GT19 Land at Birmingham Road, Budbrooke (green)

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Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65827

Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Ronald Charles Villiers

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt site with no very special circumstances demonstrated and against stated Government policy. This is the only one of the five preferred options to be located thus.
Travellers sites in green belt are inappropriate development. Unmet demand does not provide very special circumstances.
Previous permissions on the site, but refusals too based on inpact on green belt. Kites Nest appeal decision on similar site and close by.
Owner does not wish to sell for this use therefore CPO and compensation would be required which is too costly to Council budget and could set up legal challenge.
Would be close to and upset the balance of existing community.
Proximity to dangerous, busy road and canal having impact on health and safety, especially for small children.
Caravan and large vehicle movement potentially dangerous.
Visually intrusive and difficult to screen.
Importance of historic assets and to leisure pursuits. Need to encourage tourism and local employment.
Lack of school places locally.

Testun llawn:

Various arguments have been proposed by Hampton Magna Resident's Association to assist me in formulating my response. Having considered these arguments and the Consultation documents and the criteria for responses, I wish the following to be considered as my own personal submission on the subject.
Criterion: Impact on the green belt
Site GT19 is in the Green Belt. Of the five preferred option sites currently shortlisted, it is the only one in the Green Belt. The Government has consistently stated that Green Belt Land should only be used in very exceptional circumstances.
On 1 July 2013, in his written statement to Parliament, Brandon Lewis MP, Local Government Minister stated:
'Our policy document planning policy for traveller sites was issued in March 2012. It makes clear that both temporary and permanent traveller sites are inappropriate development in the green belt and that planning decisions should protect green belt land from such inappropriate development.... .
... it has become apparent that, in some cases, the green belt is not always being given sufficient protection that was the explicit policy intent of ministers.
The Secretary of State wishes to make clear that, in considering planning applications, although each case will depend on the facts, he considers that the single issue of unmet demand, whether for traveller sites or for conventional housing, is unlikely to outweigh harm to the green belt and other harm to constitute the #very special circumstances' justifying inapprpriate development in the green belt'.
This was reinterated by Brandon Lewis in his 17 January 2014 statement:
'The Secretary of State remains concerned about the extent to which planning appeal decisions are meeting the government's clear policy intentions, particularly as to whether sufficient weight is being given to the importance of green belt protection. Therefore, he intends to continue to consider for recoveru appeals involving traveller sites in the green belt.'
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS) states:
'Policy E: Traveller Sites in Green Belt
14. Inappropriate development is harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very exceptional circumstances. Traveller sites (temporary or permanent) in the green belt are inappropriate development'
WEDC has not shown very exceptional circumstances exist for including GT19 in the list of preferred options. This contravenes government policy.
The Consultaiton Document merely states that previous development has been permitted on the proposed site but it is equally the case that planning permission has also been refused due to its impact on the Green Belt.
In addition, the Green Belt artument was used against Kite's Nest site being a gyspy and traveller site. It is less than a mile away and the sites are in several aspects similar, therefore this aregument applies equally if not mor so to Site GT19. To oppose the Kites Nest site on the grounds of impact on the Green Belt and propose GT19 site when on Green Belt land would also show a lack of consistency in WDC's appraising of sites with similar issues.
The Inspector's report from Kites Nest refusal stated:
'For development to be allowed in the Green Belt, very special circumstances need to be identified. What constitutes very special cicumstances are not identified by local planning authorities. The term is condequently a moving target as appear to be the weights and measures used to arrive at a weighted decision. The appellants (at Kites Nest) provided a list of 15 issues that could be considered as very special circumstances as to why the development should be allowed. These did not include such common issues as health, education or children. The issues are complicated and fraught.'
Impact on the Green Belt should alone be a sufficient ground for refusal.
Criterion: Availability fo the site (including impact on the existing uses on the site)
The owner of the land at site GT19, Robert Butler, does not want to sell it for a Traveller and Gypsy site. Therefore a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) would be needed and Warwick District Council has said that a CPO copuld be used. This is in complete contravention of ministerial statements.
The use of Compulsory Purchase could set up conditions for a legal challenge.
If the GT19 site were to be approved it would put the current owner's business at considerable risk and so there would also be the question of compensation for the owners business that suffered as a consequence.
Expenditure on this and a CPO would not be an appropriate use of limited financial resources of WDC.
Criterion:Proximity to other residential properties
The Kites Nest inspector found and the Secretary of State agreed that the Kites Nest site was situated within the local community of about 10 households, and that community would be dominated by a 13 or 8 pitch scheme.
