Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for Infrastructure?
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4984
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Susan Pickering
Object to Kings Hill site:
Traffic flow in area already seriously congested.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 4991
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs P E Hunt
Object to sites at Bishops Tachbrook/Warwick Gates:
Infrastructure - roads busy and dangerous. Volume of traffic accessing M40 would increase considerably. Pollution would be made much worse by inevitable increase in traffic.Warwick towns roads are already struggling with traffic for castle events. Increasing the volume of traffic will cause gridlock.
Ancient buildings of Warwick - important to preserve our history. Traffic pollution causes irreparable damage.
Ancient bridges - inevitable damage from increased traffic.
Kenilworth - increase in traffic along with Thickthorn development will affect more than Kenilworth residents.
Longbridge roundabout - long tailbacks now. Additional volume of traffic will increase queues.
Flooding - Knock on effect of flooding to services and infrastructure will increase with additional housing.
Hospital and emergency services will need to expand to cope with additional residents.
School places already oversubscribed with children having to travel distances to school as no local places.
GPs and police will need to increase numbers to deal with extra population
Employment - that generated by development will end when contract complete leaving more unemployed. Govt. should be supporting existing businesses and safeguarding jobs.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5009
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Misses PK and EM Kennedy
Object to sites south of Harbury Lane and Whitnash:
Commuter traffic for M40 tends to use Bishops Tachbrook morning and evening making roads very busy. Increase in traffic will result in gridlock. What proposals are there for improving public transport and public access to railway station, motorways etc
Utilities would need updating/improving to cope with increasing demands as would medical and social service provision. hospitals, GP surgeries, chemists, dental surgeries, community services and social worker provision.
Local schools unable to place children currently. What proposals are there to address now and in future?
Will new housing development include shops and extra post office or will residents have to travel? Law enforcement?
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5019
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Stuart Morrison
Object to Kings Hill site:
Lack of information regarding nature of development, but would create challenges for immediate area.
Concerned about increase in traffic in already congested area at peak times.
Area doesn't have many local amenities and increase in population would create problems for current and new residents.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5028
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Stella Saad
Object to 8,100 new homes in Warwick area and specifically those planned for area west of Europa Way:
Pressure on existing services and infrastructure. Will exacerbate traffic problems on Myton Road. No planning made with regard to schools, hospitals, traffic to cope with extra housing. No impact studies undertaken and clear schools are oversubscribed and traffic congestion huge at peak times.
Alternative which preserves Warwicks character with regard to supporting infrastructure needed.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5041
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs MH Godsmark
Object to Kings Hill site:
Will need a massive new infrastructure of roads, schools and other amenties. Roads are already very congested at certain times.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5058
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Michael Morris
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5075
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Dawn Keylock
Lack of adequate utility services (water,gas,sewers) to supply the number of proposed dwellings. There is also inadequate road infrastructure between the A46 and Warwick University. This road is experiences traffic congestion today so any further increase would be unsustainable
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5081
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Dr Neville Hunt
Object to Kings Hill site:
Coventry wish new residents to work in the city and not commute to Leamington, Rugby, Stratford etc. This relies on there being transport for thousands of people to travel from Kings Hill area into the City Centre or surrounding commercial districts. People prefer to use their car rather than other means of transport so additional vehicles will be dispersed each morning from Kings Hill onto roads leading into Coventry.
Vehicular access to new estate could not be from Green Lane or St Martins Road due to current levels of usage. Parents not prepared to allow children to walk to school so traffic gridlocked at start and end of school day. Problem so serious that city council has postponed school expansion. Similarly Stoneleigh Road suffers congestion from University traffic. Development at Kirby Corner might have encouraged those employed at University to live on new estate and walk.
Will need new road linking development to A46 in one direction and University or A45 in other. Any modelling needs to take account of additional traffic a new road would attract. Many currently frustrated road users in Canley,Westwood Heath and North Kenilworth would switch to easier and faster route to A46/45.
Discard proposed housing development at Kings Hill.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5091
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: James Pinkerton
Object to sites south of Leamington:
What road and service infrastructure is planned - schools already at capacity and previous large developments have promised new schools but never delivered them. Large increases in traffic a concern as no-where on any plans are there details of how this will be managed.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5094
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs C Windridge
Object to Kings Hill site:
Traffic congestion greatest worry. Already increased volume on St Martins Road since expansion of NAC. Speed and volume of traffic at rush hour make it extremely dangerous for people exiting Howes Lane.
Impact on local amenities.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5105
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Patrick Ring
Object to sites south of Warwick, Whitnash and Leamington:
General infrastructure does not exist for education, health or high use roads. No dedicated extra lane from Leamington to Harbury Lane planned to prevent deadlock.
School that wasn't built at Warwick Gates put pressure on surrounding schools. 6,200 new homes will have no extra educational provision.
Larger health care facilities will not have personal touch.
