Testun llawn:
Under Policy PO6, bullet 'A', clarification is sought as to what pol...
Under Policy PO6, bullet 'A', clarification is sought as to what policies set out the required mix of housing on development sites. We also consider that it would be better for the policy to refer to "latest published available housing market data" to confirm the required mix than referring specifically to the "latest" SHMA.
Though desirable, meeting Lifetime Homes standards is not a national requirement, and so must be supported by viability studies. If policies promote requirements outside national guidance, then there needs to be convincing local evidence to justify this.
We object to the blanket requirement that all strategic sites will need to include Extra Care Housing (ECH). Whilst our clients are considering this form of housing as part of development proposals on land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way, the final decision on whether or not this is appropriate for the site will have to have regard to overall scheme viability and market demand. With regards the latter consideration we are aware that the Council has recently received a number of planning applications for ECH schemes within the District, including sites in the south Warwick area. If these schemes are approved then the local market may well become saturated with resultant implications for the viability of new schemes in the early phases of the Plan. We recommend that through the policy, rather than simply 'require' ECH on all "strategic sites", the Council should provide an accompanying qualification that the requirement will be subject to market testing/viability. It would also be helpful if the District liaised with WCC and commissioned a specific study on ECH looking at both location and extent of existing and emerging supply, as well as forecast demand across the District.
[dangos mwy]