Sustainable Buildings SPD

Daeth i ben ar 13 Hydref 2008

11. Glossary

Combined Heat and Power – an efficient technology for generating electricity and heat together.

Conservation Area – specifically designated areas of architectural or historic interest the character of which it is important to maintain or enhance.

District Heating Systems – a system for distributing heat produced in a central location to residential and commercial developments.

Listed Buildings – buildings which are designated for their architectural or historic interest and are statutorily protected to ensure their protection.

Low Carbon Technologies – methods of providing electricity and heat which are more energy efficient than conventional energy flows.

Microgeneration - small-scale production of heat and/or electricity from a low carbon source. This can include solar (photovoltaics (PV) to provide electricity and thermal to provide hot water), micro-wind (including the new rooftop mounted turbines), micro-hydro, heat pumps, biomass, micro combined heat and power (micro CHP) and small-scale fuel cells (as defined in section 82 of the Energy Act 2004).

Passive Solar Gain – an energy efficient method of designing buildings to maximise the potential to collect heat and light from the sun.

Regional Spatial Strategy – sets the framework for Local Development Frameworks within the Region. It is prepared at the regional level and is adopted by the Secretary for State.

Renewable Energy - Energy flows that occur naturally and continually in the environment such as wind, solar, and wave power.

Surface Water Drainage – drainage systems created to deal with the efficient disposal of surface rain water.

Warwick District Local Plan – a land use document which regulates the development and use of land. Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Local Plans are being replaced with Local Development Frameworks.

Zero Carbon Homes - over a year, the net carbon emissions from all energy use in the home would be zero (Building a Greener Future Policy Statement July 2007)

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