Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 61333
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Joanne Rose
Therefore to me it seems that the use and definition of Kingswood has merely been designed with the aim to move proposed developments into an area which is deemed by both Lapworth and Rowington councils as being the least controversial of locations from a political standpoint, and to which the least objections from local residents will be raised. It feels very much like a scape-goating exercise. Furthermore I have received no information from either Lapworth or Rowington council about this proposed re-definition and the fact that these preferred sites now fall within Rowington rather than Lapworth.
I am writing in response to the above local plan, and in particular that relating to Kingswood and the preferred sites 1, 2 and 6.
Firstly, I wish to raise objections regarding the lack of information or consultation provided to me from either Warwick DC, Lapworth or Rowington Parish Councils regarding these proposed changes to the boundary. As I understand it, previous proposals made reference to Lapworth and Rowington as separate village sites, with Rowington council more recently stating that no developments were envisaged due to it being classed in the small village/hamlet category. However these new proposals now refer to Kingswood which is essentially Lapworth with the inclusion of a small number of Rowington properties, conveniently, within which 3 of the preferred sites are now being proposed. Therefore to me it seems that the use and definition of Kingswood has merely been designed with the aim to move proposed developments into an area which is deemed by both Lapworth and Rowington councils as being the least controversial of locations from a political standpoint, and to which the least objections from local residents will be raised. It feels very much like a scape-goating exercise. Furthermore I have received no information from either Lapworth or Rowington council about this proposed re-definition and the fact that these preferred sites now fall within Rowington rather than Lapworth. If it were not for information provided to me from my neighbours, I would be none the wiser about any of the above how can it therefore be called a consultation when I am likely to be one of the most affected by the proposals?!
I would also like to object to the preferred sites 1, 2 and 6. The Old Warwick Road is already a busy main road and the proposed access to these preferred sites would be on a bend, at the foot of the hill, close to a blind canal bridge and next to a busy garage and other shops. I have witnessed many near misses just outside my property with vehicles speeding over the canal bridge. I have two young children and the thought of increased traffic and more ridiculously the proposed crossroad which would result from these developments alarms me. There are also already issues with parking on the roads and pavements and these developments would only exacerbate this.
The risk of flooding has also been identified by the environment agency as 'high risk' at these locations. I have only lived in my property for just over 4 years but within that time I have witnessed flooding of local houses and roads. Any proposed developments can again only exacerbate this risk and as a local resident to the proposed developments, I am alarmed that significant investigation has not been carried out in relation to the flood risks.
I am also concerned that local amenities will not be able to accommodate the proposed increase to the population. I am a member of the local pre-school committee and have a child at the primary school and another at the pre-school and am aware of the current intake and the spaces available. I am not aware that the pre-school have been consulted in any way about the proposed increases and whether they could facilitate an increase to the population. I can advise you that already for this year the pre-school group is up to maximum capacity.
Emergency services should also be consulted with. My husband is a paramedic for West Midlands Ambulance Service and I have also unfortunately had to call out an ambulance in the past for my son, so I know already the difficulties with response times to this area. Increased traffic can only adversely affect this.
From a personal view I am also very concerned about how the proposed developments will affect the character of the surrounding area and indeed the value of my property as a result.
I am already upset about how the land behind me was cleared without any respect for local neighbours and wildlife. Hearing about these proposed preferred sites and the lack of consultation or communication to me from any council as one of the most affected has only alienated me further. I wish these objections to be raised and I hope that as a result proper investigation, consultation and communication around any proposed developments will begin.