Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 57684
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Hema Kumarasinghe
* object very strongly to the consideration of Planning Applications at this stage for building on an Area of Restraint that has not been authorised for development;
* cannot grant permission to build on an area which is still an AOR, and are still in the consultation period - nothing has been agreed;
* it is issues like this that make the local residents feel even more strongly that they cannot trust WDC on the issue of the NLP
I'm a resident who lives in Saumur way (off Myton Road) closer to the two farms. We are very concerned on this local plan about building over 800 houses near our street. We moved to Warwick from London over 20 years ago. The reason we loved living in Warwick is pollution rate were very low when we first moved to the area. Within last few years we have felt level of pollution has been increased to unacceptable level. I have been suffering with hay fever for the last few years. Since then every year I suffered very badly. I assume this must be due to increase in car exhaust fumes.
Having attended the meetings regarding the local plan, we strongly object to the proposed site for building 3000+ houses on the farm and the agricultural land between Myton Rd and Europa Way on the following grounds:-
1) Air Quality - due to the constant backlog of stationary and slow moving vehicles on the Myton Rd/Europa Way at most of the time of the day ie school/office hours. Adding thousands of extra vehicles will make the air quality very poor and simultaneously roads will become dangerous.
2)Flood Risk - There had been flooding on Saumur way closer to cycle track and off Aragon drive. Also evidence has been presented to WDC of flooding and standing water in the area of The Malins and Myton Crescent since the development of the Brittain Lane estate on the former Dormer Hall site on the Myton Road. The whole area will be of great risk of flooding if the top soil is removed from the fields/farms. This will give rise enormous burden to the residents around the area.
3) Infrastructure - there is no capacity to widen, extend or improve the over used Myton Road, you are proposing access
to part of this 'garden suburb' via Saumur Way which is a tiny residential road which cannot cope with more traffic - not to
mention adding to our already poor air quality as more cars will queue back from the Myton Road causing more pollution for residents
of Saumur Way.
4)Fairness and quality of life - it is extremely unfair to dump a huge amount of housing on our small area as
we feel it is just viewed as an 'easy' or 'soft' option, showing no consideration or care for the quality of life of residents of Myton.
With regards to quality of life - we will no longer be able to sit outside of a quiet summer's day as you are proposing 15
years of construction at the end of our close, we know from experience - we have had to put up with the construction all of one
summer with Lidl (a big mistake as we told you at the time) then we had constant loud construction noise and road issues with the Brittain
Lane site; just when we thought we might get some peace we had 10 months of misery and upheaval with Morrisons/Aldi and all the surrounding
road chaos.
The amount of houses planning to built in this small area rich land is seriously unfair, and the quality of life people enjoy at present will be diminished.
Further more the land west of Europa way which has always been under careful stewardship of Oken and Henry VIII Trusts and remained until now,
so I wonder why WDC is trying to put a stop to this.
Where is the quality of life for the people of Myton? it seems the planning department of WDC is hell bent on over building and
ruining this entire area.
There is a plan being put forward as you are aware with an alternative proposal spreading the building around the area more evenly
and more fairly to existing residents, this proposal should be considered immediately.
The number of houses 'needed' are not the same as the number of houses 'proposed' and the number of houses you are proposing
should be downgraded significantly; after all, have you taken into consideration the fact that families like ours will consider moving
OUT of the area if you continue to decimate it in this way?
Everyone accepts growth is necessary, but the way WDC is going about this is alienating WDC from the people is it here to present, trust
is very low and the people of Myton feel the WDC is choosing our district yet again as a soft option.
We also object very strongly to the consideration of Planning Applications at this stage for building on an Area of Restraint that has
not been authorised for building on - you cannot grant permission to build on an area which is still an AOR, we are still in the consultation
period at this stage, nothing has been agreed - it is issues like this that make the local residents feel even more strongly that they
cannot trust WDC on the issue of the NLP.
We therefore again call on WDC to reject the New Local Plan in its current form, and for WDC to considered the options presented
to it for smaller housing numbers to be spread evenly and fairly across the whole area.
ps. WDC stands for Warwick District Council, but if this plan goes ahead it might be read as Warwick Destruction Council !!!