Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for Infrastructure?
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6274
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Ross Telford
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6355
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2009
Ymatebydd: John Jessamine
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6378
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Veronica Jessamine
No studies were presented to us at the consultation meetings of the impact of these developments on roads, school, utilities and the water sources. The Avon is already depleted south of Gloucester.
How will these sites be accessed? The chaos that would be caused whilst roads and bridges are built is unthinkable.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6452
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: graham leeke
Bridges, hospitals, surgeries, schools - need I say more?
The cost will be huge - and therefore will not be provided.
And it is not helpful to suggest to suggest developers will pay under S106, because all that does is pass the cose to the house buyers and that puts up house prices.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6490
Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Graham & Maureen Sutherland
Investigate and determine infrastructure requirements for all development options - water, sewage, transport, education, health, roads, shopping, community activities and green space and the impact of development on existing communities.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6495
Derbyniwyd: 11/08/2009
Ymatebydd: Edgar George Cousins
Infrastructure needed - shops, at least one school, doctors, dentists and on social side, playing fields and maybe another pub.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6504
Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs J A Hattersley
Represents development three times bigger than Warwick Gates.
Understand that this does not include need for supporting infrastructure and provision for more offices, factories. Further land and outlay required for schools, sports fields, and other leisure facilities, shops, surgeries, churches, car parking (including park and ride), not to mention utilities, sewage and flood prevention from a greatly increased urban footprint. What consultation taken place with Severn Trent etc?
Serious impact on M40 junctions and town centres of Leamington and Warwick. Congestion at start and end of working day already bad with limited bridges over and under rivers, canals and railway lines will become worse. Those living in towns will be trapped by increased gridlock and historic buildings will be subjected to greater risk of traffic damage and air pollution.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6511
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs S M Jones
Do not object to a few houses being built south side of Green Lane South, but do object to thousands which are being considered. Amount of people and vehicles drawn into area would put strain on exisiting services which are not up to scratch anyway.
Sewerage - will Severn Trent cope with increased volume? Has anyone asked them?
Crematorium - proposal for additional has already been successfully objected to by residents of Green Lane.
Schools - Finham Junior School already successfully objected to proposed expansion of their school and will do so again. Finham Park School is just about to be rebuilt to accommodate current applications. Will it have capacity for increase?
Public transportation - current bus provision is poor and additional dwellings would be unbearable load. West Midlands Transport have had to be bullied by the local residents just to get poor service.
How will loss of farmland sit with DEFRA? If British farmers to produce more food, how will this be achieved if land is built on?
Loss of employment for people with learning disability at Leasowes Nursery. Since closure of Remploy, employment opportunities for this section of public is greatly reduced already, without taking these places too.
3,000 dwellings means 6,000 more cars which means increased pollution. Whatever green space is left will contain polluted air.
No mention of school provision in strategy when children are being encouraged to walk to school, cycle or use public transport. Children from new community will be likely to need to be driven to school.
Who will offer employment when Coventry has been in decline for years before current recession? There are offices in the city centre that have never been fully occupied and at Westwood Heath the same in a rural setting.
Area covered by PCSOs recently revised to reduce officer numbers. Dwellings at Kings Hill will mean an increase in officers needed.
Development has no benefit to local community. No mention of medical facilities, shops, schools and there will probably be few green spaces as they try to cram dwellings in.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6521
Derbyniwyd: 28/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Cllr Elizabeth Higgins
Towns should be allowed to grow organically. No thought given to infrastructure. Traffic congested in Leamington and Warwick due to geography and history. Bridges not built to carry 20th and 21st century traffic.
Children from Warwick Gates have to go to Woodloes school. Bridges prevent easy access and peak hour flow of public transport, mini buses, school buses and taxis impede passage to and from rail station, schools and hospital.
Warwick's traffic problem remains unsolved - infrastructure is slow to change.
Warwick hospital and KHS are on congested sites. Parking problems at hospital and on surrounding streets. Extension built on car park without planning permission, since granted in retrospect. Short hospital visits not catered for. Warwick is overbuilt and road congestion appalling.
