Do you agree with the Preferred Growth Strategy for Warwick District to 2026?

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Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3215

Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009

Ymatebydd: mrs stella moore

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Do not agree that it is at all desirable to develop in the greenbelt adjoining kenilworth. It needs to be kept apart and distinct from coventry and leam.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3249

Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Julian Humphreys

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Fails to put housing where intended by the government white paper in rural areas where it is needed. WDC needs to take A much larger proportion of the sub region's target and distribute it around its vast County, not dump it all between Leamington and Coventry, which currently doesn't have the capacity to accommodate it's own target anyway, and can only mean building on Warwickshire's green belt land. The result would be the one thing Warwickshire residents want least to happen, which is that all the towns and villages around Leamington and Kenilworth will become suburbs of Coventry.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3252

Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr David John Bowers

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Warwick District is large enough.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3253

Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr David John Bowers

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

As above (3a and b)


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3305

Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Bernard Hollis

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I do not agree it is necessary to build so many houses and I do not want more houses built south of the river. WARWICK Parkway and Kenilworth should be the first choice


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3306

Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Caroline Martin

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:



Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3337

Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Christopher Gibb

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:



Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3378

Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mrs M Kane

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:



Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3436

Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr P Dimanbro

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Population growth not accepted. Many east Europeans are returning home. Birth control strategies are expected to reduce UK population.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3469

Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mrs E. Appleby

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The 'agreed' allocation for Coventry is way beyond the needs of the city.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3498

Derbyniwyd: 01/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Trevor E Wood

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The strategy and vision has been ill conceived without adequate information available for anyone to make informed decisions.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3508

Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Owen

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:



Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3512

Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Simon Harris

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The proposals note:
"However, any population growth must be matched by growth in jobs and infrastructure in order to maintain the careful balance between jobs and workers, and thus avoid encouraging out-commuting for work. "
But there has been no work undertaken to ensure the preferred option can cope with the strain such developments will put on the already strained infrastructure. Surely it makes more sense to spread the developments more evenly throughout the region, rather than concentrate them in such a small area.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3514

Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009

Ymatebydd: David Wood

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

In summary.
The vision / strategy for continued economic growth has no democratic mandate - the reponses to the initial consultations did not ask for it.
I believe economic growth is not in the long term best interests of the residents of Warwick District.
Urban growth. If it has to happen, then it should not be planned on a more of the same basis. High density housing, employment development on brownfield sites and no development on green field sites.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3601

Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Sport England

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Sport has proven to be a major factor in regeneration and economic growth. The use of the natural features within the district, including green belt should be encouraged where appropriate


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3627

Derbyniwyd: 07/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Donald Gregson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Postponement of consultation deadline by 6 months to allow review. New consultation period to be advised.
Legal challenge to govt's housing figures on grounds of superior local knowledge.
Provide rationale for each option considered at 'options' stage.
Allocate Finham for Warwick's need.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3636

Derbyniwyd: 15/09/2000

Ymatebydd: Mr Dennis Michael Crips

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Growth strategy should be strictly limited and wholly dependent on the ability of our towns to deal with the resultant traffic.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3656

Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Stephen Keay

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Unless there are increased employment opportunities within Coventry the proposed expansion in housing will fail to meet the aspirations of the strategy. There is sufficient brownfeld sites that could be developed.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3685

Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Richard Brookes

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The growth strategy does not conform to the results of the Options stage Public Consultation. The southern fringe of Coventry should be top of the list owing to its proximity for the university and the facilities of a city.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3827

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Debbie Wiggins

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

You are actively going against ALL advice about sustainability including your own. You admit this option is not as sustainable as balancing the growth between the four towns. The key word here is BALANCING.

If you add another 4000 homes alongside Warwick Gates you ARE creating a new town (over 5000 homes). However you would not be obliged to provide new shops, services, community facilities, infrastructure, health services, schooling.

You have no clear reasons for fixating on this location. How can this minimise journeys through the historic town centres when you state that is where the majority of OFFICES will be!


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3843

Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Patricia Diane Freeman

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I object strongly


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3900

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Kim Matthews

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Focussing development on the larger towns is clearly desirable, provided there are more than enough jobs located in the towns for those living there already. Expansion of Kenilworth, as identified in paragraph 3.10, is illogical and undesirable. It will undermine environmental and community sustainability because it will inevitably locate people away from their employment. The areas of Kenilworth identified for development are not logical from an access/transport perspective. Development on the urban fringe of Coventry woudl be far more sustainable.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3940

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr John Archer

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I support the preferred growth stategy as it is important that we meet the housing and employment needs of the District over the next 20 years


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 3975

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009


Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:



Publication Draft

ID sylw: 4005

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Ms Angela Clarke

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

With hope that controls on development of open spaces will be rigorous and demand only met.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 4010

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Ms Angela Clarke

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Separation of Coventry/Kenilworth vital; recent attempts to attract commercial developmentto Kenilworth failed.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 4011

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Ms Angela Clarke

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Figures for actual needed growth hard to verify - demographics almost certain to change.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 4012

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Ms Angela Clarke

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

If figures or required growth prove accurate


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 4014

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mrs Diana Sellwood

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I am commenting specifically on the areas to the south and east of Kenilworth and to the south of Coventry. The growth to the south and east of Kenilworth I feel is to be supported. It is close to good road links for employment etc. and will still leave 'space' between Kenilworth and Coventry.
I object to building of 5000 houses to the south of Coventry. This level of growth is too great and contradicts a core principal of 'avoiding incursion into West Midlands GB.Building to the south of Coventry has the same result as buildingto the north of Kenilworth.


Publication Draft

ID sylw: 4060

Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009

Ymatebydd: Mr Jerry Woodhouse

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

There are very few jobs in Kenilworth and road links to Leamington are very busy. It makes no sense to develop at the A46 roundabout and along Glasshouse Lane. This is already a congested area particularly at peak times. It also means reducing land between coventry and kenilworth and making 1 urban sprawl, undesirable and in conflict with the councils vision.