(vi) Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4915
Derbyniwyd: 01/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Paul & Catherine Watkins
Object to sites near to Bishops Tachbrook:
The main road to Leamington is already congested morning and evening.
School places are difficult to obtain and there are few vacant seats available for purchase on secondary schools bus service.
Sainsbury's car park is often overcrowded - would there be applications for more supermarkets?
Increased traffic causes pollution.
Water, including drainage and sewerage resources. Emergency services, NHS facilities, GPs Hospitals.
Any current plans or guidelines to compensate homeowners for loss of value of home which, when purchased, was in rural setting, but may become part of extended suburb?
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4927
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Clinton G Perry
Object to sites at Bishops Tachbrook/Warwick Gates area:
Would cause considerable disruption to strained services. Congestion on local roads. Proposed development would sustantially increase demand on one of busiest routes into and out of area. Dread to think what effect additional traffic will have. Resulting growth in regions carbon footprint.
Loss of employers locally reduce available jobs. Additional 4,200 households will compound matter - forced to commute for jobs.
Development of this magnitude will increase demand on schools and services. Schools already oversubscribed. School at Warwick Gates didn't materialise. Local doctors, dentists and hospitals are overstretched - how much more can they take?
Proposal makes extensive use of green sites where these are in short supply. Surely more effective to spread development out over wider number of sites. Adding 10 or 20 properties onto existing sites would spread burden placed on infrastructure, minimising congestion and reducing impact on beautiful part of UK.
Housing needs can still be met - suggest Peugeot factory at Ryton.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4933
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Sukhjeet and Uinkar Dhillon
Object to sites in Harbury Lane and Whitnash area:
Why has only one option been consulted on and how did council decide on this?
Why have council not challenged figures?
Consultation period is too short and should be extended by six months.
Proposed development will cause flooding.
Businesses moving out of area, resulting in job losses and people relocating. This will result in more houses and commercial buildings becoming vacant. Council should consider using these.
Brown field sites should be used.
There will be a huge increase in pollution.
Warwick Gates demonstrates impact of large-scale development - congestion on roads, burden on schools and services. Impact studies needed:
Traffic in area at peak school and work times
Effect of wear and tear on roads from additional traffic - who will bear long term cost?
Schools already struggling to meet local residents needs.
GP services, dentists, hospitals, police and fire services.
Has council calculated cost of Severn Trent supplying water - who will bear long term cost?
Why does council feel preferred option is to dump all development in our area?
If development goes ahead there will be little or no green buffer between Warwick Gates dn Bishops Tachbrook, just an urban sprawl. There is no green buffer between Warwick and Whitnash.
Seems ridiculous plans refused for sports complex on Bericote Road amid concerns with effect on farmland, disturbance to livestock and local residents, lack of public transport and traffic worries. These objections would apply equally to huge housing estate around Whitnash.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4949
Derbyniwyd: 08/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Graham Harrison
Qualified YES - - It is impossible to give a reasoned response without knowing the infrastructure implications etc.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4955
Derbyniwyd: 08/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Graham Harrison
Qualified YES - - It is impossible to give a reasoned response without knowing the infrastructure implications etc.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4989
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs P E Hunt
Object to sites at Bishops Tachbrook/Warwick Gates:
Infrastructure - roads busy and dangerous. Volume of traffic accessing M40 would increase considerably. Pollution would be made much worse by inevitable increase in traffic.Warwick towns roads are already struggling with traffic for castle events. Increasing the volume of traffic will cause gridlock.
Ancient buildings of Warwick - important to preserve our history. Traffic pollution causes irreparable damage.
Ancient bridges - inevitable damage from increased traffic.
Kenilworth - increase in traffic along with Thickthorn development will affect more than Kenilworth residents.
Longbridge roundabout - long tailbacks now. Additional volume of traffic will increase queues.
Flooding - Knock on effect of flooding to services and infrastructure will increase with additional housing.
Hospital and emergency services will need to expand to cope with additional residents.
School places already oversubscribed with children having to travel distances to school as no local places.
GPs and police will need to increase numbers to deal with extra population
Employment - that generated by development will end when contract complete leaving more unemployed. Govt. should be supporting existing businesses and safeguarding jobs.
Brownfield sites - developing these wouild lessen impact on green land and have reasonable infrastructure - Fords Foundry
Kings Hill Finham - should be used for Warwick's need not Coventry's, is better suited to development and was most popular public choice when previous consultation carried out.
Preservation - Should be trying to preserve historic towns, buildings, villages, not putting them under threat. Many empty buildings and sites that could be developed before considering green land.
Recent survey showed Bishops Tachbrook needs 15 houses only. New development should be small scale and spread out across villages.
