GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm (green)
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64245
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Ms Ailsa Chambers
location is entirely unsuitable for development as it will ruin the ruin the rural environment that, once lost, cannot be regained. The land is good agricultural land and therefore should be used for such purposes, with less good farming land used for development where appropriate. The access to this site is too close to a junction that is already problematic in terms of accidents, which will only be aggravated.
I am responding to the consultation on gypsy and traveller sites. My response is focused on the sites nearest to where I live (Bishops Tachbrook) as I can respond more knowledgeably on these.
GT05 Tachbrook Hill Farm (alternative site) - This location is entirely unsuitable for development as it will ruin the ruin the rural environment that, once lost, cannot be regained. The land is good agricultural land and therefore should be used for such purposes, with less good farming land used for development where appropriate. The access to this site is too close to a junction that is already problematic in terms of accidents, which will only be aggravated.
GT15 Europa Way (preferred site) - This site would result in dangerous access to Europa Way and it is less well suited to offering proper facilities/amenities.
GTalt01 Brookside Willows (preferred site) - This site appears to be reasonably well suited to the proposed development as it has already been approved for a caravan site and is closer to towns which are better placed to absorb the demand on amenities. The infrastructure is already in place which makes this a sensible option.
GT06 Park Farm/Spinney Farm (alternative site) - This site is too close to an important local tourist attraction, Warwick Castle, and is unsuitable as it may detract from the appeal of this historical site. It would also ruin the rural environment in this area.
I hope you will take these comments into consideration.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64256
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Janet Wilcock
Why this end of town?
Why should we pay for hard-standing/toilets/showers (not to mention the clearing up after them) from our rates? What do they pay themselves?
On Warwick Gates, continuously harassed by these people for various jobs that "they think need doing on our properties" for cash in hand. Who monitors this for tax purposes? Feel vulnerable.
Always, has to be South of Leamington. How about Cubbington, Lillington or Kenilworth?
I strongly wish to object to the proposed number of Gypsy & Traveller sites/pitches proposed for this area.
Why this end of town?? Why should we pay for hard-standing, toilets and showers (not to mention the clearing up after them) from our rates? What do they pay themselves?
On Warwick Gates, we are continuously harassed by these people for various jobs that "they think need doing on our properties" for cash in hand. Who monitors this for tax purposes by the way?
Last week, I was continuously harassed by these travellers. As an elderly widow I felt very vulnerable. Eventually I rang the police.
With what we have to endure in this area, I think we should have a rates reduction. However, the attitude appears to be, "Pay up and shut up."
Also, the amount of houses to be built, concreting over our beautiful countryside is a disgrace! Always, always, it has to be the South of Leamington. How about Cubbington, Lillington or Kenilworth??
I strongly object to the following proposed sites:
1. GT15- Land to East of Europa Way
2. GT04- Harbury Lane
3. GT05 - Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Bishop's Tachbrook- (WDC Alternative site)
4. GTalt01 - Brookside Willows, Banbury Rd
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64258
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: mr kevin rogers
Close to M40 and A452 with accompanying noise pollution and access issues.
* Already difficulty to exit village on A52
* Flooding issues on Mallory Road
* Proximity to Village Incompatible with wanting to live apart from settled community.
* Small village facilities-part time surgery, single form entry primary school
* Visual impact on area
* Can school facilitate the children and any special needs alongside the new housing development
* Field floods
* Noise generated from site
* Main road into village already dangerous
* In 1992 all BT residents were compensated for noise pollution due to siting of M40. GT05 is closer to M40 than BT village. By the precedent set for compensation this makes the site unsuitable for Caravans due to noise. A452 is a main arterial route to M40(s) and to Gaydon Site from Leamington /Warwick making this an extremely busy road especially during morning and evening rush hour.
* Totally unsuitable. Good agricultural land. Will have developmental impact on the approach to the village.
* Exit onto the lane and or main road will be dangerous. Too close proximity to houses.
* Photographic evidence supplied of flooding
* Too much of a vast open space
* Compulsory purchase is unfair in order for the G&T community to operate the site as a business.
* Busy main road surrounding the site.
* No mains set up
* No footpath to school/ docs etc.
* Not suitable for business use.
* Busy junction
* School and Local GP surgery already oversubscribed
* Visual Impact
* Objection - Dangerous Junction
* Not a great entrance to the village
* Only 10 minute walk from Oakley Wood (via wide verge) and opposite guide dogs breeding centre, so not a good idea
* Accident blackspot
* Water logged running across the road
* Visual impact on entering village.
* Compulsory purchase would be required
* Cost to taxpayer
* Objection - subject to flooding
* Objections - adjacent to very busy Banbury road
* Adjacent to a very bad junction - many previous accidents
* North west corner subject to flooding
* Not a level site
* Very bad impact in visual amenity when travelling south on the Banbury road
* Objection - Hill Farm - Loss of visual impact on open county landscape
* Objection - site not suitable for business use.
* Objection - very close to extremely busy road and dangerous junction
* Most unsuitable site - Busy road junction
* Unpleasant vista entering the village
* Too close to village if site used as a business use site, noise would be a problem
* Doctors surgery only part time
* Can only be obtained by compulsory purchase
* Objection - risk of flooding
* Road access onto 2 busy roads which are already and accident blackspot
* Impact on environment-visual impact etc.
* A452 is a death trap. Pulling out of turning onto. There have been many fatalities at that junction and near it
* Dangerous turning into Village
* Visually damaging to our beautiful village
* Road to busy (Banbury Road)
* No footpaths, no bus route
* Reputation damage to our primary school
* As drivers drive towards the motorway on the A452 towards going onto junction 13, they increase their speed before going onto the slip road
* The access from the farmers drive there is a blind spot at the brow of the hill so very dangerous for pulling out of and turning into
* Visual impact for village would be horrendous
* Strongly object - makes an already junction more dangerous
* Adverse visual impact
* Not suitable for business use
* Prone to flooding
* Local school already over-subscribed and not footpath to village
* Compulsory purchase necessary
* Disturbance to guide dog breeding centre Oakley wood road and crematorium
* Land owner very reluctant to sell land - compulsory purchase would be a protracted process
* Strongly object because of impact on village approach
* Size out of proportion with village area
* Very dangerous road junction
* Impact on BT facilities - school surgery shop
* Flooding frequently
* Disastrous effect on rural landscape
* Need to compulsorily purchase Tachbrook (Hill Farm)
* Accidents and fatalities at this junction
* Too close to very busy roads
* accident prone junction
* site susceptible to flooding
* compulsory purchase required
* adverse visual impact on open countryside
* high negative impact on immediate area -oakley wood is protected
* concerned about impact on Guide Dog Breeding centre chose for is safe location for breeding and quietness
* compulsory purchase would be required
* flooding from field running through gardens onto the road
* flooding field and running across the road
* objection - visual impact on entering the village
* should be left for farming
* already hazardous junction - accident waiting to happen
* eyesore for the village entrance
* liable for flooding
* accident blackspot
* local school is cannot accept more children especially with special needs
* Oppose - impact on countryside
* Mallory road like a racetrack now -more would be out of order
* Business use would destroy visual amenity
* Site not suitable for business use
* Does not have any connection to services to provide sustainability (sewage/ water etc)
GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road (WDC Alternative Site)
* Close to M40 and A452 with accompanying noise pollution and access issues.
* Already difficulty to exit village on A52
* Flooding issues on Mallory Road
* Proximity to Village Incompatible with wanting to live apart from settled community.
* Small village facilities-part time surgery, single form entry primary school
* Visual impact on area
* Can school facilitate the children and any special needs alongside the new housing development
* Field floods
* Noise generated from site
* Main road into village already dangerous
* In 1992 all BT residents were compensated for noise pollution due to siting of M40. GT05 is closer to M40 than BT village. By the precedent set for compensation this makes the site unsuitable for Caravans due to noise. A452 is a main arterial route to M40(s) and to Gaydon Site from Leamington /Warwick making this an extremely busy road especially during morning and evening rush hour.
* Totally unsuitable. Good agricultural land. Will have developmental impact on the approach to the village.
* Exit onto the lane and or main road will be dangerous. Too close proximity to houses.
* Photographic evidence supplied of flooding
* Too much of a vast open space
* Compulsory purchase is unfair in order for the G&T community to operate the site as a business.
* Busy main road surrounding the site.
* No mains set up
* No footpath to school/ docs etc.
* Not suitable for business use.
* Busy junction
* School and Local GP surgery already oversubscribed
* Visual Impact
* Objection - Dangerous Junction
* Not a great entrance to the village
* Only 10 minute walk from Oakley Wood (via wide verge) and opposite guide dogs breeding centre, so not a good idea
* Accident blackspot
* Water logged running across the road
* Visual impact on entering village.
* Compulsory purchase would be required
* Cost to taxpayer
* Objection - subject to flooding
* Objections - adjacent to very busy Banbury road
* Adjacent to a very bad junction - many previous accidents
* North west corner subject to flooding
* Not a level site
* Very bad impact in visual amenity when travelling south on the Banbury road
* Objection - Hill Farm - Loss of visual impact on open county landscape
* Objection - site not suitable for business use.
* Objection - very close to extremely busy road and dangerous junction
* Most unsuitable site - Busy road junction
* Unpleasant vista entering the village
* Too close to village if site used as a business use site, noise would be a problem
* Doctors surgery only part time
* Can only be obtained by compulsory purchase
* Objection - risk of flooding
* Road access onto 2 busy roads which are already and accident blackspot
* Impact on environment-visual impact etc.
