Q-V3.1: Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate?
Ni roddwyd ateb
They fail to sufficiently recognise the importance of greenbelt land, and should specify that this will be prioritised. Greenbelt land prevents urban sprawl and helps retain the unique individual identities of settlements, by avoiding merging and keeping land open.
The SWLP should put local needs first. It should be clear that Only after local needs are met should we include unmet needs from neighbouring authorities
Ni roddwyd ateb
The process is flawed. Strategic objectives 4 and 5 strive for health, wellbeing and environmental protection, yet all of the proposed growth options presume Green Belt development. Other options should have been put forward to ensure Strategic Objectives 4 and 5 can be better met.
Solar panels and a high level of insulation should be mandatory for all new housing. There should be no building on green belt land until all other options have been exhausted. All new developments must be linked to town centres and amenities by cycle paths separate from the roads
Objectives 4 and 5 look at health, wellbeing and protection of the environment. However, all the proposed growth options presume that the Green Belt will be developed. Other options should have been put forward.
Farming provision is becoming ever more important in todays need for Britain's food security - we must invest and protect this rapidly dwindling landscape in South Warwickshire. Please ensure this is properly included in the debate.
Ni roddwyd ateb
The strategic objectives of wellbeing and environmental protection are not met, as this plan requires the development of the green belt, which will reduce/impact the environment badly. The objectives should be met in a different way without impacting the green belt and the environment.
They are constructed to favour development. They are not neutral. They do not permit the possibility of pausing development/preserving existing green spaces.
Although the Vision and Strategic objectives are admirable they are not mutually agreeable. How can you define "beauty", my beauty may not include solar panels in a particular area although I believe in renewables. Who decides what happens in our towns ? It seems not to be local councillors or people,
Ni roddwyd ateb
All strategic objectives that are based on proposed growth, which assume green belt development, are wrong.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
The vision: Local needs must be met first ie sentence should read 'Where appropriate and agreed, after local needs are met, this could include unmet need from neighbouring authorities'...
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
I think the Vision and Strategic Objectives should absolutely state that any development on greenbelt land should be avoided at all costs and that AVOIDING development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at ALL stages of the plan development. At the present time this is not the situation with a heavy( totally unjustified) bias towards developing green belt. Greenbelt land is vital to keep the integrity of the area with individual villages keeping their own identities and the beauty of the warwickshire countryside. Increasing the size of villages by encroaching on green belt land causes more people to have to use cars, as its very difficult to walk into towns down very busy roads and therefore carbon emissions and pollution will increase as people have to get in and out to work and schools etc . this mitigates any benefit and goes against what you are trying to achieve.
The process is flawed, Strategic objective 4 and 5 strive for health and wellbeing and environmental protection yet all of the options assume development of the Green Belt. Other options should be proposed in order to ensure Strategic objectives 4 and 5 are better met.
There are no measurable objectives specified . In order to fight climate change there should be more emphasis on the preservation of Greenbelt and green spaces .
This area has been designated an area of natural beauty. The threat of building small box houses, that will encroach on this area is not conducive to people’s well being who come here to enjoy walks in an area that is not spoilt by increase traffic, increase noise, and increase environment damage. This area will be affected by a loss of dark night sky's; this is Important since night sky without artificial light is vital to the proper functioning of natural ecosystems. Artificial lighting affects species migration patterns, predator-prey relationships, and the circadian rhythms of many organisms, to name just a few of the consequences of light pollution.
I believe that it is important that the Visions and Strategic Objectives should make it clear that avoiding development on Greenbelt will be a priority at all stages of developing the plan. Currently there is a bias towards Greenbelt development which cannot be justified. Greenbelt preservation is critical in maintaining open land.
The Local Plan says will 'Protect what already exists'. The Green Belt needs to be preserved and protected for future generations. Health, wellbeing, pollution, food production and town boundaries will be adversely affected. Access to countryside by foot with network of footpaths leads to better physical and mental health and wellbeing. Cars from new housing and businesses will add to pollution thus affecting climate change adversely. Land used for growing crops for animals and humans would be lost at a time when food scarcity is an issue. The character of individual towns needs to be preserved. Urban regeneration needs to be increased by recycling of derelict buildings and land.