SA of Canalside DPD

Daeth i ben ar 11 Mai 2020


Appendix I: Statement on Compliance with SEA Directive & Regulations

The EU SEA Directive (Annex 1) requires certain information to be provided in the Environmental Report. This requirement is implemented into UK legislation through the SEA Regulations (2004). This is Appendix 1 of the Environmental Report as required by the SEA Directive and the UK SEA Regulations. This Appendix 1 sets out how the requirements for SEA have been met and signposts where this information is found in the Sustainability Report (September 2019) - and in accordance with paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework (revised 2018).

SEA Directive & Regulation Requirements

SEA Report


Summary of Contents

An outline of the contents, main objectives of the plan and relationship with other relevant plans

Section 1


Sets out the contents and purpose of the Draft Canalside DPD

Section 3

Context &


Outlines context, baseline & including the relationship with other relevant plans; also signposts links with the WDC Local Plan & SA/SEA Scoping (2014)

The relevant aspects of the current state of the environment and the likely evolution thereof without the implementation of the plan

Section 3

Context &


Summarises the relevant baseline conditions for environmental/sustainability aspects in the WDC & canalside area, and likely evolution without the DPD

The environmental characteristics of the area likely to be affected

Section 3

Context &


Summarised in Section 3 of SA Report

Any existing environmental problems which are relevant to the plan including, in particular, those in relation to any areas of a particular environmental importance

Section 3

Context &


Summarises existing environmental & sustainability issues/problems for the WDC canalside area

The environmental protection objectives relevant to the plan and the way those objectives and any environmental considerations have been taken into account during its preparation

Section 2

SA Methods Section 3

Context &


Detailed SA Framework guiding assessment of effects against the Objectives – same as in the SA/SEA for the Local Plan.

The likely significant effects on the environment including on issues such as biodiversity, population, human health, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climatic factors, material assets, cultural heritage including architectural and archaeological heritage, landscape and the interrelationship between the above factors. These effects should include secondary, cumulative, synergistic, short, medium and long-term permanent and temporary, positive and negative effects

Section 2

SA Methods

Table 2.1

Presents the SA Framework of objectives that shows the issues listed by the SEA Regulations that are progressed by which SA objective. The draft DPD was assessed against SA objectives by themes to avoid duplication and address inter-relationships.

Section 5

Appendix II

Describes the likely significant effects of implementing the Draft DPD.

Where possible, an indication is given of whether the effect is likely to be cumulative, short, medium and long term.

The measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as possible offset any significant adverse effects on the environment of implementing the plan

Section 5

No significant negative effects were predicted; the SA noted where the Local Plan provided mitigation measures through Policies.

An outline of the reasons for selecting the alternatives dealt with, and a description of how the assessment was undertaken including any difficulties encountered in compiling the required information

Section 2

Section 4 table 4.1

There are no other reasonable alternatives to the DPD; site options detailed in Table 4.1. The do-nothing scenario is this is explained in section 2.

Section 2 Method

Outlines how the assessment was undertaken.

A description of the measures envisaged concerning monitoring

Section 6

Outlines measures proposed for monitoring the environmental effects of the implementation of the Draft WNP.

A non-technical summary of the information provided under the above headings

Report preface

Provides a non-technical summary.

Warwick Canalside DPD: Sustainability Appraisal

Appendix II SA of Site-Specific Policies

Policy CS9: Further Redevelopment of Sydenham Industrial Estate for Residential Use




Sustainable transport

Reduce need to travel

Waste & Recycling

Prudent use of land & natural resources

Natural environment & landscape

Safe & High-Quality Built environment

Historic environment

Air, water & soil quality

Climate change mitigation

Climate change adaptation - flood risk

Housing needs

Local services & community facilities

Health & well being

Poverty & social exclusion


















Appraisal Summary




















The Industrial Estate has already seen rationalisation and been partly redeveloped along the canal and Sydenham Drive boundaries for new housing. The review of industrial estates undertaken to inform the Local Plan found that this estate no longer reflects the requirements of many businesses as explained in Local Plan Policy DS8 Employment Land. Employment land to meet needs is allocated in Policy DS9 and guided through Policy EC1 Directing New Employment Development and Policy EC3 Protecting Employment Land & Buildings. Therefore, there are no significant effects through loss of this industrial estate land on employment and neutral effects for SA No 1.