* A452 is a death trap. Pulling out of turning onto. There have been many fatalities at that junction and near it
* Dangerous turning into Village
* Visually damaging to our beautiful village
* Road to busy (Banbury Road)
* No footpaths, no bus route
* Reputation damage to our primary school
* As drivers drive towards the motorway on the A452 towards going onto junction 13, they increase their speed before going onto the slip road
* The access from the farmers drive there is a blind spot at the brow of the hill so very dangerous for pulling out of and turning into
* Visual impact for village would be horrendous
* Strongly object - makes an already junction more dangerous
* Adverse visual impact
* Not suitable for business use
* Prone to flooding
* Local school already over-subscribed and not footpath to village
* Compulsory purchase necessary
* Disturbance to guide dog breeding centre Oakley wood road and crematorium
* Land owner very reluctant to sell land - compulsory purchase would be a protracted process
* Strongly object because of impact on village approach
* Size out of proportion with village area
* Very dangerous road junction
* Impact on BT facilities - school surgery shop
* Flooding frequently
* Disastrous effect on rural landscape
* Need to compulsorily purchase Tachbrook (Hill Farm)
* Accidents and fatalities at this junction
* Too close to very busy roads
* accident prone junction
* site susceptible to flooding
* compulsory purchase required
* adverse visual impact on open countryside
* high negative impact on immediate area -oakley wood is protected
* concerned about impact on Guide Dog Breeding centre chose for is safe location for breeding and quietness
* compulsory purchase would be required
* flooding from field running through gardens onto the road
* flooding field and running across the road
* objection - visual impact on entering the village
* should be left for farming
* already hazardous junction - accident waiting to happen
* eyesore for the village entrance
* liable for flooding
* accident blackspot
* local school is cannot accept more children especially with special needs
* Oppose - impact on countryside
* Mallory road like a racetrack now -more would be out of order
* Business use would destroy visual amenity
* Site not suitable for business use
* Does not have any connection to services to provide sustainability (sewage/ water etc)
GT06 Land at Park Farm, Spinney Farm (WDC Alternative Site)
* Would harm the rural buffer zone and destroy the visual amenity on the approach to Warwick
* Severely restricts access for the owner of park farm to his remaining land
* Proximity to major roads A452 and A425 with accompanying road noise pollution and access issues
* Visual impact on entrance to historic Warwick
* Already been used for construction company for road alterations
* ?compulsory purchase expensive
* Visual impact on countryside
* Compulsory purchase necessary and would be resisted (probably)
* Adverse effect on viability of the farm business
* Adverse visual impact on the countryside
* Owner not willing to sell - expense of compulsory purchase
* Objections - access to busy road
* A good alternative - better than village
* Which school would the children attend? BT would it cope alongside new housing development
* Is this site set for facilities needed by Gypsies and Travellers
* Adjacent to very bust roads
* With Barwood application for the Asps, includes schools etc, surely this site (and Brookside) would have less impact on village and amenities.
* As an alternative, better than GT05
* Easy access to Leamington
* Road access onto A425
* Close to other proposed site GT01
* Access to schools in Warwick Leamington
* My second preference but access onto busy road
* Impact on rural landscape and approach to Warwick Castle tourist attraction
* Compulsory purchase required
* No Bus route
* No access to facilities
* Park Farm ought to be "preferred" and Europa way, "alternative" (x2)
GT15 Land to east of Europa Way (WDC Preferred Site)
* Access onto Europa Way would be dangerous
* BT would have to serve the community but capacity at school is questionable
* Doctors surgery is aleady under pressure
* No bus route into Bishops Tachbrook Warwick or Leamington
* GT15 is opposite busy trunk feeder
* BT school and Surgery are already under pressure.
* Minimal visual impact
* Not suitable. Floods regularly
* Access onto and off v fast road
* Heavily wooded - no facilities
* Steep sloping ground
* Road access would need improving
* Second preferred site over GTalt01
* Minimal visual impact - well screened
* Access would appear to cause problems
* No compulsory purchase required
* Busy road
* Only small site and therefore more sites needed (no doubt in Tachbrook)
* No pavements
* On motorway feeder
* Not on bus route
* On busy road accompanying road noise and pollution and access issues
* Concerns over flooding and water contamination
* Small manageable site
* Closer to urban area for employment services education and health
* Would require clearing woodland
* After Brookside Willows, the most suitable site
* Screen from road
* Close to Leamington for doctors etc
* Land owned by Council
* Busy road access already an accident hazard site.
* Trees would have to be felled increasing flooding
* No pavements on Europa Way or access to public transport on foot hence the nearest facilities are not accessible.
* Very busy main road access
* Land floods
* No pavements/ public transport
* Obviously some trees will have to be felled therefore not so well screened
* Well screened. Minimal visual impact
* Busy road
* No site set up.
* The crazy option!! Road access and fast main Europa Way would need traffic calming measures
* Already owned by the council
* Already owned by the council
* Reasonable screening and access
* Low visual impact
* Already owned by Council
GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road (WDC Preferred Site)
* Ideal location well screened
* Site already part prepared
* Good road access
* Needs a safe pedestrian footpath into Warwick
* No immediate neighbours
* Infrastructure already in place
* Well away from main road
* Screened
* Preferred site
* Good access to site already there
* Easy access to Warwick Town by Public transport/ on foot
* Less traffic that other main roads locally
* Reused ground - no flooding
* Good site
* Planning for Caravan Site anyway: minimal difference
* Facilities already in existence
* Road access, screening etc. in place
* No compulsory purchase necessary
* Minimum development needed for occupation
* Already partially developed
* Able to be well screened to minimise visual impact
* Preferred - ( least worst)
* Set back off road
* Cars have to slow because of T/ light approach - safer option
* Planning permission approved for a caravan park
* More suitable that some of the alternatives
* Well set back from the road
* Was originally well screened - trees can be replanted.
* Problem entering Warwick over bridge
* Very Close to Warwick parkland - will there be plans put in use regarding access from this site to the park?
* When this site was being used for Landfill, vehicles turning right into it presented considerable danger to other vehicles travelling towards Warwick. Road is even busier now of course. The reality is that drivers do not take care as the go around the bend in the road and being on down slope braking distances are increased.
* Concerns over proximity to water what is the direction of flow?
* Need to overcome contamination issues
* Visual impact entering historic Warwick
* Already designated as a site for caravans
* Well screened from road with trees
* Meets 1/2 the number of pitches required
* Preferred site: already on main road
* Set away from people already homed
* No major impact on surrounding area
* This makes sense: far away from main road not to be seen and already Planned as a caravan park.
* Preferred site as long a screening is maintained
* Basic work already completed
* Reasonable road access
* Access to Warwick Castle Park would need to be controlled
* This is the least worst options
* Access and facilities already there.
* Preferred option:-site partially developed. Has independent access. No major impact on surroundings
* Already partly developed
* Discreet
* Will not devalue the surrounding area
* Well screen
* Has specific road access
* Already partially developed
* Preferable However!! If site on Harbury Lane is passed, then there will be 2 sites affecting/ impacting Warwick Gates
* Preferred: Facilities already in place. Road access is in place and screening
* Most suitable site
* Best access ( and safest)
* Quiet location and screen from road.
* Good access and screening
* Already partly developed
* Established infrastructure screened and well shielded and safe
* No 1` preferred
* Preferred site. Infrastructure already exists
* Good road junction
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64270
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Brian Logan
Land frequently floods quite severely.
Local village is not set up to take on any further inhabitants.
School is over subscribed and the part time doctors surgery struggles to cope currently.
Roads around the site are already very busy/dangerous/difficult to get out of during the busy peak hours. The traffic is very fast and anyone entering or exiting this site would be putting their lives in their hands.
The visual impact of a site at this location would be devastating for Bishops Tachbrook village and its community.
I am writing to express my objection to the preferred option of GT05 land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road to be used as a site for Gypsy and Traveller occupation.
This land frequently floods quite severely.
The local village is not set up to take on any further inhabitants. The school is already over subscribed and the part time doctors surgery struggles to cope with its current capacity, never mind even more.
The roads around the site are already very busy, very dangerous and very difficult to get out of during the busy peak hours. The traffic is very fast and anyone entering or exiting this site would be putting their lives in their hands.
The visual impact of a site at this location would be devastating for Bishops Tachbrook village and its community.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64271
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Ann Jennings
Road infrastructure around the site is completely unsuitable for the types of vehicle likely to be used by inhabitants of the site. It is on the busy A452 with restricted turning for vehicles. It is also very close to the M40 and is very busy, particularly around peak hours.
Already difficult to exit village during peak hours due to volume of traffic and fast flowing nature of the road. If you add into this more vehicles and particularly larger vehicles then this will only make things worse, with no additional investment into the current road infrastructure.
No footpaths between site and village; childrenwill have to negotiate busy road with blind spots to get to school. Any elderly or inform inhabitants will have dangerous walk to doctors surgery and/or shop.
Field floods every year. This year water spread across road. Not a level site.
School is over-subscribed and without investment would be unable to accommodate more children. If the inhabitants children were to attend another school they would find it difficult due to there being no footpaths/bus routes to other local schools.
No mains set up nor sewerage facilities to site.
Will be first thing that people will see when entering village from the motorway. Visual impact will be devastating. House prices have already dropped/people moving out.
I am objecting to the proposal for GT05 land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road, to be used as a Gypsy and/or Traveller site on the following grounds:
Road infrastructure
The road infrastructure around the site is completely unsuitable for the types of vehicle likely to be used by the inhabitants of the site. It is on the busy A452 with restricted turning for vehicles. This is a very fast flowing road. It is also very close to the M40 and is very busy, particularly around peak hours.
It is already difficult to exit the village during peak hours due to the volume of traffic and the fast flowing nature of the road. If you add into this more vehicles and particularly larger vehicles then this will only make things worse, with no additional investment into the current road infrastructure.
There are no footpaths between this site and the village, meaning that any children on the site will have to negotiate a busy road with blind spots to get to school. It will also mean that any elderly or inform inhabitants will have a very dangerous walk to the doctors surgery and/or shop. ing the walk to school for children dangerous.
This field floods every year and has done since I moved to the village. With the large amount of flooding this year the water spread across the road. It is also not a level site.
Village Facilities
The school is already over-subscribed and without further investment would be unable to accommodate any more children. If the inhabitants children were to attend another school further away then they would find it difficult to get to the school due to the fact that there are no footpaths near to the site and no bus routes to other local schools.
There is no mains set up nor sewerage facilities to site.
Visual impact
This site will be the first thing that people will see when entering the village from the motorway. The visual impact of this site will be devastating. House prices have already dropped and people are moving out in droves.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64276
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Richard Groundsell
Adjacent to very bad junction (already very difficult to turn onto the A452 at peak times)
Next to a bad section of road (several accidents have occurred there)
Would require building on good agricultural land
Would stretch village amenities (shop, school, doctors etc
Limited amenities in Bishops Tachbrook
No existing pathways to closest amenities
Would be potentially built next to a proposed housing development
Would require costly 'compulsory purchase
Limited natural screening from either roads or existing housing
Tendency to flood close to Mallory Road
As a resident of Bishops Tachbrook we have kept a close eye on the proposals for gypsy and traveller sites in the area, particularly those within the parish boundaries.
The two 'preferred' sites appear to be the most suitable for the following reasons:
GTalt01, Brookside Willows, Banbury Road.
* has planning for a caravan site (therefore utilising a site for the original purpose)
* is screened from the main road and will therefore afford some privacy from those staying there
* has easy access to Warwick (including doctors, dentist, schools, shops etc - all of which are walking distance along existing pathways)
* already has a great deal of the infrastructure required in place (including excellent access from the main road)
GT15, Land at Europa Way.
* Council owned land (no cost of purchase)
* Utilising land which is currently unused and of no agricultural value.
* Close to Warwick and its facilities (including doctors, dentist, schools, shops etc)
* Small manageable site
* Has natural screening from road
The 'alternative' sites are not very practical or desirable for the following reasons:
GT05, Tachbrook Hill Farm, Mallory Road.
