Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Northern Trust
Chwilio o’r newyddSylw
Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
BT1 Conserving and Enhancing BT's Landscape Character
ID sylw: 71958
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Northern Trust
Asiant : Pegasus Group
The majority of the protected views look towards the H02 (Harbury Lane) allocation. The wording of Policy BT1 does not take into account the allocation nor the scale of development which is coming forward and still to come forward in this area. The revised policy wording in this draft does little to resolve this issue by suggesting that the quality and integrity of these views should be retained and where necessary an LVIA should be carried out to identify any impact and seek to incorporate measures which minimise these impacts.
Whilst the intention of the policy has been made slightly clearer with the amendments, the failure to provide any justification for the protection of these views remains a key issue for the policy.
Please see attached.
Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
BT2 Tach Brook Country Park
ID sylw: 71959
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Northern Trust
Asiant : Pegasus Group
The Country Park boundary illustrated on the Policies Map (Map 2) still does not match the adopted Local Plan Proposals Map in relation to our client’s land interests.
In order for the plan to meet the basic conditions, the Country Park area on Map 2 should be amended to accord with the adopted Warwick Local Plan Proposals Map.
Please see attached.
Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
BT5 Improving Accessibility For All
ID sylw: 71960
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Northern Trust
Asiant : Pegasus Group
Northern Trust welcome the amendments which have been made to the policy since the previous draft and support the aims and objectives of the Policy.
Please see attached.
Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
BT12 Securing a Sustainable Mix of House Types, Tenures and Sizes in New Development
ID sylw: 71961
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Northern Trust
Asiant : Pegasus Group
Given the area is covered by the Neighbourhood Plan and there existing housing allocations within this area, Northern Trust are concerned by the draft policy requirement for new housing developments to be informed by, and demonstrate how they have met the needs of, the most up to date Parish Housing Needs Survey.
Please see attached.
Bishop's Tachbrook NDP Regulation 16 Submission
BT13 Responding to Climate Change
ID sylw: 71962
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Northern Trust
Asiant : Pegasus Group
Please see attached.
Please see attached.