Quality of life for new residents?
Those living in villages wish to live in a village not a town.
Green belt was considered of great importance but this has no meaning now.
Removing trees, hedges and building on open spaces increases effects of global warming.
Building on large scale is contrary to vision.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5006
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Misses PK and EM Kennedy
Object to sites south of Harbury Lane and Whitnash:
Why has public preferred option of Finham been rejected?
Why has Finham been given to Coventry when it is not in Warwickshire?
What has Coventry given/paid for site?
Why does district council wish to disregard it's vision?
Not opposed to small housing development spread between villages which, plus brown field sites, could address large part of housing requirements.
Commuter traffic for M40 tends to use Bishops Tachbrook morning and evening making roads very busy. Increase in traffic will result in gridlock. What proposals are there for improving public transport and public access to railway station, motorways etc
Utilities would need updating/improving to cope with increasing demands as would medical and social service provision. hospitals, GP surgeries, chemists, dental surgeries, community services and social worker provision.
Local schools unable to place children currently. What proposals are there to address now and in future?
Will new housing development include shops and extra post office or will residents have to travel? Law enforcement?
Does council propose to improve and increase employment opportuntiies? Not cheap to live in Warwickshire and limited or no employment will result in houses not selling.
Ignoring health, wellbeing and environment of community and ecological balance of wildlife. Increased pollution, traffic problems, destruction of rural and green field sites. Loss of unique characteristics and identity of villages and areas affected by development.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5050
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Michael Morris
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5084
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: James Pinkerton
Object to sites south of Leamington:
Why is Warwickshire County Council proposing to allow the land at Finham to be used by Coventry to meet its needs?
Why are proposed brownfield sites such as Peugeot site being ignored?
Why are houses proposed to be built where needs survey has identified need for 10's not 1000's?
What road and service infrastructure is planned - schools already at capacity and previous large developments have promised new schools but never delivered them. Large increases in traffic a concern as no-where on any plans are there details of how this will be managed.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5101
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Patrick Ring
Object to sites south of Warwick, Whitnash and Leamington:
Local support was for Finham site during consultation. Land has just been donated to Coventry -at what price?
General infrastructure does not exist for education, health or high use roads. No dedicated extra lane from Leamington to Harbury Lane planned to prevent deadlock.
School that wasn't built at Warwick Gates put pressure on surrounding schools. 6,200 new homes will have no extra educational provision.
Larger health care facilities will not have personal touch.
Look at basic infrastructure before asking public opinion.
No local need for housing and no extra employment opportunities available.
Do not want village (Bishops Tachbrook) turned into dormitory town for Coventry when there is room at Peugeot site.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5107
Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Lynne Myall
Concerned about scale of proposed development at Heathcote and ability of infrastructure to cope.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5135
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Barry Betts
This is a green field site, too close to large housing areas and already existing poor infrastructure and access. Limited employment opportunities = commuter accommodation.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5136
Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs ME Shaw
Object to sites south of Warwick, Whitnash and Leamington:
No evidence for vast numbers of new houses talked about.
Infrastructure cannot cope with more, roads, schools cannot cope.
Water supply problems following development at Warwick Gates eventually sorted out, but likely to return with further building. Surface water on roads still a problem and leads to blockage of drains and local flooding.
Loss of valuable agricultural land at a time when it is needed to grow more food.
Lot of disused buildings have now been renovated but pockets of land remain. Ford foundry earmarked for commercial but cavalier with green belt, so should accept. Building in small pockets or on brownfield sites more difficult but need to be more innovative.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5210
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Sonia Owczarek
Gross overdevelopment of this area. Should concentrate more on brown fill not green fill/desecration of green belts.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5218
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Lindsay Wood
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5344
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: SEAN DEELY
No farmland should be lost to development and also this a prominent site and naturally beautiful site. The development of this site will lead to a loss of the identity of Bishop's Tachbrook as a rural community.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5395
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: John Baxter
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5527
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs G Morgan
Nifer y bobl: 2
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5621
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: PG Swann
These sites are natural urban fringe locations; not in the Green Belt; : well located within the existing urban framework; compact and physically ideal for development; have a good relationship to the strategic road framework; are sufficiently close to the two main town centres and to more recently established communities facilities; will provide opportunity for the Planning and Highway Authoritiea to secure Planning Gain to provide a well co-ordinated comprehensive development scheme and to provide and enhance the local community and highway/pedestrian/cycleway and other infrastructure facilities and overcome existing problems in this part of the District.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5628
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs. Zoe Rycroft
Object to
Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
Area south of Warwick/Leamington has seen largest amount of development in recent years. Warwick Gates built against wishes of local people. New proposal will destroy what is left of local community. Don't agree new houses needed but it is time other areas in the district, particularly along A46 to north and villages played their part once brownfield sites have been utilised and only if there is still a need.