* Adjacent to very bad junction (already very difficult to turn onto the A452 at peak times)
* Next to a bad section of road (several accidents have occurred there)
* Would require building on good agricultural land
* Would stretch village amenities (shop, school, doctors etc)
* Limited amenities in Bishops Tachbrook
* No existing pathways to closest amenities
* Would be potentially built next to a proposed housing development
* Land would have to be purchased - information to date suggests that the land owner does not want to sell and would therefore require costly 'compulsory purchase'
* Limited natural screening from either roads or existing housing
* Land has tendency to flood close to Mallory Road
GT06, Land at Park Farm/Spinney Farm.
* Would require building on good agricultural land
* Limited/no natural screening from either roads or existing housing
* No existing pathways to closest amenities (Warwick)
To conclude, the current 'preferred' sites within the Bishops Tachbrook parish boundaries would be far more viable than those identified as 'alternative'.
A practical approach must be taken when deciding on the intended sites to minimise the impact of any development on the environment, agricultural land, existing communities, local infrastructure etc whilst providing viable sites for travellers and gypsy's.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64317
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Sharron Jennings
Road infrastructure unsuitable for types of vehicle likely to be used by site inhabitants. On busy A452 with restricted turning for vehicles. Close to M40 and particularly busy around peak hours.
Already difficult to exit village. Adding more vehicles will make things worse.
No footpaths between site and village, meaning that children on site will have to negotiate road to get to school. Elderly/infirm inhabitants will have dangerous walk to doctors surgery and/or shop.
Field floods regularly. Not a level site.
School already over-subscribed. If inhabitants children were to attend school further away it would be difficult due to no footpaths near and no bus routes.
No mains services to site.
Site will be first thing people will see when entering village from motorway. The visual impact will be devastating. House prices have already dropped and people are moving out.
I am objecting to the proposal for GT05 land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road, to be used as a Gypsy and/or Traveller site on the following grounds:
Road infrastructure
The road infrastructure around the site is completely unsuitable for the types of vehicle likely to be used by the inhabitants of the site. It is on the busy A452 with restricted turning for vehicles. This is a very fast flowing road. It is also very close to the M40 and is very busy, particularly around peak hours.
It is already difficult to exit the village during peak hours due to the volume of traffic and the fast flowing nature of the road. If you add into this more vehicles and particularly larger vehicles then this will only make things worse, with no additional investment into the current road infrastructure.
There are no footpaths between this site and the village, meaning that any children on the site will have to negotiate a busy road with blind spots to get to school. It will also mean that any elderly or inform inhabitants will have a very dangerous walk to the doctors surgery and/or shop. ing the walk to school for children dangerous.
This field floods every year and has done since I moved to the village. With the large amount of flooding this year the water spread across the road. It is also not a level site.
Village Facilities
The school is already over-subscribed and without further investment would be unable to accommodate any more children. If the inhabitants children were to attend another school further away then they would find it difficult to get to the school due to the fact that there are no footpaths near to the site and no bus routes to other local schools.
There is no mains set up nor sewerage facilities to site.
Visual impact
This site will be the first thing that people will see when entering the village from the motorway. The visual impact of this site will be devastating. House prices have already dropped and people are moving out in droves.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64320
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Carol Wheatley
I wish to oppose this proposed site for the following reasons:- Close to M40 and A452 with accompanying noise pollution and access issues.
Adjacent to a very bad junction which has been the site of fatal accidents in the past distastrous impact on the rural landscape and the local visual amenity travelling south on the Banbury Road The proposed site is good agricultural land Approach to the village will be badly affected from a visual perspective The village has limited facilities with a part time surgery and single form entry primary school
I wish to oppose this proposed site for the following reasons:- Would harm the rural buffer zone and destroy the visual amenity on the approach to Warwick The partial development of the farm would seriously effect the viability of the farm as a business entity Adverse effect on the rural landscape and the approach to Warwick Castle tourist attraction The site is close to the m40 and A452 and this proposed development will add to the existing noise pollution and access issues
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64331
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mark Trinder
Unsuitable due to strain on village facilities such as primary school and doctors surgery. Sites already suffer badly with traffic at peak time
Location at junction with history of rta's.
Impact on visual amenity of village when exiting/entering from Banbury Road
Prone to flooding and alterations to local drainage system would be necessary.
I am a resident of Bishops Tachbrook and have been for some 16 years now living in Parsonage Close. I have attended many of the local action groups meetings in both Warwick and Bishops Tachbrook reference the proposed site for gypsies and travellers and would like to register my objection to the site at Bishops Tachbrook (GT05).
1. It is my belief that this site is unsuitable due to the strain it would put on the village facilities such as the primary school and doctors surgery, these sites already suffer badly with traffic at peak times.
2. I am also concerned about its locality at a junction that already has a history of road traffic accidents, i have witnessed the aftermath of a few of these myself.
3. It would also impact the visual amenity of the village when exiting or entering the village from the Banbury Road.
4. The site itself is also prone to flooding and i would expect that extensive alterations to the local drainage system would be necessary.
It is with some regret that i recommend the proposed site at Brookside Willows on the Banbury Road (GTalt01) I believe that although this is not ideal it has less impact overall as it,
1. Has safe and easy access to the main road network.
2. Already has an infrastructure in place regarding services and drainage.
3. Is already screened to prevent a visual impact to the local area.
4. Already has planning permission for similar use.
I believe that non of the 4 proposed sites are ideal, but I realise that there will have to be some facility provided for the gypsies and travellers by Warwick District Council.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64335
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Janette Morley
Alternative site but concerned it might become preferred in future.
Site is bordered on two sides by main roads: One a main entrance to Bishop's Tachbrook village the other main road from M40 to towns.
Insufficient vegetation to screen site from roads. Have never seen tidy gypsy encampment and site here would seriously blight approach to village and towns.
This is already accident black spot. Access would further exacerbate problem.
Classed as low risk Flood Zone 1, yet has seen a section of field under water. The ditches at edges of field frequently flood over onto road.
Very near residences.
GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm
The nature of my representation is an Objection.
I am writing to object to a gypsy site at Tachbrook Hill Farm. This is an alternative site at the moment, but I am concerned that it might become a preferred site in the future.
This site is bordered on two sides by main roads. One is a main entrance to Bishop's Tachbrook village and the other is the main road from the M40 to Leamington Spa and Warwick. Since I can see sheep and lambs in the field at the moment, there is obviously insufficient vegetation to screen a gypsy site from these roads. I have never seen a tidy gypsy encampment and a site here would seriously blight the approach to the village and the two towns.
The Banbury Road (A452) is a very busy road and at times it is extremely difficult to exit from the junction. An additional access to the road would further exacerbate the problem. This is already an accident black spot.
Although this site is classed as low risk Flood Zone 1, I have seen a section of the field under water. The ditches at the edges of the field are frequently full of water and flood over onto the road.
This site is very near residential properties.
The nature of my representation is an Objection
If the vegetation is removed there will be insufficient screening to hide this site from the main road joining the M40 to Leamington Spa. I have never seen a tidy gypsy encampment and this would be an eyesore on the approach to Leamington Spa.
For residents to reach a bus service they would have to walk along Europa Way. This is an extremely busy road and any pedestrians on it would be a danger to themselves and to the traffic.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64349
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Helen Johnson
Unsuitable due to strain on village facilities; primary school/part time doctor's surgery and traffic at peak times.
Location at busy junction that already has history of accidents.
Impact on visual amenity of village when exiting/entering Banbury Road.
Prone to flooding which is issue in some gardens. Extensive alterations necessary to safeguard all.
We are residents of Bishops Tachbrook and have been for 10 years. We have attended some of the local action groups meetings in both Warwick and Bishops Tachbrook around the proposed site for gypsies and travellers and would like to register our objections to the site at Bishops Tachbrook (GT05).
* It is our belief that this site is unsuitable due to the strain it would put on the village facilities such as the primary school and the part time doctor's surgery, these sites already suffer badly with traffic at peak times.
* We are also concerned about its locality at a busy junction that already has a history of road traffic accidents.
* It would also impact the visual amenity of the village when exiting or entering the village from the Banbury Road.
* The site itself is also prone to flooding. We are aware that flooding of back gardens at the top of the village is already an issue. We would expect that extensive alterations to the local drainage system would be necessary to safeguard all.
It is with some regret that we recommend the proposed site at Brookside Willows on the Banbury Road (GTalt01).
We believe that, although this is not idea, it has less impact overall as it-
1. Has safe and easy access to the main road network.
2. Already has an infrastructure in place regarding services and drainage.
3. Is already screened to prevent a visual impact to the local area.
4. Already has planning permission for similar use.
We believe that none of the 4 proposed sites are ideal, but realise there will have to be some facility provided for the gypsies and travellers by Warwick District Council.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64351
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mark Johnson
Unsuitable due to strain on village facilities; primary school/part time doctor's surgery and traffic at peak times.
Location at busy junction that already has history of accidents.
Impact on visual amenity of village when exiting/entering Banbury Road.
Prone to flooding which is issue in some gardens. Extensive alterations necessary to safeguard all.
We are residents of Bishops Tachbrook and have been for 10 years. We have attended some of the local action groups meetings in both Warwick and Bishops Tachbrook around the proposed site for gypsies and travellers and would like to register our objections to the site at Bishops Tachbrook (GT05).
* It is our belief that this site is unsuitable due to the strain it would put on the village facilities such as the primary school and the part time doctor's surgery, these sites already suffer badly with traffic at peak times.
* We are also concerned about its locality at a busy junction that already has a history of road traffic accidents.
* It would also impact the visual amenity of the village when exiting or entering the village from the Banbury Road.
* The site itself is also prone to flooding. We are aware that flooding of back gardens at the top of the village is already an issue. We would expect that extensive alterations to the local drainage system would be necessary to safeguard all.
It is with some regret that we recommend the proposed site at Brookside Willows on the Banbury Road (GTalt01).
We believe that, although this is not idea, it has less impact overall as it-
1. Has safe and easy access to the main road network.
2. Already has an infrastructure in place regarding services and drainage.
3. Is already screened to prevent a visual impact to the local area.
4. Already has planning permission for similar use.
We believe that none of the 4 proposed sites are ideal, but realise there will have to be some facility provided for the gypsies and travellers by Warwick District Council.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64365
Derbyniwyd: 30/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Zita Lowe
* Appreciate the need to supply sites for travellers to use whilst travelling around the countryside
* Why do Local Councils feel the need to compulsory purchase land that has belonged to generations of families to sell to the traveller community.
* Surely the Landowners have as much right to keep their land just as travellers claim the right to have places to reside whilst travelling?
* Strongly object to the proposal of destroying agricultural, nature rich land in and around Bishops Tachbrook for the purpose of creating hard standing traveller sites which if not controlled could become "eyesores".
* Residents close to these proposed sites have paid a premium to live in a village and for the view ,will they be recompensed? As they have rights too.