The same argument applies for site GT19 which is set within a group of houses 4 houses to the south and a Shell petrol station to the north followed by a further 10 houses. The provision of five pitches on this site would increase the housing density by25 per cent and thus would change the local dynamics.
The use of the term 'community' is deliberate; it is not the same as settlement or that term would have been used. There is a close-knit and neighbourly sense of community amongst the occupants of he 10 or so dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the proposed GT19 site.
The Kites Nest inspector accepted that the scattered houses do form an identifiable community. Birmingham Road houses similarly form community and therefore it could be argued that approval of site GT19 would be going against the inspector's comments which have helped WDC in the past.
PPTS Policy B, paragraph 11(a) states that policies should 'promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between site and the local community' PPTS - Policy C states that authorities should 'ensure that the scale of such sites does not dominate the nearest settled community'.
For the above reasons, selection of Site GT19 would appear to contravene these policies.
Criterion: Safe Access from the Site for vehicles and pedestrians
Approval of the GT19 site would locate the pitches between the canal and a fast and busy road (Birmingham Road A4177). Traffic on this road is already dangerous and if proposed housing developments occur it would be set to increase. This road has had 2 fatal accidents in the last five years. There was also another serious accident in March 2014.
Movement of caravans and large vehicles in and out of the site on such a fast and busy road would not only be potentially dangerous to the proposed occupiers of the GT19 site, but it could incerase the likelihood of more accidents to other traffic. In fact an application by the current owner for the importation storage and cutting of timber was refused on the grounds of green belt citing the fact that the site is on a busy and fast main road (Birmingham Road A4177). To refuse the landowner's application on such grounds and then ignore them when assessing the GT19 proposal is contradictory.
Criterion: Impact on visual amenity including the visibility of the site and surrounding area.
The previous inspector involved with Kites Nest found that the development was very prominent through 'gappy hedges' and from public footpaths, and htat the existing caravans were an 'extremely jarring element'. The secretary of State agreed with this assessment. Site GT19 would be similarly visible through gappy hedges.
The road is higher than the proposed site so that it would be overlooked. In the current consultation document reference is made to a habitat buffer being required to the canal side of the development. It could be argued that similar screening would be required on the road side to give residents privacy from passing traffic and to screen off the caravans from neighbouring houses. Screening issues for Site GT19 are even more extensive than Kites Nest.
Site GT19 would also be visible from the canal which is a tourist attraction with its many locks and is likely to have an adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic environment. The present canal dates back to 1799 and the flight of 21 locks are well known among waterways aficionados and are a greatly valued heritage asset. There is also a great deal of narrow boat traffic, especially in he summer months, to see and use the 21 locks.
Education would have to be provided for gypsy children and it has been suggested that children could attend Budbrooke School. Budbrooke School is already struggling with numbers due to rising population. Ferncumbe School in Hatton is also full.
Criterion: Impact of land contamination, noise and other disturbance
The five pitches present potential noise and disturbance for families living in close proximity.
Compliance with PPTS - health and wellbeing
It is noted that no criterion is listed to address this policy and it should be.
PPTS Policy B - Paragraph 11(e) states that local planning authorities shoud ensure that their policies:
'provide for proper consideration of the effect of local environmental quality (such as noise and air quality) on the health and well-being of any travellers that may locate there or on others as a result of new development.'
The GT19 site is adjacent to a nearby canal. There could be detrimental effects on the health and well being of young children living near the canal.
Also to put children on a site near a potentially dangerous road does not appear to comply with this Policy.
Criterion:impact on heritage assets and setting of heritage assets
The flight of 21 locks was opened in 1799 and known as the 'stairway to heaven'. The tourist heritage side of Budbrooke is currently underdeveloped. Ramblers, joggers, odg walkers, cyclists, artists, photographers, bird watchers and other groups use the towpath. Then there is the river traffic. Narrow boat owners travel along the canal at weekends and for their holidays. Boats are also rented for holidays.
To locate the Gypsy and Traveller site adjacent to this area would not enhance it but have an adverse affect and the history and heritage of the area.
Weunderstand that the current owner of proposed GT19 site in conjunction has drawn up plans with British Waterways for a marina with a restaurant and a conference centre. This would include a heritage area with pictures and artefacts of traditional life so that local people and visitors could see and appreciate the lives of former generations.
The viability of this proposal should at least be considered in order to examine whether it could increase the tourist industry in the area and provide employment opportunities for local people.
It would seem that encouraging tourism, preservation of heritage, and possible employment opportunities should take precedence over inappropriate use of expenditure on CPOs and potential financial compensation.
I wish this document to be regarded as my personal representations against the GT19 site.


Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65913

Derbyniwyd: 25/03/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Ian Cosnett

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green Belt and not previously developed land.
Does not feel or look 'urban' and is currently grassland. Has been described as hamlet
Area proposed is not the area that has planning permission for caravan and camping site and area with pp never has more than one or two caravans - site is little used
Consideration of effect on existing businesses on site
Dangerous road, speeding issue
Habitat buffer would be needed removing open-ness and views to locks
Effect on tourism and cafe
Irrelevant to mention agricultural grading of land when no crops are grown
Budbrooke School in 'special measures' so numbers are falling. Would be irresponsible to place Traveller children into school unable to meet their educational needs
Expansion of school would be to accommodate students already there, not additional children
No bus stop near the site and service infrequent and increased numbers still won't make increased service viable
Misleading description of site

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65914

Derbyniwyd: 25/03/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Ian Cosnett

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Canal is classified as local wildlife site and south an Eco-site 30/26
Will cause harm to character of area
Lack of integration with kocal community
Public perception that WDC is changing the rules to suit its needs
Policy objections: Policy DP3 - Natural/historic environment NPPF guidelines - protecting GB

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65920

Derbyniwyd: 27/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Carol Roper

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt site with no very special circumstances demonstrated and against stated Government policy. This is the only one of the five preferred options to be located thus.
Travellers sites in green belt are inappropriate development. Unmet demand does not provide very special circumstances.
Previous permissions on the site, but refusals too based on inpact on green belt. Kites Nest appeal decision on similar site and close by.
Owner does not wish to sell for this use therefore CPO and compensation would be required which is too costly to Council budget and could set up legal challenge.
Would be close to and upset the balance of existing community.
Proximity to dangerous, busy road and canal having impact on health and safety, especially for small children.
Caravan and large vehicle movement potentially dangerous.
Visually intrusive and difficult to screen.
Importance of historic assets and to leisure pursuits. Need to encourage tourism and local employment.
Lack of school places locally.

Testun llawn:

To the Development Policy Manager
Development Services
Various arguments have been proposed by Hampton Magna Residents' Association to assist me in formulating my response. Having considered these arguments and the Consultation Documents and the criteria for responses, I wish the following to be considered as my own personal submission on the subject.

Criterion: Impact on the green belt
Site GT19 is in the Green Belt. Of the five preferred option sites currently shortlisted it is the only one in the Green Belt. The Government has consistently stated that Green Belt Land should only be used in very exceptional circumstances.

On 1 July 2013, in his written statement to Parliament, Brandon Lewis MP, Local Government Minister stated:
"Our policy document planning policy for traveller sites was issued in March 2012. It makes clear that both temporary and permanent traveller sites are inappropriate development in the green belt and that planning decisions should protect green belt land from such inappropriate development ... .
... it has become apparent that, in some cases, the green belt is not always being given sufficient protection that was the explicit policy intent of ministers.
The Secretary of State wishes to make clear that, in considering planning applications, although each case will depend on the facts, he considers that the single issue of unmet demand, whether for traveller sites or for conventional housing, is unlikely to outweigh harm to the green belt and other harm to constitute the "very special circumstances" justifying inappropriate development in the green belt."
This was reiterated by Brandon Lewis in his 17 January 2014 statement:
"The Secretary of State remains concerned about the extent to which planning appeal decisions are meeting the government's clear policy intentions, particularly as to whether sufficient weight is being given to the importance of green belt protection. Therefore, he intends to continue to consider for recovery appeals involving traveller sites in the green belt."
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS) states:
"Policy E: Traveller Sites in Green Belt
14. Inappropriate development is harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved, except in very exceptional circumstances. Traveller sites (temporary or permanent) in the green belt are inappropriate development"
WDC has not shown very exceptional circumstances exist for including GT 19 in the list of preferred sites. This contravenes government policy.
The Consultation Document merely states that previous development has been permitted on the proposed site but it is equally the case that planning permission has also been refused due to its impact on the Green Belt.
In addition, the Green Belt argument was used against Kite's Nest site being a gypsy and traveller site. It is less than a mile away and the sites are in several aspects similar, therefore this argument applies equally if not more so to Site GT 19. To oppose the Kites Nest site on the grounds of impact on Green Belt and propose GT19 site when on Green Belt land would also show a lack of consistency in WDC's appraising of sites with similar issues.
The Inspector's report from Kites Nest refusal stated:
"For development to be allowed in the Green Belt, very special circumstances need to be identified. What constitutes very special circumstances are not identified by local planning authorities. The term is consequently a moving target as appear to be the weights and measures used to arrive at a weighted decision. The appellants (at Kites Nest) provided a list of 15 issues that could be considered as very special circumstances as to why the development should be allowed. These did not include such common issues as health, education or children. The issues are complicated and fraught."
Impact on the Green Belt should alone be a sufficient ground for refusal.

