Budbrooke Draft Neighbourhood Plan
ID sylw: 70990
Derbyniwyd: 01/12/2017
Ymatebydd: Warwick District Council
As attached
Budbrooke Neighbourhood Development Plan - Submission Version Consultation response of
of Warwick District Council (December 2017).
1. Introduction and Background.
This section remains both informative and thorough.
2. A neighbourhood Development Plan for Budbrooke Parish
No Comments
3. Designation
Para 2.8 the last sentence of para 2.8 would benefit from revision given that the Local Plan (2011-2029) has been adopted. I would suggest it now should read as follows, "Therefore, our Neighbourhood Development Plan has been prepared to be in 'general conformity' with the strategic planning policies of Warwick District's Local Plan (2011-2029).
Para 2.9 could be deleted given the changes suggested above to para 2.8.
Para 2.11 should be altered to reflect the final (adopted) version of Local Plan policy DS10 that states that 968 dwellings should come forward from sites within Growth Villages and the rural area during the plan period (not 763 which was in the submission draft).
Para 2.14 might be better if adjusted to read 'A full List of relevant planning policies including the strategic policies of the Warwick District Local Plan is included at Appendix 1'
(Note the List of policies currently contained in Appendix 1 does not reflect what the District Council regards as its strategic planning policies this matter is addressed later in this response).
4. Key Issues
This section is thorough and informative.
5. Vision and Objectives
In general the vision for Budbrooke is supported. However, there may be a need for growth in the Parish beyond purely providing for the needs of the residents of the Parish. Warwick District Council has to provide for the needs of the whole District and potentially for needs that arise outside the District. It is therefore suggested that the last three words of the vision ("of its residents") are deleted.
We support the objectives set out on pages 22 of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. However we would like to see an additional objective under "Housing" to underline the role the Plan can make in helping to meet housing need. We would suggest the following:
"To ensure new development is provided to meet local housing needs and, where justified, to contribute towards meeting the housing needs of the wider District"
6. BNDP1 Community Facilities
The underlying aim / basis of the policy is supported however it is considered that the intended NP policy is overly restrictive. Protecting community facilities is very important. As set out policy BNDP1 only permits the change of use of community facilities to other community facilities / activities.
The Budbrooke NP policy would be better served to realign itself to the Local Plan policy HS8 (Protecting Community Facilities). HS8 allows changes of use to other uses provided that the stringent tests of the three criterions have been given appropriate consideration.
As set out the NP Policy could lead to buildings becoming vacant for long periods in the event that a community facility ceases to operate and an alternative community facility is not forthcoming within a reasonable timescale.
The second part of the Policy encouraging / facilitating the provision of new communities is supported.
7. BNDP2 Protection of Local Green Spaces
The designation of these areas as Local Green Spaces and the policy is considered appropriate, however reference to the path across H27 (as it is a linear feature) is considered more appropriately dealt with within Policy BNDP5 that refers in detail to specific requirements for consideration with regard to the two Local Plan housing allocations at Hampton Magna.
Para's 5.1.16 - 5.1.19 refer to the protection of and requirements for the provision of new green assets (particularly trees / hedgerows). It is considered that these paragraphs / requirements may be better included in an alternative section of the Plan.
8. BNDP3 Protection of Open Spaces
The first paragraph of the Policy refers to matters of openness in the context of boundary treatments to the front of dwellings and may be better/ more appropriately included in the design Policies BNDP5 and 7. The remainder of the policy and the protection of identified open spaces/ green assets remain appropriate.
9. BNDP4 Community facilities and Community Infrastructure Levy
It should be noted that there is a distinct possibility that the 'full funding' of some of the infrastructure items may not be achievable. It might be best to change the second sentence of the policy to read, 'Priority will be given to the exploration of the potential to deliver the following infrastructure requirements that have been identified in the Neighbourhood Plan consultation processes'.
Para 5.2.2 , the reference to 763 new houses over the plan period should be changed to '968' to accord with adopted policy DS10 of the Local Plan.
10. BNDP5 Development Principles - Residential Allocations
As a general comment most, if not all of the points covered by this policy are picked up in the Local Plan (particularly in the Built Environment policies) , however there may be some merit in re-enforcing the Local Plan policy as proposed in Policy BNDP5.
To avoid any potential confusion the title of the Policy should refer to 'Local Plan Residential Allocations H51 and H27 at Hampton Magna'
1.It is considered that reference to a maximum density figure is not as important as an emphasis on ensuring that the density of development proposals are considered in the context of the immediate surroundings.
8. In line with Local Plan policy H15 point 8 should be revised to require developers to be 'encouraged' to work with self-build and custom build groups....
12. This might be better if changed to read (presently SPD Vehicle Parking Standards adopted 2007 or any subsequent replacement document).
13. This may be better if revised to stipulate that the 'Consideration of the provision of bungalows' should be an integral part of new housing .....
It is arguable that a reference to a requirement to provide Affordable Housing in accordance with Policy H2 of the Local Plan may be preferential to the inclusion of the expansive text in paragraphs 23-26.
Appendix 2 of the Neighbourhood Plan should be adjusted to refer to Adopted Local Plan Policy H15 (Custom and Self-build Housing Provision).
11. BNDP6 Scale and Type of new housing within Hampton Magna and Hampton on the Hill
The title of the policy may be more appropriate if it referred to 'Scale and Type of new infill housing within Hampton Magna and Hampton-on-the-Hill'.
c) Density: We consider that the setting of a density figure is not as important as ensuring that density is given consideration in the context of the immediate surroundings.
J) Would be beneficial to add 'Presently SPD - Vehicle Parking Standards adopted 2007 or any subsequent replacement document).
12. BNDP7 Design of Development in Budbrooke Parish
No Comments
13. BNDP8 Protecting and Enhancing Local Landscape Character
No Comments
5.4.1/ 5.4.8 It is considered that the reference to 'creating a new link or links around the village' to serve the new developments (presumably the allocations) would be detrimental to the Green Belt and would also undermine the viability and deliverability of the two allocations.
14. BNDP9 Traffic and Transport Improvements
No comments
15. BNDP 10 Sustainable Transport Measures
The aspiration for a new foot/ cycle bridge over the A46 may not be viable / achievable (also referenced in 5.4.7).
A criterion to explore enhancements to the service / frequency of the local bus service may be a beneficial addition to this policy.
16. BNDP11 Supporting and enhancing existing small scale local employment
No comments
17. Next Steps
Should the Plan move to referendum this section may benefit from further revisions accordingly.
18. Appendix 1
The Local Plan Strategic Policies as set out in Appendix 1 need to be revised.
The Strategic Policies of the Local Plan are as follows:
All of the DS Policies (1-23)
All Policies ending in '0' (zero) PC0, H0, SC0,
Policy H1
19. Appendix 2
The reference to MM45 - HNEW 1 should be replaced with a reference to Adopted Policy H15 Custom and Self-build Housing Provision.
20. Glossary
There appears to be a spurious reference to Warrington, Merseyside, Greater Manchester/ North Cheshire in the section of the glossary referring to the Green Belt and also Warrington Borough Council with regard to the SHLAA. Both of these references need attention.