* If the Traveller Community have requested a site at Europa way surely it makes common sense to grant their wish as they continue to break down barricades put in place to stop them in an attempt to gather together.
* These sites are set up for electric,water sewage etc and anybody who knows the traveller community they will look after their own "patch" if it's where they WANT to be !
* These large family Communities will only reside where they WANT to be and will not be governed by Councils, so maybe instead of the Councillors choosing the land listen to the travellers !
Whilst I appreciate the need to supply sites for travellers to use whilst travelling around the countryside,why do Local Councils feel the need to compulsory purchase land that has belonged to generations of families to sell to the traveller community surely the Landowners have as much right to keep their land just as travellers claim the right to have places to reside whilst travelling?
I strongly object to the proposal of destroying agricultural, nature rich land in and around Bishops Tachbrook for the purpose of creating hard standing traveller sites which if not controlled could become "eyesores". Residents close to these proposed sites have paid a premium to live in a village and for the view ,will they be recompensed? As they have rights too.
If the Traveller Community have requested a site at Europa way surely it makes common sense to grant their wish as they continue to break down barricades put in place to stop them in an attempt to gather together. These sites are set up for electric,water sewage etc and anybody who knows the traveller community they will look after their own "patch" if it's where they WANT to be ! These large family Communities will only reside where they WANT to be and will not be governed by Councils, so maybe instead of the Councillors choosing the land listen to the travellers !
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64369
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Cynthia Martin
Strongly against this site:
* Close to 2 Major Roads M40 and A452 which are already very busy accompanying noise and access issues look dangerous on a very bad junction which has seen many previous incidents including loss of life.
* A bad visual impact on the outskirts of a pretty village, also the site got for people travelling past or into the village.
* Disastrous effect on the rural landscape adjacent to the village.
* Site prone to flooding in bad weather which again would cause danger with water and mud running down to the A452 junction towards village.
* Totally unsuitable area
* Bishops Tachbrook is a small village with only a part time surgery and single form entry to the primary school
Strongly against this site see following Close to 2 Major Roads M40 and A452 which are already very busy accompanying noise and access issues look dangerous on a very bad junction which has seen many previous incidents including loss of life.
A bad visual impact on the outskirts of a pretty village, also the site got for people travelling past or into the village.
Disastrous effect on the rural landscape adjacent to the village.
Site prone to flooding in bad weather which again would cause danger with water and mud running down to the A452 junction towards village.
Totally unsuitable area
Bishops Tachbrook is a small village with only a part time surgery and single form entry to the primary school
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64376
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Andrew and Michelle Robertson
No footpaths to walk into village.
Road is a 50mph.
Banbury Road is fast road (50mph) with many accidents turning out from Mallory Road
Noise from the Banbury Road and the M40 too.
Residential planning permission refused previously on next field due to way land lies that can be seen from Warwick Gates. Same applies here.
OBJECTION to the Gypsy and Travellers site GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Bishops Tachbrook
We are objecting to the above site on these grounds:
There are no footpaths to walk into the village. The road is a 50mph.
The Banbury Road is very fast road (50mph) with many accidents on the road and trying to turn from Mallory Road onto the Banbury Road in rush hours (AM and PM) is a nightmare. There would also be lots of noise from the Banbury Road and the M40 too.
In February 2014 Warwick District Council refused planning permission to the application W/13/1688 (Barwood Development) on the next field. This was due to the way the land lies that can be seen from Warwick Gates. The land is the same in the other field on Tachbrook Hill Farm and the same problems with there too.
We think that the best Gypsy and Travellers site are:
GT15 - Land east of Europa Way - This site is good as it was be protected from noise from the road by the trees and the entrance will be wider for caravan to get on and off.
Gtalt01 - Brookside Willows, Banbury Road - This site is good as it has permission for a caravan site already, there will be tree to protect from the noise from the road and the entrance is wider for caravan to get on and off.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64384
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Anoushka Sheehan
Chose to live in Bishops Tachbrook for children to grow uo with countryside air, quiet location, fields to walk dogs, a quaint church, a few basic amenities and close, friendly community, place to feel safe. Chose to work from home because of this.Children love village and wish to remain, attend pre school nursery and local school as well as clubs.
Consider people's personal opinions/impact.
Pressure added to school which is over subscribed
Doctors surgery part time and over subscribed.
Mallory Road is busy and congested at busy periods
Road and fields flood at junction.
I have lived in the village of Bishops Tachbrook for 17 years, this was a village that I specifically chose for so many reasons; nice fresh countryside air, a great place for children to grow, mentally and physically, a quiet location away from hussle of town/city life, nice fields to walk my dogs, a quaint church, a few basic amenities and close, friendly community and a place to feel safe, which was very important when I was a single parent. For these same reasons I also chose to be a childminder and work from home.
In that time I have raised 3 children, who love this village as much as I do and hope that they can remain here and enjoy the country life. Each child has or will attend the pre school nursery and the local school as well as clubs that run within the village, such as, youth club, toddler groups, Brownies and Rainbows.
I ask that you consider people's personal opinions and feeling as to why the travellers site should not be situated near to this village. I know you will have received many pointers on the facts that outline this case, whereas I felt I would write a more personal impact. I do believe that more pressure would be added to the school, classes are at a comfortable 30 per class where children seem to be doing well and any extra help that is required is being given accordingly. I am not sure that would be very possible if more children were to join each class. I know local residents struggle to get admission for all their children into the school as it is already over subscribed
The doctors surgery is not open full time and is also over subscribed.
Mallory Road is already a busy road that gets easily congested at busy periods and trying to turn out of the village onto the Banbury Road in a morning is a complete nightmare at times, waiting to turn right for 10 minutes some mornings. At times the road by this junction gets badly flooded as well as the fields.
I hope that these can contribute in some way to finding a more suitable and ready site for the gypsies and travellers to settle but I strongly feel this is not the right place.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64395
Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Paul and Caroline Whitwood
As residents of Bishops Tachbrook object to site GT05 - Land At Tachbrook Hill Farm on the following grounds :-
* The adjacent road junction is an accident black spot with several serious injuries / fatalities occuring during the 12 years we have lived in the village. The presence of the police speed camera van at the site of this juction is further demonstration that this is an accident black spot. Objective factual data detailing all RTA's is in the public sector domain (local police / hospital records) and should be retrieved and considered by yourselves.
* The Gaydon Road and juctions off this to and from Bishops Tachbrook are already heavily congested during weekday rush hour periods (07:00 to 09:00 and 16:00 to 18:00) resulting in stationary / crawling traffic Monday to Friday, every week. Any additional development will only make this worse.
* This is a green field site which would also require compulsory purchase. There are also no services currently provided (water, electricity, sewerage etc). These facts mean it represents one of the least economic sites to develop as a gypsy and traveller site. As these sites are being provisioned using the tax payers money, you have a responsibility to ensure that cost effective sites are chosen such as GTalt01. Site GT05 is certainly not cost effective for the reasons given.
* Planning permission to build houses on this land / land adjacent to it was recently rejected by WDC on the grounds that, and I quote "the development would have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the rural area" and "improvements to highways, libraries, education or healthcare and therefore the infrastructure needs generated by the development have not been satisfactorily secured". All of these factors apply just as equally to development of this land as a gypsy and travellers site. Your proposal of GT05 as a potential gypsy and traveller site therefore contradicts your prior planning rulings and is there inappropriate, hypocritical and ill conceived.
* The site is seen to regularly flood in the Autumn, Winter and Spring periods on a regular basis - factual proof of this is available. This makes it less suitable than other sites being proposed and would again result in additional development expenditure meaning it is one of the least cost effective sites as previously pointed out above.
* Local village services are already over-subscribed. The local school is full and is already turning away children in the catchment area. Local recreational clubs are also full such as The Brownies and Youth Club. The local doctors only operates on a part time basis requiring travel to either Warwick Gates or Whitnash for treatment on certain days of the week.
As residents of Bishops Tachbrook we wish to comment on the proposed gypsy and traveller sites as listed below. Please confirm receipt of this email :-
We object to site GT05 - Land At Tachbrook Hill Farm on the following grounds :-
* The adjacent road junction is an accident black spot with several serious injuries / fatalities occuring during the 12 years we have lived in the village. The presence of the police speed camera van at the site of this juction is further demonstration that this is an accident black spot. Objective factual data detailing all RTA's is in the public sector domain (local police / hospital records) and should be retrieved and considered by yourselves.
* The Gaydon Road and juctions off this to and from Bishops Tachbrook are already heavily congested during weekday rush hour periods (07:00 to 09:00 and 16:00 to 18:00) resulting in stationary / crawling traffic Monday to Friday, every week. Any additonal development will only make this worse.
* This is a green field site which would also require compulsary purchase. There are also no serivces currently provided (water, electricity, sewerage etc). These facts mean it represents one of the least economic sites to develop as a gypsy and traveller site. As these sites are being provisioned using the tax payers money, you have a responsibility to ensure that cost effective sites are chosen such as GTalt01. Site GT05 is certainly not cost effective for the reasons given.
* Planning permission to build houses on this land / land adjacent to it was recently rejected by WDC on the grounds that, and I quote "the development would have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the rural area" and "improvements to highways, libraries, education or healthcare and therefore the infrastructure needs generated by the development have not been satisfactorily secured". All of these factors apply just as equally to development of this land as a gypsy and travellers site. Your proposal of GT05 as a potenial gypsy and traveller site therefore contradicts your prior planning rulings and is there inappropriate, hypocritical and ill conceived.
* The site is seen to regualry flood in the Autumn, Winter and Spring periods on a regular basis - factual proof of this is available. This makes it less suitable than other sites being proposed and would again result in additional development expenditure meaning it is one of the least cost effective sites as previously pointed out above.
* Local village services are already over-subscribed. The local school is full and is already turning away children in the catchment area. Local recreational clubs are also full such as The Brownies and Youth Club. The local doctors only operates on a part time basis requiring travel to either Warwick Gates or Whitnash for treatment on certain days of the week.
We are in favour of site GTalt01 - Brookside Willows, Banbury Road for the following reasons :-
* The site has already been partially developed as a caravan site and would not require compulsary purchase. A suitable road juction has been provisioned making it a safe place to turn off and onto the Banbury Road. There is easy access to Warwick via road and with minimal additonal extra expenditure pedestrian access could also be easily provided. This means much of the capital expenditure for developing the site has already been provided for making the burden on the taxpayer significantly lower.
* Whilst being convenient for Warwick and therefore satsifying the need for provision of the necessary infrastructure, the site is well screened and would impact only a minimal number of existing land owners and residences in the vicinity.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64406
Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014
Ymatebydd: peter guest
Objects to the proposed alternative Gypsy and traveller site GT05 Tachbrook Hill Farm Mallory Road on following grounds:
* the junction with mallory road and the Banbury road B4100 is an extremly busy and very dangerous junction at peak times.
