Net Zero Carbon Development Plan

Daeth i ben ar 13 Medi 2021

(3) 7 Energy sources



Policy NZC2(B) Zero or Low Carbon Energy Sources

Proposals for new development must include an energy statement which demonstrates that zero and low carbon sources of energy have been considered and, where possible, incorporated or utilised in the development.

Specifically, the energy statement should give full consideration to the following:

  • The potential for onsite renewable energy generation
  • Utilisation of onsite heat sources
  • Utilisation of any existing or planned local offsite renewable energy generation including renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements or direct off-grid connections to renewable energy generation
  • Utilisation of any existing or planned heat networks
  • Other low carbon energy sources.

Alternatives to fossil fuels (such as heat pumps) should be used for heating in all housing unless the costs or configuration of the development can be demonstrated to make this unviable or impractical. Use of fossil fuels as sources of energy should be avoided unless it can be clearly demonstrated that:

a) renewable or low carbon options are unviable (in terms of cost of installation or in terms resulting in running costs which could result in fuel poverty); or

b) the nature of the use is such that renewable or low carbon options are unable to fully meet the energy demands.

7.1 Clause (B) of NZC2 applies to all full or reserved matters planning applications. It is the Council's aspiration that by maximising the energy efficiencies achieved through Clause (A) of NZC2, the energy demands of developments will be significantly reduced. Clause (B) requires that the means of meeting residual energy demands is set out in an energy statement. This energy statement should consider all available zero or low carbon energy sources that could be incorporated or utilised so that the energy used in the development achieves the minimum carbon emissions. The Council will expect energy statements to address low carbon or renewable energy generation in the specific local context of each development. Options should explore:

  • On site renewable energy and low carbon energy generation for individual buildings including solar energy and heat pumps and any other sources of energy/heat that may be applicable
  • Direct, off grid connections to local offsite renewable energy sources such as solar farms or wind turbines. As an alternative Power Purchase Agreements for renewable energy generation could be considered
  • Large scale sources of energy/heat such as connecting to low carbon heat networks.

7.2 Developers are expected to incorporate local renewable energy generation within schemes in line with the energy statement, as a way of reducing the offsetting requirements. Where large scale renewable or low carbon energy options may be appropriate (such as for residential schemes in excess of 150 dwellings), developers are advised to contact the Council to discuss data on appropriate sources of heat, existing schemes or plans that could support the development and other support that the Council or its partners may be able to offer.

7.3 The Government has set out its intention to ensure that new homes and buildings will not be built with fossil fuel heating, such as natural gas boilers. Given the Council's commitment to reducing carbon emissions across the District, we are seeking to accelerate the delivery of this national ambition within Warwick District. As a result, the Council is expecting that energy sources avoid fossil fuels except in very specific circumstances as detailed in sub clauses a) and b) of Clause (B) of NZC2.


Policy NZC2(C) Zero-Carbon-Ready Technology

Where the energy statement required in policy NZC2(B) demonstrates that renewable or low carbon options are unable to fully meet demand or are unviable, developments will be required to incorporate "zero carbon-ready" technology that will allow future decarbonisation of energy as the national energy grids or any other local energy sources decarbonise.

Where fossil fuel based energy sources are utilised, residual emissions will be offset through NZC2(D) below.

7.4 Clause (B) of Policy NZC2 sets out that energy sources that rely predominantly fossil fuels should be avoided unless it can be demonstrated, through the energy statement required in Clause (B) of Policy NZC2, that renewable or low carbon options are unable to fully meet demand or are unviable.

7.5 Developers should note that where development falls short of net zero carbon on occupation, this will either require retrofitting to achieve the holistic net zero carbon ambitions for the District or will need to incorporate technology that is "zero carbon ready" as and when the national or local energy generation system is decarbonised. Where retrofitting is required, the cost of this will be reflected in the Policy NZC2(D).

7.6 Clause (C) of Policy NZC2 therefore applies in those exceptional cases where it can be demonstrated that it is not be possible from the initial occupation of a new development to utilise zero or low carbon energy sources to meet all energy requirements. Where the energy statement required in Clause (B) of Policy NZC2 has fully considered zero or low carbon energy sources and that this demonstrates that the site circumstances or viability means that these cannot meet the full energy demands of the development, then fossil fuel based energy sources may be required, at least initially. In these circumstances, developments should incorporate heating and electrical technologies that are zero-carbon-ready, to ensure that future decarbonisation of the development can be achieved without requiring retrofitting. For example, development may include gas heating systems that are "hydrogen-ready"; may rely on electrical heating systems that will gradually decarbonise as the national electricity grid decarbonises; or may utilise smart technology that enables the efficient use of energy to be maximised by occupiers. Heating systems that rely purely on oil, natural gas or coal should be avoided.

7.7 Where energy systems incorporated within developments give rise to carbon emissions, Clause (D) of Policy NZC2 will apply. Where there is robust evidence that zero-carbon-ready or other technologies will reduce carbon emissions over time (for instance as result of the introduction of green hydrogen in to the national gas grid or the increasing utilisation of renewable energy in the electricity grid), the offsetting calculation will be based on reasonable assumptions (including published national policy ambitions for energy sources such as renewable electricity and green hydrogen) about future levels of carbon emissions associated with a particular energy source.



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