Do you support or object to the development of Loes Farm, Guy's Cliffe, Warwick?

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Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43880

Derbyniwyd: 06/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Sarah Winnett

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:


Testun llawn:

Questionnaire Response:
I object to the above development because we live in wonderful location, with beautiful views of the fields and wildlife on our doorstep. The children can play safely in our lovely quiet cul-de-sac. The perfect situation you would agree.

How horrified are we at the plans to ruin our perfect surroundings, by building thousands of houses on our doorstep and turning our cul-de-sac in to a main road in to the new houses.

The poor wildlife, roads and environment would suffer immensely putting strain on the local schools and Doctors surgery. My poor children would no longer be safe to play outside in the street - how sad for them to grow up on a building site.

We bought our house because of its location and views over the fields how awful to then look out over row upon row of houses.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43906

Derbyniwyd: 06/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Sean Deely

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I support the development of this site but only on the south east side of the A46. Local bus services and cycle routes need to be improved to ensure good alternative means of access to all local employment sites.

Testun llawn:

I support the development of this site but only on the south east side of the A46. Local bus services and cycle routes need to be improved to ensure good alternative means of access to all local employment sites.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43937

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Kate Booty

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Core Strategy comments that the Guys Cliffe site should be preserved. This is too near.
This is greenbelt land and is liable to flood. It is not suitable for such development.
Woodloes is already big enough and needs some green space between it and a major road.
Coventry Road is already congested and it will get worse.
Warwick will sprawl up to a major road and there will be no clear boundary line between it and the next sprawling conurbation.
It will be noisy, unpleasant and unhealthy living close to a major road.
There are a lot of much more suitable brownfield sites.

Testun llawn:

The Core Strategy comments that the Guys Cliffe site should be preserved. This is too near.
This is greenbelt land and is liable to flood. It is not suitable for such development.
Woodloes is already big enough and needs some green space between it and a major road.
Coventry Road is already congested and it will get worse.
Warwick will sprawl up to a major road and there will be no clear boundary line between it and the next sprawling conurbation.
It will be noisy, unpleasant and unhealthy living close to a major road.
There are a lot of much more suitable brownfield sites.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43950

Derbyniwyd: 12/03/2010

Ymatebydd: Helena Frankish

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:


Testun llawn:

Questionnaire Response:
No Comments


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43964

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Miss Catherine Bezant

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This proposal seems sensible, the development area is already land locked and therefore has less impact on surrounding residents. Minor concern with regards to traffic on an already congested road.

Testun llawn:

This proposal seems sensible, the development area is already land locked and therefore has less impact on surrounding residents. Minor concern with regards to traffic on an already congested road.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43970

Derbyniwyd: 06/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Alma Coleman

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

There is heavy congestion on the Coventry Road into Warwick, making it difficult and dangerous for residents to leave their drives at peak hours and increased usage would exacerbate the situation.

Also I wouldn't want the beauty of the countryside lost.

A major part of the site is designated as registered Park and Garden by English Heritage and Hintons Nursery is a Grade 2 listed feature.

The area is recognised Green Belt land and was rejected as a potential development site in the last round of consultation.

Testun llawn:

I live on the Coventry Road and am horrified to think of the increase in traffic if a housing estate were to be build here as Guy's Cliffe. It is already difficult to come out of my house in my car and turn left or right. It is also dangerous. At certain times no one wants to give way. Also I wouldn't want the beauty of the countryside lost, probably losing Hintons and the development merging into Leek Wooten.

A major part of the site is designated as registered Park and Garden by English Heritage. Hintons Nursery, including its Victorian walled garden, is listed as a Grade 2 feature of the landscape.

Traffic density on the A429 is already very high at peak times and there is heavy congestion on the Coventry Road into Warwick, making it impossible for residents to leave their drives between 8.00am - 9.00am and 3.00pm -5.00pm. Increased usage would exacerbate the situation.

The land is existing Green Belt and has been recognized as such in the structure plan and was rejected as a potential site for development in the last round of consultation.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43971

Derbyniwyd: 06/04/2010

Ymatebydd: S C Ridgeway

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The area is: on green belt; part of a registered Park and Garden; and has historical significance.

