Sustainability Appraisal, Main Mods 2017

[amcangyfrifiedig] Daeth i ben ar 5 Mai 2017

Appendix I: Screening of Main Modifications for SA Significance

The screening matrix below should be read in conjunction with The Local Plan Main Modifications (MMs) 2017 Consultation Document ( that sets out the detailed modifications along with the reasons and Council's justification for the changes, deletions and additions.

This Further SA Addendum Report (February 2017) only addresses the Main Modifications that are arising from the resumed Examination in May 2016. Other Proposed Modifications were considered through the SA process and have been reported previously in the SA Addendum Report (February 2016) and subject to public consultation between 11 March and 22 April 2016.

Some MMs are changes, additions, deletions to provide clarification or correction/enhancement to wording, for example, MM5 on Policy DS8 Employment Land changes The Council will provide to Provision will be made... and MM51 on Policy TR2 Traffic Generation – additional of "both residential and non-residential". Such changes have no significance with regard to the SA/SEA process and previous findings such that they are not included here in this matrix.

Main Modification Reference &


Summary of Changes, Deletions and Additions

Screening - do the changes, deletions and additions significantly affect the findings of the Submission Local Plan SA Report (February 2015) & the SA Addendum Report (February 2016), or do they give rise to significant environmental effects?


Policy DS2

Providing the Homes the District Needs:

Proposed Modifications as per consultation February 2016.

MM addressed in SA Addendum Report (February 2016).


Policy DS4

Spatial Strategy: Wording changes to provide further clarification & making explicit the growth areas – urban areas of Warwick, Leamington & Kenilworth; southern edge of Coventry; growth villages Policy H1.

The further changes provide clarification and do not significantly affect the findings of the previous SA Reports (February 2015 & February 2016).


Policy DS6

Level of Housing Growth: Change to reflect updated assessment of housing need "Provision will be made for a minimum of 16,776 new homes between 2011 and 2029.  The average annual housing requirement for 2011/12 to 2016/17 is 600 new homes and for 2017/18 to 2028/29 it is 1,098 new homes."

New paragraph 2.20 explains the updated assessment of housing need and how the Local Plan is helping to provide new homes towards Coventry's housing needs.

MM addressed in SA Addendum Report (February 2016).

The uplift in the housing requirement reflects the Memorandum of Understanding (Dec 2015) in which it was agreed that Warwick District will contribute to meeting the housing need for the Coventry area, in line with the Duty to Cooperate. The SA Addendum (February 2016) addressed this change & potential effects arising from the uplift in housing to 16,776 new homes between 2011 & 2029.


Policy DS7

Meeting the Housing Requirement: The changes update the new table from the 2016 Proposed Modifications to reflect the final figures for supply from different categories as set out in APP1a of EXAM147 as amended (and see Policy DS11).

The categories are updated & the key change in the finalised figures is the updating of sites allocated in the Plan from 9,369 (Proposed Modifications February 2016) to 6,454 and the overall total of housing from 17,577 to 17,139 homes. This takes account of sites completed & those with outstanding planning permissions during 2016, and the allowance for windfall sites.

The overall total of housing in comparison with the submitted Local Plan changes from 12,964 to 17,139 homes.

Whilst this modification is significant, the effects are similar to those considered in the SA Addendum Report February 2016. This SA Report considered an uplift in the housing provision to 17,577. 

Overall, this is not considered to be significant with regard to the previous findings of the SA (February 2016).



Broad Location of Allocated Houses Sites:

Additional sites for 2,245 homes on the edge of Coventry; additional homes on edges of Kenilworth & Warwick, Leamington & Whitnash.

The likely effects of allocating more housing to the south of Coventry & around Kenilworth was addressed by the SA Addendum Report (paragraphs 3.20-3.25 February 2016).

(1) MM8

Policy DS11

Allocated Housing Sites: Updating and clarification of table listing site allocations with ref no, no of dwellings & any infrastructure requirements after discussion at Examination.

The following sites that were suggested in Proposed Modifications February 2016 are not to be taken forward: H04, H44, H47, H50, H52, H53.

Each new and changed housing allocation was considered through the SA process and the findings reported in SA Addendum Report (February 2016).

The removal of allocations will reduce the overall cumulative effects - both positive and negative as found in the SA Addendum Report (February 2016) and detailed in Appendices II & III.

