H51 - Hampton Magna - Land south of Lloyd Close
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68108
Derbyniwyd: 24/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Louise Pearson
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
- detrimental impact on local school
- lack of infrastructure - roads, drainage etc
- detrimental impact on feel of the community/area
- over development
- impact on wildlife, trees and bat population
I think the new homes will have a Detrimental effect upon residential amenities. Hampton Magna is a small village where everyone knows each other and increasing its size by 1/3rd with a lot of unknown people moving in will have a negative impact on the character of the area. Also I do not feel Hampton Magna has the infrastructure to deal with such a large expansion- Old Budbrooke Road is the only access to the village and this will not be able to sustain the amount of traffic created not to mention all the work vehicles required to create the development. I think the village will suffer from over-development and I doubt very much that the new development houses will be in keeping with the style of houses already in the village....they will o doubt be squashed together in effect creating a "them and us" situation between existing housing and new housing.
I am concerned about the extra noise that will be created during the building of the development, particularly as my husband is a police officer and works shifts and has to sleep in the daytimes.
I am also concerned about any adverse impact the local plan will have on protected trees- I need assurance that the tress will remain and I sincerely hope that the council will be carrying out a wildlife survey to take into account the local Bat population.
I am not convinced hampton Magna has suitable drainage To sustain a new development- Old Budbrooke Road frequently floods and building on fields near that will only add to the problem as there will be nowhere for the excess water to drain to.
I am also concerned about the impact on Budbrooke School which at present does not have enough room to house any more children. The extra houses will inevitably increase the school population and class sizes and have a detrimental impact on community feel of the school.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68132
Derbyniwyd: 31/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Dereck O'Toole
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
The development would put extra strain on already sub standard sewage system.
The development of Hampton Magna would change a quiet village in to a danger zone with the increased traffic on the roads. The roads are already at capacity and cause total gridlock around the Birmingham road area let alone the danger to children in the village.
I object to the proposed housing development of the land south of Lloyd close, Hampton Magna. On the councils own admission the sewers are too small and the pipes are sub-standard. Nothing has been done to correct this.
The roads are totally inadequate and are incapable of taking the increased traffic, if more cars are put on these roads it would increase the number of accidents. There are accident black spots such as the entrance into Hampton On The Hill and a number of other blind bends. These are dangerous enough at the moment without increasing the volume of traffic.
The school numbers are up to maximum. The medical facilities in the district are already over stretched.
We bought the property in Hampton Magna due to the land we over look being Green belt as many neighbours did too, thinking the view would be protected. There are a number of old oak trees and wildlife that would be destroyed if the development went ahead. The extra housing would have a big impact on the air pollution around the village and turn a quiet village in to a over populated sprawl.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68133
Derbyniwyd: 31/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Carol O'Toole
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
I object to the proposed development due to the increased traffic within the village causing a very real danger to children within the village.
The development would make a quiet village a noisy, traffic filled place to live.
I object to the proposed housing development of land to the south of Lloyd close, Hampton Magna. The area is green belt with public rights of way over the fields.
The sewers are already inadequate. School numbers are already up to maximum numbers.
The roads in the village cannot safely take more traffic. A development would destroy the quiet nature of the area and would add to pollution and noise. A particular point of concern too is that there are two potential accident spots in Daly Avenue/Woodway Avenue/Lloyd close. If there was more traffic in this area there would be dire consequences. I fear this would be a great danger and would point out that children walking to school would be at risk.
The roads around the village current flood and just cant cope with any increase to traffic.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68134
Derbyniwyd: 31/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Miss Karen O'Toole
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
I object to the development because the sewerage system cant cope, the roads are already at capacity and it would cause air and noise pollution.
I propose to the development in Hampton Magna as it would turn a quiet village in a noisy environment.
The sewerage system with Hampton Magna is already sub standard and it regularly floods at the end of Daly Avenue. With the addition of new houses this can surely only make the problem worse.
The roads around Hampton Magna are all ready at capacity and with an extra houses it will make the roads chaos. In the morning around the school and Birmingham road area it is already dangerous, the increase in cars would add to this problem and in my opinion put children's life's at risk.
