Testun llawn:
I am resident in the Chase Meadow estate and write to express my concern and objection to the propos...
I am resident in the Chase Meadow estate and write to express my concern and objection to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site adjacent to the Stratford Rd.
The news has come as a shock, given that the Warwick District Council (WDC) in all previous communications has made no reference to a gypsy/traveller site in such close proximity to the estate.
A series of public meetings and a consultation phase during the June-July period was based on the Councils proposals of 20 sites (+ 21 added options) as published in Gypsy and Traveller Booklet Mar 2014. None of these options included the land adjacent to Severn-Trent on A46 (!)
But somehow on 13thAugust, in the midst of summer holidays, members of the council recommended the addition and in-fact promotion of this site as being one of three that seems to fulfil the criteria for the provision of the Gypsy and Traveller site.
I feel this proposal is rushed and might be imposed without due consideration to the local community. Chase Meadow is a brand-new thriving and booming estate with great facilities and an ever-increasing influx of middle-class families who view and make the area a dream-destination.
I have first-hand experience of the impact of Roma and Traveller communities to areas they settle. It is a fact that:
* House-prices can be depreciated,
* There will be added pressure to local services (such as GP)
* The general sense of safety is undermined due to this migratory lifestyle.
The WDC has the minimum of responsibility to be forthright about its intentions and inform its community in appropriate timescales.
The rationale for promoting [in such manner] the site in Chase Meadow's vibrant and peaceful estate truly begs a question.
[dangos mwy]