Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55656
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Christine Burke
Local GP surgeries are either full or not served by public transport meaning no convenient access.
Radford Primary School is almost full and will be oversubscribed if the proposed new houses are built in the village. Harbury Primary School is also full.
The public transport is satisfactory but residents are likely to use their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 but no pedestrian links from it to the potential site.
Site will generate hundreds of traffic movements daily adding to peak time delays on a fast road that is designated a High Risk Route by the County Council. Being on the junction of two major roads the access may require highway improvements but it's unwise to introduce more traffic here. Also any new bus shelters, pedestrian crossing, street lighting etc will add to the urbanization of the area.
Fosse Way a very busy main road which creates the potential for noise and disturbance to site residents
Site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and only a limited rural electricity supply line so fails to meet the Council's site requirement criteria.
At this point the Fosse Way is on its original alignment so considerable archaeological remains will be destroyed as previous remains have been found locally. Therefore it's important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and could increase if working space is also included. The large number and variety of caravans and vehicles in the bottom of the valley cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. Also the historic traditional Woodlands provide habitat for birds and small mammals (Pipistrelle bats, great crested newts) and would be greatly affected by the site and possible intrusion and activities of younger residents.
The village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away and there is a very small community in Fosse Way (20 houses) within half a mile of the site. The 120 residents on site will absorb rather than integrate with this small local community so will not encourage peaceful and integrated co-existence.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and the electricity supply is a limited rural line which will possibly need upgrading to an increase in demand.
The perception of the site will impact on the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre which is likely to lose events and make it impossible to continue operating resulting in job losses. Local economy will lose the money spent on accommodation, food, entertainment etc from visitors to the Exhibition Centre (c£5m). Additionally several other local businesses (employing between 50 and 60 people) would be caused significant difficulties by this development.
Unauthorised expansion from the site onto agricultural land could mean contractors would not risk tractors and equipment and together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land becoming unsightly and unfarmed.
Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs are located close to the site, and it is important to protect the animals from diseases (foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus) which can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between the site and the Grand Union Canal.
The site will be major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area and make further 'ribbon' development harder to resist.
This site fails to meet the councils Local Plan Requirements & its preferred options because-
The GP Surgeries in Bishops Tachbrook & Whitnash are at capacity and would be unable to cope with an influx of new patients.
The primary school in Bishops Tachbrook is already oversubscribed & the Catholic Primary in Whitnash, St Josephs' has even had to turn away Catholics with siblings already at the school as it has such a high application rate.
Also the educational needs of many of these children will mean that should a place be found at a local school they will need additional help to catch up, and this should be provided. Is the council going to supply additional funds to help support these children's needs? Given that the parents of many of these children are unable to read & write themselves they are not in a position to help children with their own learning and this identifies yet another pressure point. As an adult not being able to read & write seriously narrows down the type of work you would be able to apply for, there are no employers within in the village of Bishops Tachbrook therefore there is no immediate local economy for them to join with. Most villagers have to commute to work.
There is no Dental care in Bishops Tachbrook.
There are no pavements between the proposed site and the village and this would be a great danger especially during peak travel hours and school run times.
There are no bus stops and no safe place for a bus stop to be put in.
Additional traffic at the junction of Mallory Road & Banbury Road would put too much strain on an already busy junction onto a road where cars are travelling at speed, because of the north and southbound approaches to junction 13 of the M40. This is not an easy junction to get out of especially if you have to move slowly due to pulling a trailer or caravan.
This plot does not have any Provision of Utilities
Given the proximity of 50mph roads next to this site what are the provisions for the safety and security of both people & animals? For instance a horse on the Banbury Road especially a loose one could end in fatalities.
It states in your Sites for Gypsies & Travellers page 9 last bullet point on section 7.4 the site should reflect the extent to which traditional lifestyles ( whereby some travellers live & work from the same location hereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability. Bishops Tachbrook & Whitnash would not be able to offer any traditional forms of income for travellers or gypsies. Next to this statement is an image of a draught horse. We are not a horse based community so farrier's would not be able to make a living here. Also my understanding is that traditional forms of employment also include door to door sales and this would be in stark contrast to advice given by police not to buy from door to door sales people. I fail to see how our community can support the traditional lifestyle of travellers.