The extra housing and cars would make a beautiful quiet village a noisy polluted place to live. Many people within the village bought there houses here due to the village location and green belt land, the extra housing would change the village beyond recognition and be the opposite to why many people bought there houses here.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68146
Derbyniwyd: 04/04/2016
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
Why should Warwick accomodate a shortfall of housing in Coventry? Use of green belt land. No viable access for construction vehicles. Local infrastructure already pressurised. Traffic already a problem which will be compounded by extra vehicles. Will local services, Budbrooke School, Doctors, parking at the shops, be able to cope? They struggle now. The increase in housing will ruin the village characteristic of Hampton Magna. The council has alternatives with better access to mail roads.
Why should Warwick accomodate a shortfall of housing in Coventry? Use of green belt land. No viable access for construction vehicles. Local infrastructure already pressurised. Traffic already a problem which will be compounded by extra vehicles. Will local services, Budbrooke School, Doctors, parking at the shops, be able to cope? They struggle now. The increase in housing will ruin the village characteristic of Hampton Magna. The council has alternatives with better access to mail roads.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68148
Derbyniwyd: 04/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Martin Crane
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
I Object to the following proposals:
1.Increase in housing density to the land (H27) South of Arras Boulevard from 100 to 130 homes
2. Allocation of land (H51) South of Lloyd Close for 115 homes
3. Increase in housing density to the land (H28) North of Birmingham Road from 80 to 120 homes (Hatton Park)
4. Allocation of land (H53) Brownley Green Lane for 55 homes (Hatton Park)
I Object to the following proposals:
1.Increase in housing density to the land (H27) South of Arras Boulevard from 100 to 130 homes
2. Allocation of land (H51) South of Lloyd Close for 115 homes
3. Increase in housing density to the land (H28) North of Birmingham Road from 80 to 120 homes (Hatton Park)
4. Allocation of land (H53) Brownley Green Lane for 55 homes (Hatton Park)
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68149
Derbyniwyd: 04/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Eileen Dudgeon
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Ydi
The increase in housing in Hampton Magna and surrounding villages will be totally detrimental to the area.The extra traffic will be adding to an already dangerous situation with careless parking at school times and commuters from the Parkway train station using Hampton Magna as a free car park. The Budbrooke Road now floods everytime there is heavy rain which will cause problems with increased traffic. The sewerage system in Hampton Magna has always been a problem and I see no mention of improvements. I am very confused as to why we have to cater for a shortfall in Coventry's housing
The increase in housing in Hampton Magna and surrounding villages will be totally detrimental to the area.The extra traffic will be adding to an already dangerous situation with careless parking at school times and commuters from the Parkway train station using Hampton Magna as a free car park. The Budbrooke Road now floods everytime there is heavy rain which will cause problems with increased traffic. The sewerage system in Hampton Magna has always been a problem and I see no mention of improvements. I am very confused as to why we have to cater for a shortfall in Coventry's housing
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68161
Derbyniwyd: 05/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Clive Allen
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
This is a poorly thought out proposal to double the population in isolated area where the infrastructure barely copes at the moment. The council objectives show that there is very little interest in the logic of reason or common sense.
From what is understood, the reason for the planning proposed is because the land is open for sale. Irrational at best !
This proposal together with H27 and H21 is a planning proposal done on the cheap without infrastructure.
a) The sewerage and drainage system for Hampton Magna has always been known to be poor by the residents as a result of the original builders. Adding to this system creates additional worry and must surely put a burden on the existing systems.
b) Traffic to and from Hampton Magna has initially 2 roads going in the direction of Warwick and 1 road towards Birmingham.
The majority of the rush-hour current traffic can almost back-up from the Birmingham Road traffic lights to the Blanford Way (entrance) Hampton Magna. Doubling the current housing is obviously going impact and increase the traffic by as much again. There are no proposals for relief roads to ease congestion. What an oversight in planning!
The alternative road out of Hampton Magna towards Warwick is via Hampton-on-the-Hill. Unfortunately with the new housing developments of Chase Meadow, many cars use Hampton-on-the-Hill as a 'rat run' in an attempt to cut across to the Birmingham Road, heading towards Birmingham. One can imagine the devastation of twice the amount of dwellings in Hampton Magna using Hampton-on-the-Hill in order to travel towards Warwick or joining other network routes.
