Preferred Options
ID sylw: 46763
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Patrick McCosker
Asiant : Mr Steve Bromley
My client owns land alongside Shrewley Common Road and would accommodate a modest amount of housing development that would not harm the character of the village.The site is a field that slopes away from the road and has no important features worthy of preservation. The site would accommodate a proportion of the housing development allocated for Shrewley.
The proposed new local plan policies support a modest amount of new housing development in the village of Shrewley. On behalf of my client I submit for your consideration land that under the proposed policies would be suitable for housing development. The land is located between 111 Shrewley Common and The Cottage, Shrewley Common, as outline in red on the plan submitted with these representations.
* The site is in a sustainable location and meets the sustainability criteria identified in the new local plan.
* The site is available for development. The land is owned by my client who would make the site available for development to contribute immediately toward the five year housing land supply. I am not aware of any legal restrictions that would inhibit or prevent the land being fully utilised for appropriate development.
* The site is suitable being located in a sustainable location on the edge of a village that has local facilities and is served by public transport.
* Development of the site is readily achievable. The site is in a location that is highly desirable to the housing market. The site is free from development constraints and there would therefore be strong demand by house builders to proceed with development.
* The new local plan proposes to designate Shrewley as a Category 2 settlement, suitable for between 30 and 80 dwellings. The site has an area of 0.69 hectares which at a density of 43 dwellings per hectare would provide a scheme of 30 dwellings. Accommodating 30 dwellings on the site would make a significant contribution to the total likely allocation of housing for the village. Shrewley village is characterised by linear housing development with few opportunities for infill development. To accommodate between 30 and 80 dwellings it will be necessary to allocate sites such as my clients for housing development. Subject to a carefully designed form of development a scheme for 30 dwellings would be proportionate in scale to the developed area of the village.
* The site is suitable for development for the following reasons:
o The site has no known physical constraints. Currently the site is an agricultural field with no trees or natural features that would require preservation.
o The site has no known drainage issues that would prevent development.
o The site has a long frontage to the main road with adequate visibility for road access.
o Site contours fall away from the road thereby reducing the visual impact of any development when viewed from the main road.
o The site is naturally constrained between existing development to the east, the main road to the north and a well established tree screen to the south. These features provide strong defensible boundaries to prevent further development beyond the site.
* I submit the site meets the sustainable criteria in the proposed new local plan and is suitable for designation as a housing development site.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 47129
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: mr. edward brown
Not to include the proposed development and not allow any new housing in Shrewley Common.
With respect to the submission to a proposed housing development next to the Durham Ox Public House Shrewley Common. no 111.
These houses will be placed on a road that has a speed limit of 40 mph. This is rarely heeded, traffic is a great deal faster. it is on a long straight piece of road encouraging acceleration.
the DurhamOx is next door which is noisy and will be disturbing for residents - there is often outside music at its numerous events throughout the year. these events go on late into the evening. It is likely there will be a conflict of the entrances/exits onto the road with both the proposed development and pub.
The law states alcohol levels for drivers but there is, obviously and frequently, drivers that will be turning onto the road and past the development with impared capability therefore causing hazard.
Being so close to the pub, there is the great risk that residents of the proposed development will become noisy and undisciplined on walking back to their homes. Being no other outside distraction in the immediate area, it can be seen that the frequency of pub usage will be high.
The proposed development is very likely to become a high rate area. Visitation will primarily by foot.
There are no noticable areas for employment in the area of Shrewley Common. Any employment is to be found a long distance by class B and C roads..
The only access to a train service is through lanes to Hatton Station some 21/2 miles via Pinley green, etc. Long distance bus services are similarly inconvenient.
Primary school education is in the take of the Fercumbe School at Hatton. This is slated to be expanded in the near future. The extra traffic (70% of children are delivered by private transport(ref Hatton P.C. draft parish plan.) will increase the traffic burden through Shrewley Common, impose the risk of further accidents at Shrewley cross roads and the turn onto the Hockley Road by Cornagh's Farm.
Shrewley Common has no church or green space for community recreation and as mentioned before, no nearbye employment opportunities.
there is a sufficient mix of varied priced housing from the original council housing to the more expensive.
The inclusion of any more housing in Shrewley Common in the LDP will do nothing to increase sustainability - rather it will lower this factor noticably. Unlike Hatton Green that has a very strong call for housing freemarket and affordable, a school that is to be expanded, Church, Sizable community green space (the old sports field - aka scout field - on Stoney lane), sizable village hall and direct access onto the A4177 and with substantial empoyment opportunities, noticable large footpath network. Substantial junction improvements onto the A4177 are being put forward.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 47829
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Shrewley Parish Council
Shrewley Parish Council is not opposed to small scale development, provided that development:
- came hand in hand with community development
- was spread through the Parish
- was in keeping with the local street scene
- took into consideration the findings of the Parish Plan
- was subject to further consultation with the Parish Council
- further details of how the boundaries would be redrawn was subject to full consultation
Shrewley comments as follows
Shrewley Parish Council is not opposed to small scale development, provided that development:
- came hand in hand with community development
- was spread through the Parish
- was in keeping with the local street scene
- took into consideration the findings of the Parish Plan
- was subject to further consultation with the Parish Council
- further details of how the boundaries would be redrawn was subject to full consultation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 47971
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Trustees of the Haseley Settlement
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
Support PO4 and development at Shrewley.
Map attached suggests site.
Response forms submitted as electronic attachments.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48418
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Shrewley Parish Council
Shrewley Parish Council is not opposed to small scale development, provided that development:
- comes hand in hand with community development
- is spread through the Parish
- is in keeping with the local street scene
- takes into consideration the findings of the Parish Plan
- is subject to further consultation with the Parish Council
- further details of how the boundaries would be redrawn is subject to full consultation
Shrewley Parish Council is not opposed to small scale development, provided that development:
- came hand in hand with community development
- was spread through the Parish
- was in keeping with the local street scene
- took into consideration the findings of the Parish Plan
- was subject to further consultation with the Parish Council
- further details of how the boundaries would be redrawn was subject to full consultation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49628
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Shrewley Parish Council
Shrewley Parish COuncil is not opposed to small scale development, provided that development:
came hand in hand with community development.
was spread through the Parish.
was in keeping with local street scene.
took intro consideration findings of Parish Plan.
was subject to further consultation with Parish Council.
further details of how boundaries would be redrawn subject to consultation.
As scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49750
Derbyniwyd: 20/07/2012
Ymatebydd: James Bree Estate
Asiant : Godfrey-Payton
Support development at Shrelwey and specifcally at land owned by James Bree Estate. This is available, consistent with the RSS, will provide much needed housing on the edge of the settlement - including affordable housing. The site offers opportunities for sustainable development being located close to transport modes and would assist in support the rural economy and services at the same time as being close to urban areas. Access is possible and the site could yield 8 to 10 housing units.
Scxanner representation