Severn Trent sewage works on Stratford Road feature in core strategy, are there any plans to expand?
Another 10,800 dwellings will erase individuality of four towns and they will merge. On infrastructure grounds alone, should resist government demand.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6533
Derbyniwyd: 14/09/2009
Ymatebydd: M G Honnoraty
The fact that no infrastructure whatsoever has been indicated in the plans shows that total lack of consideration has been given to the impact this would have on the communities, businesses, traffic etc in the area.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6542
Derbyniwyd: 15/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Anne Steele
To allow building of majority of housing in this area will have detrimental environmental and socal impact on already overstretched community. Roads chaos particularly at school and rush hours.
Schools are full to capacity.
Police, dentists, doctors and hospital facilities are already overstretched. Where are plans to ensure adequate services.
High increase in population where employment opportunties are decreasing adds to strain on public finances. Since plan was prepared, world has suffered economic meltdown and will take a long time to recover. In this area commercial land lays undeveloped and buildings empty. Employment has been lost with demise of AP, Fords, Wolseley and IBM.
How can one be asked for an informed opinion when there are no impact studies available and no information to support large-scale population increase in one area? It would appear that these will be left to the whim of developers - not good enough.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6551
Derbyniwyd: 15/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs E R and B Edwards
Utilities/services (Police, Dentists, Doctors etc) already overstretched.
Huge increae in traffic will result in pollution and add to existing air quality problems in Warwick and Leamington town centres. At peak times, Europa Way, Gallows Hill, Tachbrook Road and Tachbrook Park Drive are grid locked - proposed development is along these roads adding to problems.
With demise of AP, Fords, IBM and other firms, there is not work available for incomers. Large number of existing residents already leave area to work and people living at Warwick Gates commute along M40 or by rail as far away as London.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6554
Derbyniwyd: 29/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Julia Measures Revell
No considerations are given to infrastructure. The only consideration seems to be where to put the houses. Get the infrastructure plans in place first.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6557
Derbyniwyd: 18/08/2009
Ymatebydd: H. A. Ions
No thought has been given to the considerable and necessary services required to sustain the development and here it may be relevant to mention that the NHS facility at Warwick is already under some strain!
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6559
Derbyniwyd: 03/11/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Anita Coldman
Kenilworth already has a problem employing its residents so any new residents would work outside the town. It would put a further burden on the town's infrastructure- dentists and doctors are already overstretched. Schools in the area are already full to capacity with waiting lists - where would new children go and what benefit would there be for the existing community.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6570
Derbyniwyd: 14/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs J C Honnoraty
The plans have been laid out without any detail concerning infrastructure in terms of drainage, sewerage, traffic, public transport, schools etc, it is vital that more information be produced.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6572
Derbyniwyd: 03/11/2009
Ymatebydd: Simon Wood
Concerned with the lack of infrastructure - locating development to the south of towns place new residents away from the key services, such as Warwick hospital, retail, basic town centre services, stations and schools. Need to cross bridges to access these services. Locating to development to the south, do not mean that residents will want to use M40. Many people will come from places urban areas like Coventry and continue to work there. They will therefore need to travel northwards. New houses should therefore be built to the north and west of district
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6576
Derbyniwyd: 14/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Anne Kirby
Traffic is already a major problem and I am reluctant to try to join the Banbury Road at peak times.
Journey to Leamington is overloaded and restricted by the necessity to cross the river and canal.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6578
Derbyniwyd: 14/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Peter and Sarah Watson
Object to Kings Hill site:
Green Lane is a narrow busy road, usually with cars parked.
Kings Hill Lane is long, very narrow and difficult for large vehicles to negotiate - hazardous for cars, pedestrians , cyclists and horse riders.
Access to A46 not easy. Stoneleigh Road busy main route to University - junction with Kings Hill Lane very dangerous.
A46 and other roads around Stoneleigh are heavily congested with commuters, especially for University and Westwood Business Park
Kenilworth/Coventry roads unable to cope with additional traffic and resulting bottlenecks.
