Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48283
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Waterloo Housing Group
Agree with the requirement for 40% affordable housing on new residential sites and for housing to be kept in perpetuity but we would draw attention to the need for a balance. We support a certain level of affordable housing in rural areas but it should be on a case by case basis given the high land and sales values generated in many of the villages. There is no reference to new Affordable rents. Given that the level of rents can vary greatly within a 1 mile radius we would recommend some primary data in the document to support your arguments.
PO1 Preferred Level Of Growth
In summary we agree with the option for the Local Authority to go for a moderate growth. There may be evidence to suggest that higher growth is required but in these challenging economic times and the practical and political pressure the Local authority will be under in making this decision, we believe the moderate growth option is a more realistic and such a pragmatic approach is likely to be achievable.
PO2 Community Infrastructure Levy
We support the idea to bring in a CIL.
One item that is missing from the document is any indication towards New Homes Bonus. This is something we would support as a revenue stream and serve to reinforce your support for Affordable Homes (paid on non s106 schemes only). Again the NHB could be shown to assist in the provision for extra care (under PO5)
PO3 Broad Location of Growth
We support the Preferred option for Growth.
PO4 Distribution of Sites for Housing
We support the establishment of new boundaries. RSL's would like to be involved in discussions with Parish Councils from an early start to dispel the myths around affordable housing and this could assist the provision of housing in these areas.
PO5 Affordable Housing
We agree with the 40% affordable housing on new residential developments with the exception where the scheme is to be delivered as a 100% affordable housing scheme, in these cases the properties can be dealt with under a separate planning condition .
We agree with the housing being held in perpetuity but we would draw attention for a balance. In many cases RSL's will need to show a level of asset churn. The asset however can be ring-fenced to be used soley for the provision of future affordable housing in the district.
In rural terms we support a certain level of market housing but it should be on a case by case basis given the likely high land and sales values generated in many of the District's villages
There is no reference to new Affordable rents. The document does refer to affordability however, but with no mention of the level of affordable rents and with many areas of WDC the level of rents can vary greatly within a 1 mile radius (Micro Markets) Therefore we would recommend some primary data in the document to support your arguments.
PO6 Mixed Communities & Wide Choice Housing
Employment is very high on everyone's agenda currently and there are many threads that tie housing/ construction to this. There are opportunities through apprentices and other work opportunities that can be brought about by new housing and this could be a opportunity to ensure this happens on future sites.
Homes for older people and the link to the Extra Care rented opportunities will remain difficult to deliver with the decline in grant funding form the HCA, & Warwickshire CC .
PO16 Greenbelt
Again we support the option for Green Belt but we would like to be involved in any discussions with parish councils or other interested parties to outline what is affordable housing and dispel any myths.