Overall, no significant change with regard to the SA and no further SA work required at this stage – the implications for each affected settlement/area & the implementation of the changed Local Plan are discussed in the main text of this Further SA Addendum Report section 3.


Policy DS15

Comprehensive Development of Strategic Sites:

New strategic sites allocated.

A number of refreshed and new site appraisals were undertaken and the SA findings presented in Appendix III & summarised in the main text of the SA Addendum Report (February 2016).


Policy DS18

Regeneration of Lillington:

Policy deleted.

The deletion of this Policy is unlikely to have significant environmental effects as it provided for a specific change to retail and other policies relating only to this area.  The deletion of the Policy will not prevent regeneration initiatives taking place in Lillington but may marginally impact on the nature of these initiatives.


Policy DS19

Green Belt: Changes to reflect the site allocation amendments and identify where extra land will be removed from the Green Belt to accommodate new sites.

A number of refreshed and new site appraisals were undertaken and the SA findings presented in Appendix III & summarised in the main text of the SA Addendum Report (February 2016).


Policy DS20

Review of the Local Plan: The policy has been amended to reflect discussion at the Examination regarding a future review of the plan. The supporting text has also been amended to provide further clarification around these scenarios, and justification for potential reviews.

The changes reflect the agreements in the Memorandum of Understanding (December 2015) and discussion at the Examination in May 2016. The further changes provide clarification as well as mitigation for future development pressures and do not significantly affect the findings of the previous SA Reports (February 2015 & February 2016).


Policy DSNEW1

The new policy on directions for growth south of Coventry set out in the Proposed Modifications (February 2016) has been rewritten for clarification and updating as a result of discussion at the Examination in accordance with EXAM159.

The description of the broad location is made explicit & development requirements are organised within a number of broad principles. New explanatory text provides further clarification. The overall approximate capacity of 4,000 has increased to 4,500 new homes from 2016 Proposed Modifications.

The new policy and new sites around Coventry were subject to SA with the findings presented in Appendix III of the SA Addendum Report (February 2016), accompanying the Proposed Modifications on public consultation.

These modifications arising from discussion at the Examination are essentially rewriting and restructuring to provide clarification and updating. They do not significantly affect the findings of the previous SA as published in the SA Addendum Report (February 2016). The increase in overall approximate capacity of some 500 new homes is not significant with regard to such strategic allocations and SA – generally, such an increase will enhance the positive effects on socio-economic SA Objectives; strong mitigation for any increased pressures on SA Objectives for protecting environmental factors is provided through other Polices and principles/requirements set out in DSNEW1 – overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2015 & February 2016).

Appendix B: Vision & Strategic Objectives for MM17 & DSNEW1

As above



Safeguarded Land:

Changes to safeguarded land including removal of SA Milverton and new land identified on policies map SA South of Westwood Heath Road.

A number of refreshed and new site appraisals were undertaken and the SA findings presented in Appendix III & summarised in the main text of the SA Addendum Report (February 2016).

S1 Land south of Westwood Heath Road had not previously been subject to comparative SA with the allocated site option H42, so undertaken and reported in this Further SA Addendum Report (Appendix II, February 2017).


Policy DSNEW3

Former Police HQ, Leek Wootton: The new policy has been amended to reflect discussion at the Examination with an additional criterion (h) that requires the developer to enter into an agreement/agree a mechanism in order to provide certainty both the new housing & the Woodcote House conversion are delivered simultaneously or within mutually acceptable timescale.

Small boundary change.

The new policy was subject to SA & the findings presented in Appendix III of the SA Addendum Report (February 2016).

The further changes with boundary change & a new criterion (h)provide mitigation measures to help ensure delivery of 2 elements of proposed development providing further certainty for the previous SA findings – overall, not significant with regard to the SA.


Policy DSNEW4

SP1 & 2 allocated for provision of outdoor sport as in Proposed Modifications.

Addressed in the SA Addendum Report (February 2016) but incorrectly listed as DSNEW5 on page 21.


Policy EC3

Protecting Employment Land & Buildings: additional text to Policy with new Clause (e) specifying DS16 & E2 as the sub-regional employment land – thus providing clarification; further information on reasoning for protection of employment land & the former Green Belt status of locations provided in additional paragraph 3.43a in Explanatory Text.

