Testun llawn:
lt has come to the attention of Leamington Football' Club that Warwick District Council are consider...
lt has come to the attention of Leamington Football' Club that Warwick District Council are considering a proposal to situate a Gypsy and Traveller site on our land at the New Windmill Ground, Harbury Lane, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington, CV33 90B. We wish to place on record our formal objection to such a proposal.
Leamington Football Club is a volunteer led body that operate at the very heart of the community delivering considerable benefrts to that community in terms of health, fitness, education, personal development and sporting opportunity.
The current six acre site was purchased in 1994 and has been developed into a 3000 capacity stadium with cfubhouse, parking and associated facilities. The vast majority of the funding plus development of facilities has been delivered by volunteers and local businesses. The loss of such facilities would have a significant impact upon the community and would lead to the demise of a football club that has gained six promotions in the past fourteen years and which currently operates at the sixth tier of professional/non-league football This would reflect poorly upon Leamington and Warwick. District in general.
Listed below is an outline' of current activity within the club and community:
* We run 15 boys/youth and development teams via our affiliate clubs Leamington
Brakes FC and Leamington FC Development Squads thus provid 'sport and
health benefits to boys of all ages and backgrounds. We also provide coaching for
boys aged 5-7 years concentrating on skills and enjoyment. A total of approximately 260 members..
* We run 3 girls/ladies teams via our other affiliate Club Leamington Lions/Girls FC, which cater for girls from the age of eight through to adult ladies teams - again providing sports and health benefits to potentially any female in the locality. We also provide coaching for gir1s aged 6-8 years -concentrating on skills and enjoyment. A total of approximately 65 members.
* We run an Adult men's team plus a Veterans men's team (40 members).
* We run coaching initiatives for children of both sexes at our facility during- school holidays and a further coaching initiative, via the Football Association 'Mars Just Play' scheme, for adults of all ages and backgrounds.
* We give free match entry to Leamington FC games for all 325 junior members of our affiliated clubs plus a number of volunteer coaches and administrators.
* We give free entry to all children aged Under 12 from within the community.
* We provide free use of our facilities for all our affiliated clubs for meetings and events and host a number of charitable events each year free of charge as well as holding a number of bucket collections annually for charitable institutions.
* We also promote and participate on our Site, health and wellbeing initiatives. Recent initiatives have included blood pressure testing and 'Stop Smoking Campaign' and Sexual Health Awareness plus heart screening and testicular cancer screening, as well as fundraising for Kidney Research UK
The club since it's re-birth back in the year 2000, has brought considerable publicity to both the town of Leamington Spa and the area as-a whole. and presently has an average attendance of 625 with some gates in excess of 1000 fans. Our FA Cup run (to the first round proper) a few years ago being a key example of the prestige the Club has brought to the town. We are also aware of many of our friends from visiting teams making the most of their visit by spending time in the area and thus the loss of the club would impact upon the
trade of local businesses.
In relation to specific proposal pertaining to Gypsy and Traveller Sites this is our position at the current time.
[dangos mwy]