The estate area is well located for sustainable transport within the urban area of Sydenham/Leamington Spa, close to bus stops and the railway station; provision of housing within an area close to services and facilities and sustainable transport is likely to reduce the need to travel and to help reduce congestion elsewhere but some uncertainty – minor positive effects for SA Nos 2 & 3. All new development can reduce waste & increase recycling in accordance with other LP Policies – neutral effects.

Reuse of previously developed land has major positive effects for prudent use of land and resources, reducing loss of greenfield or agricultural land.

Local Plan Policy NE3 Biodiversity requires new development to lead to no net loss and where possible a net gain; DPD Policy CS4 requires protection and enhancement of the canal green corridor – all with positive effects for biodiversity that could be synergistic and cumulative in the longer term. Proposals must comply with LP Policy BE1 Layout & Design and DPD Policy CS1that requires new development to be of an appropriate scale, height, form and massing, utilising appropriate materials and details; and reflect, respect and reinforce local architectural and historical distinctiveness, particularly where sites fall within the Canal Conservation Area. New and redevelopments will build upon the character and identity of the area providing enhancements and aligned with the Council's Residential Design Guide with positive effects for landscape/townscape for SA Nos 6 & 7, including frontages that provide surveillance, increase security and reduce fear of crime – thus helping to resolve an existing sustainability problem for safety & fear of crime with positive effects for SA No 16 to reduce crime, fear of crime, and anti-social behaviour.

The historic environment is protected through LP Policies HE1-4 and DPD Policy CS1 requires new development to respect and reinforce the local historical distinctiveness indicating at least neutral effects but likely positive effects through regeneration, enhancement of the built environment; further mitigation is provided through DPD CS3 requiring an archaeological assessment – overall likely positive effects. The nearest listed buildings are some 150m distance[52] to the north on St Mary's Road.

LP Policy NE5 Protection of Natural Resources requires that new development should not give rise to air, or water pollution, indicating neutral effects for SA No 9.

New development must comply with LP Policies CC1-2 on climate change adaptation including sustainable construction, multifunctional green infrastructure, and water efficiency (also Policy FW3) - with minor positive effects that will be cumulative in the longer term. DPD Policy CS5 requires that canals should be recognised as a potential renewable energy resource.

All development must also comply with LP Policy FW1 Reducing Flood Risk indicating at least neutral effects; reinforced by DPD Policy CS1 that requires there should be no increase in the risk of flooding.

Provision of housing will have positive effects for SA No 12. Policy CS9 requires provision of 100% low cost housing as a mix of affordable rented, private low cost and shared ownership units according to the current housing need in the area – and this will contribute to positive effects for SA No 15 aiming to reduce poverty and social exclusion.

DPD Policy CS1 requires new or improved safe access to the canal; this is reinforced by DPD Policy CS9 that requires any existing access to the canal to be maintained and improved with new public access, where possible – all contributing to enhanced access to the community asset of the canal with positive effects for SA No 13.

Provision of good quality housing will contribute to health and wellbeing; enhanced access to the canal for walking, cycling and other leisure or reflective activities will all encourage a healthier lifestyle and contribute to positive effects for health & wellbeing and SA No 14.

Policy CS10: Industrial Estate at Millers Road/Cape Road, Warwick – new residential & retention of some employment




Sustainable transport

Reduce need to travel

Waste & Recycling

Prudent use of land & natural resources

Natural environment & landscape

Safe & High-Quality Built environment

Historic environment

Air, water & soil quality

Climate change mitigation

Climate change adaptation - flood risk

Housing needs

Local services & community facilities

Health & well being

Poverty & social exclusion


















Appraisal Summary




















The supporting text explains that this potential site at Millers Road/Cape Road will only come forward when demand falls off for the industrial units and only likely when they are no longer fit for purpose. Therefore, rationalisation will be required before redevelopment to ensure that the area is considered in a holistic way. Employment land to meet needs is allocated in Policy DS9 and guided through Policy EC1 Directing New employment Development and Policy EC3 Protecting employment Land & Buildings. Therefore, there are no significant effects through loss of this industrial estate land on employment and neutral effects for SA No 1.

