Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan - Submission
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Historic England
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan - Submission
Section 5 - Vision, Objectives and Land Use Policies
ID sylw: 71147
Derbyniwyd: 08/05/2018
Ymatebydd: Historic England
Supportive of the approach to the historic environment. Pleased that suggestions in the previous consultation response have been addressed.
We are pleased to note that our suggestions at Regulation 14 stage have been addressed.
Our previous general Regulation 14 comments remain entirely relevant, that is:
"Historic England is supportive of both the document and the vision and objectives set out in it. The emphasis on the conservation of local distinctiveness through good design and the protection of locally significant buildings, green spaces and townscape character is to be applauded. We also highly commend the approaches taken in the Plan to defining areas of local character in order to ensure that the design of new development contributes to the conservation and enhancement of the local historic environment."
Beyond those comments we have no further substantive comments to make on what Historic England considers to be a very good example of community led planning.