Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Daeth i ben ar 12 Rhagfyr 2014

2. Criteria for Choosing Sites

2.1 In our previous consultation for the choice of Preferred Options for sites, we listed the criteria by which we would assess the suitability of sites for the use of Gypsies and Travellers. Table1 below lists the 19 headings under which the Preferred Options for sites were considered, to include environmental issues, with comments relating just to this new proposed site against each. This list is based on Government Guidance in ‘ Planning Policy for Traveller Sites’, March 2012, to be read in conjunction with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) of the same date.

Table 1

Ref No. Criteria Comment relating to Stratford Road site
1 Landscape character Assessed as being low to medium (Landscape Character Assessment for Land South of Warwick and Leamington, February 2009 – Richard Morrish)
2 Nature conservation designation None, but awaiting ecological report
3 Historical designation None
4 Infrastructure requirements Services would need to be brought onto the site, but in view of proximity to other dwellings, this should be possible and relatively easy
5 Ecology Report expected soon
6 Flooding The land is currently within flood zones, 2, 3, 3a and 3b. However, a technical report which is endorsed by the Environment Agency, which shows that the threat is from the brook which does not flood, but that there is mitigation available which will eradicate the threat completely
7 Contamination and other constraints Minerals consultation area
8 Agricultural land quality Grade 3a/4
9 How visible and open in character is the site? Currently visible from the existing employment site to the north and to residences to the south, the land provides the opportunity for significant landscaping to assist with visual and noise aspects
10 Can the site be visually screened adequately? Yes with a suitable and significant landscaping scheme to the south and north of the site
11 Is the site close to other residential property? The nearest residential property is 37m to the boundary of the site
12 How far away is the primary road network? 409m to Stratford Road, 760m to Longbridge J15 M40 and A46 interchange (using existing roads)
13 Distance to GP surgeries, schools, dentists, hospitals, shops, community facilities? 1.2 miles from Newburgh Primary School. 1 mile from Aylesford Secondary School. GP, pharmacy, shops and community facilities within 1.2 miles. Warwick Town Centre with all services at 1.7 miles. Regular bus service along Stratford Road
14 Is the potential site on previously developed land? No, this is a green field site but outside the green belt
15 Access issues Advise expected from WCC soon
16 Level site Yes
17 Suitable size The total site is 2ha in area. This would allow for a site of 15 pitches with associated access road and landscaping scheme
18 Availability Available
19 Deliverability Deliverable within the first five years of the Plan

2.2 As mentioned in Criteria 9 above, a noise report was commissioned in view of the location close to the M40 motorway. Although close to the motorway, the noise at this part of the site is within acceptable limits for a residential development. This part of the site is also currently outside the ‘cordon sanitaire’ and is therefore not subject to the restrictions that this imposes or results in a reduction of air quality from odours. The alleviation of both visual and noise impacts can be additionally improved by the inclusion of a significant landscape belt to the north and south boundaries.

2.3 The site which is the subject of this consultation can be seen in Map 1. The technical reports which have been prepared as part of the evidence base are published on the Council’s website Map 2 shows the extent of and relationship between the proposed employment land and the Gypsy and Traveller site. The consultation regarding the use of adjacent land for employment use is running concurrently with this and your views are sought on both. Please see our separate consultation document and response form for this topic area.

2.4 We are seeking your views on the potential Gypsy & Traveller site based on the above, which, if found to be suitable, could become one of three sites that we would take forward as allocations through the Local Plan. The other two sites are:

  • Land at Europa Way for a total of 6 transit and one permanent pitch
  • Leamington Football Club, Harbury Lane for a total of 15 permanent pitches

Both of these sites have already been appraised and consulted upon during previous stages of the Plan and have been confirmed as sites to be allocated (subject to the Football Club relocating to an acceptable site elsewhere).

2.5 The results of the public consultation will form part of the basis for the decision as to whether the site is taken forward and suggested as an allocation or rejected. Sites that are allocated will, after further consultation, be submitted to the Secretary of State who will appoint a Planning Inspector to hold an inquiry.

Map 2

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