The proposal needs at least 2 additional roads to take traffic towards the Hampton Road A 4189. There is already a development i.e. football/rugby club with a road way that could be fostered. As for Hampton-on-the-Hill, it does not go unnoticed that the roads have deteriorating badly and that traffic calming measures are a frequent requests from the residents. Nevertheless this planned development to Hampton Magna will have a catastrophic effect upon the road through Hampton-on-the-Hill. Therefore the situation begs for at least two roads to run eastward towards the Hampton Road A 4189.
c) Doubling the population via this planning proposal means double the demand on the Budbrooke School and local doctor's surgery. Whilst I have no planning qualifications, anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence would see that the school and doctors surgery would be swamped. Again, the amount of traffic caused by parents dropping off children at the school would be double the nuisance factor that already exists. Warwickshire Police have said that they are not interested in dealing with these traffic issues so the situation can only get twice as bad.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68167
Derbyniwyd: 06/04/2016
Ymatebydd: miss Jody wynne
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
I currently live in Hampton Magna and feel the amount of houses being built is too many and will cause a strain to the village. Causing residents to move elsewhere.
I currently live in Hampton Magna and feel the amount of houses being built is too many and will cause a strain to the village. Causing residents to move elsewhere.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68215
Derbyniwyd: 12/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Helen Lewis
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
Object proposals are unsound and local infrastructure will not cope with additional traffic. Especially Hampton on the Hill which is a narrow road and already carries up to 18000 vehicles per week as per the recent survey in September 2015
H51 AND H20 an increase of 40% on the number of houses in Hampton Magna. The existing road network could not cope with the additional traffic to and from Hampton Magna. Access through Hampton on the hill. This is a narrow village road which already has 18000 vehicles a week travelling through as it is used as a short cut to Warwick Parkway station from the development at Chase Meadow. Quality of life in the village is already affected and 245 more houses in Hampton Magna will make this a lot worse. In addition access roads in Hampton Magna will not cope. Parking in the village is already an issue due to Warwick Parkway and school traffic. The area around the school is already dangerous with traffic. If the school expands this will be worse. People who live in the village still drive to school before going on to work.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68252
Derbyniwyd: 14/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lucy Peacey
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) states that the purpose of this formal
examination is to consider whether the Plan complies with two requirements:
* The legal requirements including the duty to co-operate; and
* the tests of "soundness"
I believe modifications to the local plan are not legally compliant, positively prepared, justified and
are not in accordance with National Policy. I wish to object to the following modifications:
1.Allocation of land (H51) South of Lloyd Close for 115 homes
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) states that the purpose of this formal
examination is to consider whether the Plan complies with two requirements:
* The legal requirements including the duty to co-operate; and
* the tests of "soundness"
I believe modifications to the local plan are not legally compliant, positively prepared, justified and
are not in accordance with National Policy. I wish to object to the following modifications:
1.Allocation of land (H51) South of Lloyd Close for 115 homes
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68404
Derbyniwyd: 19/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Tessa McKenzie
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Ydi
The strain on local facilities due to the increase in extra housing i.e. school, doctors - no extra facilities being built/extended as part of proposal.
The effect of the local transport network - no easy road access out of development to main road; not easy walking distance to train station; residents would be reliant on car transportation - would put pressure on parking on or near Warwick Parkway station/roads out of Hampton Magna/Hampton-on-the-Hill
Can one site offer a solution to the varying needs of village(s) - limited variation on style/age/usage of development?
More consideration given to smaller sites not for sale.
The strain on local facilities due to the increase in extra housing i.e. school, doctors - no extra facilities being built/extended as part of proposal.
The effect of the local transport network - no easy road access out of development to main road; not easy walking distance to train station; residents would be reliant on car transportation - would put pressure on parking on or near Warwick Parkway station/roads out of Hampton Magna/Hampton-on-the-Hill
Can one site offer a solution to the varying needs of village(s) - limited variation on style/age/usage of development?
More consideration given to smaller sites not for sale.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68503
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Nick Lancaster
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi
Cadarn? Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Ydi
Hampton Magna can absolutely NOT support additional housing.
- Public transportation facilities are not able to support this.
- Schooling in the village cannot support additional housing.
- The road infrastructure cannot support the additional traffic.
- Short term, the inevitable increase in heavy traffic for construction is absolutely not suitable in this low traffic area.
- The existing housing has already been pushed far beyond what was originally intended.
Hampton Magna can absolutely NOT support additional housing.
- Public transportation facilities are not able to support this.