* It is already very difficult to turn right out of the village onto the main road as there is an almost continuous stream of traffic at peak communiting times heading for the Land rover gaydon site, and turning right across this traffic flow is very difficult, with a high risk of collision
* There have already been a number of serious accidents at this junction, and any accident is likely to cause serious injury or fatality due to the fact it will most likely be a side impact for the vehicle pulling out of the village.
* As a former head of vehicle saftey at Bentley Motors is an expert in vehicle collisions, the likely causes and the resultant injuries.
* Any additional traveller traffic coming from Mallory Road can only compound this issue particularly if they are relatively big, heavy, slow to accelerate or towing a trailer which is most likely given it is a proposed traveler site.
* No additional risk should be added to this already dangerous junction and a traveler site entrance sited nearby can only compound the risk.
I would like to lodge my complaint about the proposed alternative Gypsy and traveller site GT05 tachbrook hill farm mallory road.
My complaint is that the junction with mallory road and the Banbury road B4100 is an extremly busy and very dangerous junction at peak times. It is already very difficult to turn right out of the village onto the main road as there is an almost continuous stream of traffic at peak communiting times heading for the Land rover gaydon site, and turning right across this traffic flow is very difficult, with a high risk of collision, there have already been a number of serious accidents at this junction, and any accident is likely to cause serious injury or fatality due to the fact it will most likely be a side impact for the vehicle pulling out of the village. As a former head of vehicle saftey at bentley motors i am an expert in vehicle collisions, the likely causes and the resultant injuries.
Any additional traveler traffic coming from mallory road can only compound this issue particularly if they are relatively big, heavy, slow to accelerate or towing a trailer which is most likely given it is a proposed traveler site.
No additional risk should be added to this already dangerous junction and a traveler site entrance sited nearby can only compound the risk.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64411
Derbyniwyd: 03/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Sue Hitchin
Potential Impact on School Places
The NEW LOCAL PLAN, includes proposals for a development (H23) in Bishops Tachbrook south of the village school. If this goes ahead there will be 150 households, many with children of primary and junior school age needing a school place.
BT village school has at present a one class entry and numbers are limited. The New Local Plan does not comments on this.
In the comments for the viability of the proposed Travellers site, it says that traveller children would be close to a school.
But there will be no room for them as they will be further from the school when it comes to allocating places, even if the school grows.
Highway Safety
Also the positioning of the site is on a busy road and junction where it is almost impossible to turn right out from Mallory Road in the rush hour due to the continual stream of traffic coming up from the roundabout.
[Potential Cumulative Impact of Development son Village]
Although not specific to the traveller consultation, Bishops Tachbrook is being surrounded by various proposed developments.
We have a solar farm being built soon having received planning permission, the large development at Grove Farm, the development behind the school and three other builders trying to get permission and we are getting squeezed in the middle.
Please can all these proposals be considered in relation to the whole effect on the village
I am writing in response to the proposed WDC GYPSY AND TRAVELLER SITE CONSULTATION with particular reference to GT05 - TACHBROOK HILL FARM, BISHOPS TACHBROOK.
The NEW LOCAL PLAN, which was approved last week, appears to set out a comprehensive plan for the district, taking into consideration the positives and negatives on the area as a whole, and the effects of all the proposals.HOWEVER one of these proposals is a development (H23) in Bishops Tachbrook south of the village school. If this goes ahead there will be 150 households, many with children of primary and junior school age needing a school place. BT village school has at present a one class entry and numbers are limited. The New Local Plan does not seem to have any comments on this. In the comments for the viability of the proposed Travellers site, it says that traveller children would be close to a school. But there will be no room for them as they will be further from the school when it comes to allocating places, even if the school grows.
Also the positioning of the site is on a busy road and junction where it is almost impossible to turn right out from Mallory Road in the rush hour due to the continual stream of traffic coming up from the roundabout.
I would say as well, though not specific to the traveller consultation, that Bishops Tachbrook is being surrounded by various proposed developments. We have a solar farm being built soon having received planning permission, the large development at Grove Farm, the development behind the school and three other builders trying to get permission and we are getting squeezed in the middle. Please can all these proposals be considered in relation to the whole effect on the village
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64418
Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Rachel Adams
Strongly objects to the proposed site GT05 Tachbrook Hill Farm on following grounds:
* It is close to the M40 with accompanying noise pollution
* It is adjacent to a very bad junction which has had many previous accidents
* It is within a 50mph speed limit
* It has no pedestrian access to shops, schools etc
* It will have a disastrous effect on rural landscape and good agricultural land
* Small village amenities such as part time GP surgery and single entry primary school cant cope with extra intakes
* The land frequently floods across Mallory Road at the junction with Banbury Road
I am writing to strongly object to the proposed site GT05 Tachbrook Hill Farm
* It is close to the M40 with accompanying noise pollution
* It is adjacent to a very bad junction which has had many previous accidents
* It is within a 50mph speed limit
* It has no pedestrian access to shops, schools etc
* It will have a disastrous effect on rural landscape and good agricultural land
* Small village amenities such as part time GP surgery and single entry primary school cant cope with extra intakes
* The land frequently floods across Mallory Road at the junction with Banbury Road
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64421
Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014
Ymatebydd: A.T. Blowey
This site is unsuitable as it is adjacent to a dangerous junction and parts of the field are regularly flooded, particularly near the dangerous junction with the A452. Development will lead to further run off causing even more dangerous traffic conditions. Will have a disastrous effect on the rural landscape when entering the village of Bishops Tachbrook. This field is best left for the grazing of sheep.
Site GT05. This site is unsuitable as it is adjacent to a dangerous junction and parts of the field are regularly flooded, particularly near the dangerous junction with the A452. Development will lead to further run off causing even more dangerous traffic conditions. Will have a disastrous effect on the rural landscape when entering the village of Bishops Tachbrook. This field is best left for the grazing of sheep.
Site GTalt01. This seems to be a preferred site as it has already had much investment from the council. Not using this site would be a waste of council tax. Easy access into Warwick for schools and services by foot and reasonably screened from the road. No destruction of quality agricultural land at this site.
Site GT06. This site would see the destruction of high quality farmland. The site is not sustainable as it is too far from populations and services.
Site GT15. Europa way is regularly grid locked. Several accidents have occurred on this stretch of road. Access to a community along Europa way will lead to more congestion and a higher risk of accidents
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64422
Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Kim Annetts
Has following Concerns;
* Locating Gypsy and Traveller site on the Tachbrook Hill Farm land at Mallory Road would be detrimental to Bishops Tachbrook village.
* The school isn't big - only single form entry - and supporting a temporary population would mean school places might be taken up for the year and the children leave days / weeks later while local children cannot get a place. The local doctors is also very small with limited hours.
* The area is good agricultural land in a rural area.
I have concerns about the GT05 site as a possible location for a gypsy and traveller site. Locating it on the Tachbrook Hill Farm land at Mallory Road would be detrimental to Bishops Tachbrook village.
The school isn't big - only single form entry - and supporting a temporary population would mean school places might be taken up for the year and the children leave days / weeks later while local children cannot get a place. The local doctors is also very small with limited hours.
My concerns are also that the area is good agricultural land in a rural area.
I think the Brookside Willows site would be more suitable.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64431
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Miss Madeleine Cox
Objects to the proposal of site GT05 (Tachbrook Hill Farm) as a potential Gypsy and Traveller Camp on following grounds:
Highway Safety:
* Firstly this is already a difficult area for traffic and has been the scene of a number of accidents.
* Far too many vehicles use the village as a short cut to Leamington Spa and the volume of traffic coming out of the village to the motorway is likely to become even worse than at present given plans to build on agricultural land at the other end of the village.
* This will not be a safe location for extra settlement of any kind. Extra vehicles at this location will only worsen traffic problems and air quality.
Flood Risk:
* This is also an area prone to flooding.
Impact on Character of Area:
* Main concern is that a settlement of this kind will be out of keeping with the rural nature of the area.
* Tachbrook Hill Farm is a listed property and this is a route to historic Warwick.
* Housing developments have to comply with rules in order to be sympathetic to the location.
* This is not the case with settlements of static / moveable caravans etc., which seems to be a case of double-standards.
* Given that the rich agricultural land around our village is being constantly eroded by planned housing developments (Woodside Farm, Grove Farm) at the other end of the community, it seems wrong that even more land should be lost at this end of the village.
* Most of us have bought properties here because we want to live in an agricultural, rural area. It would make more sense to put a settlement near to a fully-developed town or in a completely isolated area where traffic / visual impact / integration will not be an issue.
* Warwick District Council may need to cater for everyone, but it should not ignore the rights and desires of those who have chosen to purchase property in the area and whose taxes pay their wages!
I would like to register my objection to the proposal of site GT05 (Tachbrook Hill Farm) as a potential Gypsy and Traveller Camp. Firstly this is already a difficult area for traffic and has been the scene of a number of accidents. Far too many vehicles use the village as a short cut to Leamington Spa and the volume of traffic coming out of the village to the motorway is likely to become even worse than at present given plans to build on agricultural land at the other end of the village. This will not be a safe location for extra settlement of any kind. Extra vehicles at this location will only worsen traffic problems and air quality. This is also an area prone to flooding.
My main concern is that a settlement of this kind will be out of keeping with the rural nature of the area. Tachbrook Hill Farm is a listed property and this is a route to historic Warwick. Housing developments have to comply with rules in order to be sympathetic to the location. This is not the case with settlements of static / moveable caravans etc., which seems to be a case of double-standards. Given that the rich agricultural land around our village is being constantly eroded by planned housing developments (Woodside Farm, Grove Farm) at the other end of the community, it seems wrong that even more land should be lost at this end of the village. Most of us have bought properties here because we want to live in an agricultural, rural area. It would make more sense to put a settlement near to a fully-developed town or in a completely isolated area where traffic / visual impact / integration will not be an issue. Warwick District Council may need to cater for everyone, but it should not ignore the rights and desires of those who have chosen to purchase property in the area and whose taxes pay their wages!
I would urge you to consider more appropriate locations
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64456
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr John Lawrance
Adverse impact on Landscape Character. The site would have a detrimental effect to the local landscape and would not be in keeping with the surroundings.
Site has a tendency to become waterlogged at periods throughout the year. Therefore, this Site would be unsuitable.
No public foul mains sewer or infrastructure to provide it.
Site will harm the character of the area (including listed buildings) and the quality of life for those within the existing community. Site is not in an area that can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area. Site is on high ground so is prominent within the landscape.
Development would have an adverse effect on ecology & the natural environmental.
Residents on this site will suffer noise impact from nearby roads. Residents in Bishops Tachbrook were compensated for the noise impact from the M40 so this site will suffer problems.
Site would be a loss of good quality agricultural land. Local farmers should be supported not discriminated against by having land taken through CPO powers.