Criterion: Availability of the site (including impact on the existing uses on the site)
It is my understanding that the owner of the land at site GT19, Robert Butler, does not want to sell it for a Traveller and Gypsy site. Therefore a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) would be needed and Warwick District Council has said that a CPO could be used. This is in complete contravention of ministerial statements.
The use of a Compulsory Purchase could set up conditions for a legal challenge.
If the GT19 site were to be approved it would put the current owner's business at considerable risk and so there would also be the question of compensation for the owners business that suffered as a consequence. Expenditure on this and a CPO would not be an appropriate use of limited financial resources of WDC.

Criterion: Proximity to other residential properties
The Kites Nest inspector found and the Secretary of State agreed that the Kites Nest site was situated within the local community of about 10 households, and that community would be dominated by a 13 or 8 pitch scheme.
The same argument applies for site GT19 which is set within a group of houses 4 houses to the south and a Shell petrol station to the north followed by a further 10 houses. The provision of five pitches on this site would increase the housing density by 25 per cent and thus would change the local dynamics.
The use of the term "community" is deliberate; it is not the same as settlement or that term would have been used. There is a close-knit and neighbourly sense of community amongst the occupiers of the 10 or so dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the proposed GT19 site.
The Kites Nest inspector accepted that the scattered houses do form an identifiable community. Birmingham Road houses similarly form a community and therefore it could be argued that approval of site GT19 would be going against the inspector's comments which have helped WDC in the past.
PPTS Policy B, paragraph 11(a) states that policies should "promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community". PPTS - Policy C states that authorities should "ensure that the scale of such sites does not dominate the nearest settled community".
For the above reasons, selection of Site GT19 would appear to contravene these policies.

Criterion: Safe Access from the Site for vehicles and pedestrians.
Approval of the GT19 site would locate the pitches between the canal and a fast and busy road (Birmingham Road A4177). Traffic on this road is already dangerous and if proposed housing developments occur it would be set to increase. This road has had 2 fatal accidents in the last five years. There was also another serious accident in March 2014.
Movement of caravans and large vehicles in and out of the site on such a fast and busy road would not only be potentially dangerous to the proposed occupiers of the GT19 site it could increase the likelihood of more accidents to other traffic. In fact an application by the current owner for the importation, storage and cutting of timber was refused on the grounds of Green Belt citing the fact that the site is on a busy and fast main road (Birmingham Road A4177). To refuse the landowner's application on such grounds and then ignore them when assessing the GT19 proposal is contradictory.

Criterion: Impact on visual amenity including the visibility of the site and surrounding area.
The previous inspector involved with Kites Nest found that the development was very prominent through "gappy hedges" and from public footpaths, and that the existing caravans were an "extremely jarring element". The secretary of State agreed with this assessment. Site GT19 would be similarly visible through gappy hedges.
The road is higher than the proposed site so that it would be overlooked. In the current consultation document reference is made to a habitat buffer being required to the canal side of the development. It could be argued that similar screening would be required on the road side to give the residents privacy from passing traffic and to screen off the caravans from the neighbouring houses. Screening issues for Site GT19 are even more extensive than Kites Nest.
Site GT 19 would also be visible from the canal which is a tourist attraction with its many locks and is likely to have an adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic environment. The present canal dates back to 1799 and the flight of 21 locks are well known among waterways aficionados and are a greatly valued heritage asset. There is also a great deal of narrow boat traffic, especially in the summer months, to see and use the 21 locks.

