Q-E11: Please add any comments you wish to make about delivering South Warwickshire's economic needs

Ffurflenni 121 i 130 o 130
ID Ffurflen: 84265
Ymatebydd: Federated Hermes Property Unit Trust (“Hermes”)
Asiant : Lichfields (London)

Issue E2 – A Low Carbon Economy Hermes’ view is that Option E2a: ‘Include a policy which encourages businesses to be low carbon’ is the most appropriate proposed option which recognises the need to address climate change, and this should apply across the whole of the South Warwickshire Local Plan area. Future policies will need to ensure that there is flexibility in the approach to low carbon initiatives, to ensure that this would not result in developments becoming unviable. Issue E9: Supporting our changing town centres Hermes supports Option E9a: ‘Identify retail areas on the policies map as well as Town Centre boundaries, within the Part 1 plan’. Hermes agree that it is useful to identify retail areas within the Town Centres as well as Town Centre boundaries, in order to effectively apply retail policies. However, important existing out of centre retail facilities such as the Maybird Shopping Park should also be identified as retail locations where further retail/mixed use development would be appropriate. The Maybird Shopping Park is already recognised as an important existing retail location that provides an important and complementary function to Stratford-upon-Avon town centre, with good accessibility. In the short term, this will continue, however this is a relatively low density use and there could be an opportunity in the short/medium/long term for redevelopment of either part of the site, or the whole shopping park, for mixed-use, residential led development.

ID Ffurflen: 84352
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire County Council

Q-E2: Options E2a and E2c are preferred. Option E2a would build upon Warwickshire County Council's ambitions for addressing/mitigating climate change. Option E2c seems an innovative approach to encourage 'green businesses' to South Warwickshire. There is some concern that perhaps the term encouragement is on the weak side and perhaps we should be requiring businesses to be low carbon wherever possible. However we do appreciate the need to balance strong targets against a possible negative impact on inward investment. Q-E3: It would seem appropriate for the Local Plan to link to the emerging South Warwickshire Economic Strategy. Q-E5: Although this would be a new approach Option E5a would support the provision of units to support new small businesses as well as though businesses looking to expand. Q-E9: Option E9a would be preferred but we do need to be aware of ease of change of use.

ID Ffurflen: 84788
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire Property Development Ltd

This proposal is focused on housing delivery. Housing development is critical to ensure local job creation opportunities are met and provide support to local services minimising the movement of people for access to work and services across settlements and wider boundaries. Housing development goes hand in glove in respect of supporting wider economic growth and resilience.

ID Ffurflen: 84945
Ymatebydd: Summers Holdings Ltd
Asiant : The Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Q-E2: We are not convinced such a policy or policies is required. Many of the principles included under Option E2a are likely to be addressed by national policies or other policies in the local plan. The notes as drafted would not, as an example, encourage repatriation of manufacturing. Q-E3: Option E3a: Include a policy expanding on SDC’s current existing policy. This sets out the principles for economic activity within South Warwickshire and would also include setting out how much employment provision would need to be provided. This approach would be preferable to E3b. It should emphasise the importance of providing a choice of opportunities (in terms of both land or buildings) for all types and size of business available throughout the plan period. Option E3c: Include a policy that secures employment strategies through S106. This approach would be supported in appropriate circumstances. Q-E4.2: Option E4.2a: Include a policy supporting small-scale employment opportunities in rural areas We would support this approach which is conducive to helping entrepreneurs who may reside in the more rural parts of the plan area to establish new businesses and encourage existing small businesses to expand. To do the counter could seriously and negatively impact on the future long-term health of Warwickshire’s economy. Q-E5: Option E5a: Include a policy which supports a range of business units. We would strongly support this approach as providing an example of rural diversification with opportunity for many small diverse businesses including startups, some of which are ripe to expand into larger accommodation which could be provided onto adjacent land already in the ownership of the business park. Option E5b: Do not include a policy in Part 1. A failure to provide a policy in Part 1 would represent an ‘opportunity lost’. It is important that the local plan is seen to a plan that supports all types and sizes of business and not biased in favour of big business. It should also be remembered that some of the big businesses of the future will be the small businesses and start-ups of today. It is important that home-grown talent is supported with just as much vigour as large-scale footloose activity. Q-E6: Option E6a: Include a policy which protects South Warwickshire’s economic assets. We would generally support this approach although the list also includes assets outside the plan area. Perhaps it should be clear what is within the plan area. Q-E7.1: Option E7.1a: Include a policy directing employment to the Core Opportunity Area. This would require greater justification. It would appear to be a policy mechanism to justify large-scale employment sites in otherwise relatively remote areas. If retained, would there be a requirement to balance new employment and housing growth. Option E7.1b: Do not include a policy directing employment to the Core Opportunity Area. Without significantly greater justification it might be this would be a more sensible way forward. Q-E7.2: Option E7.2a: Include a policy relating to additional economic growth at the major investment sites. This might be an appropriate approach but as highlighted above it is important the plan is not unduly focused on major sites and inward investment. It is unclear if this means additional land allocations over existing commitments. If so, these would need to be justified. Option E7.2b: Do not include a policy relating to additional economic growth at the major investment sites. This question appears to highlight the focus of the approach in the plan towards the strategic sites. Why would growing local businesses prefer to locate at a strategic site? The rationale for this is unclear as we believe that smaller hubs are more conducive to business growth and creativity. Q-E10: Tourism is an important part of the economy. The plan should allow for development of the necessary supporting infrastructure to support its enhancement.