It is the only tenable space between Warwick and Leek Wootton

The area suffers from flooding which would be exacerbated by development.

Vehicular access to Loes Farm is difficult and dangerous. The area has limited services.

Any development would require major infrastructural improvements.

The proposed area is large enough for a variety of agricultural and horticultural business opportunities.

Barlow Associate's submission seems to have been poorly prepared.

This could leave the Council with a financial burden, which, in turn, could impact on existing residents.

Testun llawn:

Loes Farm sits on green belt and is part of a registered Park and Garden. Warwick is a town of great historic significance. Utilising one of its many historic sites for housing or other commercial ventures would devalue its worth.

The beauty and attraction of other historic parts of Guy's Cliffe - such as The Saxon Mill, Guys Cliffe House and its Walled Kitchen Garden (at Hintons Nursery) would also be put at risk.

Guys Cliffe provides the only tenable space between Warwick and Leek Wootton

The farm suffers from flooding. This extends to my cottage - with rain running from the farm to the drain outside the back door of my home. The drain - whilst properly maintained - regularly fills up quickly when it rains heavily, resulting in the water flooding into the kitchen, bathroom and cellar.

Even with sand bags, this cannot be prevented.

Areas of Hintons Nursery are also subjected to the same problems.

Further development on the land would clearly add to this problem.

Access to Loes Farm - from the A429 - is difficult at the best of times. There have been may accidents over the years - to which the farm's owners can attest. The area also has very limited services, being part of a rural community.

Any additional housing or business would require major infrastructural improvements.

As infrastructure development is unlikely to be funded by any development company, the money would need to come from central or local government; a difficult call on diminishing resources - for the foreseeable future.

The owners' submission that the farm is not financially viable is clearly misnomer and irrelevant. It is evident that the owners have chosen not to invest in the site since they sold the rest of tghe farm privately for the development of the Woodloes Estate in the 1970s.

That said the proposed area is still large enough for a variety of agricultural and horticultural business opportunities, should the owners choose to sell.

The owners also have other business interests including another farm, which is significantly larger and fully operational. They have recently transferred title for this, to their son.

Barlow Associate's submission seems to have been poorly prepared. This is evidence by the inclusion of freehold properties which do no form part of the Forrester's land, failing to mention existing covenants and the exclusion of any form of proposal for dealing with the inherent problems for current and future communities.

This could leave the Council with a large financial burden, which, in turn, could have a major impact on existing residents, arguably making it an unattractive option. I would suggest there are other sites which are better served by their existing services.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43972

Derbyniwyd: 01/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Ms Nicole Biesok

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Appalled at the size of the area potentially earmarked for further housing.

Site is on green belt land which allows residents access to rural open spaces and lovely public footpaths.

Yet another over large housing development on the outskirts surely cannot be right for Warwick.

More housing inevitably means more facilities are needed and impacts on local infrastructure. There is precious little green space left in and around the town as most.

The land to the north of Warwick is unique and special areas do not come two-a-penny and I believe it would ruin a valuable, historic piece of interesting countryside forever.

Testun llawn:

I am extremely concerned by the proposed future development on Loes Farm, Guy's Cliffe.

I saw the full proposed area ring marked on the front of the Warwick Courier a few weeks ago and I was appalled at the size of the area potentially earmarked for further housing.

It would ruin yet another piece of green belt land which is necessary to preserve not only the character of Warwick town itself but also gives a very easy accessibility to rural open spaces via the many lovely public footpaths which cross this indicated area and are there to be enjoyed by all who wish to. These provide a welcome route away from the hustle and bustle of the town itself without having to drive a long way and I personally enjoy the benefits and contrast between living in an urban area and having the peacefulness of this lovely countryside close by.

Yet another over large housing development on the outskirts surely cannot be right for Warwick.

These dominate the skyline and change the entrance into a town forever. More housing inevitably means more facilities are needed which impacts on local infrastructure. It has crossed my mind that the new schools currently being constructed on the Woodloes are much larger than would appear strictly necessary even after allowing for the relocation of the Ridgeway School on the site. It this with a view to providing school places for planned future housing nearby? I am alarmed that development at Loes Farm is already a foregone conclusion? The land to the north of Warwick is unique and should therefore be preserved. There is precious little green space left in and around the town as most, if not all new developments are crammed full with houses.

