Testun llawn:
The proposed new local plan policies support a modest amount of new housing development in the villa...
The proposed new local plan policies support a modest amount of new housing development in the village of Shrewley. On behalf of my client I submit for your consideration land that under the proposed policies would be suitable for housing development. The land is located between 111 Shrewley Common and The Cottage, Shrewley Common, as outline in red on the plan submitted with these representations.
* The site is in a sustainable location and meets the sustainability criteria identified in the new local plan.
* The site is available for development. The land is owned by my client who would make the site available for development to contribute immediately toward the five year housing land supply. I am not aware of any legal restrictions that would inhibit or prevent the land being fully utilised for appropriate development.
* The site is suitable being located in a sustainable location on the edge of a village that has local facilities and is served by public transport.
* Development of the site is readily achievable. The site is in a location that is highly desirable to the housing market. The site is free from development constraints and there would therefore be strong demand by house builders to proceed with development.
* The new local plan proposes to designate Shrewley as a Category 2 settlement, suitable for between 30 and 80 dwellings. The site has an area of 0.69 hectares which at a density of 43 dwellings per hectare would provide a scheme of 30 dwellings. Accommodating 30 dwellings on the site would make a significant contribution to the total likely allocation of housing for the village. Shrewley village is characterised by linear housing development with few opportunities for infill development. To accommodate between 30 and 80 dwellings it will be necessary to allocate sites such as my clients for housing development. Subject to a carefully designed form of development a scheme for 30 dwellings would be proportionate in scale to the developed area of the village.
* The site is suitable for development for the following reasons:
o The site has no known physical constraints. Currently the site is an agricultural field with no trees or natural features that would require preservation.
o The site has no known drainage issues that would prevent development.
o The site has a long frontage to the main road with adequate visibility for road access.
o Site contours fall away from the road thereby reducing the visual impact of any development when viewed from the main road.
o The site is naturally constrained between existing development to the east, the main road to the north and a well established tree screen to the south. These features provide strong defensible boundaries to prevent further development beyond the site.
* I submit the site meets the sustainable criteria in the proposed new local plan and is suitable for designation as a housing development site.
[dangos mwy]