Proposed Modifications January 2016
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Nigel Gough Associates Ltd
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Proposed Modifications January 2016
H53 - Hatton Park - Brownley Green Lane
ID sylw: 69423
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Nigel Gough Associates Ltd
Mod 16, para 2.81 and Mod 19 Policies Map
2.1.1 Our clients support, in principle, the release of their land edged red for housing
Identified as H53 'Hatton Park, Brownley Green Lane' for an estimated 55 dwellings (page 34 of the Table of Proposed Modifications)
2.1.2 If formally Adopted our Clients will immediately seek to bring the land forward for development
1. Background
1.1 Our clients, the Burman family, are the freehold owners of the land edged red on the plan attached
1.2 We have previously made representations on the emerging Warwick District Local Plan on behalf of the Burman family
1.3 The proposals for additional Main Modifications to this District Local Plan, were issued dated January 2016, and for which there is a closing date of Friday 22 April 2016 (by 4:45pm) for receipt by Warwick DC of representations.
1.4 We set out below those representations
2. Representations - Support
Mod 16, para 2.81 and Mod 19 Policies Map
2.1.1 Our clients support, in principle, the release of their land edged red for housing
Identified as H53 'Hatton Park, Brownley Green Lane' for an estimated 55 dwellings (page 34 of the Table of Proposed Modifications)
2.1.2 If formally Adopted our Clients will immediately seek to bring the land forward for development
Proposed Modifications January 2016
Mod 16 - para 2.81
ID sylw: 69424
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Nigel Gough Associates Ltd
Mod 16, para 2.81 and Mod 19 Policies Map
2.1.1 Our clients support, in principle, the release of their land edged red for housing
Identified as H53 'Hatton Park, Brownley Green Lane' for an estimated 55 dwellings (page 34 of the Table of Proposed Modifications)
2.1.2 If formally Adopted our Clients will immediately seek to bring the land forward for development
1. Background
1.1 Our clients, the Burman family, are the freehold owners of the land edged red on the plan attached
1.2 We have previously made representations on the emerging Warwick District Local Plan on behalf of the Burman family
1.3 The proposals for additional Main Modifications to this District Local Plan, were issued dated January 2016, and for which there is a closing date of Friday 22 April 2016 (by 4:45pm) for receipt by Warwick DC of representations.
1.4 We set out below those representations
2. Representations - Support
Mod 16, para 2.81 and Mod 19 Policies Map
2.1.1 Our clients support, in principle, the release of their land edged red for housing
Identified as H53 'Hatton Park, Brownley Green Lane' for an estimated 55 dwellings (page 34 of the Table of Proposed Modifications)
2.1.2 If formally Adopted our Clients will immediately seek to bring the land forward for development
Proposed Modifications January 2016
Mod 10 - Policy DS11
ID sylw: 69425
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Nigel Gough Associates Ltd
Mod 16, para 2.81 and Mod 19 Policies Map
2.1.1 Our clients support, in principle, the release of their land edged red for housing
Identified as H53 'Hatton Park, Brownley Green Lane' for an estimated 55 dwellings (page 34 of the Table of Proposed Modifications)
2.1.2 If formally Adopted our Clients will immediately seek to bring the land forward for development
1. Background
1.1 Our clients, the Burman family, are the freehold owners of the land edged red on the plan attached
1.2 We have previously made representations on the emerging Warwick District Local Plan on behalf of the Burman family
1.3 The proposals for additional Main Modifications to this District Local Plan, were issued dated January 2016, and for which there is a closing date of Friday 22 April 2016 (by 4:45pm) for receipt by Warwick DC of representations.
1.4 We set out below those representations
2. Representations - Support
Mod 16, para 2.81 and Mod 19 Policies Map
2.1.1 Our clients support, in principle, the release of their land edged red for housing
Identified as H53 'Hatton Park, Brownley Green Lane' for an estimated 55 dwellings (page 34 of the Table of Proposed Modifications)
2.1.2 If formally Adopted our Clients will immediately seek to bring the land forward for development