The site poses a threat for all road users' safety as there is no safe access to the road network and it will be dangerous for large caravans to be turning in and out of the sites and for all other road users. This is already an accident black spot. There are no pedestrian footpaths. School children will have to wait for school buses by the side of the busy main roads.
Site will place undue pressure on local GP and schools.
Too close a proximity to housing in Mallory Road & Holt Avenue, Bishops' Tachbrook.
Locating a Site is such a vast wide area is a potential for further illegal encampments.
Concerned about how well the site will be managed.
Object to: GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road (Green Alternative Site)
I strongly object to the Alternative Site GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road as the Site is unsuitable & unsustainable as a Gypsy & Traveller Site for many reasons which I will discuss below.
- Impact on Landscape Character - This Site is Agricultural Land and is surrounded by fields. The Site is hilly, hence the name "Tachbrook Hill Farm", and can be viewed from a high visual point when travelling along the Banbury Road A452 from the Warwick/Leamington/M40 Roundabout from Warwick & towards Gaydon. Locating a Gypsy & Traveller Site here would have a detrimental effect to the local landscape and would not be in keeping with the surroundings & would be an unpleasant vista entering the village.
- Impact on designated areas of nature conservation, Flooding issues - Despite the Consultation Documents advising that this Site Lies within Flood Zone 1 and therefore sequentially preferable. This Site has a tendency to become waterlogged at periods throughout the year. Therefore, this Site would be unsuitable for Caravans and the Gypsy & Traveller Community.
- Ability of Infrastructure requirements to be adequately met & Deliverability of Associated Infrastructure requirements - It is unlikely that the site could be connected to the public foul mains sewer so would need a non-mains solution as per the WDC Consultation Documents. There is no existing infrastructure in place for such a purpose. Therefore, the Site is unsuitable compared to other Sites that already have such infrastructure in place.
- Impact on heritage assets and the settings of heritage assets - This Site poses a potential threat to Historical Bishop's Tachbrook which is listed in the Doomsday Book along with possible damage to listed buildings around the village and local vicinity. This Site within Bishop's Tachbrook will harm the character of the area and the quality of life for those within the existing community.
- Impact on ecology - Any development would have an adverse effect on ecology & the natural environmental. It is noted that the Site is not connected to the public foul mains sewer so would need a non-mains solution. If sewage removal is not dealt with effectively this will impact the environment. Furthermore, the Site is only 5 minute walk from Oakley Wood (via wide verge) and close proximity to the Guide Dogs Breeding Centre.
- Impact of noise and other disturbance - It is noted within the Consultation Documents that the Site area has been reduced to avoid noise from major
Roads. However, I feel this will have little effect to the noise levels that could be potentially heard by Gypsy & Travellers occupying the Site. This Site is very close to the M40 and other major busy roads and with there being wide open countryside there is little to shield the noise and Caravans are not sound insulated. Therefore, this would be an unsuitable Site for the Gypsy & Traveller Community. In 1992 all Bishop's Tachbrook Residents were compensated for noise pollution due to the M40. GT05 is closer to M40 than Bishop's Tachbrook village. By the precedent set for compensation this makes the site unsuitable for Caravans due to noise levels.
A452 is a main arterial route to M40(s) and to Gaydon Site from Leamington / Warwick making this an extremely busy road especially during morning and evening rush hour. Furthermore, if the site is to be used as a business use Site noise would be a problem for the Village Residents.
- Agricultural Land Quality - This Site is Agricultural Land Grade 3. The Farmer currently has lambs in the field. This Site is currently on good quality arable land which is in use as a means to provide food to the Population. Therefore, to remove the Farmer & his livestock to locate a Gypsy & Traveller Site here would be a waste of good quality agricultural land which we need to sustain. Furthermore, we need to support our local Farmers and the production of local produce. Especially with increasing levels of foreign imported foods which are often sold at a cheaper sales price than locally produced foods. Therefore, as a result Farmers are already experiencing increased pressures so we need to support the Farming Industry which is also beneficially to the economy as a whole.
- Impact on visual amenity including the visibility and character of the site and surrounding area - Locating a Gypsy & Traveller Site here would have an adverse impact on the visual amenity and character of the surrounding area & open countryside. There would be an adverse visual impact on entering Bishop's Tachbrook Village. A more tucked away Site that has the ability to be well screened and is not on high ground would be more appropriate. The Site is not in an area that can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area which is stipulated as a Site Requirement within the Consultation Documents.
- The potential for the site to be adequately screened - Although the Site is partially screened and the breaks in the hedgerows on the Mallory Road could be dealt with by planting further hedgerows etc. However, the Site is on high ground, hence the name of the Site "Hill Farm" and can be viewed when travelling along the Banbury Road A452 from the Warwick/Leamington/M40 Roundabout towards Gaydon.
- Access to the road network - Access from the Site GT05 is directly on to a busy road within 50 mph zones. There is a high traffic flow throughout the day with commuters to and from the M40, Banbury & Gaydon. To place a Site along this stretch of road poses a threat for all road users' safety. There is no safe access to the road network from these Sites which is a specified Site Requirement within the Consultation Document. This is dangerous for large caravans to be turning in and out of the sites and for all other road users. Furthermore, there are no pedestrian footpaths.
- Safe access to and from the site for vehicles and pedestrians - There are Road Safety Issues with this Site GT05. This is an accident blackspot and there have been many fatalities at that junction and near it. It is already difficult to exit the Village onto A452. This would be dangerous for slow-moving turning caravans exiting the Site onto Banbury Road. On the access from the Farmers drive there is a blind spot at the brow of the hill so this would be very dangerous for pulling out of and turning into. Alternatively, Mallory Road is a very narrow lane, therefore would prove difficult for turning long-wheel base caravans exiting the Site. Due to the remote locations of this Site and having no pedestrian footpaths secondary school children will have to wait for school buses on main roads or be transported to safe bus stops by car or all the way to school. This is not a sustainable solution.
- Distance to GP surgeries, schools, dentists, hospitals, shops and community facilities - The Croft Medical Centre which although is only open part-time, is useful for the elderly who form a large part of the Bishop's Tachbrook Village population, not having to travel into town to visit a doctor. Increasing numbers within the village will cause unavailability of appointments and longer waiting lists.
Bishop's Tachbrook C of E Primary School & Nursery is currently oversubscribed. This places even more undue pressure on a small Village School and the additional support that will be required by Gypsy and Traveller children, children who are noted within Section 4 of the Consultation Document as being educationally disadvantaged; will be difficult for the school to provide without adversely impacting all pupils. It is understood that in these circumstances there is no additional funding provided by the County Council other than that received per capita of children receiving free school meals.
- Proximity to other residential properties - Proximity to Village is incompatible with the Gypsy & Traveller lifestyle desiring to live apart from the settled community. Too close a proximity to housing in Mallory Road & Holt Avenue, Bishops' Tachbrook.
- Potential for the proposal to utilise previously developed land - As noted above this is good quality arable agricultural land that is currently in use by the Farmer with his lifestock of Sheep & Land. Therefore, this Site does not utilise previously developed land but to the contrary would use land which is fit for other purposes.
- Suitable Size - This Site is surrounded by fields and is a vast open space. Therefore, unsuitable for a Gypsy & Traveller Site as in my opinion a site of limited size but with the ability to extend the site to a maximum size of 10-15 Pitches is sufficient. Although, I understand Warwick District Council has a legal obligation to provide the Gypsy & Traveller Community with Allocated Pitches. We must bear in mind & learn from the experience of Basildon District Council with their dealings with Dale Farm. Which was until October 2011, an illegal encampment of Travellers which had been established without planning permission from Basildon District Council. The site was owned by members of the travelling community and was located within the Green Belt. Dale Farm was a six acre plot of land on Oak Lane, near the A127 Southend Arterial road. Dale Farm has been subject to Green Belt controls since 1982. However, next to the Dale Farm site there was an authorised Travellers' site known as Oak Lane. This had Council planning permission, and provided 34 legal pitches. Locating a Site is such a vast wide area is a potential for further illegal encampments. Whilst WDC has a duty to provide the Gypsy & Traveller Community with Allocated Sites, WDC also has a duty to Local Residents to ensure that Sites do not expand to unmanageable illegal Sites. Sites not only need to consider the needs of the Gypsy & Traveller Community, but the Local Residents, Community and all other Tax Payers.
- Deliverability & Availability of the site (including impact on the existing uses on the site) - This Site is privately owned and the Landowner is unwilling to sell this land. Therefore, the Site would have to be obtained using Compulsory Purchase Powers. Compulsory purchase is unfair to take a Farmer's livelihood in order for the Gypsy & Traveller community to operate the site as a profitable business. This puts one Group's Human Rights above another which questionably goes against the Human Rights Act and can be considered as discrimination in itself.
Other Concerns:
* There is a concern that these sites within which the occupancies are potentially unregulated will place unfair burden on our already stretched local infrastructure.
* The availability of necessary employment for the Gypsy & Traveller Community within the Bishop's Tachbrook Village is also to be questioned.
* There is a concern that although the number of pitches upon the Sites is to be regulated, the occupancy on the pitches cannot be regulated or controlled.
* A further concern is that the Sites are likely to be operated & managed by the Gypsy & Travelling Community and not Warwick District Council. If the sites are managed in such a way who will regulate the occupancy within the Sites? There will be no way of controlling numbers. There is also a concern if sites are granted for a given number of pitches; the Gypsy & Travelling Community will breach Planning Policy as was the case with Dale Farm.
Support: GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road (Green Preferred Site)
I support the Proposed Preferred Site GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road. In my opinion the Site is suitable & sustainable as a Gypsy & Traveller Site as defined in WDC Suitability & Sustainability Criteria and discussed below.
- Impact on the Green Belt - Site GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road is not in the Green Belt. Therefore, fulfils the suitability Criteria.
- Impact on Landscape character - The Site has already been approved Planning Permission for a Holiday Caravan Park & is already part-prepared, therefore the only difference to the Site would be the Caravans themselves. Therefore, this Site fulfils the suitability criteria and would be a viable Site.
- Impact on designated areas of nature conservation Flooding issues - It is noted within the WDC Consultation Documents that the Flooded watercourses drain to road rather than onsite. Therefore, fulfilling the required criteria and demonstrating suitability & sustainability.
- Ability of Infrastructure requirements to be adequately met - The required Infrastucture & Amenities are already part-prepared due to Planning Permission already being obtained for a Holiday Caravan Park. There is a large area for Caravans to turn into the entrance of the Site along with separate turning lanes on the Road. Minimum development needed for occupancy by the Gypsy & Traveller community.
- Impact on Ecology - Little effect on the local ecology as the infrastructure is already partially in place and Planning Permission already granted previously.