The estate area is well located for sustainable transport within the urban area of Warwick, close to bus stops and about 1.5 km[53] walk to the railway station Warwick Parkway; provision of housing within an area close to services and facilities and sustainable transport is likely to reduce the need to travel and to help reduce congestion elsewhere but some uncertainty – minor positive effects for SA Nos 2 & 3. All new development can reduce waste & increase recycling in accordance with other LP Policies – neutral effects.

Reuse of previously developed land has major positive effects for prudent use of land and resources, reducing loss of greenfield or agricultural land.

Local Plan Policy NE3 Biodiversity requires new development to lead to no net loss and where possible a net gain; DPD Policy CS4 requires protection and enhancement of the canal green corridor – all with positive effects for biodiversity that could be synergistic and cumulative in the longer term. DPD Policy CS10 requires provision of an area of green space immediately adjacent to the canal for biodiversity and trees/shrubs – contributing to the green infrastructure network with potential for major positive effects.

Proposals must comply with LP Policy BE1 Layout & Design and DPD Policy CS1that requires new development to be of an appropriate scale, height, form and massing, utilising appropriate materials and details; and reflect, respect and reinforce local architectural and historical distinctiveness, particularly where sites fall within the Canal Conservation Area. New and redevelopments will build upon the character and identity of the area providing enhancements and aligned with the Council's Residential Design Guide through CS1 with positive effects for landscape/townscape for SA Nos 6 & 7.

The historic environment is protected through LP Policies HE1-4 and DPD Policy CS1 requires new development to respect and reinforce the local historical distinctiveness indicating at least neutral effects but likely positive effects through regeneration, enhancement of the built environment. There are no Listed buildings in the vicinity and the nearest Scheduled Monument is St Sepulchre's Priory some 1.5 km to the south - overall likely neutral effects.

LP Policy NE5 Protection of Natural Resources requires that new development should not give rise to air, or water pollution, indicating neutral effects for SA No 9.

New development must comply with LP Policies CC1-2 on climate change adaptation including sustainable construction, multifunctional green infrastructure, and water efficiency (also Policy FW3) - with minor positive effects that will be cumulative in the longer term. DPD Policy CS5 requires that canals should be recognised as a potential renewable energy resource.

All development must also comply with LP Policy FW1 Reducing Flood Risk indicating at least neutral effects; reinforced by DPD Policy CS1 that requires there should be no increase in the risk of flooding.

Provision of housing will have positive effects for SA No 12. Policy CS10 requires at least the minimum percentage (40%) of affordable homes – and this will contribute to positive effects for SA No 15 aiming to reduce poverty and social exclusion.

DPD Policy CS1 requires new or improved safe access to the canal; this is reinforced by DPD Policy CS10 that requires an open access to the canal to be maintained with new public access in suitable locations – all contributing to enhanced access to the community asset of the canal with positive effects for SA No 13.

Provision of good quality housing will contribute to health and wellbeing; enhanced access to the canal for walking, cycling and other leisure or reflective activities will all encourage a healthier lifestyle and contribute to positive effects for health & wellbeing and SA No 14.

It is understood that there are no known particular problems associated with this estate and therefore neutral effects for SA No16 to reduce crime, fear of crime, and anti-social behaviour. Nonetheless, the new residential development will provide surveillance and likely improvements in safety with some positive effects but uncertainty of significance at this stage.

Policy CS11: Potential Residential Development of former School at Montague Road, Warwick




Sustainable transport

Reduce need to travel

Waste & Recycling

Prudent use of land & natural resources

Natural environment & landscape

Safe & High-Quality Built environment

Historic environment

Air, water & soil quality

Climate change mitigation

Climate change adaptation - flood risk

Housing needs

Local services & community facilities

Health & well being

Poverty & social exclusion


















Appraisal Summary




















The proposed area does not include any extant employment units and neutral effects for SA No 1.