Additional Clause (e) in Policy & additional paragraph in Explanatory Text provide explicit clarification.

Overall the changes do not significantly affect the findings of the previous SAs (February 2015 & February 2016).


Policy TC6/7

Primary Retail Frontages: Additional paragraph 3.76 in Policy to address vacancies for long periods; additional paragraph 3.78 in Explanatory Text provides further information & clarification.

Further details for clarification that will enhance positive effects on SA Objectives for economy & communities but helping to ensure that retail units do not remain vacant for long periods. Overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy CT5

Infrastructure Contributions to Meeting Places, Cultural Facilities & Public Art:

Policy deleted.

Covered by other Policies, so deleted to avoid duplication. Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy CT7

Warwick Castle/St Mary's Lands, Warwick:

Additional paragraph 3.142a requiring that the Masterplan should be kept under review & any other development proposals not included in the Masterplan will only be considered in the light of (a) to (e) & other policies in the Plan.

The additional requirement makes explicit that the Masterplan should be kept under review and this ensures that mitigation measures are in place to resolve any potential negative effects removing any uncertainty from the previous SA findings. However, overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy MS1

University of Warwick:

Additional Policy text that defines 4 elements that the Masterplan should identify; the importance of the University in supporting the local economy is further set out in new text in the Explanatory Text.

The specific requirements set out in (c) require demonstrating how proposals will mitigate any potential adverse impacts, providing strong mitigation measures that will remove any uncertainty from the previous SAs. However, overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy MS2

Major Sites in the Green Belt:

Updating and clarification with rewording of Policy & Explanatory Text

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy HO

Overarching Policy on Housing:

Additional text updating for the uplift in housing to meet the unmet need arising from outside the district.

The uplift in housing was subject to SA with the findings presented in Appendix III and summarised in the main text of the SA Addendum Report (February 2016), accompanying the Proposed Modifications on public consultation. No further SA studies needed here now.


Policy H1

Directing New Housing:

Confirmation of modifications to address the uplift in housing & as proposed in February 2016; addition of "as shown on Policies Map" in Clause (b); clarification in Clauses (d) & (e) to set out where development will or will not be permitted in the countryside.

Additional information in the Explanatory text that defines open countryside, clarifies the Council's position with regard to contribution to local unmet housing need, and explains the approach for small scale development.

The additional text, particularly in Policy Clause (d) provides clear mitigation measures for potential effects of small scale development on settlements, capacity of infrastructure & services, sustainable transport, and environmental factors. Generally, this will confirm the likely positive effects identified from previous SAs and remove any uncertainties by confirming mitigation for potential negative effects – both for individual settlements and cumulatively for the whole District.

Overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H2

Affordable Housing:

Additional text for updating and clarification in Policy; additional text to explain about the contribution to meeting Coventry's affordable housing needs in Explanatory Text. 

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H3

Affordable Housing on rural Exception sites:

Changes to Clause c) I & iii for clarification.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H4

Securing a Mix of Housing:

Additional text in Policy "including the housing needs of different age groups"; also in Explanatory text "…including older people".

Making explicit the needs of different age groups will confirm positive effects for SA Objectives on housing, communities & health/well-being.

Overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H5

Specialist Housing for Older People:

Additional text in Policy for clarification.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H7

Meeting the Accommodation Needs of Gypsies & Travellers:

Clarification regarding the production of a Gypsy & Traveller DPD and ensuring that the District's transit need will be met. 

As reported in the SA Report (February 2016), the policy amendments provide further flexibility in meeting specialist housing needs within the District to ensure that these needs can be met. This may help to increase the significance of positive effects on housing and communities and health, however, overall the changes do not significantly affect the findings of the previous SA (February 2015).

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H8

New Gypsy & Traveller Sites: Text amendments on co-location for clarification.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H10

Bringing Forward Allocated Sites in the Growth Villages:

Amending new paragraph 4.77 in Explanatory Text to make it clear that a collaborative approach will be encouraged.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy H13

Replacement Dwellings in the Open Countryside:

Amendments for clarification.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy HNEW1

Custom & Self-Build Housing Provision: The new policy encourages developers to include dwellings for sale as self-build, custom-build or self-finish opportunities. The policy and supporting text set the parameters for this requirement, and the justification for the inclusion of these opportunities, in line with the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015.