Criterion: Distance to nearby Schools ... etc.
Education would have to be provided for gypsy children and it has been suggested that children could attend Budbrooke School. Budbrooke School is already struggling with numbers due to rising population. Ferncombe School in Hatton is also full.

Criterion: Impact of land contamination, noise and other disturbance
The five pitches present potential noise and disturbance for families living in close proximity.

Compliance with PPTS - health and wellbeing
It is noted that no criterion is listed to address this policy and it should be.
PPTS Policy B - Paragraph 11(e) states that local planning authorities should, ensure that their policies:
" provide for proper consideration of the effect of local environmental quality (such as noise and air quality) on the health and well-being of any travellers that may locate there or on others as a result of new development ."
The GT19 site is adjacent to a nearby a canal. There could be detrimental effects to the health and well being of young children living near the canal.
Also, to put children on a site near a potentially dangerous road does not appear to comply with this Policy.

Criterion: impact on heritage assets and setting of heritage assets

The flight of 21 locks was opened in 1799 and known as the "stairway to heaven". The tourist heritage side of Budbrooke is currently underdeveloped. Ramblers, joggers, dog walkers, cyclists, artists, photographers, bird watchers and other groups use the towpath. Then there is the river traffic. Narrow boat owners travel along the canal at weekends and for their holidays. Boats are also rented for holidays.
To locate the Gypsy and Traveller Site adjacent to this area would not enhance it but have an adverse affect and the history and heritage of the area.
We understand that the current owner of proposed GT19 site in conjunction with British Waterways has drawn up plans for a marina with a restaurant and a conference centre. This would include a heritage area with pictures and artefacts of traditional life so that local people and visitors could see and appreciate the lives of former generations.
The viability of this proposal should at least be considered in order to examine whether it could increase the tourist industry in the area and provide employment opportunities for local people.
It would seem that encouraging tourism, preservation of heritage, and possible employment opportunities should take precedence over inappropriate use of expenditure on CPOs and potential financial compensation.
I wish this document to be regarded as my personal representations against the GT19 site.

Yours sincerely

Carol Roper


Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65922

Derbyniwyd: 27/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Hampton Magna Residents' Association

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt site with no very special circumstances demonstrated and against stated Government policy. This is the only one of the five preferred options to be located thus.
Travellers sites in green belt are inappropriate development. Unmet demand does not provide very special circumstances.
Previous permissions on the site, but refusals too based on inpact on green belt. Kites Nest appeal decision on similar site and close by.
Owner does not wish to sell for this use therefore CPO and compensation would be required which is too costly to Council budget and could set up legal challenge.
Would be close to and upset the balance of existing community.
Proximity to dangerous, busy road and canal having impact on health and safety, especially for small children.
Caravan and large vehicle movement potentially dangerous.
Visually intrusive and difficult to screen.
Importance of historic assets and to leisure pursuits. Need to encourage tourism and local employment.
Lack of school places locally.

Testun llawn:

To the Development Policy Manager

Development Services




This response is submitted by Hampton Magna Residents' Association.

"Our policy document planning policy for traveller sites was issued in March 2012. It makes clear that both temporary and permanent traveller sites are inappropriate development in the green belt and that planning decisions should protect green belt land from such inappropriate development ... .

... it has become apparent that, in some cases, the green belt is not always being given sufficient protection that was the explicit policy intent of ministers.

The Secretary of State wishes to make clear that, in considering planning applications, although each case will depend on the facts, he considers that the single issue of unmet demand, whether for traveller sites or for conventional housing, is unlikely to outweigh harm to the green belt and other harm to constitute the "very special circumstances" justifying inappropriate development in the green belt."

This was reiterated by Brandon Lewis in his 17 January 2014 statement:

"The Secretary of State remains concerned about the extent to which planning appeal decisions are meeting the government's clear policy intentions, particularly as to whether sufficient weight is being given to the importance of green belt protection. Therefore, he intends to continue to consider for recovery appeals involving traveller sites in the green belt."

Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS) states:

"Policy E: Traveller Sites in Green Belt

14. Inappropriate development is harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved, except in very exceptional circumstances. Traveller sites (temporary or permanent) in the green belt are inappropriate development"

WDC has not shown very exceptional circumstances exist for including GT 19 in the list of preferred sites. This contravenes government policy.

The Consultation Document merely states that previous development has been permitted on the proposed site but it is equally the case that planning permission has also been refused due to its impact on the Green Belt.