The area is well located for sustainable transport within the urban area of Warwick, close to bus stops and some 600m distance[54] from the Warwick railway station; provision of housing within an area close to services and facilities and sustainable transport is likely to reduce the need to travel and to help reduce congestion elsewhere but some uncertainty – minor positive effects for SA Nos 2 & 3. All new development can reduce waste & increase recycling in accordance with other LP Policies – neutral effects.

Reuse of previously developed land has major positive effects for prudent use of land and resources, reducing loss of greenfield or agricultural land. It is noted that the DPD draws attention to recent proposals where contamination of the previously used land has been raised as an issue. DPD Policy CS11 requires that any identified contamination should be dealt with to the satisfaction of the Council's environmental health officer and an environmental statement should be submitted with any planning application – providing mitigation measures to resolve any potential negative effects.

Local Plan Policy NE3 Biodiversity requires new development to lead to no net loss and where possible a net gain; DPD Policy CS4 requires protection and enhancement of the canal green corridor – all with positive effects for biodiversity that could be synergistic and cumulative in the longer term. DPD Policy CS11 requires provision of a green space as a linear park from the Coventry Road Bridge alongside the canal indicating further positive effects for biodiversity and the green infrastructure network.

Proposals must comply with LP Policy BE1 Layout & Design and DPD Policy CS1that requires new development to be of an appropriate scale, height, form and massing, utilising appropriate materials and details; and reflect, respect and reinforce local architectural and historical distinctiveness, particularly where sites fall within the Canal Conservation Area. New and redevelopments will build upon the character and identity of the area providing enhancements and aligned with the Council's Residential Design Guide through CS1 with positive effects for landscape/townscape for SA Nos 6 & 7.

The historic environment is protected through LP Policies HE1-4 and DPD Policy CS1 requires new development to respect and reinforce the local historical distinctiveness indicating at least neutral effects but likely positive effects through regeneration, enhancement of the built environment. The nearest listed building is Grade II Bridge House adjacent to the Coventry Road Bridge and redevelopment should enhance the setting of this building; other listed buildings are over 250m distance[55] to the south.

LP Policy NE5 Protection of Natural Resources requires that new development should not give rise to air, or water pollution, indicating neutral effects for SA No 9. It is noted that the DPD draws attention to recent proposals where air pollution has been raised as an issue and it is assumed that this relates to emissions from traffic, parking and any contamination from previous uses of the land. Any further proposals will need to comply the DPD CS2 Parking and the Warwick Air Quality SPD, indicating that there are mitigation measures in place to progress any effects towards neutral for air quality.

New development must comply with LP Policies CC1-2 on climate change adaptation including sustainable construction, multifunctional green infrastructure, and water efficiency (also Policy FW3) - with minor positive effects that will be cumulative in the longer term. DPD Policy CS5 requires that canals should be recognised as a potential renewable energy resource.

All development must also comply with LP Policy FW1 Reducing Flood Risk indicating at least neutral effects; reinforced by DPD Policy CS1 that requires there should be no increase in the risk of flooding.

Provision of housing will have positive effects for SA No 12. Policy CS11 does not specify any particular provision for low cost housing – and therefore, indicating neutral effects for SA No 15 aiming to reduce poverty and social exclusion. However, it is expected that the affordable housing provision will be met through the LP Policy specifying 40% on a site of the expected size of this development – therefore, positive effects for SA No 15.

DPD Policy CS1 requires new or improved safe access to the canal; this is reinforced by DPD Policy CS11 that requires easy access to the canal towpath from the Coventry Road Bridge and at a point along the frontage of the development next to the canal – all contributing to enhanced access to the community asset of the canal with positive effects for SA No 13.

Provision of good quality housing will contribute to health and wellbeing; enhanced access to the canal for walking, cycling and other leisure or reflective activities will all encourage a healthier lifestyle and contribute to positive effects for health & wellbeing and SA No 14.

DPD Policy CS11 requires surveillance of the canal to be provided through the careful location of dwellings indicating positive effects for SA No 16 to reduce crime, fear of crime, and anti-social behaviour.

[52] Measured approximately through Defra Magic mapping

[54] Measured approximately through google maps

[55] Measured approximately through Defra Magic mapping

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