Primary and Secondary school on Green Lane with resulting traffic and congestion on surrounding streets. Roads could not take extra traffic generated by large housing development.
Parking already a serious problem in Green Lane, Gretna Road and surrounding roads.
Green Lane is on main bus route and at present buses have to negotiate parked cars. Problem would intensify and more passengers for buses would increase their intensity.
Kings Hill Lane is prone to surface water and flooding.
Schools couldn't cope with extra pupils. New schools would be needed to be built at the same time as the housing.
Likelihood of loss of school playing fields a retrograde steo when there is concern about child obesity.
No facilities for children.
Bus service limited.
No local community centre or entertainment provision.
Local shops inadequate.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6584
Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Prof & Mrs R & S E Carey
Object to Kings Hill site:
There are insufficient schools, general practice doctors, hospitals and police to provide the required support for increased population.
Stoneleigh Road is main through route to University from motorway network. Traffic density very high on this and adjacent roads and is virtually at a standstill for at least two hours morning and evening. There have been several serious accidents on these roads. Increase in population would exacerbate the problems. The nearest railway stations are Coventry, Tile Hill and Warwick, all at least 3 miles away.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6592
Derbyniwyd: 14/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs C Gregson
Object to sites at:
South of Sydenham and east of Whitnash
Woodside Farm
West of Europa Way
No consideration given to major infrastructure - water, drainage, sewage, roads and transport needs, schools, healthcare, community facilities et al. Surely plans for these need to be in place before considering viability of site. Existing resources already stretched and don't have capacity to take on more.
Impact studies are urgently needed into all these areas and into environmental issues. Certainly study into traffic needs to take place during term time.
Delay of six months needed for research to be carried out, results published and consultation period launched.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6601
Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Martin & Kim Drew & Barnes
Infrastructure and local services - police, healthcare, schools, nursery care, water & sewerage will be not cope with such a huge increase in population. Emergency access to Warwick Hospital will be endangered owing to further congestion of road bridges in Warwick and Leamington.
Bishops Tachbrook already a rat run for commuters and parents delivering children to school because the promised infant school at Warwick Gates was never built.
4200 new homes equates to approx. 8000 vehicles. Roads and bridges will not take increases in traffic. Not to mention massive increase in pollution.
Historical precedence confirms infrastructure promises are not fulfilled or are delayed.
Where will newcomers work? Preferred Option highlights deficit of 20 ha of available land on which to build employment premises.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6609
Derbyniwyd: 12/08/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs G Lloyd
Not good at letter writing but agree with leaflet enclosed which states:
No to putting lives in danger by gridlocked roads to the hospital.
No to increasing rat runs through the village
No to overcrowding doctors surgeries, hospitals, schools and nurseries.
No to overloading sewerage systems and reduced water supplies.
No to massively increased traffic congestion.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6618
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: James Mackay
Requires local employment, retail, education, health and leisure provision. Strategic objective for rapid growth in retailing floorspace in Leamington conflicts, leading to weaker Warwick Town Centre and greater reliance on transport to meet shopping needs.
10,800 new homes is excessive and proposed distribution is unsatisfactory. Forecast for brownfield site development is too low based on those previously achieved. A reappraisal of availability is needed leading to substantial upward change to brownfield forecast. This would reduce number of houses required on greenfield sites.
Strongest objection to excessive house-building on greenfield land south east of Warwick, between it, Leamington, Whitnash and Bishops Tachbrook - would severely damage both town's setting and through traffic generation.
Strongest concern for town's setting from 1,250 houses on land between Europa Way, Gallows Hill and Myton Road - classified as Area of Restraint in 1995 local plan. Given extent of development on greenfield sites since then, this is even more important. Each of urban areas has its own identity and loss of green open space would result in single, characterless sprawl.
