Draft University of Warwick Supplementary Planning Document

Daeth i ben ar 5 Gorffennaf 2024

Appendix 1. Transport S106 Obligations

University of Warwick Transport S106 Obligations – Committed, Proposed and SPD Framework

Section 1 – Committed Social Sciences Quarter Transport S106 Obligations

Committed transport S106 obligations related to the Social Sciences Quarter planning application (ref. W23/0195) that forms part of the University's SPD 2033 and received a resolution to grant permission on 15th August 2023.

Committed Obligation



Gibbet Hill Road

Sum of £50,000 towards the extension of the low-speed zone on Gibbet Hill Road through Kirby Corner to the junction of Mitchell Avenue with Westwood Way

Contribution to be paid prior to first occupation of the Development

Cannon Park Road

Sum of £25,000 to be applied towards speed reduction measures on Canon Park Road

Contribution to be paid prior to the commencement of the Development

Digital Demand Responsive Transport (DDRT)

Sum of £200,000 to be applied towards supporting Digital Demand Responsive Transport for two years and exploring extending the DRT zone to cover the student population

£100,000 prior to first occupation of the Development and £100,000 within one year of the date of first occupation of the Development

Bus Service Contribution: Leamington Spa

Sum of £50,000 to be applied towards the enhancement of the bus service passenger environment in Leamington Spa which shall include design fees for the provision of the Leamington Transport Hub where the bus service serving the University terminates in Leamington town centre

Contribution to be paid prior to the commencement of the Development

Walking Improvement Study

Area study defined by existing pedestrian movement patterns which will review and consider current pedestrian infrastructure at the University of Warwick main campus and its integration with the surrounding local highway network in order to identify potential pedestrian improvement opportunities

Prior to submission of a Reserved Matters Application Note: Study commenced by the University

Cycling Improvement Study

Area study defined by existing cycle movement patterns which will review and consider current cycle infrastructure at the University of Warwick main campus and its integration with the surrounding local highway network in order to identify potential cycle improvement opportunities

Prior to submission of a Reserved Matters Application Note: Study commenced by the University

Section 2 – Draft Science & Engineering Precinct (STEM) Transport S106 Obligations

Proposed, draft transport S106 obligations related to the Science & Engineering Precinct (STEM) planning application (ref. PL/2023/0002402/OUTM) that forms part of the University's SPD 2033 and is currently awaiting determination.

Draft Obligation



West Midlands Cycle Hire Extension

Sum of £50,000 towards the extension of the cycle hire scheme either in the surrounding areas of campus and/or Kenilworth, or other appropriate active travel interventions to be agreed between the Applicant, CCC and WCC

Contribution to be paid prior to first occupation of the Development

Coventry-Kenilworth Cycleway study

Sum of £20,000 towards the study by CCC into a segregated cycleway from Coventry city centre to Kenilworth via the A429

Study commenced by CCC

Shared Mobility Network Study

Sum of £35,000 (public transport, digital demand responsive transit, taxi, etc.) towards a Shared Mobility Network Study to include preliminary review of University of Warwick bus interchange layout

Study to be commenced by the University prior to commencement of the Enabling Works

Lord Bhattacharyya Way/ Academic Loop Road junction

Sum of £90,000 towards creating a pedestrian and cycling priority raised table/crossing

To be commenced by the University prior to first occupation of the Development

Academic Loop Road

Sum of £130,000 to extend segregated mobility lane from University Road along Academic Loop Road to its junction with Lord Bhattacharyya Way

To be commenced by the University prior to commencement of the Enabling Works

Milburn Hill Road

Sum of £30,000 to introduce traffic calming measures on Sir William Lyons Road through to Kirby Corner Road, via Milburn Hill Road

To be commenced by the University with permission from CCC prior to first occupation of the Development

Shuttle Service contribution for Wellesbourne and Royal Leamington Spa

Sum of £160,000 (£80,000 over two years) to introduce a year-round dedicated shuttle service, Monday to Friday, from Main Campus to Wellesbourne Innovation Campus through Royal Leamington Spa

£80,000 prior to commencement of the Enabling Works and £80,000 within 12 months of first payment

Section 3 – Non-Mitigation Sustainable Transport Contributions

The University is committed to working collaboratively with both CCC and WCC to make positive contributions to improving sustainable travel to/from and within the University.