ID Ffurflen: 85055
Ymatebydd: Mr Nigel Holdsworth
Asiant : The Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Q-E7.1: Option E7.1a: Include a policy directing employment to the Core Opportunity Area. This would require greater justification. It would appear to be a policy mechanism to justify large-scale employment sites in otherwise relatively remote areas. If retained, would there be a requirement to balance new employment and housing growth. Option E7.1b: Do not include a policy directing employment to the Core Opportunity Area. Without significantly greater justification it might be this would be a more sensible way forward.

ID Ffurflen: 85501
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

QE2 Option E2a: The Parish Council feel this should be considered in Part 2. Q-E3 The Parish Council feel this should be considered in Part 2. Q-E4.1: Q-E4.2: The Parish Council feel this should be considered in Part 2. QE7.1 The Parish Council supports option E7.1a This provides opportunity for housing growth in areas with infrastructure to meet the needs of the increasing workforce without the necessity of using green belt land or viable farm land

ID Ffurflen: 85505
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

QE.10 The Parish Council considers that whilst Tourism is essential to the vitality of South Warwickshire, there are few aspects of tourism that have an effect on the spatial planning of an area. It is therefore proposed that tourism is addressed fully, within Part 2 of the South Warwickshire Local Plan. Tourism is a critical industry in the whole of South Warwickshire. The Parish Council considers that tourism is a critical industry in the whole of South Warwickshire and should be addressed fully in the South Warwickshire Local Plan.

ID Ffurflen: 85733
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

In respect of the comments around Issue E1: Growing the South Warwickshire economy and Issue E7: Core Opportunity Area and Major Investment Sites and the site locations and investment areas identified the following are also considered relevant suitable and potential areas for addressing a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 Logistics element employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified in the HEDNA for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region (to be added to main comments contained in Appendix 1 to LDF Sub-committee report); South of Coventry Area – particularly the area around the airport, supported by the significant transport infrastructure improvements, implemented and ongoing. Wellesbourne Area – potential for some additional strategic logistics uses could be considered and supporting B8 uses (smaller scale) accommodated, in relationship with on-site B2 and research and development activities. Long Marston Area – As noted in the supporting text to Issue E7, The Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre’s connection to the national rail network, provides a unique opportunity to act as a catalyst for growth. It is considered this growth potential should include consideration for B8 strategic logistics opportunities given the national rail network link. The opportunity for a more sustainable links with Logistics operators on this site/area at an active rail hub should be considered/referenced. Stoneleigh Area – again the links, potential future improvements to transport infrastructure noted and its location and relationship with south Coventry area, the site should not be precluded/excluded from consideration of its potential to accommodate some of the wider strategic B8 needs identified. The resistance to considering or accommodating strategic B8/logistics uses and operators is made on the grounds of lower job ratios and the need to “capitalise on the strengths of the existing sectors and skills of the workforce”. However, it should be noted that the lower job ratio assumption has been challenged on numerous sites and submissions by the Logistics Industry and operators and the close operational relationship between General industrial, High-Tech Industries (Battery production and development)B1/B2 research and development with the logistics support and supply services should be recognised. A closer locational relationship would also help address sustainability and carbon reduction in seeking to reduce transport distances travelled by logistics supply services to these industries. As highlighted by the HEDNA and noted in the Issues and Options document, a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region will be required and the points noted above should be included as part of the options to be considered, to address the issue of sharing the burden across the Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region. The Plan should reflect the potential for addressing this need using the strategic road network within the Plan area. In addition to the inclusion of consideration for strategic B8 employment land in Core Opportunity Areas and Major Investment Sites in Issue E , any strategic logistics considerations should also address lorry parking provision, for which there is a regional and national shortage of provision. This lorry parking need/issue should be addressed in Issue T3: Road travel, employment, and freight, possibly in response to QT3 (a) as part of a policy encouraging more sustainable road-based transport for businesses, in order to manage and service the distribution of freight and other materials.