This land and other sites further south would be heavily car-dependent with requirements of a flexible job market, two-income households, choice of school places, increasing concentration of retailing competing major centres, many out of town and the desire to enjoy a range of far-spread leisure activities. Suggestion that houses will be close to work so that people will walk to work, unrealistic.
Assertion that infrastructure needs could only be assessed once preferred option confirmed is ludicrous. Limitations of transport infrastructure serving sites is implacably worsened by geography: the Avon crossed only at Castle Bridge, Warwick and Prices Drive, Leamington is absolute barrier and already saturated by traffic. Availability of infrastructure - transport, energy, water, sewerage, educational and social needs is essential and choice cannot be made until after their appraisal is completed. Concerned at absence of such an appraisal, the damaging impact of development of these sites on Warwick Town Centre through the generation of traffic will be overlooked. Development would increase total load on already congested urban and main road network so that journeys from and to new developments will be diverted in search for least congested route adding to traffic in Warwick Town Centre where it is confirmed that the impact of traffic must be reduced. Town centre roads already form part of Air Quality Management Area where pollution exceeds legal threshold and Air Quality Action Plan requires reduction in traffic for health of residents.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6628
Derbyniwyd: 16/09/2009
Ymatebydd: A Walton
Plan states that development would rely on Coventry's infrastructure but contains no information about expansion of this to meet additonal load.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6633
Derbyniwyd: 05/11/2009
Ymatebydd: Lesley Pritchard
Object to Kings Hill site.
Development will :
Compromise the facilities currently enjoyed in the south of the City - transport, education leisure facilities etc.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6638
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Owen Fitzpatrick
Object to site west of Europa Way and others south of Leamington:
Traffic question alone would make it a non-starter - Myton Road and junctions around Europa Way and Banbury Road virtually at a standstill in morning and evening rush hours. Schools are at capacity, hospitals and fire services on the other side of the river with access at four points, all heavily used. Putting forward development plan before considering these seems ludicrous. Investigation needed as to how infrastructure would cope should be performed prior to site consideration.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6645
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Pat Fitzpatrick
Object to site west of Europa Way and others south of Leamington:
Traffic question alone would make it a non-starter - Myton Road and junctions around Europa Way and Banbury Road virtually at a standstill in morning and evening rush hours. Schools are at capacity, hospitals and fire services on the other side of the river with access at four points, all heavily used. Putting forward development plan before considering these seems ludicrous. Investigation needed as to how infrastructure would cope should be performed prior to site consideration.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6655
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Dominic Ashley-Timms
The specific areas I object to are, the housing proposals on:
1) Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
And also:
2) Land South of Sydenham and east of Whitnash
3) Land at Woodside Farm, north of Harbury Lane, Whitnash
4) Land west of Europa Way, Warwick
My objections are based on the following:
* Utilities, Services (Police, Dentists, and Doctors etc.) are all stretched to the limit now. With both the major hospitals only accessible across congested bridges over the river Avon, we fear for how long it will take emergency cases to get the medical resource they need.
* The increase in traffic arising from at least 8000 new cars in this area will result in pollution and add to existing air quality problems in Warwick and Leamington town centres. At peak times the traffic along Europa Way (even as far as the J14 M40), Gallows Hill, Tachbrook Road and Tachbrook Park Drive are grid locked, your proposed development is situated right along these roads, simply adding to the congestion already experienced. So far you have failed to fix the current problems and there is no evidence on your part to suggest that you will, even for when this proposed development is complete.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 6662
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Laura Ashley-Timms
Objections to Large Scale Housing Developments in the following areas:
1) Land at Lower Heathcote Farm, south of Harbury Lane
2) Land South of Sydenham and east of Whitnash
3) Land at Woodside Farm, north of Harbury Lane, Whitnash
4) Land west of Europa Way, Warwick
This area is on the edge of several historic cities and does not have the road systems or broader infrastructure (especially schools and hospitals) to support such widespread growth. The maternity ward at Warwick hospital has already been closed down this year and it only takes a minor incident or a heavy downfall of rain in this area for the entire area to become either gridlocked or flooded. Additional pressures do not make sense.