Separate to any required mitigation associated with the Social Sciences Quarter, Science & Engineering Precinct (STEM) and the Monitor and Manage SPD Framework S106, the University will provide the following financial support to enhance sustainable transport in the region.

Sustainable Transport Intervention



Annual Travel Survey

Staff and student travel surveys conducted on an annual basis by the University

To be completed by the University

Biennial Traffic Survey

Traffic surveys on surrounding local highway network every two years

To be completed by the University

Support pedestrian and cycle improvements at Gibbet Hill Road / Scarman Road / Lord Bhattacharyya Way Roundabout

Following opening of both Social Sciences Quarter and STEM, review operation of Gibbet Hill Road / Scarman Road / Lord Bhattacharyya Way Roundabout

Sum of up to £100,000 towards a design study and modelling to improved pedestrian and cycle infrastructure at the Gibbet Hill Road / Scarman Road / Lord Bhattacharyya Way Roundabout and a sum of up to £1,000,000 towards implementation

Support improvements to local cycle network (Coventry-Kenilworth Cycleway design and implementation)

To increase cycle use to/from the campus, by monitoring cycle mode share and postcode catchment data

Sum of up to £1,000,000 towards the implementation by CCC of a cycleway from Coventry city centre to Kenilworth

Support improvements to walking, cycling and shared mobility (public transport, digital demand responsive transit, taxi, etc.) in the vicinity of main campus and associated transport corridors/hubs

Support the implementation of improvements identified within the Walking Improvement Study, Cycling Improvement Study and Shared Mobility Network Study (the Studies)

Sum of up to £1,000,000 towards the implementation of walking, cycling and shared mobility improvements as defined by the University and the Studies

Support improved bus, coach and taxi access to the campus

Optimise bus interchange layout to improve capacity and access

Sum of up to £500,000 towards a design study, modelling and implementation of bus interchange enhancements at main campus

Reduce vehicle traffic on Gibbet Hill Road

Review and comment on business case updates for A46 Link Road

Sum of up to £10,000 to support business case review for A46 Link Road in the vicinity of the University as well as sharing of data

Promote delivery of Very Light Rail scheme to main campus

Support implementation of Very Light Rail preferred route and promote dedicated University route from Coventry city centre

Sum of up to £10,000 towards the business case and implementation by CCC of a Very Light Rail route from Coventry city centre to the University

Section 4 – Monitor and Manage SPD Framework Transport S106

A series of transport-related monitor and manage obligations have been agreed with and will be reviewed by the Monitor and Manage Transport Sub Board[8].

The University has committed a sum of up to £2,000,000 to a Monitor and Manage Transport Fund for the duration of the SPD to 2033. This can be drawn down from should trigger points be met and mitigation required. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and in agreement with all parties at the Monitor and Manage Transport Sub Board.

An option to utilise the Monitor and Manage Transport Fund to support improving sustainable transport opportunities as a proactive and flexible approach, separately from the trigger point obligations, will be at the discretion of the Monitor and Manage Transport Sub Board.

The Monitor and Manage Transport Fund should be prioritised based on the transport modal hierarchy with mitigation focused towards the most sustainable and lowest carbon travel modes.

A multicolored triangle with icons showing the transport modular hierarchy with walking as the highest priority and petrol/diesel cars as the lowest priority

As and when new proposals come forward as part of the SPD, the Monitor and Management Framework S106 can be used as the basis for determining appropriate S106 mitigation to support the planning process.


