Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick
ID sylw: 67335
Derbyniwyd: 19/08/2014
Ymatebydd: Suzanne Clucas
Why has the site been shortlisted when it didn't appear on the original list?
Impact on tourism with this as the first view
Will affect the hotels
Massive impact on house prices
Increase in crime
Experience of illegal encampment
have been given your email as our local MP, and hope that you receive my email and read with interest, in respect to my objections regarding the above.
On Friday 15th August I received a leaflet from Chase Meadow Residents Association regarding the above - a little disappointed that it arrived AFTER the council meeting had taken place to be honest.
I live on the Chase Meadow Estate, and so as you will understand I am writing to you about the proposed site of Stratford Road, opposite Tournament Fields.
Firstly, I would like to know why this site has been shortlisted when it was not on the original list of 20 sites proposed? And secondly, is this really what Warwick District Council want our visitors to the Town to see as a first impact into the Town?
Warwick Castle alone receives over 1/2 million visitors each year! The majority of these tourists will enter the the castle via the Stratford Road. I do not understand why a District Council would want to jeporidise the tourist industry for our town... this will have an impact on us without a shadow of a doubt. Not only will it reduce the footfall of tourists to our town, which will impact on our ever declining high street. It will also effect local businesses in the area, notably the 2 hotels Hilton and Holiday Inn, plus have a massive impact on the house prices of Chase Meadow and Earls Meadow, not to mention increase the crime in the area. Some may say that my last comment regarding crime is unfair, however I have witnessed the Hilton Hotel barracade the kitchen area due to travellers getting in and stealing food etc, and also our local pub The Unicorn be closed for the day due to travellers being in the area. So from a first hand view I know this will impact on crime.
Not only that - earlier this year travellers camped out near Aylesford school, and left a disgusting mess behind as I am sure you are aware. My husband is a keen runner and ran through the area where they were camped, only to have a gun pointed at him... disgusting!
I am not alone when I say that this is the wrong site. Not just for my own personal selfish views, but the views of all Warwick residents and businesses alike.
Will we get a chance to put our views across before a decision is made?
Thank You for your very long email. However, I cannot see any comment relating to my initial concerns such as:
Increased crime in the area
Drop in house prices
Damage to local businesses
Damage to our tourist industry
I also see no mention of my comment regarding Warwick District Council wanting this to be the first impression of our historic town!
Plus my more serious comment regarding my husband and a firearm being pointed at him - no comment or concern what so ever!
I completely understand that these sites have to go somewhere, although I am struggling as a tax payer to understand why after all they choose this way of life, and it is us who ultimately will be paying for the site and them to live there scot free!
You mention walking distance to a town center - really! Honestly I cannot understand your thinking... The council agree for private housing to be built, with massive price tags, and then you want to site traveler sites nearby knowing this will effect the house prices and all of my above comments - there are much better places to site this. What a representation for our Town, I cannot believe the council would want this...
I can't help but feel that your email is simply an email that has been crafted as a generic email to send out to all residents with concerns - just a way to fob us off. Very disappointed.
I do hope that the public consultation will be well advertised to all who it effects - and look forward to being one of the many chase meadow residents to come along and express our concerns.