Testun llawn:
RE: Preferred Site GT04 for Gypsies and Travellers (G&T)
I wish to object to the Gypsy and Tr...
RE: Preferred Site GT04 for Gypsies and Travellers (G&T)
I wish to object to the Gypsy and Traveller preferred site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way. My concerns are as follows:
There is clear evidence via Hansard that MP's now want a fair planning policy that should result in the abolition of the G&T planning requirement however there has been little (and passive) publicity of the Consultation process and key milestones. Had it not been for the local Community group I would not have known about it - it feels and looks like this is a deliberate underhanded approach.
As further evidence this is underhanded, WDC utilised the findings in the Salford GTAA report in order to establish need, however I am unable to find any evidence of WDC's due diligence in validating the accuracy of the report and /or the relevance of the established need. Neither does the WDC consultation consider as required the existing capacity of current sites within Warwickshire county and adjacent districts.
The GTAA ignores the impact of the planned Transit site near Southam, which has been agreed since completion of the GTAA.
- According to the Government's planning policy framework, adjacent DCs are required to collaborate, and yet Warwick DC and Stratford DC are very much out of phase with their consultations so logically they cannot collaborate. Further there is no evidence that WDC has collaborated or discussed with Stratford DC other than a reported 10 minute long but un-minuted meeting with Rugby DC.
My comments specific to Site GT04:
- The site does not meet the fundamental planning criteria laid out in the NPPF, guidance from Department of Communities and Local Government and WDC's own consultation documents for Gypsy & Traveller sites. GT04 does not comply with planning policy whereby sites should provide access to nearby services and quality of life. Specifically:-
There is no evidence in WDC's consultation report that as required by NPFF and CLG , that WDC have weighed up the cost to council of Compulsory purchase vs development of under-utilised brownfield sites including those that the council already own.
GT04 does not comply with planning policy whereby sites should provide access to nearby services and quality of life. This would include:-
1. Accessibility to shops and local services: GT04 does not meet national planning framework guidelines recommended 5-10mins walk on a pavement.
2. GT04 does not meet the national planning framework guidelines recommendation for sites to be on community periphery to encourage integration.
3. Establishing 5-10 pitches at GT04 would be disproportionate to the local community (8 residential properties, with 16 adults and 4 children). This is contradictory to national planning framework guidelines recommendations.
4. GT04 is located on Harbury Lane and Fosse Way cross roads that is a high risk travel route with high volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents. Speed cameras and warning signs highlight this fact. Children will be at risk if allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school if indeed such transport exists.
5. According to aroma maps GT04 is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. This raises serious environmental and health concerns, and was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected. Simply -Barnwell chicken farm can and does smell awful and GT04 would not be a good place to live.
6. GT04 is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution and which would make GT04 an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.
In summary, the planned site at GT04 is, in my opinion being pushed through to meet an unsubstantiated objective without due regard to following process, adhering to national guidelines or actual local need. This is utterly wrong.
[dangos mwy]