Monitor and Manage Obligation

Monitoring and Trigger


Car parking utilisation monitoring

Monitor car park usage and occupancy for five years, from first occupation off Social Sciences Quarter or STEM, using ANPR data on a monthly basis
If utilisation exceeds 90% occupancy at peak periods for three consecutive months, further mitigation is required

Use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund for mitigation to include package of measures:
  • Overspill parking monitoring in defined locations
  • Financial contribution towards review and consultation of amendments or introduction of parking controls on public highway
  • Implement further sustainable travel initiatives and incentives
  • Disincentivise car usage

Review University-related traffic to/from Campus at peak periods for duration of the SPD on a biennial basis to ensure 16% peak period uplift from 2018 baseline is not reached

Biennial traffic surveys (Oct/Nov) at fixed locations to monitor University-related traffic over time, to be supplemented with evidence base from annual travel survey and Vivacity sensors

If 16% peak period University-generated traffic growth is exceeded, use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund for mitigation to include sustainable transport measures

Active Travel – Walking

Monitor and Manage Obligation

Monitoring and Trigger


Support and promote increased walking by students and staff

Use results from the Walking Improvement Study to prioritise opportunities for improvements to the walking environment to, from and within the Campus

Use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund to implement walking-related improvements to be agreed by the Monitor and Manage Transport Sub Board

Ensure walking mode share for staff and students increases and does not fall below 3% for staff, 30% for undergraduates and 25% for postgraduates

Monitor walking mode share through annual travel survey and Vivacity sensors

If walking mode share drops below target, use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund for mitigation to include optional package of measures to be considered as one-off interventions or through a series of consequential actions:
  • Implement further active travel initiatives and/or incentives
  • Consider further implementation of improvements as part of the Walking Improvement Study

Active Travel – Cycling

Monitor and Manage Obligation

Monitoring and Trigger


Support and promote increased cycling by students and staff

Use results from the Cycle Improvement Study to prioritise opportunities for improvements to the walking environment to, from and within the Campus

Use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund to implement cycling-related improvements to be agreed by the Monitor and Manage Transport Sub Board

Support and promote increased cycling by students and staff

Cycle training support for staff and students in partnership with local authority partners and engagement programmes

Use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund to implement a structured programme of cycle training for staff and students of all abilities – repeated annually

Support and promote increased cycling by students and staff

Monitor cycle parking utilisation across the Campus

Use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund to provide more cycle parking at popular locations

Ensure cycle mode share for staff and students increases and does not fall below 8% for staff, 5% for undergraduates and 7% for postgraduates

Monitor cycle mode share through annual travel survey and Vivacity sensors

If cycle mode share drops below target, use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund for mitigation to include optional package of measures to be considered as one-off interventions or a series of consequential actions: Implement further active travel initiatives and/or incentives. Provide more cycle parking and/or supporting facilities in response to feedback from annual travel survey. Consider further implementation of improvements recommended within the Cycling Improvement Study

Sustainable Travel – Bus Services

Monitor and Manage Obligation

Monitoring and Trigger


Review existing bus service patronage and occupancy levels on services to/from the Campus based on where staff and student demand is highest

Work with local authority partners and operators to determine service gaps and support delivery of enhanced services in areas of high demand

Use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund to support bus routes serving the University, with KPIs and monitoring of any funded improvements

Promote bus use and ensure bus mode share for staff and students does not fall below 10% for staff, 35% for undergraduates and 35% for postgraduates (subject to a consistent level of bus service availability, reliability and affordability)

Monitor bus mode share through annual travel survey

If bus mode share drops below target, use Monitor and Manage Transport Fund for mitigation to include optional package of measures to be considered as one-off interventions or a series of consequential actions:
  • Enhanced performance agreement from operators
  • Discounted ticketing for staff and students
  • Funding to support delivery of enhanced services

[8] The Monitor and Manage Transport Sub Board will monitor, review, co-ordinate and implement the agreed monitor and manage set of principles in relation to all future University development activities, the SPD and any associated s106 obligations. The Sub Board will also discuss and manage transport issues and take opportunities to foster collaboration and sharing of information to improve transport and travel within the local vicinity of the university campus and encourage positive sustainable transport shifts.

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