Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan - Submission
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio WYG Planning and Environment
Chwilio o’r newyddSylw
Kenilworth Neighbourhood Plan - Submission
Section 5 - Vision, Objectives and Land Use Policies
ID sylw: 71154
Derbyniwyd: 18/05/2018
Ymatebydd: WYG Planning and Environment
Concerned that specific detailed points within policies KP4, KP14 and KP15 do not meet the Basic Conditions as they do not fully reflect national and local policies.
See attachment
In summary:
Catesby Estates Plc's land interests fall within Warwick Local Plan H40 allocation for residential development, to which draft policy KP4 refers. These detailed representations are concerned with matters of detail rather than principle, and refer to the following policies: KP4, KP14 and KP15.
KP4 - Land East of Kenilworth
Concern is raised in respect of specific parts of the policy on the basis that, as drafted, it does not fully reflect the adopted Local Plan policy and does not therefore comply with the basic conditions. These points relate to the requirement for a Development Brief and comprehensive development, primary school provision, the requirement for self build plots, flexibility of the proposed green corridor, and the historic environment and heritage assets.
KP14 - General design principles
Bullet (a) should reflect WDLP policies HE1-H6 and NPPF para 126.
Bullet (j) should be amended to reflect national guidance in the NPPF.
As drafted the NP does not meet the Basic Conditions 1) and e) and is not in conformity with national and local planning policies.
KP15 - local heritage assets
Propose amending the text to:
"Proposals that affect directly or indirectly a non-designated heritage asset should be accompanied by a balanced judgement of the scale of harm or loss against the significance of the asset, in accordance with the NPPF."