Publication Draft

Daeth i ben ar 25 Medi 2009

Waste & Recycling

Core Strategy Strategic Objective

To ensure new development minimises waste and supports recycling

SCS Strategic Aims

Our community has actively minimised environmental impacts

Why is this a Strategic Objective?

21.1 Producing less waste and using it as a resource wherever possible is important in protecting the environment and human health from waste disposal. Promoting the reduction, reuse and recycling/composting of waste is therefore a key objective and one which planning has a key role in facilitating.

21.2 The total amount of domestic waste collected by Warwick District was approximately 50,000 tonnes in 2003/04, of which approximately 11,500 tonnes was recycled. Waste generation is, however, increasing by approximately 3% per year as the population grows. Historically, the area has relied on landfill as the main form of waste disposal but the current waste sites have a limited life expectancy. The authorities in Warwickshire have therefore set a target of achieving a recycling rate of 40-45% by 2010 and the Council has introduced a new recycling and refuse collection scheme to assist in meeting these objectives.



21.3 In response to the public consultation on the "Issues Paper", over 60% of respondents considered reducing the generation and disposal of waste a high priority for the District.


21.4 The following strategies have informed the Core Strategy Preferred Option:

  • Warwickshire's Waste Management Strategy (2005); and,

  • Warwick District Council Waste Management Strategy

National and Regional Planning Policies

21.5 Relevant national planning policy on waste is set out within PPS10 Planning for Sustainable Waste Management (2005). This places a number of requirements upon the waste planning authority, namely Warwickshire County Council for Warwick District, in terms of identifying land for waste management facilities. Warwickshire County Council will shortly be preparing a Waste Core Strategy for the County which may identify potential sites for waste management facilities within the District. However, all planning authorities should encourage sustainable waste management, with disposal being the last option. They should also provide a framework to enable communities to take more responsibility for their waste.

21.6 Regional planning policy requires local planning authorities to enable the following regional targets to be met:

  • To recover value from at least 40% of municipal waste by 2005, 45% by 2010 and 67% by 2015; and,

  • To recycle or compost at least 25% of household waste by 2005, 30% by 2010 and 33% by 2015.

21.7 The emerging RSS Phase Two Revision also requires local planning authorities to ensure all new development facilitates effective waste management and reduces the amount of biodegradable waste going to landfill.

What are the options?

21.8 National planning policy is clear in terms of the approach to be taken by the Council towards dealing with waste issues. The only reasonable option for the Core Strategy is to include a strategic policy which can help facilitate the delivery of targets for recycling and waste reduction by ensuring that the design of new development takes into account measures to aid sustainable waste management such as bin/compost storage, access to recycling, and access to allow kerbside collection. This policy could be supplemented in due course by more detailed guidance within a Supplementary Planning Document if required. This is therefore the Council's Preferred Option.

Feedback - Waste and Recycling
(101) Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for Waste and Recycling?
(87) Do you support or object to the preferred option for Waste and Recycling?
Please explain your response when answering these questions.
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