Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 60966
Derbyniwyd: 16/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Andy Hocking
-Local infrastructure is already burdened, with traffic saturation points between 7.30-9.30am and 3.30-6pm and local health services and schools at their capacity.
-The village shop at Hatton Park has incorrectly been classified as a supermarket.
-Detrimental effects to wildlife at Smiths' Culvert.
-Greenbelt land should not be encroached upon.
-Access points and traffic congestion would create highway safety problems.
-The speed limit of the Birmingham Road (40mph) would need to be reduced to 30mph, otherwise there would be concerns for pedestrian safety.
-The development will add to the problem of surface water drainage on the Birmingham Road
Response Re: New Local Plan Pages 46 - 47 WDC (Warwick District Council) Brochure (Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries Consultation)
Settlement Response: Hatton Park
Nature of Representation: Object
Reasons for objection:
* There is already an enormous burden on the local infrastructure within and around Hatton Park, with traffic saturation points between the hours of: 7.30am to 9.30am and again at 3.30pm to 6pm.
* Warwick Hospital is at its operational capacity presently, additional homes would obviously increase the burden. Likewise with the Doctors' Surgery at Budbrooke.
* Schools: Ferncumbe and Budbrooke are at capacity also, even with further re-development of these, they will be still over-subscribed within a few years.
* The proposed development has indicated access points firstly: off Ebrington Drive and another off the Birmingham Road. Both having their own inherent risks and danger to safety: - Ebrington Drive is just over 100 meters long - extra traffic flow of some 100+ vehicles daily would cause major road safety concerns along this stretch. Access off the Birmingham Road, near the Shell Garage again would give many highway safety issues, as this area is a already a specific traffic pinch point. Additional traffic accessing a proposed site, traffic entering and exiting the Shell Garage, and vehicles turning in an out of the junction by the Garage (Ugly Bridge Road) would increase the likelihood of further collisions in an already high risk area.
* Further to the above point - A crossing would be essential near the entrance of the proposed site on the Birmingham Road, as many people would consider the Shell Garage to be their local convenience store - with pedestrians attempting to cross the road at its most dangerous point.
* The Birmingham Road is classified as an A road with a speed limit of 40mph. The speed limit would ideally need to be reduced to 30mph along this stretch of the road. I am not aware of any other A roads with a limit of 30mph - this would give further concerns to pedestrian safety if the limit were to remain at 40mph. Even if the speed limit were to be reduced to 30mph, how would it be enforced would be a further concern, as the current speed limit of 40mph through this section I believe is not adhered to by many vehicles.
* There have been concerns regarding surface drainage (rain water) on the Birmingham Road over the past few years, with flooding apparent. I am aware of the remedial action taken by WDC to rectify this. The development of new homes will surely add to the problem experienced with surface water drainage, as the proposed development would allow more rain water to be channelled onto the road with obvious road safety concerns.
* I believe that the village shop at Hatton Park has been incorrectly classified as a supermarket - I would like WDC to reconsider the classification of this? As it is incorrect, and to alter the scoring of the proposed development site accordingly.
* There would also be a detrimental effect to the wildlife within Smiths' Culvert (next to the proposed development site) if the proposed scheme were to be granted.
* Greenbelt land should not be encroached upon within Warwickshire - brown field sites should be the top priority for WDC and Central Government to re-develop within the area.
If you would like to discuss any of the points raised in further detail I would be happy to speak to you on my mobile number listed above