The Woodloes is probably the only example of a housing estate with proper open spaces which does make for pleasant living. It fits naturally into its boundaries of the canal to the South, the bypass to the West and North and the Coventry Road to the East. Developers and landowners should not be permitted to use the suggested fam land at Loes Farm and ultimately beyond to extend housing. This is very important. Special areas do not come two-a-penny and I believe it would ruin a valuable, historic piece of interesting countryside forever.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43974

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mrs Rachel A Smith

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I am particularly worried about the trees and hedgerows around this proposed site.

I am sure we have met our housing targets as set out by the Government.

I believe we cannot sustain any more houses as our services are already overstretched.

It is a green belt area.

It will increase traffic on the Coventry Road.

Being able to go into the countryside is beneficial for our health and but it is being destroyed in many districts.

Our district is currently being built on.

Testun llawn:

I am particularly worried about the trees and hedgerows around this proposed site. I believe these must be protected to ensure that our children can benefit from the beauty of the countryside and understand the Natural World.

I am sure we have met our housing targets as set out by the Government, but the targets keep getting moved we have, I feel done our share in the county.

I believe we cannot sustain any more houses as our schools, doctors, hospitals are already overstretched.

It seems there is no protection at all these days for green belt areas. If this proposal goes ahead the impact on the Coventry Road will make this road busier than it already is. The speed limit already being lowered to help the residents on this road to gain access to their properties safely.

What about the environment, wildlife, a country lane to walk along with our children and grandchildren. Being able to go into the countryside is beneficial for our health and stress levels and we need our future children to understand the natural world. Already hedgerows, woods are being destroyed in many districts these we must preserve for the future for everyone to enjoy.

I just wonder whether this particular area has any Historical or Archaeological interest?

I believe there are still areas in our district still being built on Chase Meadow, the site by the canal in Warwick and Pottertons so surely enough is enough.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43980

Derbyniwyd: 09/03/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Smith

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

AESTHETICS:The Coventry Road approach to Warwick benefits from rolling fields and an historic landscape that sets the tone for the town.

INFRASTRUCTURE:Roads are already overloaded. Question over the provision of all the services.

ARCHAEOLOGY:The farmland is ancient grazed grassland and has outlines of possible medieval buildings.

ECOLOGY:Area important for a number of species some of which are scheduled (newts, badgers and bats). Value of trees over 100 years old.

SOCIAL:risk diluting the identities of North Woodloes and Leek Wootton. A greater pressure on employment in Warwick.

HEALTH:Greater pollution; overloaded medical services; and emotional well being are important factors to consider.

Testun llawn:

In general terms I must protest at the continued housing development being made in the county. Despite understanding the need for housing stock I feel that Warwickshire and Warwick District in particular has already shouldered its fair share. I applaud the councils continued use of brown field sites but feel that with ever increasing targets the threat to green field sites is now intolerable. I object to all the current proposals in this consulation feeling that sites such as old factories on Montague Road, the empty properties at the Potterton Site, the still uncompleted Chase Meadows and the Ford Foundry site offer potential for development without the loss of green fields.

In particular I would like to oppose the development of Loes Farm on the following grounds:

AESTHETICS: The Coventry Road approach to Warwick is one of the best approaches to the town, benefiting from rolling fields and an historic landscape that sets the tone for the town. Many other approaches are conurbated lending a feeling that Warwick is nothing more than an average built up area.

INFRASTRUCTURE: Housing at Loes Farm would increase traffic on the Coventry Road and island at both ends of the road. This section is already overloaded and would require traffic measures that would have knock on effects. There would also be an increase to traffic flow on the A46 increasing pollution in North Warwick. The extra number of households would also see an increased pressure on Warwick Town Centre's already overloaded parking and road infrastructure.
There is a large question over how these extra homes and their occupants will be provided for in terms of energy, sewage, policing, emergency medical care, schooling and fire fighting in a town already on the brink of losing its fire station with a recently closed main police station.

ARCHAEOLOGY: The farmland is one of the few pieces of ancient grazed grassland left around Warwick. There is evidence to ridge and furrow usage and outlines of possible medieval buildings.