The proposed location is not in an area that can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area which is stipulated as a Site Requirement within the WDC Consultation Document.
There is a potential visual impact on the approach to historic Warwick. This will damage the Tourist Industry which accounts for a large proportion of business transactions for both Large and Small & Medium Enterprises alike.
Therefore a site in this location will put undue pressure on local infrastructure & services.
I picked up the council's document "Sites for Gypsies & Travellers" Local Plan helping shape the district.
How is it those 15 sites are all placed south of Warwick & Leamington? The small village of Bishops Tachbrook has 6 of these within a mile of it, 2 are on its immediate doorstep. Potentially all of these sites could be approved and the very nature of our community and how the approach to our village would look would be irrevocably changed & the effect would be devastating to our way of life. This is not acceptable nor a reasonable request for the council to make.
There is no statement from the Gypsy Council of Great Britain or any other organising body on behalf of the Gypsy & Traveller community, within your brochure/document, that they wish to join our community in Warwickshire or anywhere else. Odd that. Perhaps this is because they have no desire to permanently live here? What evidence does the council have that the gypsy & traveller community wish to use these sites as a permanently settled site with a fixed maximum number of 15 Pitches? You also do not state how many people are able to live within a pitch or who is responsible for the site. Due diligence has not taken place here. I appreciate that you state the Regional Spatial Strategy & commissioned Salford University to produce a report but you have failed to put any meaningful back up data into this document. Therefore I have to question the validity of the study as you have not put it in the information you are handing out. Where is the proof that so many sites are needed? Much needed data is missing here & the council are remiss in leaving it out.
You also state that the Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment shows a need for 31 pitches, 25 within the first five years & a further 6-8 transit pitches over the Plan period. Yet the brochure you have produced is only showing 19 of these. Why are you not identifying where all these sites will potentially be? Are you planning to use these larger identified areas to put up multiple sites? Please be clear & honest!
Your brochure has not been laid out in a way that makes for easy & understandable reading. For instance sites GT05 & GT09 in reality face each other on opposite sides of the Banbury Road yet in your document the numbers on the map are shown as far away from each other as possible and are shown in map form pages apart from each other & at different scales & angles. This also occurs for site GT06 which is opposite GT09. You are failing to make your documentation easy to read & this is inexcusable.
Also the images you are using on your front cover, page 3 & page 4 are clearly stock images of holiday camping sites. They are not permanent sites and they are certainly not Gypsy & Traveller sites. Why is the council not using real images from existing successful sites to give an honest & truthful photographic representation of how these sites will look?
I attended the public meeting at Whitnash Primary School recently regarding the Local Plan. I have never attended a public meeting before & went with the idea that WDC & our local councillors would be working for the benefit of our community. Unfortunately when I left the meeting & on reading the documents I felt very disillusioned. The lead spokesperson for the council gave a long and drawn out introduction implying that we were all prejudist against the traveller community. I found it offensive, ill advised and very condescending. Where I appreciate all the hard work & effort that council employees put in and I appreciate that the directives regarding The Gypsy & Traveller sites are coming from 10 Downing Street and not Local council I found the attitude of the councils representatives quite staggering. The gentleman representing The Highways Agency had clearly not received any training in how to speak to people. He was interrupted at one point by a lady at the back of the hall who asked a question relevant to the comment he had just made. The gentleman from the Highways agency then lost his temper and threatened not to give us any information if he was interrupted again. I found this to be highly unprofessional and suggest that that gentleman needs to learn the difference between a heckle and a pertinent question. And for the record that lady asked 3 questions, non of them were answered. I was left wondering if this was because she didn't appear to be a councillor.
I also thought I was attending a public meeting but it appeared to be that the vast majority of people who were handed the microphone were councillors. I am very glad they were there but surely this was a place for the general public to have the chance to speak and to ask some questions supported by councillors?
Many people left that meeting about halfway through as they felt their voice was not being heard by the council. I found the whole experience depressing and frustrating. The gentlemen from the council set out their stall as a "you & us" situation and they seem to of forgotten that actually we are all supposed to be on the same side! We are able to understand directives from Downing Street and we should be questioning decisions that are projected onto our lives. Surely this is democracy? That meeting felt like the council had attended just to tick the box and that what they were suggesting should just be signed off. I am truly appalled.