Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64445
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Ms Susie Edmonds
Site would have an adverse impact in the character of the area.
Does not comply with planning policy (local and national) whereby sites should provide satisfactory access to nearby services and quality of life: 5-10 walk on a pavement. It's not possible to construct a pavement and a walk would be 40-45 to nearest services even if it were possible. This will increase the number of car journeys in the area.
Site's location will not enable integration with local community.
Scale of proposed development (32-64 individuals) is grossly disproportionate to the local community and therefore contradictory to the NPPF & PPFTS guidelines and recommendations.
There is a limited bus service along Harbury lane and there are no bus pull ins, creating a significant risk to drivers and pedestrians.
Lack of availability of good infrastructure including roads, pavement, street lighting, broadband, cell phone reception is contrary to NPPF and PPFTS guidelines and recommendations.
Area is prone to flooding making drainage of the site impossible.
Site is located on Harbury Lane and close to junction with the Fosse Way which is a high risk travel route with high volumes of traffic and accidents.
The detailed aroma maps for the chicken farm at Barnwell farm (200m from the site), clearly show the site is within the zone of the densest aerial discharges.
Site is an area of good quality farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming.
It will not integrate into the landscape and would spoil the views from Chesterton Windmill, a 17th-century Grade I listed building.
Site will damage wildlife habitat as permanent residential presence is likely to scare away local population of birds of prey and Muntjac deer.
Preferred Site GT04 for Gypsies and Travellers (G&T)
We wish to object to the Gypsy and Traveller preferred site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way.
My reasons are as follows;
1. The National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) (NPPF) requires that the assessment of site suitability should be consistent with other planning requests. WDC will recall that I attempted to obtain planning permission for a further extension to our property. This was rejected because it would have an "adverse impact on the character of the area". How can WDC now say that the construction of a site for 10 -20 caravans would not similarly have an adverse impact in the character of the area. This would be entirely inconsistent and therefore against NPPF and would be discrimination against me.
2. GT04 does not comply with the planning criteria laid out in the NPPF nor PPFTS nor indeed the criteria laid out WDC's own consultation documents for Gypsy & Traveller sites. In no way does GT04 comply with planning policy whereby sites should provide satisfactory access to nearby services and quality of life. Specifically:-
- Accessibility to shops and local services: GT04 does not meet the NPPF guidelines nor those of Dept. or Communities and Local Government (CLG) Planning Policy for Travellers sites (PPFTS) (March 2012) recommended 5-10mins walk on a pavement. There is no pavement on Harbury Lane and the width of the road and proximity of hedgerows would prevent the construction of one. The cost of building a pavement would be very high. But even if a pavement were in place, it would still be a 40-45 minute walk to the nearest shop and local services
- the published Planning policy for Gypsy & Traveller sites requires that schools / GP surgeries are a 5-10 minute walk away. Those closest to GT04 are at least a 45 minute walk away along unlit roads with no pavement. The nearest GP surgery is three miles away and that surgery is at capacity. Also not only are the nearest primary, junior and senior school 40 + minutes away on foot but they are all already at capacity.
-Proximity to local community: GT04 does not meet the NPPF or PPFTS guidelines recommendation for sites to be on at least the edge of a community to encourage integration. Indeed GT04 is of all the current 5 preferred sites furthest from any community and services
- The NPPF and PPFTS make it very clear that the size of sites should not be disproportionate to the local community. However WDC propose to Establishing 5-10 pitches at GT04 which using the GTAA figures of 1.6 caravans per pitch and four individuals per caravan would give a population of between 32 and 64 individuals in area where the local community consists of 8 residential properties, with 16 adults and 4 children. The scale of the proposed GT04 development is therefore clearly and grossly disproportionate to the local community and this is therefore contradictory to the NPPF & PPFTS guidelines and recommendations.
- GT04 does not meet the NPPF or PPFTS guidelines and recommendations for access to good local transport. There is a limited bus service along Harbury lane and there are no bus pull ins or indeed anywhere for people to stand whilst waiting for a bus. Both potential passengers and car drivers would be placed at significant risk.
- It follows from the above that GT04 does meet the NPPF and PPFTS guidelines and recommendations for availability of good infrastructure. This includes roads, pavement, street lighting, broadband, cell phone reception. Harbury lane is a narrow and already very busy and dangerous road. It has no pavement. There is no street lighting along it between the boundary with Whitnash and Harbury Village. The infrastructure at GT04 is poor and would require considerable investment to rectify.
3. Other planning issues:
The area is prone to flooding with Harbury Lane and surrounding fields are often under water. GT04 would be unable to use soak away or runoff based drainage systems since the soil is clay based (there is solid clay less than 300mm from the surface) and will therefore require connection to mains sewerage which does not exist in Harbury Lane. Simply it would not be possible to provide satisfactory drainage for 60 individuals.
-GT04 is located on Harbury Lane and close to the cross road with the Fosse Way which is a high risk travel route with high volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents. Speed cameras and warning signs highlight this fact. Children will be at risk if allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school if indeed such transport exists
- when WDC granted planning permission for the chicken farm at Barnwell farm (200m from GT04), the applicants documents contained detailed aroma maps. These clearly show that GT04 is within the zone of the densest aerial discharges from the Barnwell Chicken farm. Not only is the odour extremely unpleasant but the proximity to GT04 raises serious environmental and health concerns for its potential residents. We understand that this was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected.
- another environmental issue is that GT04 is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution and which would make GT04 an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.
- GT04 is an area of good quality farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming.
- GT04 will lack of Integration into the landscape and would spoil the views from Chesterton Windmill, a 17th-century Grade I listed building and a striking landmark in South-East Warwickshire and will have an adverse visual impact from Harbury and The Fosse Way (Roman Road).
- the development of GT04 would mean that that private vehicles would have to be used to access shops and local services thus adding to traffic on an already busy and dangerous road but also causing unnecessary environmental damage.
- The site will damage wildlife habitat -in recent years we have had a strong growth in the population of birds of prey (kestrels, Buzzards and owls) and also Muntjac deer. A permanent residential presence is sure to scare these animals away.
4. Alternative Sites
I believe there are more suitable sites that have not been raised by WDC.
These areas of Land are as follows;
a. Land off Poiseden way and Spartan close. Travellers regularly use this area.
b. Land off Dobson Lane Whitnash. Located at the back of the cemetery and Whitnash school.
Both the sites are walking distance from schools and other essential local amenities.