- Schooling in the village cannot support additional housing.
- The road infrastructure cannot support the additional traffic.
- Short term, the inevitable increase in heavy traffic for construction is absolutely not suitable in this low traffic area.
- The existing housing has already been pushed far beyond what was originally intended.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68512
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Ben Davis
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
1."Exceptional circumstances" have not been demonstrated to include this green belt land.
2.The overall allocation of 245 new houses for Hampton Magna is far too high to be sustainable development.
3.This proposal fails to comply with the duty to co-operate as its been added without consulting the parish council and ignores the developing neighbourhood plan .
1."Exceptional circumstances" have not been demonstrated to include this green belt land.
2.The overall allocation of 245 new houses for Hampton Magna is far too high to be sustainable development.
3.This proposal fails to comply with the duty to co-operate as its been added without consulting the parish council and ignores the developing neighbourhood plan .
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68515
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs P Mackay
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi
I object to the density of homes being proposed:
1 - as there is no provision to extend current amenities i.e. doctors or school.
2 - as there is no provision to improve road infrastructure, which already struggles to cope with large volumes of traffic generated from Warwick Parkway and current residents.
3 - as I do not consider this proposal to be a sustainable or effective amendment to the use of green-belt land.
I object to the density of homes being proposed:
1 - as there is no provision to extend current amenities (doctors or school). By 2020 there will be a shortfall of approximately 10,000 primary school places. My concern is that my own son will not actually be able to attend our primary school, thus we will be forced to travel outside of the village to go elsewhere.
2 - as there is no provision to improve road infrastructure, which already struggles to cope with large volumes of traffic generated from Warwick Parkway and our own residents, particularly at peak times. The three roads into the village all reduce to a single lane in parts and will become more dangerous and congested. The plan will not encourage more people to cycle or walk to their destination - unless it is within the village limits or to the train station I imagine.
3 - as I disagree that this is an effective or sustainable amendment to the use of green-belt land.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68603
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr David Shore
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Ydi
The new proposal for 115 dwellings south of Lloyd Close, does not have any new access roads and all traffic from this will have to use existing residential roads which are unsuitable for extra vehicular traffic,creating nuisance and danger to existing residents. Taken together with the other proposed development in Hampton Magna (H27) with 135 dwellings the additional traffic on local access roads into Hampton Magna will be considerable and their are no proposals to improve these roads. The total numbers of dwellings proposed could be increased considerably in the future, thus exacerbating the traffic problems.
The new proposal for 115 dwellings south of Lloyd Close, does not have any new access roads and all traffic from this will have to use existing residential roads which are unsuitable for extra vehicular traffic,creating nuisance and danger to existing residents. Taken together with the other proposed development in Hampton Magna (H27) with 135 dwellings the additional traffic on local access roads into Hampton Magna will be considerable and their are no proposals to improve these roads. The total numbers of dwellings proposed could be increased considerably in the future, thus exacerbating the traffic problems.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68623
Derbyniwyd: 17/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs J Murray-Hinde
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
New houses will lead to daily congestion on the local roads and will surely cause an accident to pedestrians (elderly and very young) crossing the road. Also the school used by the children from Chase Meadow and Hatton Park means they are ferried by car for which parking access is totally inadequate, creating huge jams. At present the only access is by narrow country lanes, which are now already being used as a "rat run" from Warwick to the Birmingham Rd, especially when there is a holdup on the M40 or A46.
I am concerned about the new plan which proposes even more extra houses to the south of Lloyd Close and a bigger density to the plan of 2014/15 for the back of Arras Boulevard.
Since 1970's there has been problems with the sewerage system and burst water mains, not to mention the electricity supplies. Also it has to be noted that of the 6 shops originally built only 3 units remain - the others demolished to provide more houses - of which only one remains as a grocery/newsagents. The other two are a beauty salon and a cafe, with the allocated parking spaces used by the residents as well as shoppers and patients of the GP surgery behind.
Due to the school being used by children from Chase Meadow and Hatton Park, they are ferried each day by car for which parking and access is totally inadequate now creating huge jams around the shops area on Slade Hill and the surrounding roads - so much so that the buses and delivery vehicles cannot get through. Daily the congestion on the local roads will surely cause an accident to pedestrians trying to cross - especially the elderly and very young. If it is like this now - how will it be when all the proposed new houses are built, which will obviously be bought by young families with working parents. I understand that there are no plans for other access roads into the village. At present the only access is by narrow country lanes, which are now already being used as a "rat run" from Warwick to the Birmingham Rd, especially when there is a holdup on the M40 or A46.