ECOLOGY: The sheep pasture is important for local Rooks, Buzzards and Green Woodpeckers. There is a badger sett close to the motorway embankment and bats frequent Woodloes Lane. It would be necessary to check the old trees in the field for roosts. The treets themselves are of intrinsic value themselves with many being over 100 years old.
There are various ponds and wet depressions across the site and in adjacent farm cottages that contain records of Great Crested Newts that could be severly impacted by development. The newts, badgers and bats are all scheduled species and mean that the welfare will eed to come up most in any construction both in the implementation phase and for the life span of the development

SOCIAL: The increased housing will increase the conurbation between Warwick and Leek Wootton and risk diluting both the cultural and social identity of both North Woodloes and Leek Wootton. The increased population as a result of the housing will place greater pressure on employment in Warwick at a time when gaining employment is difficult enough. Where are all these people going to work?

HEALTH: Increased occupation will lead to greater pollution from vehicles and waste disposal. There is the question of already overloaded medical services such as doctors and the hospital. On a more subtle note emotional well being is an important factor to consider. Many people on the Woodloes and in fact in the district enjoy walking up Woodloes Lane in the country and across to Leek Wootton such activities are proved to reduce depression and lower blood pressure.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43987

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: D Langridge

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I object to this development due to the area being already over-developed (Warwick Gates, Chase Meadow, Emscote Lawn). Further development will increase already very congested transport links, strain on local resources and blurring the boundaries of Warwick, Leek Wootton and surrounding areas. It will also ruin the beauty of the Warwickshire countryside.

Testun llawn:

I object to this development due to the area being already over-developed (Warwick Gates, Chase Meadow, Emscote Lawn). Further development will increase already very congested transport links, strain on local resources and blurring the boundaries of Warwick, Leek Wootton and surrounding areas. It will also ruin the beauty of the Warwickshire countryside.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 43997

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Ed Rycroft

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I object in the strongest possible terms to further development of Warwick. It is already one large housing estate...with poor traffic access through the town. I agree it is close to M40 / A46 so good road access to leave the area...if the houses are for commuters then maybe the houses should be nearer where they work...i.e. London, Birmingham, and Coventry...not in Warwick where there are no additional jobs, schools or public services to support such a large population increase.

Testun llawn:

I object in the strongest possible terms to further development of Warwick. It is already one large housing estate...with poor traffic access through the town. I agree it is close to M40 / A46 so good road access to leave the area...if the houses are for commuters then maybe the houses should be nearer where they work...i.e. London, Birmingham, and Coventry...not in Warwick where there are no additional jobs, schools or public services to support such a large population increase.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44005

Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Richard Brookes

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The entire site is not appropriate for full development. The A46 forms the natural north and west boundary to development. Woodloes Lane is on a ridge. Building from this line would be visually intrusive. However, north of the Nursery, development will present minimal visual impact owing to the falling topography.

Testun llawn:

The entire site is not appropriate for full development. The A46 forms the natural north and west boundary to development. Woodloes Lane is on a ridge. Building from this line would be visually intrusive. However, north of the Nursery, development will present minimal visual impact owing to the falling topography.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44019

Derbyniwyd: 19/03/2010

Ymatebydd: Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

It would encroach deep into the Green Belt buffer that currently exists between the village of Leek Wootton and Woodloes Park/Warwick. We would object even more strongly to development of the lands within the Parish and on the north side of the A46 as this would not form part of the current village and the access thereto via North Woodloes would be inappropriate and unacceptable.

We would further object as such development would remove the rural setting in which the Saxon Mill, Guy's Cliffe House, the Riding Stables and Hinton's Nursery are currently and appropriately situated.

Testun llawn:

Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council considered your Core Strategy document at its recent meeting and wishes to comment on Alternative Site 4, Loes Farm, Guy's Cliffe, Warwick as this property is partly within the Parish and partly immediately adjoining it.

We assume that the plan included shows the total extent of the landholding of Mr & Mrs Forrester of Loes Farm and not necessarily the land that could be developed.

The Parish Council would strongly object to the development of all or any of this property as it would encroach deep into the Green Belt buffer that currently exists between the village of Leek Wootton and Woodloes Park/Warwick. We would object even more strongly to development of the lands within the Parish and on the north side of the A46 as this would not form part of the current village and the access thereto via North Woodloes would be inappropriate and unacceptable.

