Open Space SPD

Daeth i ben ar 9 Chwefror 2009

Justification / Evidence Base

Parks and Open Space Audit

4.1 PPG17 and emerging RSS policy requires local authorities to assess the level of provision of open space. The District Council therefore commissioned a Parks and Open Spaces Audit to assess current levels of open space provision within its boundary in order to provide up to date information to inform standards for new open space provision and to become an integral part of a wider Green Space Strategy for the Council.

4.2 The audit was completed in 2008 by Pleydell, Smithyman Limited and is available on the Council's website. It provides a significant amount of information and data on the amount, type and quality of open space currently available throughout the District and the varying qualitative and quantitative needs of different areas. The audit also involved a household questionnaire to help develop a thorough understanding of the public's perception of the District's existing and future open space requirements. The survey was distributed to 5000 residents and there was a return rate of 979 surveys (19.6%). Overall, there was general satisfaction with the level of open space provision within the District although it was felt that improvements could be made to its quality and management in some instances.

4.3 This has enabled the Council to understand the current quantity and quality of open space provision across the District (refer to the Green Space Provision Tables - Appendix C), as well as the public's perceptions of existing open space. It is acknowledged that this information can date quickly and therefore the audit will be reviewed annually by the Council to take account of new provision. This will be useful information in assisting the Council in protecting existing open spaces as set out in Policy SC5 (Protecting Open Spaces) of the current Local Plan.

4.4 It is intended that a Green Spaces Strategy will augment the audit with a full and detailed assessment of play and sports pitch provision as well as detailed management plans for the district's entire range of green infrastructure.

Securing New Open Space Provision

4.5 In order to maintain a high quality environment and ensure sustainable development, it is essential that sufficient recreational and amenity open space is provided throughout the District to meet the existing and future open space needs of the community. Government guidance on planning for open space states that new standards of open space should be set locally based upon an assessment of local provision.

4.6 Local Plan policy SC13 requires contributions from new residential and commercial development to provide, improve and maintain appropriate open space, sport or recreational facilities to meet local needs. This SPD provides further guidance to this policy by setting out in broad terms the open space standard that all new residential development will be expected to meet.

4.7 This standard is derived from the results of the Parks and Open Spaces Audit and is based on the current level of open space provision per 1,000 population found across the District. The current level of provision is considered a good standard for all new developments to meet and, where possible, improve upon to maintain the environmental quality and character of the District. The application of policy SC13 and this SPD will therefore ensure that the proportion of open space provision within the District should remain constant and will not diminish as a result of new residential development.

4.8 These standards will apply to all residential development where there is a presumption in favour of an on-site provision. In certain circumstances, an off-site location or contribution may be acceptable in lieu in order to improve existing local facilities or contribute to wider strategic improvements in greenspaces where appropriate. The audit will assist in identifying these areas where improvement to existing space may be more appropriate than on-site provision. This will entail the consideration of commuted contributions in lieu of on-site provision.

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