Testun llawn:
I return from a short trip and am disappointed to learn of land being considered that was never incl...
I return from a short trip and am disappointed to learn of land being considered that was never included in the original consultation or shortlist.
I wish to register my opposition to Stratford Road even being considered for further consultation. Whilst we know nothing of the position within the land or size of the untravelling traveller community that would be living there, the presence of them at the site will still bring about the same concerns of crime, community integration, strain on local facilities and already fully subscribed schools that other proposed sites within walking distance brought about.
A council report into the piece of land appeared to negate it's use describing it as a urban fringe to brownfield transition and called it an "area of open agricultural land that provides an appropriate landscape setting to the River Avon and Castle Park". Your report says that flood risk and proximity to sewage treatment works are likely to be significant constraints. The site does give off a very noticeable stench regularly throughout the year - to the point where I wonder how residential properties like the nearby bungalow on Stratford Road can actually put up with the smell.
It's already been said in the Council report that the landscape setting and proximity to M40 would also limit the potential for development.
I am aware that the Committee of Warwick Councillors are in the minority when compared with neighbouring wards such as Kenilworth and Leamington but I urge you all to stand fast and support the concerned residents close to this site that seems to have been thrown into the mix in late desperation. You cannot let yourselves be overpowered - the residents of Chase Meadow locale will not and as the threat of consultation grows then so will the opposition and fight.
I wish you all well for this evening debate and hope to hear favourable news as it's result.
[dangos mwy]