Local Plan Main Modifications 2017

[amcangyfrifiedig] Daeth i ben ar 5 Mai 2017

Appendix C

MM75 - Schedule of policies in the extant Development Plan that are superseded by policies in this Local Plan

Extant local plan policy 1996 - 2011

Superseded by:

DP1 Layout and Design

BE1 Layout and Design

DP2 Amenity

BE3 Amenity

DP3 Natural and Historic Environment and Landscape

NE4 Landscape

DP4 Archaeology

HE6 Archaeology

DP5 Density

BE2 Developing Strategic Housing Sites

DP6 Access

TR1 Access and Choice

DP7 Traffic Generation

TR2 Traffic Generation

DP8 Parking

TR4 Parking

DP9 Pollution Control

NE5 Protection of Natural Resources

DP10 Flooding (policy was not saved)

FW1 Reducing Flood Risk

DP11 Drainage

FW2 Sustainable Urban Drainage

DP12 Energy Efficiency

CC1 Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

DP13 Renewable Energy Developments

CC2 Planning for Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Generation

DP14 Crime Prevention

HS7 Crime Prevention

DP15 Accessibility and Inclusion

HS1 Healthy, Safe and Inclusive Communities (in part)

SC1 Securing a Greater Choice of Housing

H4 Securing a Mix of Housing

SC2 Protecting Employment Land and Buildings

EC3 Protecting Employment Land and Buildings

SC3 Supporting Public Transport Interchanges

TR1 Access and Choice (in part)

SC4 Supporting Cycle and Pedestrian Facilities

TR1 Access and Choice (in part)

SC5 Protecting Open Spaces (policy was not saved)

HS2 Protecting Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

SC6 Protecting Sport and Recreation Facilities (policy was not saved)

HS2 Protecting Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

SC7 Directing Community Facilities (policy was not saved)

CT1 Directing New Meeting Places, Tourism, Leisure, Cultural and Sports Development

SC8 Protecting Community Facilities

HS8 Protecting Community Facilities

SC9 Telecommunications

BE6 Electronic  Communications (Telecommunications and Broadband)

SC10 Managing Housing Supply (policy was not saved)

DS6 Level of Housing Growth

DS7 Meeting the Housing Requirement

SC11 Affordable Housing

H2 Affordable Housing

SC12 Sustainable Transport Improvements

DM1 Infrastructure Contributions

SC13 Open Space and Recreation Improvements

HS4 Improvements to Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

SC14 Community Facilities

DM1 Infrastructure Contributions

SC15 Public Art

CT5 deleted

UAP1 Directing New Housing

H1 Directing New Housing

UAP2 Directing New Employment Development

EC1 Directing New Employment Development

UAP3 Directing New Retail Development

TC2 Directing Retail Development

UAP4 Protecting Local Shopping Centres

TC17 Local Shopping Facilities

UAP5 Protecting Local Shops

TC17 Local Shopping Facilities

UAP6 Motor Vehicle Sales

UAP7 Directing New Tourism Development (policy was not saved)

CT1 Directing New Tourism, Leisure and Cultural Development

UAP8 Directing New Visitor Accommodation (policy was not saved)

CT2 Directing New or Extended Visitor Accommodation

UAP9 Directing New Leisure Development (policy was not saved)

CT1 Directing New Tourism, Leisure and Cultural Development

TCP1 Protecting and Enhancing the Town Centres

TC1 Protecting and Enhancing the Town Centres

TCP2 Directing Retail Development

TC2 Directing Retail Development

TCP3 Providing for Shopping Growth in Leamington Town Centre

TC5 Providing for Shopping Growth in Royal Leamington Spa Town Centre

TCP4 Primary Retail Frontages

TC6 Primary Retail Frontages

TCP5 Secondary Retail Areas

TC7 Secondary Retail Areas

TCP6 Café Quarters

TC8 Warwick Café Quarter

TC9 Royal Leamington Spa Restaurant and Café Quarter

TCP7 Opportunity Sites in Old Town, Leamington Spa

TCP8 Warwick Town Centre Mixed Use Area

TC11 Warwick Town Centre Mixed Use Area

TCP9 Protecting Employment Land and Buildings

EC3 Protecting Employment Land and Buildings

TC12 Protecting Town Centre Employment Land and Buildings

TCP10 Protecting the Residential Role of Town Centres

TC13 Protecting the Residential Role of Town Centres

TCP11 Protecting Residential Uses on Upper Floors

TC14 Protecting Residential Uses of Upper Floors

TCP12 Upper Floors within Town Centres

TC15 Access to Upper Floors in Town Centres

TCP13 Design of Shopfronts

TC16 Design of Shopfronts

RAP1 Directing New Housing

H1 Directing New Housing

RAP2 Extensions to Dwellings

H14 Extensions to Dwellings in the Open Countryside

RAP3 Replacement Dwellings

H13 Replacement Dwellings in the Open Countryside

RAP4 Providing Rural Affordable Housing

H3 Affordable Housing on Rural Exception Sites

RAP5 Housing for Rural Workers (policy was not saved)

H12 Housing for Rural Workers

RAP6 Directing New Employment

EC1 Directing New Employment Development

RAP7 Converting Rural Buildings

BE4 Converting Rural Buildings

RAP8 Replacement of Rural Buildings

H14 Extensions to Dwellings in the Open Countryside

RAP9 Farm Diversification

EC2 Farm Diversification

RAP10 Safeguarding Rural Roads

RAP11 Rural Shops and Services

TC17 Local Shopping Facilities

RAP12 Farm Shops

TC18 Farm Shops

RAP13 Directing New Outdoor Leisure and Recreation Development

HS5 Directing Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

RAP14 Golf Facilities

RAP15 Camping and Caravanning Sites

CT6 Camping and Caravan Sites

RAP16 Directing New Visitor Accommodation

CT2 Directing New or Extended Visitor Accommodation

DAP1 Protecting the Green Belt (policy was not saved)

DAP2 Protecting the Areas of Restraint

NE4 Landscape (in part)

DAP3 Protecting Nature Conservation and Geology

NE2 Protecting Designated Biodiversity and Geodiversity Assets

DAP4 Protection of Listed Buildings

HE1 Designated Heritage Assets and their Setting

DAP5 Changes of Use of Listed Buildings

HE1 Designated Heritage Assets and their Setting

DAP6 Upper Floors within Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

DAP7 Restoration of Listed Buildings

HE1 Designated Heritage Assets and their Setting

DAP8 Protection of Conservation Areas

HE2 Conservation Areas

DAP9 Unlisted Buildings in Conservation Areas

HE2 Conservation Areas

DAP10 Control of Advertisement Hoardings

DAP11 Protecting Historic Parks and Gardens

Explanatory text associated with deleted policy HE4 addresses this

DAP12 Protecting Safeguarded Areas

TR6 Safe Operation of Aerodromes

SSP1 Employment Allocations

DS9 Employment Sites to be Allocated

SSP2 Major Developed Sites in the Green Belt

MS2 Major Sites in the Green Belt

SSP3 Stoneleigh Park

MS2 Major Sites in the Green Belt

SSP4 Safeguarding Land for Kenilworth Railway Station

TR5 Safeguarding for Transport Infrastructure

SSP5 Safeguarding Land for Warwick and Leamington Spa Park and Ride

TR5 Safeguarding for Transport Infrastructure

SSP6 Safeguarding Land for the Barford Bypass (policy was not saved)

SSP7 Coventry Airport

SSP8 Hatton Country World

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