- Impact of land contamination, noise and other disturbance - It is noted within the WDC Consultation Document that Landfill details/potential risks known from previous work carried out for the original planning application. However, Planning conditions on existing permission deal with the issues of contamination from landfill. Therefore, the Site is proving to be both suitable and sustainable as an appropriate Gypsy & Traveller Site. With regards to noise, this Site is further away from the M40 than the GT05 Banbury Road Site, therefore noise levels will be lower for the Gypsy & Traveller Community. Also as the Site is screened with trees and not a wide open space this will prevent noise travelling from the Site to other Properties in the vicinity.
- Impact on visual amenity including the visibility and character of the site and surrounding area - This Site is set back from the Road and is located in a bend in the road from memory so is a more discreet Site than others that have been proposed. Therefore, this is well tucked away and not causing a detrimental visual impact to the existing surroundings. As noted the Site already has Planning Permission for a Holiday Caravan Site, therefore, using the Site for Gypsy & Travellers Site Allocation will have minimal difference to what the Site was originally meant for. In addition, Local Residents did not originally object to a Caravan Site when the Planning Permission was approved by WDC. Therefore, this Site further meets the required Criteria.
- The potential for the site to be adequately screened - The Site was well-screened up until about 2 months ago when the Landowner has now removed some of the trees screening the Site. However, these can easily be replaced in order to minimise visual impact.
- Access to the Road Network - Good & safe access to road network. Pedestrian Foot paths from the Site to and from Warwick. By far the safest Site compared to that of GT05 Alternative Site. in addition, there is less traffic that other main roads locally.
- Distance to GP Surgeries, Schools, Dentists, Hospitals, Shops And Community Facilities - The Site is noted within the WDC Consultation Document to be close to edge of urban area. It is not far from Leamington, Warwick and Bishop's Tachbrook. Therefore, not all of the pressure needs to be placed upon Bishop's Tachbrook's limited village facilities. I believe there is also Public Transport links that pass this Site into Warwick.
- Proximity to other residential properties - There are only a few Residential Properties in this surrounding area and these are not in the local vicinity of the Site so there are no immediate neighbours.
- Potential for the proposal to utilise previously developed land - This is previously developed land and does not waste good quality arable agricultural land for such a purpose. Furthermore, this Site already has had Planning Permission approved previously by the Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council for a Holiday Caravan Site. Therefore, this Site can be considered a suitable & fully sustainable option for a Gypsy & Traveller Site. This Site is the most viable of the Options put forward in the Bishop's Tachbrook Parish.
- Safe access to and from the site for vehicles and pedestrians - This Site is Suitable as already has safe access to and from Site for both Vehicles and a pedestrian footpath into Warwick. It is noted within the WDC Consultation Documents that new access has been created with turning lane from Banbury Road to highway standards for the Holiday Caravan Park. Therefore, meeting the required criteria and yet again demonstrating the suitability of the Site for a Gypsy & Traveller Site.
- Suitable Size - The Size it well contained and has the ability to extend into 15 pitches from the originally proposed 10 if required. However, extension beyond the 15 pitches would be restricted due the size of the Site which would prevent illegal encampment. Therefore, this would be a viable Site.
- Availability of the site (including impact on the existing uses on the site) - The Site already has Planning Permission for a Holiday Caravan Site - Could an agreement be met with the current Landowner? This is a more viable option than many of the other Sites requiring compulsory purchase powers.
- Deliverability of the Site and associated Infrastructure requirements - If the purchase of the land can be obtained. The associated infrastructure not already in place could easily be deliverable. Thereby, meeting the suitability, sustainability & deliverability criteria set by WDC.
Overall, GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road (Green Preferred Site) not only meets the suitability, sustainability & deliverability criteria set by WDC, this Site would be the most ideal Site of all of the Proposed Sites within the Bishop's Tachbrook Parish.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64458
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Karen & Garey Wood
Noise pollution from M40 and A452. Local residents were compensated for noise impact of M40.
Access will be difficult/dangerous. Already an accident blackspot and difficulty to exit village on A52 safely. Local roads are already too busy.
Flooding issues on Mallory Road
Proximity to Village Incompatible with wanting to live apart from settled community.
Small village facilities-part time surgery, single form entry primary school are already oversubscribed.
Visual impact on area and approach to the village.
Noise issues from the site.
Inappropriate to use good grade agricultural land.
Compulsory purchase is unfair in this case.
No mains set up.
No footpath to school/ GP surgery etc.
Site not suitable for business use
Detrimental to image of area and to local businesses.
Poor rubbish disposal will harm wildlife.
Too close to guide dogs breeding centre.
GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road (WDC Alternative Site) is totally unsuitable for a development of this sort. Here are our reasons as to why
Close to M40 and A452 with accompanying noise pollution and access issues.
Already difficulty to exit village on A52 safely
Flooding issues on Mallory Road
Proximity to Village Incompatible with wanting to live apart from settled community.
Small village facilities-part time surgery, single form entry primary school
Visual impact on area I believe will be negative and bring into question the need for Blight notices to be served
The school cannot facilitate the children and any special needs due to it being small and one form per year
Im concerned about noise generated from site
Main road into village already dangerous without this community racing horses and carts down it as they did recently on the A46
In 1992 all BT residents were compensated for noise pollution due to siting of M40 - where is the compensation for this.
GT05 is closer to M40 than BT village. By the precedent set for compensation this
makes the site unsuitable for Caravans due to noise. A452 is a main arterial route to
M40(s) and to Gaydon Site from Leamington /Warwick making this an extremely
Too busy a road especially during morning and evening rush hour to be worsened by 10000 homes being built
Totally unsuitable to use good grade agricultural land. Will have developmental impact on the
approach to the village.
Exit onto the lane and or main road will be dangerous. Too close proximity to houses.
Too much of a vast open space
Compulsory purchase is unfair in order for the G&T community to operate the site as
a business.
No mains set up
No footpath to school/ docs etc.
Not suitable for business use and detriment to local businesses.
I run a business from the village and im afraid the stigma of such a site could affect my own business that sells to families.
I also run Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue and we have released countless of these endangered animals into this location, and subsequent poor rubbish disposal as already demonstrated by these people elsewhere locally will harm wildlife.
School and Local GP surgery already oversubscribed
Only 10 minute walk from Oakley Wood (via wide verge) and opposite guide dogs
breeding centre, so not a good idea
Accident blackspot
Reputation damage to our primary school
The access from the farmers drive there is a blind spot at the brow of the hill so very
dangerous for pulling out of and turning into
GT06 Land at Park Farm, Spinney Farm (WDC Alternative Site)
Would harm the rural buffer zone and destroy the visual amenity on the approach to
Severely restricts access for the owner of park farm to his remaining land
Proximity to major roads A452 and A425 with accompanying road noise pollution and
access issues
Adverse effect on viability of the farm business
Adverse visual impact on the countryside
Owner not willing to sell - expense of compulsory purchase
GT15 Land to east of Europa Way (WDC Preferred Site)
Access onto Europa Way would be dangerous
BT would have to serve the community but capacity at school is questionable
Doctors surgery is already under pressure
No bus route into Bishops Tachbrook Warwick or Leamington
GT15 is opposite busy trunk feeder
Minimal visual impact
Heavily wooded - no facilities
Steep sloping ground
Road access would need improving
Busy road
Only small site and therefore more sites needed (no doubt in Tachbrook)
No pavements
On motorway feeder
Not on bus route
On busy road accompanying road noise and pollution and access issues
Concerns over flooding and water contamination into the brook
Would require clearing woodland
After Brookside Willows, it does however appear to be the most suitable site
Screen from road
Close to Leamington for doctors and schools etc
Land owned by Council
Traffic calming measures
GTalt01 Brookside Willows, Banbury Road (WDC Preferred Site) is a site I could back and agree that is suitable and manged by an external provider ie housing association not by the gypsies themselves
Ideal location well screened
Site already part prepared
Good road access
Needs a safe pedestrian footpath into Warwick
No immediate neighbours
Infrastructure already in place
Well away from main road
Preferred site
Good access to site already there
Easy access to Warwick Town by Public transport/ on foot
Less traffic that other main roads locally
Reused ground - no flooding
Good site
Planning for Caravan Site anyway: minimal difference and therefore costs are lower
Facilities already in existence
No compulsory purchase necessary
Minimum development needed for occupation
Planning permission approved for a caravan park
* More suitable that some of the alternatives
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64468
Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Dr Ian Morley
Adversely impact the approach to Bishop's Tachbrook, making the village look more like part of an urban conurbation. This is likely to encourage further proposals from developers.
Banbury Road already carries heavy traffic. Adding more traffic to the area does not seem to be helpful.
Not convinced that there will be safe access to and from the site.
Mallory Road and Banbury Road junction floods frequently in bad weather.
Current proposed housing developments will stretch infrastructure to the full, without adding further complications.
The landowner is against the sale of the land and no adequate reasons for pursuing compulsory purchase.
Part B: Commenting on the Gypsy and Traveller Preferred Sites
My comments refer only to site GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm (Green)
The proposed site will have considerable impact on the approach to Bishop's Tachbrook from the Banbury Road, making the village look more like part of an urban conurbation than a small and attrasctive place to live. This is likely to encourage further proposals from developers that may or may not conform to the new local plan.
The proposed site is adjacent to the Banbury Road which already carries heavy traffic, and the area in question is notoriously accident prone. Deliberately adding more traffic to the area does not seem to be helpful, and the means of entrance and exit from the site are not at all clear in any of the documents that I have read. I am not at all convinced that there will be safe access to and from the site.
The site may be in a low risk Flood Zone, but the T-junction formed by Mallory Road and the Banbury Road floods frequently in bad weather.
The site is close to residential properties and to a number of proposed housing developments. They will stretch infrastructure to the full, without adding further complications.
The landowner is against the sale of his/her land and there seem to be adequate reasons for not pursuing such draconian measures as compulsory purchase.
I object to the use of this site for the use of Gypsies and Travellers. I realise that it is not a preferred option at the moment, but would not like it to become a preferred option in the future.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64492
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Brian Lewis
Can confirm, as landowner, that the site is not for sale and any CPO will be resisted. The site is adjacent to the farmhouse and therefore particularly important during the lambing season. The site should be classed as Red ie not suitable.
Very disappointed with this allocation and the way the Council has handled the matter.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64541
Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Helen Lavery
Strongly objects to the Proposed Alternative Site GT05 on following grounds:
[several photographs submitted in support of representation]
The Site is unsuitable & unsustainable as a Gypsy & Traveller Site for many reasons as discussed below:and based on the WDC Suitability & Sustainability Criteria
1- Impact on Landscape Character:
This Site is Agricultural Land and is surrounded by fields. The Site is hilly, hence the name "Tachbrook Hill Farm", and can be viewed from a high visual point when travelling along the Banbury Road A452 from the Warwick/Leamington/M40 Roundabout from Warwick & towards Gaydon. Locating a Gypsy & Traveller Site here would have a detrimental effect to the local landscape and would not be in keeping with the surroundings & would be an unpleasant vista entering the village.