The new policy will increase the mix of housing types within the District and expand opportunities for residents in choosing a home that is best suited to them. This also allows for development to cater for specialist needs (e.g. adaptable accommodation for the elderly and disabled) with the potential for major positive effects on housing, communities and health. The new policy was subject to SA and the findings presented in the SA Addendum Report (February 2016).

A key change from Proposed Modifications to Main Modifications is the removal of reference to sites over 100 dwellings – this will confirm the likely cumulative positive effects identified in the SA Addendum (February 2016) by not limiting possibilities to large developments. The further significant change is that proposals are now" encouraged" rather than "required" to consider custom & self-build which may introduce some uncertainty into the previous SA findings. However, overall, it is considered that the potential for positive effects remains – and this will be cumulative for the District in the longer term.


Policy BE1

Layout & Design:

Amendments for clarification, including explicit mention of retention of sustainable water management features, and access to water bodies/watercourses.

Confirms mitigation measures with neutral or positive effects on SA Objectives for water quality & flood risk. Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy BE2

Developing Significant Housing Sites:

Confirmation of amendments to include clarification of guidance & Clause (k) protection/enhancement of the historic environment.

Confirms mitigation measures with neutral or positive effects on SA Objectives for the protection of the environment. Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy BE5

Broadband Infrastructure:

Developments "encouraged…" to provide.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy BE6

Electronic Communications:

New policy for updating Plan to reflect requirements of national policy for LPAs to support the expansion of electronic communications.

New Policy & needs to be subject to SA to the same level of detail & in same style as other Policies.


Policy TR2

Access & Choice:

Amendments for clarification – addition of "emergency services" to Criterion (b); "where practical" to Criterion (d); clarification in Explanatory Text paragraph 5.40 regarding updating in line with guidance on low emission vehicles.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy TR3

Transport Improvements:

Policy deleted.

Covered by other Policies, so deleted to avoid duplication. Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy TR5

Safeguarding for Transport Infrastructure:

Criterion (b) Kenilworth Station deleted & "areas of search for park & ride" added; Explanatory text changes set out the need for one P&R facility to the south of Warwick/Leamington & one to the north, former no longer needed as met by planning permission, latter – 2 areas identified.

Updating to reflect changed need since planning permission granted. Safeguarding land for Park & Ride sites will progress SA Objectives for sustainable transport and health/well-being. Overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy CC2

Planning for Renewable Energy & Low Carbon Generation:

Amendments for clarification; addition of new Criteria (h) & (i) relating to wind energy proposals & support from the local community.

Changes will provide further specific mitigation measures for potential negative effects on SA Objectives for communities but overall, not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy CC3

Buildings Standards "& other Sustainability" Requirements:

Updating to reflect relevant national standards.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).


Policy HE1

Designated Heritage Assets & their Setting:

Policy deleted and replaced by new policy wording & associated explanatory text – for clarification & updating in line with NPPF requirements.

New wording ensures mitigation measures are clearly in place to protect heritage assets and their settings, removing any uncertainties and confirming neutral or positive effects for SA Objectives on historic environment – this will be cumulative in the longer-term overall.


Policy HE2, HE3 & HE4

Conservation Areas; Historic Parks & Gardens:

As above for HE1.

As above for HE1.

Changes to explanatory text for deleted policy HE4 provides detailed information on Historic Parks & Gardens, including listing those of national and local importance – this will help confirm mitigation measures are in place for any potential negative effects, removing uncertainty and confirming neutral or positive effects for SA Objectives on historic & landscape assets.


Policy HE6


Updating in line with NPPF & additional information provided in the Explanatory Text

Additions to explanatory text provides detailed information on archaeology– this will help confirm mitigation measures are in place for any potential negative effects, removing uncertainty and confirming neutral or positive effects for SA Objectives on the historic environment and recreation/education/well-being.


Delivery & Monitoring:

Changes to provide clarity on reviewing the Plan – as set out in Policy DS20; further information/explanation setting out relationships between LP and NP Policies.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).

Policies Map

Amendments to reflect changes to policies and site allocations.

Not significant with regard to the previous SA findings (February 2016 & 2017).

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