Large estates lack social cohesion which leads to anti social behaviour and poor education perfomance. Proposal is same size as Warwick Gates, Chase Meadow and Hatton Park all put together. What kind of community is likley to be born as result? Especially as 40% is to be social/council housing in an area with poor public transport links to the areas giving the best support to underprivileged.
Re-development of A46/M40 interchange (J15) will provide easier access to both motorway and rest of A46 for those living in north Leamington, Kenilworth and Coventry therefore providing housing to north of Leamington won't mean additional traffic driving through the town as it will be quicker to travel along A46. By locating housing along A46 corridor toward Warwick Parkway, the north of Leamington and up to Coventry, people will be more likely to use the interchange at J15 designed to cope with the volumes of traffic to be experienced.
Coventry airport for sale and should be used to take more of Warwickshire's allocation.
North Leamington School not detailed in preferred option as in green belt and not suitable for development yet Thickthorn is in Core Strategy and is also in green belt. As a former school with good links to A46 and easily accessible part of town, it should be considered before anything else.
Preferred option says that WMRSS is wanting to reduce amount of migration from Coventry to Warwick District yet growth is based same levels of migration as before. If they are 'unrealistic' then why houses being forced upon us? Plenty of houses for sale in the district and figures would suggest that no building is required south of Warwick Gates or along Europa Way.
Recent needs survey shows that Bishops Tachbrook needs only 15 new houses in the village. therefore 4200 new homes are not needed between Warwick Gates and Bishops Tachbrook. These houses would threaten the existence of Bishops Tachbrook as a village and it would become another suburb of Leamington reducing quality of life here, in Warwick Gates and Whitnash.
So many new homes contradict vision of Warwick District Council.
Remaining agricultural land should be preserved to feed future generations.
Utilities are all stretched to limit now. Hospitals only accessible across congested bridges over the river. Emergency cases will take longer to get treatment. Police thinly spread already, especially on Friday/Saturday night.
Huge increase in traffic, air quality reduced. Peak times roads are almost gridlocked. No suggestion that traffic problems will be fixed even for when development is complete.
Planned area already has recent development in addtion to Longbridge and Tournament Fields.
Business demand - not likely to recover for some years. Gallagher Industrial Park has seen no development and no one wants to develop Ford foundry. With Spa Park and Tachbrook Park underway there remain empty plots which could have business development on them without developing green field developments.
Schools - many at breaking point. Warwick Gates families have to bus children to Warwick and further afield. Development would require massive school building plan to meet education demands locally. County council has no such plans.
Most popular sites from previous consultation no longer 'suitable' and most popular were south of Coventry at Finham, south of Coventry at Baginton, south of Coventry at Kirby Corner and east of Stratford Road, Warwick.
Look at regeneration opportunities in towns and bring forward brownfield sites. Be realistic about investment and don't put forward new areas to develop when others have been vacant for years.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5658
Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Jane Boynton
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5698
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Ed Rycroft
Object to
Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
Coventry airport is for sale and should take more of Warwickshire's allocation.
Migration out of Birmingham and Coventry means increased social deprivation in those areas leading to increased crime, fewer jobs and poorer prospects for for residents leading to increased benefits, reduced quality of life and increased sickness resulting in additional health care costs. By regenerating urban areas, they can be turned into vibrant cultural centres that have modern character and positive outlook. Companies then choose to invest and create jobs.
North Leamington school has undergone huge development and old school is for sale - not included in SHLAA. Why? is in green belt but so is Thickthorn and this is proposed development. Should be developed before anything else as a previously developed site with links to A46 and in part of town with easy access.
Redevlopment of A46/M40 J15 means that access will be easier for those in north Leamington, Kenilworth and Coventry. Providing housing stock in north Leamington will mean traffic travels along A46 rather than through town.
Assumption that those living in new houses will work on new industrial estates next door - not realistic. People will travel to work where they are best qualified or where they can earn the most money and will drive there.Will also buy houses where they can afford them. Large proportion of people living in Warwick Gates commute elsewhere to work.
Situating new housing close to J13 is highly inappropriate and dangerous with queues at evening rush hour likely to back onto the motorway along slip road.
Locate housing aliong A46 corridor toward Warwick Parkway, north of Leamington and towards Coventry where people are more likely to use J15 which is designed to cope.
