
Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64260

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: mr kevin rogers

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* Access onto Europa Way would be dangerous
* BT would have to serve the community but capacity at school is questionable
* Doctors surgery is aleady under pressure
* No bus route into Bishops Tachbrook Warwick or Leamington
* GT15 is opposite busy trunk feeder
* BT school and Surgery are already under pressure.
* Minimal visual impact
* Not suitable. Floods regularly
* Access onto and off v fast road
* Heavily wooded - no facilities
* Steep sloping ground
* Road access would need improving
* Second preferred site over GTalt01
* Minimal visual impact - well screened
* Access would appear to cause problems
* No compulsory purchase required
* Busy road
* Only small site and therefore more sites needed (no doubt in Tachbrook)
* No pavements
* On motorway feeder
* Not on bus route
* On busy road accompanying road noise and pollution and access issues
* Concerns over flooding and water contamination
* Small manageable site
* Closer to urban area for employment services education and health
* Would require clearing woodland
* After Brookside Willows, the most suitable site
* Screen from road
* Close to Leamington for doctors etc
* Land owned by Council
* Busy road access already an accident hazard site.
* Trees would have to be felled increasing flooding

* No pavements on Europa Way or access to public transport on foot hence the nearest facilities are not accessible.
* Very busy main road access
* Land floods
* No pavements/ public transport
* Obviously some trees will have to be felled therefore not so well screened
* Well screened. Minimal visual impact
* Busy road
* No site set up.
* Road access and fast main Europa Way would need traffic calming measures
* Already owned by the council
* Already owned by the council
* Reasonable screening and access
* Low visual impact
* Already owned by Council

Testun llawn:

GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road (WDC Alternative Site)

* Close to M40 and A452 with accompanying noise pollution and access issues.
* Already difficulty to exit village on A52
* Flooding issues on Mallory Road
* Proximity to Village Incompatible with wanting to live apart from settled community.
* Small village facilities-part time surgery, single form entry primary school
* Visual impact on area
* Can school facilitate the children and any special needs alongside the new housing development
* Field floods
* Noise generated from site
* Main road into village already dangerous
* In 1992 all BT residents were compensated for noise pollution due to siting of M40. GT05 is closer to M40 than BT village. By the precedent set for compensation this makes the site unsuitable for Caravans due to noise. A452 is a main arterial route to M40(s) and to Gaydon Site from Leamington /Warwick making this an extremely busy road especially during morning and evening rush hour.
* Totally unsuitable. Good agricultural land. Will have developmental impact on the approach to the village.
* Exit onto the lane and or main road will be dangerous. Too close proximity to houses.
* Photographic evidence supplied of flooding
* Too much of a vast open space
* Compulsory purchase is unfair in order for the G&T community to operate the site as a business.
* Busy main road surrounding the site.
* No mains set up
* No footpath to school/ docs etc.
* Not suitable for business use.
* Busy junction
* School and Local GP surgery already oversubscribed
* Visual Impact
* Objection - Dangerous Junction
* Not a great entrance to the village
* Only 10 minute walk from Oakley Wood (via wide verge) and opposite guide dogs breeding centre, so not a good idea
* Accident blackspot
* Water logged running across the road
* Visual impact on entering village.
* Compulsory purchase would be required
* Cost to taxpayer
* Objection - subject to flooding
* Objections - adjacent to very busy Banbury road
* Adjacent to a very bad junction - many previous accidents

* North west corner subject to flooding
* Not a level site
* Very bad impact in visual amenity when travelling south on the Banbury road
* Objection - Hill Farm - Loss of visual impact on open county landscape
* Objection - site not suitable for business use.
* Objection - very close to extremely busy road and dangerous junction
* Most unsuitable site - Busy road junction
* Unpleasant vista entering the village
* Too close to village if site used as a business use site, noise would be a problem
* Doctors surgery only part time
* Can only be obtained by compulsory purchase
* Objection - risk of flooding
* Road access onto 2 busy roads which are already and accident blackspot
* Impact on environment-visual impact etc.
* A452 is a death trap. Pulling out of turning onto. There have been many fatalities at that junction and near it
* Dangerous turning into Village
* Visually damaging to our beautiful village
* Road to busy (Banbury Road)
* No footpaths, no bus route
* Reputation damage to our primary school
* As drivers drive towards the motorway on the A452 towards going onto junction 13, they increase their speed before going onto the slip road
* The access from the farmers drive there is a blind spot at the brow of the hill so very dangerous for pulling out of and turning into
* Visual impact for village would be horrendous
* Strongly object - makes an already junction more dangerous
* Adverse visual impact
* Not suitable for business use
* Prone to flooding
* Local school already over-subscribed and not footpath to village
* Compulsory purchase necessary
* Disturbance to guide dog breeding centre Oakley wood road and crematorium
* Land owner very reluctant to sell land - compulsory purchase would be a protracted process
* Strongly object because of impact on village approach
* Size out of proportion with village area
* Very dangerous road junction
* Impact on BT facilities - school surgery shop
* Flooding frequently
* Disastrous effect on rural landscape
* Need to compulsorily purchase Tachbrook (Hill Farm)
* Accidents and fatalities at this junction
* Too close to very busy roads
* accident prone junction

* site susceptible to flooding
* compulsory purchase required
* adverse visual impact on open countryside
* high negative impact on immediate area -oakley wood is protected
* concerned about impact on Guide Dog Breeding centre chose for is safe location for breeding and quietness
* compulsory purchase would be required
* flooding from field running through gardens onto the road
* flooding field and running across the road
* objection - visual impact on entering the village
* should be left for farming
* already hazardous junction - accident waiting to happen
* eyesore for the village entrance
* liable for flooding
* accident blackspot
* local school is cannot accept more children especially with special needs
* Oppose - impact on countryside
* Mallory road like a racetrack now -more would be out of order
* Business use would destroy visual amenity
* Site not suitable for business use
* Does not have any connection to services to provide sustainability (sewage/ water etc)

