Q-D4.1: Do you agree that this is an appropriate range of topics for a policy on the design of safe and attractive streets?
Q-D4.1: The Church Commisioners agrees that this is an appropriate range of topics, however it is important that the topics achieve the overarching objective of promoting social interaction, as per paragraph 92 of the NPPF. However, the minimisation of conflict between users, as per Paragraph 112 of the NPPF, should also be included within the range of topics. It should also be included and noted that the design of streets should be reflective of current national guidance, including the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code.
The Parish Council consider it is too detailed for this stage of the plan
Ni roddwyd ateb
Q-D4.1: Caddick Land agrees that this is an appropriate range of topics, however it is important that the topics achieve the overarching objective of promoting social interaction, as per paragraph 92 of the NPPF. However, the minimisation of conflict between user s, as per Paragraph 112 of the NPPF, should also be included within the range of topics. It should also be included and noted that the design of streets should be reflective of current national guidance, including the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code.
Ni roddwyd ateb