We would further object as such development would remove the rural setting in which the Saxon Mill, Guy's Cliffe House, the Riding Stables and Hinton's Nursery are currently and appropriately situated.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44061

Derbyniwyd: 21/03/2010

Ymatebydd: Ian Whiting

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This land is prime location, it has easy access to the A46 and will not have any inpact on any villages or communitites.

Testun llawn:

This land is prime location, it has easy access to the A46 and will not have any inpact on any villages or communitites.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44068

Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Tony Hyndman

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This is a good site with an established community.

Testun llawn:

This is a good site with an established community.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44104

Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Councillor Norman Colls

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

If building on this site results in less of the original prefered option building at Harbury Lane and Europa Way area then I'm in favor of this development as it is a fairer distribution of future development across the district.

Testun llawn:

If building on this site results in less of the original prefered option building at Harbury Lane and Europa Way area then I'm in favor of this development as it is a fairer distribution of future development across the district.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44108

Derbyniwyd: 26/03/2010

Ymatebydd: June Simpson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I am writing to add my voice to protest about the housing estate on Hurst Farm.

We have had enough building in this area with the University and the business park, the traffic in this area is horrendous, and how you are planning to increase this congestion.

Testun llawn:

I am writing to add my voice to protest about the housing estate on Hurst Farm.

We have had enough building in this area with the University and the business park, the traffic in this area is horrendous, and how you are planning to increase this congestion.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44127

Derbyniwyd: 03/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Ken Hope

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I support this because it is extending an urban domestic dwelling area rather than overwhelming a small 'village' community .
It has good potential access to main roads.

Testun llawn:

I support this because it is extending an urban domestic dwelling area rather than overwhelming a small 'village' community .
It has good potential access to main roads.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44134

Derbyniwyd: 04/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Cllr. Prof Maurice Shutler

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

On the grounds that this development will simply bring profits to developers and do nothing to provide rented homes for those in need of affordable homes, as identified by successive Council surveys

Testun llawn:

On the grounds that this development will simply bring profits to developers and do nothing to provide rented homes for those in need of affordable homes, as identified by successive Council surveys


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44142

Derbyniwyd: 04/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Southern Windy Arbour Area Residents' Association

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt land, no local amenities within 10 mins walking distance. Significant road noise from Warwick by-pass. Road into warwick heavily congested most mornings, traffic alleviation scheme is required now, prior to any 'development' of the site.

Testun llawn:

Green belt land, no local amenities within 10 mins walking distance. Significant road noise from Warwick by-pass. Road into warwick heavily congested most mornings, traffic alleviation scheme is required now, prior to any 'development' of the site.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44149

Derbyniwyd: 05/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Cllr. John Whitehouse

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:


Testun llawn:

This site is totally unsuitable for the development proposed. It is part of the precious, thin strip of green belt separating Kenilworth from the city of Coventry, which must be preserved at all costs. The local road infrastructure is already overloaded with 'rat-running' traffic up Crackley Lane in peak periods.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44160

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Environment Agency

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

As with all sites over one hectare in size a Flood Risk Assesment will be required to cover site drainage and to consider the watercourse that bisects the centre of the site.

Testun llawn:

As with all sites over one hectare in size a Flood Risk Assesment will be required to cover site drainage and to consider the watercourse that bisects the centre of the site.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44165

Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Alan Beddow

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I would not support this development crossing the A46 which presents a natural barrier to the Warwick settlement.

Testun llawn:

I would not support this development crossing the A46 which presents a natural barrier to the Warwick settlement.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44170

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs R. Laws

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Better access to the motorway.

Testun llawn:

Better access to the motorway.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44177

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Ian Frost

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This would destroy the view from Old Milverton Hill across the Avon Valley one of the best panoramas close to Warwick taking in the site of the Guys Cliffe ruin and Mill. To get a view of similar quality you have to travel a long way and the Guys Cliffe area has to be one of Warwick's best assets.