2-Impact on designated areas of nature conservation, Flooding issues
Despite the Consultation Documents advising that this Site Lies within Flood Zone 1 and therefore sequentially preferable. This Site has a tendency to become waterlogged at periods throughout the year. I have photographic evidence of the flooding in February 2014. Please see attached photos. Therefore, this Site would be unsuitable for Caravans and the Gypsy & Traveller Community.
3- Ability of Infrastructure requirements to be adequately met & Deliverability of Associated Infrastructure requirements -
It is unlikely that the site could be connected to the public foul mains sewer so would need a non-mains solution as per the WDC Consultation Documents. There is no existing infrastructure in place for such a purpose. Therefore, the Site is unsuitable compared to other Sites that already have such infrastructure in place.
4-Impact on heritage assets and the settings of heritage assets - This Site poses a potential threat to Historical Bishop's Tachbrook which is listed in the Doomsday Book along with possible damage to listed buildings around the village and local vicinity. This Site within Bishop's Tachbrook will harm the character of the area and the quality of life for those within the existing community.
5-Impact on ecology - Any development would have an adverse effect on ecology & the natural environmental. It is noted that the Site is not connected to the public foul mains sewer so would need a non-mains solution. If sewage removal is not dealt with effectively this will impact the environment. Furthermore, the Site is only 5 minute walk from Oakley Wood (via wide verge) and close proximity to the Guide Dogs Breeding Centre.
6-Impact of noise and other disturbance - It is noted within the Consultation Documents that the Site area has been reduced to avoid noise from major Roads. However, I feel this will have little effect to the noise levels that could be potentially heard by Gypsy & Travellers occupying the Site. This Site is very close to the M40 and other major busy roads and with there being wide open countryside there is little to shield the noise and Caravans are not sound insulated. Therefore, this would be an unsuitable Site for the Gypsy & Traveller Community. In 1992 all Bishop's Tachbrook Residents were compensated for noise pollution due to the M40. GT05 is closer to M40 than Bishop's Tachbrook village. By the precedent set for compensation this makes the site unsuitable for Caravans due to noise levels.
A452 is a main arterial route to M40(s) and to Gaydon Site from Leamington / Warwick making this an extremely busy road especially during morning and evening rush hour. Furthermore, if the site is to be used as a business use Site noise would be a problem for the Village Residents.
7-Agricultural Land Quality -
This Site is Agricultural Land Grade 3. The Farmer currently has lambs in the field. This Site is currently on good quality arable land which is in use as a means to provide food to the Population. Therefore, to remove the Farmer & his livestock to locate a Gypsy & Traveller Site here would be a waste of good quality agricultural land which we need to sustain. Furthermore, we need to support our local Farmers and the production of local produce. Especially with increasing levels of foreign imported foods which are often sold at a cheaper sales price than locally produced foods. Therefore, as a result Farmers are already experiencing increased pressures so we need to support the Farming Industry which is also beneficially to the economy as a whole.
8-Impact on visual amenity including the visibility and character of the site and surrounding area -
Locating a Gypsy & Traveller Site here would have an adverse impact on the visual amenity and character of the surrounding area & open countryside. There would be an adverse visual impact on entering Bishop's Tachbrook Village. A more tucked away Site that has the ability to be well screened and is not on high ground would be more appropriate. The Site is not in an area that can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area which is stipulated as a Site Requirement within the Consultation Documents.
9- The potential for the site to be adequately screened -
Although the Site is partially screened and the breaks in the hedgerows on the Mallory Road could be dealt with by planting further hedgerows etc. However, the Site is on high ground, hence the name of the Site "Hill Farm" and can be viewed when travelling along the Banbury Road A452 from the Warwick/Leamington/M40 Roundabout towards Gaydon.
10-Access to the road network - Access from the Site GT05 is directly on to a busy road within 50 mph zones. There is a high traffic flow throughout the day with commuters to and from the M40, Banbury & Gaydon. To place a Site along this stretch of road poses a threat for all road users' safety. There is no safe access to the road network from these Sites which is a specified Site Requirement within the Consultation Document. This is dangerous for large caravans to be turning in and out of the sites and for all other road users. Furthermore, there are no pedestrian footpaths.
11-Safe access to and from the site for vehicles and pedestrians -
There are Road Safety Issues with this Site GT05. This is an accident blackspot and there have been many fatalities at that junction and near it. It is already difficult to exit the Village onto A452. This would be dangerous for slow-moving turning caravans exiting the Site onto Banbury Road. On the access from the Farmers drive there is a blind spot at the brow of the hill so this would be very dangerous for pulling out of and turning into. Alternatively, Mallory Road is a very narrow lane, therefore would prove difficult for turning long-wheel base caravans exiting the Site. Due to the remote locations of this Site and having no pedestrian footpaths secondary school children will have to wait for school buses on main roads or be transported to safe bus stops by car or all the way to school. This is not a sustainable solution.
12- Distance to GP surgeries, schools, dentists, hospitals, shops and community facilities - The Croft Medical Centre which although is only open part-time, is useful for the elderly who form a large part of the Bishop's Tachbrook Village population, not having to travel into town to visit a doctor. Increasing numbers within the village will cause unavailability of appointments and longer waiting lists.
Bishop's Tachbrook C of E Primary School & Nursery is currently oversubscribed. This places even more undue pressure on a small Village School and the additional support that will be required by Gypsy and Traveller children, children who are noted within Section 4 of the Consultation Document as being educationally disadvantaged; will be difficult for the school to provide without adversely impacting all pupils. It is understood that in these circumstances there is no additional funding provided by the County Council other than that received per capita of children receiving free school meals.
13-Proximity to other residential properties - Proximity to Village is incompatible with the Gypsy & Traveller lifestyle desiring to live apart from the settled community. Too close a proximity to housing in Mallory Road & Holt Avenue, Bishops' Tachbrook.
14- Potential for the proposal to utilise previously developed land - As noted above this is good quality arable agricultural land that is currently in use by the Farmer with his lifestock of Sheep & Land. Therefore, this Site does not utilise previously developed land but to the contrary would use land which is fit for other purposes.
15- Suitable Size - This Site is surrounded by fields and is a vast open space. Therefore, unsuitable for a Gypsy & Traveller Site as in my opinion a site of limited size but with the ability to extend the site to a maximum size of 10-15 Pitches is sufficient.
Although, understands Warwick District Council has a legal obligation to provide the Gypsy & Traveller Community with Allocated Pitches. Must bear in mind & learn from the experience of Basildon District Council with their dealings with Dale Farm. Which was until October 2011, an illegal encampment of Travellers which had been established without planning permission from Basildon District Council. T
Locating a Site is such a vast wide area is a potential for further illegal encampments. Whilst WDC has a duty to provide the Gypsy & Traveller Community with Allocated Sites, WDC also has a duty to Local Residents to ensure that Sites do not expand to unmanageable illegal Sites. Sites not only need to consider the needs of the Gypsy & Traveller Community, but the Local Residents, Community and all other Tax Payers.
16-Deliverability & Availability of the site (including impact on the existing uses on the site) - This Site is privately owned and the Landowner is unwilling to sell this land. Therefore, the Site would have to be obtained using Compulsory Purchase Powers. Compulsory purchase is unfair to take a Farmer's livelihood in order for the Gypsy & Traveller community to operate the site as a profitable business. This puts one Group's Human Rights above another which questionably goes against the Human Rights Act and can be considered as discrimination in itself.
Other Concerns:
There is a concern that these sites within which the occupancies are potentially unregulated will place unfair burden on our already stretched local infrastructure.
The availability of necessary employment for the Gypsy & Traveller Community within the Bishop's Tachbrook Village is also to be questioned.
There is a concern that although the number of pitches upon the Sites is to be regulated, the occupancy on the pitches cannot be regulated or controlled.
A further concern is that the Sites are likely to be operated & managed by the Gypsy & Travelling Community and not Warwick District Council. If the sites are managed in such a way who will regulate the occupancy within the Sites? There will be no way of controlling numbers. There is also a concern if sites are granted for a given number of pitches; the Gypsy & Travelling Community will breach Planning Policy as was the case with Dale Farm.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64557
Derbyniwyd: 15/03/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Tony Morris
Too close to existing properties in Holt Avenue.No existing adequate screening to the site,new planting will take years to mature. Access onto Mallory Road will be dangerous due to the close proximity to the junction with Banbury Road. Too close to the M40 & A452 with the accompanying noise pollution.Will create an unacceptable visual impact to the Western approach to the village & also when viewed from the Banbury Road. Is good agricultural land. The village facilities will be stretched further in addition to the proposed new housing requirements
I wish to make the following comments and objections with regard to the 'preferred & alternative' sites proposed within the boundaries of the Parish of Bishops Tachbrook.
GTalt01.Brookside Willows,Banbury Road.
1) Ideal location as it is well screened.
2)Infrastructure already in place.
3)Good road access into Warwick & on foot,with the provision of new footpath.
4)Planning for a caravan site already in place.
5)This site provides the best acess to all Warrwick amenities,i,e, schools,shops,medical facilities etc.
GT15,Land at Europa Way.
1) Extremely dangerous location due to fast moving traffic on Europa Way,this will make entrance & exit to & from the site unsuitable.
2)Heavily wooded & sloping ground subject to rainfall run off from surrounding areas.
3) Limited pitch sites available relative to the infrastructure costs to give a suitable site with safe access.
GT05.Tachbrook Hill Farm, Mallory Road.
1) Too close to existing properties in Holt Avenue.
2)No existing adequate screening to the site,new planting will take yeaers to mature.
3)Access onto Mallory Road will be dangerous & not ideal due to the close proximity to the junction with Banbury Road.
4) Too close to the M40 & A452 with the accompanying noise pollution.
5)Will create an unacceptable vsual impact to the Western approach to the village & also when viewed from the Banbury Road.
6)This site is good agricultural land and every effort should be made to keep it so.
7) The village facilities of the part time surgery & the single form entry primary school will be stretched to cater for even more
expansion in addition to the proposed new housing requirements.
GT06. Land at Park Farm/Spinney Farm.
1)Would harm the rural buffer zone & spoil the visual amenity on the South approacn into Warwick.
2) Considerable screening will be required to lessen any impact,& this will be costly & take years to mature.
3)The close proximity to the M40 &A452 is detrimental due to noise pollution & access issues.
4)Loss of good agricultural land which provides a buffer to the Castle Park & Warwick.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64565
Derbyniwyd: 23/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Susan Edkins
Impact on landscape.
Farming land.
Unsafe access to site.
Proximity to residential properties.
Ecology impact.
Increased animal activity.
School already full.
Objects to proposed sites.
Farmer unwilling to sell.
see attached