ID Ffurflen: 85755
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

Q-E3: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Consider all Options E3a to E3C can and may be appropriate, but Option E3d is not appropriate as employment provision and needs should be addressed and quantified. Q-E4.1: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Agree with Option E4.1a. Need to ensure economic viability, diversity and sustainability of rural areas. Q-E4.2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Agree with Option E4.2a. Need to ensure economic viability, diversity and sustainability of rural areas is supported. Issue E6: Protecting South Warwickshire's economic assets NWBC Response – Agree with Option E6a, a similar approach has been taken in the North Warwickshire Local plan in relation to rural employment assets and identified existing employment estates. Q-E7.2 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Agree with Option E7.2a. Note, however, following comments in relation to Issue E1 and the HEDNA, that identified the need for a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region to be addressed, the subsequent supporting text for the Gaydon M40 J12 Major Investment Area does not address this issue. NWBC would raise concerns with the SWLP reference to Gaydon Area/M40 Junction 12 in relation to the comments the Plan makes (page 89) regarding the location and Logistics/B8 potential opportunity. The Issues and Options document/Plan text states as follows; “This automotive hub is home to the iconic British brands Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin Lagonda. In addition to the economic activities on the Gaydon proving ground, circa 105ha of land has been allocated in the Core Strategy for employment purposes. Through the SWLP, there is an opportunity to capitalise on the existing economic base and grow this area with further automotive-related manufacturing (i.e. Use Class B2). Whilst well-located to the M40, we do not see this location as appropriate for strategic logistic uses (i.e. Use Class B8).” The Gaydon Area / M40 Junction 12 should not be excluded as a potential opportunity for strategic logistic uses. The main motorway junctions have previously been highlighted within regional strategic employment studies as having clear potential and as appropriate locations for strategic logistic uses. The site also has clear cross linkage and economic supply relationships between logistic uses and the adjoining automotive hub manufacturing and development activities at this location. Such uses should not be seen as “mutually exclusive” in policy or locational terms in these strategic locations. It is considered that the Gaydon Area / M40 Junction 12 major investment area could potentially address ‘a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region’ as stated in the Issues and Options document/Plan text. Similarly, other Core Opportunity Area and Major Investment Sites identified the following are also considered relevant suitable and potential areas for addressing a proportion of the 709 hectares of strategic B8 Logistics element employment land (i.e. warehousing and distribution) identified in the HEDNA for the wider Coventry and Warwickshire sub-region (to be added to main comments contained in Appendix 1 to LDF Sub-committee report) including; South of Coventry Area – particularly the area around the airport, supported by the significant transport infrastructure improvements, implemented and ongoing. Wellesbourne Area – potential for some additional strategic logistics uses could be considered and supporting B8 uses (smaller scale) accommodated, in relationship with on-site B2 and research and development activities. Long Marston Area – As noted in the supporting text to Issue E7, The Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre’s connection to the national rail network, provides a unique opportunity to act as a catalyst for growth. It is considered this growth potential should include consideration for B8 strategic logistics opportunities given the national rail network link. The opportunity for a more sustainable links with Logistics operators on this site/area at an active rail hub should be considered/referenced. Stoneleigh Area – again the links, potential future improvements to transport infrastructure noted and its location and relationship with south Coventry area, the site should not be precluded/excluded from consideration of its potential to accommodate some of the wider strategic B8 needs identified. Q-E9: NWBC Response – No preference or comment.

ID Ffurflen: 85836
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Knight Frank LLP

Q-E10: No. As mentioned in the previous Knight Frank response (ref. 2102), tourism plays an important role for South Warwickshire and is integral for the vitality of town centres and is therefore a strategically important policy. Policies should be included to support tourism linked development that will enhance the provision and vitality of other services on offer. This should include additional support for the provision of additional guest accommodation in appropriate locations, as this will contribute to strengthening the economy. Furthermore, the NPPF paras 84 and 85 support the role of sustainable rural tourism and leisure development that benefits businesses in rural areas, communities and visitors, and which respect the character of the countryside. Therefore, supporting policies for facilities linked to tourism, including guest accommodation, should be included in Part 1. Q-E11: Delivering economic growth is a priority for the government and local authorities and is a core objective of the NPPF. Policies should develop a clear economic vision and understand the requirements for employment space. The local plan should adopt a flexible approach in terms of employment uses to be able to consider current market trends and requirements.