Testun llawn:

This would destroy the view from Old Milverton Hill across the Avon Valley one of the best panoramas close to Warwick taking in the site of the Guys Cliffe ruin and Mill. To get a view of similar quality you have to travel a long way and the Guys Cliffe area has to be one of Warwick's best assets.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44184

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Eleanor Plummer

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

If a greenfield site is to be used, this would appear preferable to others due to it location near a major route.

Testun llawn:

Sites 1a; 1b; 2: Support.
Site 3: I do not support the development of purely greenfield land if re-development is available elsewhere.
Site 4: If a greenfield site is to be used, this would appear preferable to others due to it location near a major route.
Site 5: I do not support the development of purely greenfield land if re-development is available elsewhere. In particular, this site does not appear to possess an adequate road network to support the level of development proposed. Any improvements to the road network would further disrupt greenfield land.
Site 6: I would support this location for development, so long as guarantees can be made to residents of Baginton village that investment will be made in local amenities to support an influx of new residents.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44190

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mrs Valerie Smith

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

I have no objection

Testun llawn:

Questionnaitr Response:

Sites 1a; 1b; 3; 4; 5; 6:
I have No Objection.

Site 2:
If this land were to be developed it would have an extremely damaging effect on the area.
1.It is a flood plain and there is a reason for it being so.
2. Sewers around Whitnash already have problems they do not need to be exacerbated.
3. Roads around the area are already extremely busy at key times in the day and any Bank holiday. It is not a viable proposition to support an extra 1000 houses with probably two cars per house and more children to ferry to primary schools out of the area as there are not enough suitable places locally.
4. Golf Lane has reach capacity for traffic coming and going at busy times a new school in the position suggested would mean far more traffic coming down Golf Lane and Fieldgate Lane which could not cope.
5. Because of a lack of places for children to play in this area, Fieldgate Lane at the moment attracts children playing as it is reasonably safe being a no through road. Climbing trees and being kids!! We do need places not continually full of traffic we seem to be creating one big housing development without much relief.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44199

Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Ms Jennifer Drake

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

These proposals go towards addressing the concerns raised about the prime arable land South of Harbury Lane.

The sites distribute development around the Warwick-Kenilworth-Leamington area, integrating into already established communities, with consequently less infrastructure impact. Nor are any of the proposed alternatives (so far as I am aware) prone to flooding in the way that Harbury Lane South is.

Wherever possible you look to develop brownfield land first. I realise that this requires more effort, but the social benefits are correspondingly greater. Derelict eyesore sites are improved and become productive and agricultural land can continue in its prime purpose.

Testun llawn:

Having attended various meetings on the core strategy last year, I wanted to thank you for coming up with the alternative sites. These proposals go a long way towards addressing the very real concerns that so many of us raised about the prime arable land South of Harbury Lane.

The alternative sites distribute the housing around the Warwick-Kenilworth-Leamington area, integrating it into already established communities, with consequently less infrastructure impact. Nor are any of the proposed alternatives (so far as I am aware) prone to flooding in the way that the Harbury Lane South site is.

My final request would be that wherever possible you look to develop brownfield land first. I realise that this requires more effort in terms of ground clearance and decontamination prior to use, but the social benefits are correspondingly greater. Derelict eyesore sites are improved and brought back into productive use and agricultural land can continue in its prime purpose of feeding people with trusted locally-sourced products.


Alternative Sites Consultation

ID sylw: 44264

Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010

Ymatebydd: Mr Raymond Bullen

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Not appropriate for full development. The A46 forms the natural north and west boundary to development. Woodloes Lane is on a ridge. Building from this line would be visually intrusive. However, north of the Nursery, development will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. At least 16.9ha is suitable for 550 homes, but this could be extended northwards to take in Loes Farm up to Como pit woodland with a substantial 50m wide shelter belt to the west of the Coventry Road, opposite Saxon mill. This would increase the area by 6ha and add a further 240 homes.

Testun llawn:

Not appropriate for full development. The A46 forms the natural north and west boundary to development. Woodloes Lane is on a ridge. Building from this line would be visually intrusive. However, north of the Nursery, development will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. At least 16.9ha is suitable for 550 homes, but this could be extended northwards to take in Loes Farm up to Como pit woodland with a substantial 50m wide shelter belt to the west of the Coventry Road, opposite the Saxon mill PH. This would increase the area by 6ha and add a further 240 homes.