Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68558
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: The Richborough Estates Partnership LLP
Asiant : Star Planning and Development
This is an appropriate and sound allocation for up-to 130 dwellings which can properly be released from the Green Belt in accordance with the spatial strategy and national policy. The proposed housing would satisfy the requirements for a sustainable form of development.
There is a separate representation regarding the capacity of the site.
MOD10 Policy DS11
The Richborough Estates Partnership LLP support the principle of allocating land east of Warwick Road, Kenilworth for housing purposes (Site H41). The allocation's southern boundary is currently defined by a clear and readily recognisable physical feature which, together with the railway and Warwick Road, would provide a suitable Green Belt boundary for the allocation.
Accompanying this representation is a Parameters Plan indicating the potential location of up-to 130 new homes, open space and sustainable drainage features. The site should be formally allocated for 130 dwellings in the Local Plan and a further modification proposed to this effect.
The extent of the proposed housing area is around 3.6 hectares and the green infrastructure extends to circa 2.2 hectares. The potential number of dwellings has full regard to the housing mix contained in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment. The density of development would be up-to 36 dwellings per hectare.
As a matter of principle, the release of the site from the Green Belt satisfies the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework because it accords with the requirement to promote sustainable patterns of development. As part of the strategic spatial strategy adopted in the Local Plan, Kenilworth is recognised as one of the larger urban areas within Warwick District which possesses a range of local facilities and services. Kenilworth is accessible by non-car modes of travel to higher order facilities and job opportunities available within Warwick, Leamington and Coventry. This accessibility will be materially improved when the new railway station opens.
The allocation is readily accessible to the local facilities and services within Kenilworth. As recorded in the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Report (February 2016), the site is about 1.6km from Kenilworth town centre and 1.4km from the local shops at Oaks Precinct. There are healthcare facilities within around 1.4km and the new railway station would be circa 1.6km distant. There are existing bus services operating along Warwick Road between Coventry, Kenilworth and Warwick with bus stops being available within 400 metres of the site.
The erection of up-to 130 dwellings on the site does not represent a scale of development that would place unacceptable pressures on local infrastructure whether drainage, highways or utilities. As would be expected for a development of the scale proposed some local reinforcement of infrastructure would be required but such improvements do not represent an insurmountable constraint.
The site is within Flood Zone 1. There is ample scope to provide a sustainable drainage system which would ensure that the risk of flooding downstream is not exacerbated by any housing developed on the site. Two very small areas, adjacent to the southern boundary, are indicated to be susceptible to surface water flooding. However, the Parameters Plan has taken this matter into account by avoiding any built development within these areas.
As evidenced by the historical mapping, the site has been in agricultural use for a significant period of time and the risk of contamination is negligible. This would not be a matter that would preclude residential development. There are no air quality management areas adjacent to the site which would either affect future residents or be materially affected by, for example, the emissions from the vehicles of future residents.
In preparing the Parameters Plan full regard has been had to the issues identified in the Sustainability Appraisal. Assessments have been made of the potential for noise and vibration associated with the Leamington to Coventry railway line. Development has been set back from the railway and this also has the benefit of providing views from the site towards St John's Church. Consideration has been given to the interface with Kenilworth Cricket Club to ensure that there is sufficient setting back of any dwellings to avoid concerns associated with cricket balls breaking the windows, including those of parked vehicles.
Other than the boundary vegetation, there are no features of particular biodiversity interest within the site. Other than a gap created to enable access to the site from Warwick Road, the hedgerows would be retained and augmented. Account has been taken in preparing the Parameters Plan of the local wildlife site associated with the railway. Built development is set back from the railway with a buffer of landscaped greenspace, including swales, to promote biodiversity improvements.
Initial assessments have not identified any heritage assets which would be significantly affected by the site being developed for housing purposes, including the setting of Kenilworth Conservation Area and the Listed Buildings to the east of Warwick Road. Views towards St John's Church would be provided alongside the railway. A review of archaeological records does not indicate a high likelihood of any significant below ground heritage assets being present on the site.
As has been noted, the southern boundary is currently formed by a strong hedgerow which would both visually and physically contain any new homes erected on the allocation. The Parameters Plan indicates that built development could be set back from the site's southern, western and eastern boundaries to provide a soft edge and enable these boundaries to be reinforced with additional landscaping. This is not a case where the release of the site from the Green Belt would materially harm the wider visual amenity, character or appearance of the wider Green Belt.