Cubbington Neighbourhood Development Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
5.0 Neighbourhood Plan Policies
5.1 This section of the CNDP sets out the planning policies (text in blue boxes) to manage development in Cubbington up to 2029. The policies are defined below each CNDP draft objective. Whilst the policies are divided between the objectives the policies of the plan should and will be read as a whole.
CNDP OBJECTIVE 1 - To protect and enhance green spaces.
Figure 13 Cubbington Playing Fields
5.2 It is clear from the questionnaire survey that residents want to see Cubbington's green spaces protected – 99% of respondents agreeing with this. Residents do not wish to see development take place that would have the effect of "joining" the village to neighbouring settlements and wish for the areas currently used for walking and enjoying the countryside to be protected. The CNDP will seek to do so by designating Local Green Spaces, a national planning policy protection, that protects, once designated, such spaces in the same way as Green Belt; and by identifying other green spaces to be protected with a less restrictive CNDP protection. The CNDP also seeks to encourage enhancements to these green spaces when suitable opportunities and funding arise.
5.3 In terms of the areas of Green Belt that separate Cubbington from other areas and protect the local countryside this is a strategic planning matter and will be dealt with through the SWLP. But the Parish Council will engage fully in the preparation of the SWLP and use evidence and views collected in the CNDP's own preparation process to seek to ensure that Green belt boundaries remain unchanged. An objective supported during informal consultation on the CNDP.
Policy CNDP1 – Protecting Local Green Space
The areas listed below and shown on the Policies Map are designated Local Green Spaces in accordance with paragraphs 101 and 102 of the NPPF:
CNDP1/1 - Cubbington Playing Fields
CNDP1/2 - Austen Court play area
CNDP1/3 - North Cubbington Wood
CNDP1/4 - South Cubbington Wood
CNDp1/5 - The Runghills
Development, including enhancements, of the designated Local Green Spaces will only be permitted when consistent with national planning policy for Green Belt.
Figure 14 Austen Court Park and Village Hall Park
5.4 Paragraph 105 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) allows local communities, through neighbourhood plans, to protect green areas of particular importance to them by designating Local Green Space.
5.5 Paragraph 106 of the NPPF goes on to advise that
“the Local Green Space designation should only be used where the green space is:
a) in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves;
b) demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and
c) local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.”
5.6 Policy HS3 of the WLP states that:
“The Council supports the principle of designating land as Local Green Space.
Local communities, through Neighbourhood Plans, may designate Local Green Spaces that are demonstrably special to their local community and of particular local significance in accordance with national planning policy.”
5.7 A small number of open spaces in the neighbourhood area have been assessed to see if they meet the designation criteria set out in national planning policy (Table 2).
Policy CNDP2 - Protecting Other Green Spaces
Development that would result in the loss of other green spaces within the neighbourhood area will be only supported when:
- Equivalent or better provision is provided elsewhere within the Cubbington neighbourhood area; or
- It can be clearly demonstrated by the applicant that the open space no longer performs a useful open space function in terms of the local environment, amenity, or active public recreation use.
5.8 As well as the key green spaces that are suggested for the highest level of protection as designated local green spaces under Policy CNDP1, the neighbourhood area also has several other important green spaces that perform a variety of useful functions (Table 2). These can sometimes be smaller, often quite incidental green spaces that help to make the area a greener place and all add to the quality of life enjoyed by residents and visitors. It is proposed that these spaces are also protected, but not with the high degree of protection offered to designated local green spaces (protection that is consistent with national Green Belt planning policy) that precludes most built development. The green spaces identified in Policy CNDP2, that are not considered to meet the national planning policy tests for being designated as Local Green Spaces, could be developed in certain circumstances and these are set out in Policy CNDP2.
5.9 In addition to protecting the two spaces identified under Policy CNDP1 and other smaller spaces residents and parish council are also concerned about any future loss of Green Belt land. Not only the impact that this has on maintaining Cubbington's separation from Leamington, but also the impact of any house building on the Green Belt and what this will mean for future generations, in particular when it comes to the loss of productive farmland and the wider country's food security, and the loss of countryside with its natural biodiversity.