Figures are incorrect and based on previous levels of migration when we are supposed to be getting less migration than before according to RSS. Why still forcing this number of houses upon us? Warwick only needs in the order of 4000 houses based on organic growth rate over 30 years rather than 5 years when irregular growth spurt due to frantic building. No additional housing needed either south of Warwick and Leamington or around Kenilworth or elsewhere in the district other than on brownfield sites.
Area south of Warwick and Leamington has seen largest amount of development in recent years at Warwick Gates. New proposal will destroy what is left of local community. Even though don't agree more housing needed it is time that other areas, north of the town along A46 and villages, play their part and allow organic growth once brownfield sites utilised and only if still a need.
Large estates lack social cohesion which leads to antisocial behaviour and poor education performance. Proposal size of Warwick Gates, Chase Meadow and Hatton Park put together - what kind of community will be born as result?
Recent housing needs survey shows Bishops Tachbrook's need to be 15 new homes. No need for 4200 between Warwick Gates and Bishops Tachbrook which would threaten village.
Contradicts vision .
Remaining agricultural land should be preserved to feed future generations.
Utilities, police, dentists, doctors are all stretched to limit. Hospitals only accessible across congested river bridges - how long will it take for emergencies to reach medical resources. Police thinly spread across town, especially Friday/Saturday nights.
Huge increase in traffic and air pollution in Warwick and Leamington - at peak times roads are gridlocked. Proposals along same roads adding to congestion. Providing more jobs will encourage more people into the area, putting further strain on transportation network and increasing CO2 emissions.
Greater pressure on utilities away from traditional urban centres.
Empty plots on existing business parks which could be built upon without taking up more green field developments. Do not make this area appealing to outside businesses at present.
Previous consultation public support was for south of Coventry, Finham, south of Coventry, Baginton, south of Coventry, Kirby Corner and east of Stratford Road, Warwick. Majority of respondents said not to build on green fields.
Told in current climate no-one wants to develop Ford foundry .
Re-think options and look at regeneration possibilities in the towns to bring forward brownfield sites and challenge predicted numbers for growth.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5701
Derbyniwyd: 12/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs S and J Haigh
Nifer y bobl: 2
Object to housing proposals south of Warwick and Leamington for the following reasons:
1. Recent surveys have shown that there is no demand for new homes between Warwick Gates and Bishop's Tachbrook.
2. The houses are a threat to Bishop's Tachbrook as a village.
3. There is no sense in building on green field land.
4. The huge increase in traffic will add to already congested roads.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5742
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: G.F Moreton & Sons
As landowner of part of the site I support this allocation. I confirm that I am prepared to work with the Council and other landowners to helt achieve the Council's Preferred Option in this area.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5766
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Philip Wilson
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5814
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Ms Alison Cox
There is not the infrastructure to support such a massive new growth - it needs to be spread as suggested in other WDC options, and as public consultation advocated - e.g. South of Coventry.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5850
Derbyniwyd: 13/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Pamela Payne
Whitnash can't take any more housing. The roads, public transport, and schools from pre-school to secondary school can't cope.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5900
Derbyniwyd: 05/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs C G Price
Extra housing would again lead to more traffic.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5966
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Lisa Hartill
Object to sites south of Warwick, Leamington and Whitnash:
Sheer volume of housing - causes problems for traffic congestion and schooling. Infrastructure requirements won't be considered until post consultation. Would schools be accepting children from first day house purchased? When families move in, where will children go to school? Primary school availability already huge problem and will only get worse before it gets better even if new schools are built. Problems with roads will be huge particularly at peak times.
Areas of restraint put in place when Warwick Gates was built to protect area from over development. Situation hasn't changed, Whitnash still needs protecting. Why are these areas to be developed first and not last?
No consideration to maintaining individuality of Warwick and Leamington or Warwick and Whitnash. What about maintaining the green field areas between Leamington and Bishops Tachbrook? Will Bishops Tachbrook eventually merge with Leamington post 2026?
M40 plays a role in choosing where to build but north Leamington could just as easily take a large number of houses with improved A46 and M45 access. It is also closer to Coventry where people may seek work. Have other areas truly been considered or are south Leamington options just easier?
Houses should not be built giving access to railway station as South of Warwick Gates, East of Europa Way and Woodside Farm are not particularly close and traffic heading towards town in rush hour and on Saturday morning is horrendous.
Kenilworth should be considered for more housing now that it is to have a railway station. Has this been taken into account?
If south of Harbury Lane continues as a preferred site, could a train station south of Whitnash be considered similar to successful Warwick Parkway?
At Woodside Farm, houses were proposed but refused in 2007 due to the quality of agricultural land - can this now be ignored?
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5999
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Debbie Harris
Too many houses in one area. Insufficient amenities incl. schools!