Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64472
Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Geoff & Julie Allen
Nifer y bobl: 2
Nearest surgery and local school were already oversubscribed.
Lack of footpath and bus stop facilities to the schools, surgery etc.
There is standing water and poor drainage in this area when heavy rain. Development will make this worse.
Busy roads so no safe access to the road network.
Will result in additional noise and disturbance.
No access to main drainage. Additional power supply required. This will be costly.
Will impact on the historical and natural aspects of the site.
The site will be clearly visible from all viewpoints. Screening would be very expensive.
The site would totally overwhelm the small existing community.
Local infrastructure and services already oversubscribed.
The current site owners/dwellers denied planning permission for business use of the land. Granting travellers the right to set up a business is not right or proper. This could include contamination and industrial uses.
Quiet area of countryside would be destroyed
Area already listed for special nature conservation and historical interest
Development will damage the local wildlife.
Local farmers are improving their processes.
Site is very close to isolated property
Not available as existing owner will fight Compulsory Purchase so not deliverable within timescales required.
1 Convenient access to a GP surgery, school, and public transport
In my initial objection I pointed out that the nearest surgery and local school were already oversubscribed. As the plan is to build many hundreds of extra houses in the nearest village ( Radford Semele) the situation will only being made worse by the use of this site for travellers.
The lack of footpath and bus stop facilities to the schools, surgery etc. has not changed i.e. none existing
2 Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
Standing water and poor drainage in this area when heavy rain.
3 Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site
Busy roads (look at the councils own surveys for traffic issues) means no safe access to the road network.
4 Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and other disturbance
The addition of the site can only mean additional noise and disturbance.
5 Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities, waste disposal, etc.)
No access to main drainage, much expense to provide any utilities. Also more power supply to area.
6 Avoiding areas where there could be adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic environment
No change to the issues of impact on the historical and natural aspects of the site.
7 Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area. Site development will accord with national guidance on site design and facility provision
The site will is in a valley and will be clearly visible from all points of the compass.
8 Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community
The site would totally overwhelm the small existing community.
9 Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services
Local infrastructure and services already oversubscribed use of this site can only add to the pressure.
10 Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work-from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability
The current site owners/dwellers have been denied planning permission to make business use of the land. I cannot see that granting travellers the right to set up a business is right or proper
6.2 In addition, some of these factors have to be looked at in greater detail to ensure that all environmental factors are taken into account when reducing the list of sites to a 'Preferred Option' for further consultation, in particular, Criteria 6 which has a number of elements to consider. The assessment of sites has therefore been undertaken using the following 19 headings:
1 Landscape character
Presently a quiet area of countryside with few dwellings basically farmland would be destroyed by the creation of a travellers site
2 Nature conservation designation
An area already listed as special interest
3 Historical designation
Already listed as special interest
4 Infrastructure requirements
Much expenditure needed to make the site usable for drainage, power and access
5 Ecology
Damage to the local wildlife must occur if the site goes ahead.
6 Flooding
Poor drainage exists. The use of the land for a traveller's site can only make this worse
7 Contamination and other constraints
What use of the land are the travellers allowed to make? If it's for typical traveller occupation e.g. scrap metal working etc. then there is a contamination issue and introduces industry into a rural environment.
8 Agricultural land quality
The use of the land is changing as the local farmers are improving their processes.
9 How visible and open in character is the site?
The location cannot be hidden it sits in a valley visible from all points of the compass.
10 Can the site be visually screened adequately?
Possible with great expenditure.
11 Is the site close to other residential property?
Very close to isolated property
12 How far away is the primary road network?
Very near, high impact
13 Distance to GP surgeries, schools, dentists, hospitals, shops, community facilities?
Within three miles of overcrowded facilities
14 Is the potential site on previously developed land?
15 Access issues
Very busy roads. (See council's road surveys) which paint a poor picture for the use of this site
16 Level site
17 Suitable size
18 Availability
Not available existing owner will fight Compulsory Purchase
19 Deliverability
Not within timescales required