In addition, the Green Belt argument was used against Kite's Nest site being a gypsy and traveller site. It is less than a mile away and the sites are in several aspects similar, therefore this argument applies equally if not more so to Site GT 19. To oppose the Kites Nest site on the grounds of impact on Green Belt and propose GT19 site when on Green Belt land would also show a lack of consistency in WDC's appraising of sites with similar issues.

The Inspector's report from Kites Nest refusal stated:

"For development to be allowed in the Green Belt, very special circumstances need to be identified. What constitutes very special circumstances are not identified by local planning authorities. The term is consequently a moving target as appear to be the weights and measures used to arrive at a weighted decision. The appellants (at Kites Nest) provided a list of 15 issues that could be considered as very special circumstances as to why the development should be allowed. These did not include such common issues as health, education or children. The issues are complicated and fraught."

Impact on the Green Belt should alone be a sufficient ground for refusal.

Criterion: Availability of the site (including impact on the existing uses on the site)

It is my understanding that the owner of the land at site GT19, Robert Butler, does not want to sell it for a Traveller and Gypsy site. Therefore a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) would be needed and Warwick District Council has said that a CPO could be used. This is in complete contravention of ministerial statements.

The use of a Compulsory Purchase could set up conditions for a legal challenge.

If the GT19 site were to be approved it would put the current owner's business at considerable risk and so there would also be the question of compensation for the owners business that suffered as a consequence. Expenditure on this and a CPO would not be an appropriate use of limited financial resources of WDC.

Criterion: Proximity to other residential properties

The Kites Nest inspector found and the Secretary of State agreed that the Kites Nest site was situated within the local community of about 10 households, and that community would be dominated by a 13 or 8 pitch scheme.

The same argument applies for site GT19 which is set within a group of houses 4 houses to the south and a Shell petrol station to the north followed by a further 10 houses. The provision of five pitches on this site would increase the housing density by 25 per cent and thus would change the local dynamics.

The use of the term "community" is deliberate; it is not the same as settlement or that term would have been used. There is a close-knit and neighbourly sense of community amongst the occupiers of the 10 or so dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the proposed GT19 site.

The Kites Nest inspector accepted that the scattered houses do form an identifiable community. Birmingham Road houses similarly form a community and therefore it could be argued that approval of site GT19 would be going against the inspector's comments which have helped WDC in the past.

PPTS Policy B, paragraph 11(a) states that policies should "promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community". PPTS - Policy C states that authorities should "ensure that the scale of such sites does not dominate the nearest settled community".

For the above reasons, selection of Site GT19 would appear to contravene these policies.

Criterion: Safe Access from the Site for vehicles and pedestrians.

Approval of the GT19 site would locate the pitches between the canal and a fast and busy road (Birmingham Road A4177). Traffic on this road is already dangerous and if proposed housing developments occur it would be set to increase. This road has had 2 fatal accidents in the last five years. There was also another serious accident in March 2014.

Movement of caravans and large vehicles in and out of the site on such a fast and busy road would not only be potentially dangerous to the proposed occupiers of the GT19 site it could increase the likelihood of more accidents to other traffic. In fact an application by the current owner for the importation, storage and cutting of timber was refused on the grounds of Green Belt citing the fact that the site is on a busy and fast main road (Birmingham Road A4177). To refuse the landowner's application on such grounds and then ignore them when assessing the GT19 proposal is contradictory.

Criterion: Impact on visual amenity including the visibility of the site and surrounding area.
The previous inspector involved with Kites Nest found that the development was very prominent through "gappy hedges" and from public footpaths, and that the existing caravans were an "extremely jarring element". The secretary of State agreed with this assessment. Site GT19 would be similarly visible through gappy hedges.

The road is higher than the proposed site so that it would be overlooked. In the current consultation document reference is made to a habitat buffer being required to the canal side of the development. It could be argued that similar screening would be required on the road side to give the residents privacy from passing traffic and to screen off the caravans from the neighbouring houses. Screening issues for Site GT19 are even more extensive than Kites Nest.

Site GT 19 would also be visible from the canal which is a tourist attraction with its many locks and is likely to have an adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic environment. The present canal dates back to 1799 and the flight of 21 locks are well known among waterways aficionados and are a greatly valued heritage asset. There is also a great deal of narrow boat traffic, especially in the summer months, to see and use the 21 locks.

