Testun llawn:
I would like to register an objection to the new local plan regarding the impact on Bishops Tachbook...
I would like to register an objection to the new local plan regarding the impact on Bishops Tachbook in particular.
The overall numbers seem unreasonable and the research we have read suggests that less than half the 12,300 homes are needed. In addition the concentration around the southern area of Warwick Gates and Gallows Hill will cause log jams on routes that are already at standstill at peak times. It can already take us 45 minutes to get to Warwick 4 miles away at rush hour. There is not the infrastructure in place to cope with this. The extra traffic will end up diverting through Oakley Wood Road which can be dangerous with only 1 crossing area in the whole village outside the leopard. With 3 young children this is a major concern.
The traffic management plans will not resolve the current problems around Tachbrook Park and Warwick Gates and Europa Way let alone accommodate significant increased residential and commercial traffic in these areas.
There are major cities with room for development around Coventry and Kenilworth where their will also be access to the HS2 rail line. Development should be concentrated in these areas where there is transport links to cope with the growth.
In addition the Chiltern Railways line is also crowded on peak trains, often standing room only to London, further developing this historic area will cause disruption, pollution and damage to the district.
The green belt seems to be used to disproportionately force development around a small area of the district however Bishops Tachbrook dates back to the Bronze Age and should be protected and preserved as much as any green belt village.
[dangos mwy]