Purpose Built Student Accommodation SPD

Chwilio sylwadau

Canlyniadau chwilio Warwickshire County Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd


Purpose Built Student Accommodation SPD

Design and Management policy

ID sylw: 71478

Derbyniwyd: 08/03/2019

Ymatebydd: Warwickshire County Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* Wellbeing led design should be at the heart of all development, including student accommodation.

* Students may experience higher rates of stress and anxiety and it is important to ensure that accommodation support positive health and wellbeing.

* We recommend that stronger links to health and wellbeing are recognised and considered within this document to promote positive outcomes. Things to consider are:
1. open and green space
2. indoor air quality
3. social and inclusive design
4. Light
5. Space
6. Wellness

Testun llawn:

Please see attached.


Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut I ddefnyddio’r system ac I wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.