Criterion: Distance to nearby Schools ... etc.
Education would have to be provided for gypsy children and it has been suggested that children could attend Budbrooke School. Budbrooke School is already struggling with numbers due to rising population. Ferncombe School in Hatton is also full.

Criterion: Impact of land contamination, noise and other disturbance

The five pitches present potential noise and disturbance for families living in close proximity.

Compliance with PPTS - health and wellbeing

It is noted that no criterion is listed to address this policy and it should be.

PPTS Policy B - Paragraph 11(e) states that local planning authorities should, ensure that their policies:

" provide for proper consideration of the effect of local environmental quality (such as noise and air quality) on the health and well-being of any travellers that may locate there or on others as a result of new development ."

The GT19 site is adjacent to a nearby a canal. There could be detrimental effects to the health and well being of young children living near the canal.

Also, to put children on a site near a potentially dangerous road does not appear to comply with this Policy.

Criterion: impact on heritage assets and setting of heritage assets

The flight of 21 locks was opened in 1799 and known as the "stairway to heaven". The tourist heritage side of Budbrooke is currently underdeveloped. Ramblers, joggers, dog walkers, cyclists, artists, photographers, bird watchers and other groups use the towpath. Then there is the river traffic. Narrow boat owners travel along the canal at weekends and for their holidays. Boats are also rented for holidays.

To locate the Gypsy and Traveller Site adjacent to this area would not enhance it but have an adverse affect and the history and heritage of the area.

We understand that the current owner of proposed GT19 site in conjunction with British Waterways has drawn up plans for a marina with a restaurant and a conference centre. This would include a heritage area with pictures and artefacts of traditional life so that local people and visitors could see and appreciate the lives of former generations.

The viability of this proposal should at least be considered in order to examine whether it could increase the tourist industry in the area and provide employment opportunities for local people.

It would seem that encouraging tourism, preservation of heritage, and possible employment opportunities should take precedence over inappropriate use of expenditure on CPOs and potential financial compensation.

I wish this document to be regarded as my personal representations against the GT19 site.


Frank Roper (Chair)

Hampton Magna Residents' Association


Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65948

Derbyniwyd: 10/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Joanne Feary

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt
In full view from A4177
Negative impact on Warwick's tourism
Detrimental to ecology, wildlife, farmland
Noise pollution
Historic and tourism importance of locks/canal
Local amenities already stretched
Dangers of deep water, railway line and fast roads for children

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65949

Derbyniwyd: 29/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Paul Feary

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt and no special circumstances demonstrated
Currently a close knit community
Local people treasure peace/tranquility of area which would be ruined by noise/pollution/type of dwellings.
Road is accident black spot which would be made worse by increased traffic
Impact on historic environment and tourism
Dangers for children in the area from traffic +

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65950

Derbyniwyd: 28/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Charles Milgate

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Previous bad experience of Traveller illegal sites

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65951

Derbyniwyd: 28/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Miss Rebecca Southwell

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt land not suitable
Increase in crime
impact on historical site
Sites need to be away from built up areas

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65956

Derbyniwyd: 29/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Chris Cheetham

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green Belt
In full view of A4177 route into historic Warwick
Accident black spot
Danger of deep water and fast road
Detriment to ecology, wildlife and local farmland

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65958

Derbyniwyd: 28/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Mary Fawell

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No validation of GTAA
Consultation does not consider capacity on other sites in county/districts
No collaboration with other districts
No evidence that cost of CPO has been weighed against developed of underutilised brownfield land
Need overstated
Site does not meet criteria
Cost prohibitive
Proximity to local community does not meet NPPF guidelines which recommend periphery of community
Disproportionate to existing community
Lack of public transport, infrastructure
WDC would incur great expense providing services - an expense which should not be incurred when cutbacks in expenditure/services
Prone to flooding
Schools/GP surgery too far away/at capacity
Within aerial discharge area from Barnwelll Farm chicken farm
Within 400m of breakers yard - noise, smell
Farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming
Lack of integration into landscape and would spoil views from Chesterton Windmill
Adverse visual impact
Need for private vehicle or public transport to access facilities - not eco-friendly
Detrimental to tourism and Mallory Court Hotel
Damage to wildlife

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 65959

Derbyniwyd: 28/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Ms Roberta Sharpe

