Site Selection Process
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 61082
Derbyniwyd: 19/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jacqueline Crampton
General comment that an excellent thorough examination has been done.
However the results seem a bit tentative and many sites seem to have been excluded prematurely. If there had been more pressure to find the numbers I suspect more could be made to work. Although Parishes may be reluctant, this is the only way the schools, and other facilities can be maintained.
General comment that an excellent thorough examination has been done.
However the results seem a bit tentative and many sites seem to have been excluded prematurely. If there had been more pressure to find the numbers I suspect more could be made to work. Although Parishes may be reluctant, this is the only way the schools, and other facilities can be maintained.
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 61272
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Lenco Investments
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
While it is understood that the Council is currently consulting on its preferred location for small scale village expansion sites, and not strategic land allocations, RPS is of the opinion that the selection of the preferred site at Baginton Village for expansion of the settlement and the consideration of potential alternatives within the current consultation document is predicated on inaccurate and limited evidence from the strategic assessment of the larger site at Baginton, particularly the 2012 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). The process to date can therefore be demonstrated to have inappropriately excluded from the evaluation process not only a suitable site for a wtrategic allocation, but also the potential of the land promoted by RPS to provide a more appropriate and sustainable local extension to the village of Baginton.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 61325
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Spitfire Properties LLP
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
-The VHO fails to identify any settlement boundary for Hatton (Green) village despite the Local Plan identifying that small scale rural settlements should be granted the ability to accommodate small development proposals.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 61609
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Natural England
-Housing Allocations should avoid adverse impacts on National Trails and networks of public rights of way and links should be added and enhanced to existing networks.
-Accessible natural green space should be provided as an integral part of development.
-Green infrastructure maintains critical ecological links between town and country.
The SHLAA should consider the availability of GI and opportunities to enhance GI networks when considering sites for development.
-Land quality varies place to place. Not all land has been surveyed in detail and more detailed field survey may be required to inform decisions about specific sites.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 61727
Derbyniwyd: 18/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr David Pickering
Asiant : Mr Richard Cobb
-We do not believe all the sites proposed to be allocated in the 12 Primary and Secondary Service Villages will be available or deliverable. Nor will they provide enough houses. The process of identifying such villages has failed to examine whether other settlements might benefit from modest development.
see Attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 62045
Derbyniwyd: 13/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Simon Ward
-Rejecting the Peeping Tom (Site 2) in Burton Green for houses being out of character with the surrounding area is a point which should be used for either all of the Burton Green sites or none of the sites!
I am in general agreement with the site review however, I do think that rejecting the peeping tom site 2 for houses being out of character with the surrounding area is a point which should be used for all or none of the sites!
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63173
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Norton Lindsey Parish Council
The sites for development as stated probably could not in law have phased building
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63207
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Sharba Homes
Asiant : PJPlanning
The uses of the first two criteria in this sieving process in paragraph 5.3 are flawed:
-Sites of excessive size should not automatically preclude it as a potential option, on the basis that not all of it may be developed. Parts of a large site may retain good development potential.
-Preclusion of site based on SHLAA commentary is essentially just making a judgement on the basis of desk survey work done. The reduction in the site selection process from 190 to 77 sites prior to field survey is not considered sound methodology.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63209
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Sharba Homes
Asiant : PJPlanning
-In the Overview of Findings the first column relates to 'parcels' of land more frequently than sites. The detailed appraisal in Appendix 6 makes references to SHLAA Potential Impacts and Greenfield Assessment however there is limited information on such matters as visual amenity; site specific character, contextual townscape analysis and therefore it is considered that the methodological progress from the parcel based approach in Appendix 7 to the site appraisal detailed in Appendix 6 is neither logical nor robust.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63526
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Lenco Investments
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
It is demonstrated below that the authority has not considered all reasonable alternatives within the geographic scope of the plan, has not evaluated or subject the alternatives to the same level of fair public analysis and has continued to reject a site as being suitable despite significant changes of circumstance early in the plan process. It has therefore failed to comply with the above statutes as clarified by recent case law.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63527
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Lenco Investments
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
RPS objects to the selective and inconsistent approach that the Council has taken where it continues discount parcels of Land at Baginton on no evidence (despite it being presented to the Council on many occasions) and yet at the same time inconsistently include other parcels of land adjacent to land owned by Lenco Investments as a preferred housing allocation and suitable for development.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63528
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Lenco Investments
Asiant : RPS Planning & Development
Coventry City will not be able to accommodate all of its need and Warwick will need to meet in part unmet need of Coventry City, Green Belt sites will need to be considered on the periphery of Coventry City in Warwick District. Land at Baginton will therefore need to be considered as a reasonable alternative in that debate and RPS expects this to occur without prejudice and by full public analysis before any Local Plan can be submitted for examination. In this context, the preferred approach for development at Baginton of just small scale village expansion cannot be predicated on the assumption that peripheral growth for Coventry City's need will occur elsewhere, without fair and equitable consideration of the strategic context.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63546
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Edward Walpole-Brown
Asiant : Brown and Co
Because of prematurity, other sites have not been considered in the detail they should. Fundamentally the system that has been deployed is deficient and does not produce an adequate scoring system to compare the merits of the individual sites. Although flawed the villages selection for the draft hierarchy report have been scored and a similar system should be put in place for the site selection process.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
ID sylw: 63564
Derbyniwyd: 20/01/2014
Ymatebydd: David Wilson Homes
Asiant : Turley Associates
Object to the Councils selective approach in considering the contribution specific site options make to the Green Belt. A detailed assessment should have been carried out for all the options under consideration.
see attached