPPF).
HS3 suggests that local communities may designate through Neighbourhood Plans. But many communities are not proposing neighbourhood plans (eg Leamington Town Council) and adjacent spaces may relate to either several or to no neighbourhood plans. The NPPF states (para 76) that an LGS "should be designated when a plan is prepared or reviewed" so now is the time for designation, not left as vague possibility.
There will be few spaces appropriate for LGS status within the WDC area. But we suggest two notable spaces which could and should be designated in the text of the Local Plan. They are :-
St. Mary's Lands
This is demonstrably special to the local community, as indicated above, and not just to those livingimmediately adjacent. It also fulfils most of the possible criteria. We support this designation as a unique space within the District.
Welch's Meadow and east as far as the canal (and old railway line)
This land, bounded to north by River Leam and south by A425, is certainly close to and special for the local community. It meets various criteria including tranquillity close to the town, richness of wildlife, and recreational value for many walkers.
Attached are the Leamington Society's response to the Local Plan Focused Consultation 2014 and two responses to the additional evidence on projected future population and employment for the West Midlands, for which no Consultation has been offered even though the changes to the distribution of population increase are material. The second and third attached items address this topic. The second file has already been sent to WD Councillors but the arguments should be reviewed by WDC and if the housing numbers are not amended in the light of this new evidence, it will be sent to the Inspector.
We also wish to ensure that St Mary's Lands and areas of Newbold Comyn are designated as Local Green Spaces in the absence of a Neighbourhood Plan. This is summarised in the last attachment.
The Leamington Society wishes to be represented at all discussions of these plans where the public are allowed to make a contribution. Please would you notify me or my husband Archie Pitts
Chapter 5 Sustainable Communities
Policy HS3 LGS (Local Green Spaces) draft p.125
New Evidence
The recent Petition, followed by Council debate and resolution have high-lighted the very special nature of St. Mary's Lands and this was after previous Local Plan consultation.
Why Draft Plan is incomplete
We note that the draft supports the principle of designating an LGS (as provided for in NPPF).
HS3 suggests that local communities may designate through Neighbourhood Plans. But many communities are not proposing neighbourhood plans (eg Leamington Town Council) and adjacent spaces may relate to either several or to no neighbourhood plans. The NPPF states (para 76) that an LGS "should be designated when a plan is prepared or reviewed" so now is the time for designation, not left as vague possibility.
There will be few spaces appropriate for LGS status within the WDC area. But we suggest two notable spaces which could and should be designated in the text of the Local Plan. They are :-
St. Mary's Lands
This is demonstrably special to the local community, as indicated above, and not just to those livingimmediately adjacent. It also fulfils most of the possible criteria. We support this designation as a unique space within the District.
Welch's Meadow and east as far as the canal (and old railway line)
This land, bounded to north by River Leam and south by A425, is certainly close to and special for the local community. It meets various criteria including tranquillity close to the town, richness of wildlife, and recreational value for many walkers.
see attached