Look at basic infrastructure before asking public opinion.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5110
Derbyniwyd: 09/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Nigel R & Sandra Edmonds
Object to Kings Hill site:
Flooding, impact on schools, amenities etc. Traffic congestion - St Martins Road already problems getting into and out of property access. Tailbacks every morning and evening with cars on way to Finham School and those coming from the city and early traffic for 2 hours each day using A45.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5144
Derbyniwyd: 17/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs ME Shaw
Object to sites south of Warwick, Whitnash and Leamington:
Infrastructure cannot cope with more, roads, schools cannot cope.
Water supply problems following development at Warwick Gates eventually sorted out, but likely to return with further building. Surface water on roads still a problem and leads to blockage of drains and local flooding.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5154
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr Barry Betts
The proposed expansion plans (mix) and geographic realities mean that infrastructure cannot be supported by the new communities in isolation. This being the case existing residents/businesses must contribute more, This will result in people being alignated and disenfranchised with the area. The town will then degrade and revenues reduce resulting in greater deprivation. The obvious option is not to develop any further!!
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5221
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Sonia Owczarek
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5250
Derbyniwyd: 21/09/2009
Ymatebydd: MS Judith Bennett
Object to Kings Hill site:
Not only housing but will need amenities - shops, schools, health care, transport and communications. Likely to take number of years to complete - what will residents do in mean time? Will result in greater strain on existing services.
Concerned about impact on run-off and drainage in the area. Concrete and tarmac over sloping area can only increase risk of flooding, which already occurs in periods of heavy rainfall.
Need to expand water treatment works on Stoneleigh Road, putting pressure on River Sowe making flooding more likely.
Traffic will increase along country roads and increase pollution and noise.
People will need to travel to work and impact of extra traffic will be immense, especially on congested junctions (St Martins Road and A45) at peak times. Safety of pedestrians, school children and cyclists compromised. New traffic routes will increase impact on landscape.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5253
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Lindsay Wood
Most unclear. Roads/schools/hospitals services all stretched at the moment. Fire stations due to close.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5278
Derbyniwyd: 23/10/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr A Emerson
Object to Kings Hill site:
Buses and roads cannot cope with current population so why add to burden?
Flooding always an issue - don't build here.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5291
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: J. N. Price
As noted in clause 11.13, there will need to be an on-going process to identify the necessary
improvements of infrastructure in line with the actual site developments in the didtrict.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5351
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: SEAN DEELY
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5403
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: John Baxter
Infrastructure should be the priority, e.g. schools, playing fields, parks, children's areas etc. A road is also necessary to join the A46 with the expanded Warwick University.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5443
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mike Cheeseman
It hasn't identified any!
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5481
Derbyniwyd: 27/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Joanna Illingworth
Don't know. Preferred Option document is too vague
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5500
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr John Kirkman
Object to Kings Hill site:
Warwick District Council is developing fringes of Coventry and using Coventry's infrastructure.
A45 already very busy as are Stoneleigh Road and Gibbet Hill - building on Kings Hill would bring greater congestion.
Schools place limited. Shops, doctors surgeries, dentists - limited provision.
Ill conceived and misjudged. Use of urban fringes problematic due to poor public transport. No local train station and infrequent buses.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5505
Derbyniwyd: 23/09/2009
Ymatebydd: V Strong
Object to Kings Hill site:
Building of houses, industrial units, schools, roads, sewage disposal, gas, electricity and drinking water supplies on this small piece of land will evenutally bring Coventry, Kenilworth and Stoneleigh into conurbation, which would continue to expand exponentially.Flooding - hard surface accompanying development is going to cause severe increase in surface water run off and as the site slopes down to Stoneleigh and the Severn Trent Sewage Treatment Works, then flooding seems inevitable with potential sewage pollution in the sort of rainy weather experienced in recent years. Cost to all residents.
Traffic - already congested on A45, A46 and Kenilworth Road at rush hours into and out of city. More houses and industrial units will add to traffic hold ups and increase air and noise pollution adding to misery of loss of green belt land. Building more road to open up the bottle neck would only increase the problem.
Other socially necessary amenities:
Schools - already oversubscribed. Would have to be extended to accommodate more children with loss of playing fields and overcrowding of outdoor and indoor facilities.
GP surgeries, dental surgeries, public transport, welfare clinic, district nurses, library, easy, speedy access to emergency services and hospitals - some already in short supply in Finham area.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5535
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs G Morgan
Nifer y bobl: 2
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5549
Derbyniwyd: 24/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mrs Joyce Reynolds
Object to Kings Hill site:
Access too difficult at peak times even though adjacent to A46. Infrastructure won't support extra vehicles from >3000 new homes.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5580
Derbyniwyd: 20/09/2009
Ymatebydd: George Martin
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 5596
Derbyniwyd: 22/09/2009
Ymatebydd: Mike Newell
Object to Kings Hill site:
Access: Finham and surrounding area has approx 2000 homes. Traffic at peak times unbearable with slow moving traffic on largest of roads. Almost all roads into and out of Finham are small or rural with parked cars lining one side making single lane for passing traffic. A primary and secondary school are located on Green Lane with resulting traffic ar certain times of day and making surrounding streets severely congested. Additional traffic would be serious danger to school children.