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No validation of GTAA
Consultation does not consider capacity on other sites in county/districts
No collaboration with other districts
No evidence that cost of CPO has been weighed against developed of underutilised brownfield land
Need overstated
Site does not meet criteria
Cost prohibitive
Proximity to local community does not meet NPPF guidelines which recommend periphery of community
Disproportionate to existing community
Lack of public transport, infrastructure
WDC would incur great expense providing services - an expense which should not be incurred when cutbacks in expenditure/services
Prone to flooding
Schools/GP surgery too far away/at capacity
Within aerial discharge area from Barnwelll Farm chicken farm
Within 400m of breakers yard - noise, smell
Farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming
Lack of integration into landscape and would spoil views from Chesterton Windmill
Adverse visual impact
Need for private vehicle or public transport to access facilities - not eco-friendly
Detrimental to tourism and Mallory Court Hotel
Damage to wildlife

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 66001

Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Rose

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt site with no very special circumstances demonstrated and against stated Government policy. This is the only one of the five preferred options to be located thus.
Travellers sites in green belt are inappropriate development. Unmet demand does not provide very special circumstances.
Previous permissions on the site, but refusals too based on inpact on green belt. Kites Nest appeal decision on similar site and close by.
Owner does not wish to sell for this use therefore CPO and compensation would be required which is too costly to Council budget and could set up legal challenge.
Would be close to and upset the balance of existing community.
Proximity to dangerous, busy road and canal having impact on health and safety, especially for small children.
Caravan and large vehicle movement potentially dangerous.
Visually intrusive and difficult to screen.
Importance of historic assets and to leisure pursuits. Need to encourage tourism and local employment.
Lack of school places locally.

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 66002

Derbyniwyd: 24/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Sheila Mackay

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No reasons given for recommending this ground
Third of an acre not enough for 5 pitches
Access off Ugly Bridge seemingly impossible for size of vehicles involved. New access would be needed given 4 in short length of road resulting in congestion in area known for accidents
Recent group of illegally encamped Travellers left mess afer a week of residence opposite this site. Whole area would need management - no explanation of this
Existing business will be compromised
On limited bus route. GP surgery only accessible by private vehicle
School is full having increased intake numbers and built new classroom
Utilities will need to be built at huge cost to Council
Visual impact and effect on tourism and canal visitors
Immoral to consider CPO when there are brownfield sites which could be developed
On edge of Green Belt and although listed as developed land, understand this is incorrect

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 66004

Derbyniwyd: 11/04/2014

Ymatebydd: L Millington

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt site with no very special circumstances demonstrated and against stated Government policy. This is the only one of the five preferred options to be located thus.
Travellers sites in green belt are inappropriate development. Unmet demand does not provide very special circumstances.
Previous permissions on the site, but refusals too based on inpact on green belt. Kites Nest appeal decision on similar site and close by.
Owner does not wish to sell for this use therefore CPO and compensation would be required which is too costly to Council budget and could set up legal challenge.
Would be close to and upset the balance of existing community.
Proximity to dangerous, busy road and canal having impact on health and safety, especially for small children.
Caravan and large vehicle movement potentially dangerous.
Visually intrusive and difficult to screen.
Importance of historic assets and to leisure pursuits. Need to encourage tourism and local employment.
Lack of school places locally.

Testun llawn:

See attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 66069

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr John Wilkinson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Commute regularly through Warwick and Leamington.
Increased traffic on already congested road system.
Various extensions and developments submitted by previous owner already turned down by council. Why is site suddenly available for development?

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 66082

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Kathryn Wilkinson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Commute regularly through Warwick and Leamington.
Increased traffic to already congested road system.
Various extensions and developments on this site submitted by present owner turned down in the past by the council. Why is site suddenly available for development?

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 66200

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: mr mark betker

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green Belt
Impact on landscape and out of keeping with surrounding area
On gateway approach to into Warwick by road and canal detrimental to tourism for Hatton Flight and Warwick TC
High levels of sensitive nature conservation in the immediate area supported by British Waterways
Low lying and prone to flooding and overlooked
Inadequate infrastructure
Detrimental impact on ecology
Could revert back to agricultural land
Potential contamination from surrounding area and increased traffic noise
Detrimental visual effect on tourist area
Road and canal screening difficult and probably futile
Dangerous access and accidents happen often
Lacks shops, medical and school facilities as well as public transport
Isolated and out of character with other residential properties
CPO needed
Busy and dangerous road
Site sandwiched between road and canal
Devastating effect on local economy
Site too small to turn vehicles
Not cost effective

Testun llawn:

see attached