GT06 Land at Park Farm, Spinney Farm (WDC Alternative Site)
* Would harm the rural buffer zone and destroy the visual amenity on the approach to Warwick
* Severely restricts access for the owner of park farm to his remaining land
* Proximity to major roads A452 and A425 with accompanying road noise pollution and access issues
* Visual impact on entrance to historic Warwick
* Already been used for construction company for road alterations
* ?compulsory purchase expensive
* Visual impact on countryside
* Compulsory purchase necessary and would be resisted (probably)
* Adverse effect on viability of the farm business
* Adverse visual impact on the countryside
* Owner not willing to sell - expense of compulsory purchase
* Objections - access to busy road
* A good alternative - better than village
* Which school would the children attend? BT would it cope alongside new housing development
* Is this site set for facilities needed by Gypsies and Travellers
* Adjacent to very bust roads
* With Barwood application for the Asps, includes schools etc, surely this site (and Brookside) would have less impact on village and amenities.
* As an alternative, better than GT05
* Easy access to Leamington
* Road access onto A425
* Close to other proposed site GT01
* Access to schools in Warwick Leamington
* My second preference but access onto busy road
* Impact on rural landscape and approach to Warwick Castle tourist attraction
* Compulsory purchase required
* No Bus route
* No access to facilities
* Park Farm ought to be "preferred" and Europa way, "alternative" (x2)

GT15 Land to east of Europa Way (WDC Preferred Site)
* Access onto Europa Way would be dangerous
* BT would have to serve the community but capacity at school is questionable
* Doctors surgery is aleady under pressure
* No bus route into Bishops Tachbrook Warwick or Leamington
* GT15 is opposite busy trunk feeder
* BT school and Surgery are already under pressure.
* Minimal visual impact
* Not suitable. Floods regularly
* Access onto and off v fast road
* Heavily wooded - no facilities
* Steep sloping ground
* Road access would need improving
* Second preferred site over GTalt01
* Minimal visual impact - well screened
* Access would appear to cause problems
* No compulsory purchase required
* Busy road
* Only small site and therefore more sites needed (no doubt in Tachbrook)
* No pavements
* On motorway feeder
* Not on bus route
* On busy road accompanying road noise and pollution and access issues
* Concerns over flooding and water contamination
* Small manageable site
* Closer to urban area for employment services education and health
* Would require clearing woodland
* After Brookside Willows, the most suitable site
* Screen from road
* Close to Leamington for doctors etc
* Land owned by Council
* Busy road access already an accident hazard site.
* Trees would have to be felled increasing flooding

* No pavements on Europa Way or access to public transport on foot hence the nearest facilities are not accessible.
* Very busy main road access
* Land floods
* No pavements/ public transport
* Obviously some trees will have to be felled therefore not so well screened
* Well screened. Minimal visual impact
* Busy road
* No site set up.
* The crazy option!! Road access and fast main Europa Way would need traffic calming measures
* Already owned by the council
* Already owned by the council
* Reasonable screening and access
* Low visual impact
* Already owned by Council

GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road (WDC Preferred Site)
* Ideal location well screened
* Site already part prepared
* Good road access
* Needs a safe pedestrian footpath into Warwick
* No immediate neighbours
* Infrastructure already in place
* Well away from main road
* Screened
* Preferred site
* Good access to site already there
* Easy access to Warwick Town by Public transport/ on foot
* Less traffic that other main roads locally
* Reused ground - no flooding
* Good site
* Planning for Caravan Site anyway: minimal difference
* Facilities already in existence
* Road access, screening etc. in place
* No compulsory purchase necessary
* Minimum development needed for occupation
* Already partially developed
* Able to be well screened to minimise visual impact
* Preferred - ( least worst)
* Set back off road
* Cars have to slow because of T/ light approach - safer option
* Planning permission approved for a caravan park
* More suitable that some of the alternatives
* Well set back from the road
* Was originally well screened - trees can be replanted.
* Problem entering Warwick over bridge
* Very Close to Warwick parkland - will there be plans put in use regarding access from this site to the park?
* When this site was being used for Landfill, vehicles turning right into it presented considerable danger to other vehicles travelling towards Warwick. Road is even busier now of course. The reality is that drivers do not take care as the go around the bend in the road and being on down slope braking distances are increased.
* Concerns over proximity to water what is the direction of flow?
* Need to overcome contamination issues
* Visual impact entering historic Warwick
* Already designated as a site for caravans
* Well screened from road with trees
* Meets 1/2 the number of pitches required
* Preferred site: already on main road
* Set away from people already homed
* No major impact on surrounding area
* This makes sense: far away from main road not to be seen and already Planned as a caravan park.
* Preferred site as long a screening is maintained
* Basic work already completed
* Reasonable road access
* Access to Warwick Castle Park would need to be controlled
* This is the least worst options
* Access and facilities already there.
* Preferred option:-site partially developed. Has independent access. No major impact on surroundings
* Already partly developed
* Discreet
* Will not devalue the surrounding area
* Well screen
* Has specific road access
* Already partially developed
* Preferable However!! If site on Harbury Lane is passed, then there will be 2 sites affecting/ impacting Warwick Gates
* Preferred: Facilities already in place. Road access is in place and screening
* Most suitable site
* Best access ( and safest)
* Quiet location and screen from road.
* Good access and screening
* Already partly developed
* Established infrastructure screened and well shielded and safe
* No 1` preferred
* Preferred site. Infrastructure already exists
* Good road junction