I would ask the Council to reconsider the extra housing (I assume we have to have some) as the present infrastructure , including the doctors, school, shop and access, appears to be operating at full capacity now and will surely not be able to cope with the new proposals.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68624
Derbyniwyd: 23/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Richard Howes
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Additional housing will create further traffic problems
Adverse impact on residential amenity
I am emailing you to register my objection to the plan to build a lot more houses in the Hampton magna area.I bought a house in Hampton Magna because it was a small quiet location and not too bad to drive to and from. This is bound to change with the proposed development. It is bad enough trying to get out around 9 o clock now
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68626
Derbyniwyd: 16/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Clarke
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocation: -
- impact on local character and visual amenity
- adverse impact of additional traffic
- impact on services, facilities and infrastructure
I wish to tender my OBJECTION to the NEW LOCAL PLAN with especial reference to Hampton Magna, as being UNSOUND.
Proposed site H51, Hampton Magna, is UNSOUND because it is NOT positively prepared, for the following reasons:-
The field proposed for H51 has previously been considered for development and rejected for having too big a negative impact on local residents.
H51 is only now re-considered because the field is available. Being available for development is not the same as being suitable for development.
Proposed site H51, Hampton Magna, is UNSOUND because it is NOT Justified or effective, for the following reasons:-
For the reasons included above plus:-
The proposed site H51 is of lower elevation than the surrounding areas and would therefore have a negative visual impact for adjacent residents.
Access to the proposed development H51 would be via Woodway Avenue/Daly Avenue, Minster Close and/or Maine Close. The resultant increase in traffic, including construction traffic, to access the new development would have a negative impact on the current relatively peaceful environment. There is already a danger spot at Sumner Close when exiting onto Daly Avenue, due to unsighted traffic emerging from the bend in Woodway Avenue, which will also be negatively impacted.
Field H51 is the site of Sewerage pumping stations for the whole of Hampton Magna. Any disruption or additional development here could lead to considerable sewage problems. Severn Trent are currently investigating/assessing problem areas. Water supply pipes are bursting frequently, my own supply pipe, in Sumner Close, has burst twice in the last 2 years.
Budbrooke Medical Centre is currently operating at full capacity. Appointments can be made usually for the same day at present, but any additional increase in population caused by the extended H27 and newly proposed H51 will have a negative impact.
Budbrooke School is also currently at full capacity and again any increase in the number of children attending the school will have a negative impact.
Construction traffic would need to access Hampton Magna via either a low, narrow, traffic light controlled railway bridge, or Hampton on the Hill, neither of which are conducive to the passage of large vehicles. Budbrooke Road and Hampton on the Hill are already being used as a rat run to and from the Henley Road causing speeding, parking/congestion problems, especially at peak times.
Traffic build up in the area is already causing problems during peak times. Local flooding, as occurred last week, caused Hampton Magna/Hampton on the Hill to be virtually isolated due to the resultant traffic chaos. Further development of Hampton Magna will exacerbate the problem.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68633
Derbyniwyd: 15/03/2016
Ymatebydd: Sue Shirley
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocation: -
- flooding
- increased traffic will exacerbate existing problems
- increased pressure on infrastructure
- adverse impact on environment and countryside
I am concerned about the addition housing as shown on the map HM51. I understand the pressure being passed down by government to you to build additional housing and to meet the targets you have been given but I really think this will seriously overload our already creaking infrastructure.
We already have flooding problems.
We already are locked in the village by traffic especially when there are incidents on the A46, Longbridge Island and M40. People can't get into work and get to appointments. This is a serious problem for some residents.
Our water supplies are breaking down and we've recently been having power cuts.
I hate the thought of building on our greenfield sites.
We must protect the very nature of our countryside for health and well being of residents and you have a very great responsibility for this. I can only object but you have the power.
Has the council looked at other sites to build houses sufficiently? Personally I doubt this and feel they have just tagged the additional houses on as an easy option as the land was offered to them.
I am a grandmother and know the need for low cost housing for our youngsters starting out but there surely must be a limit and a fair way of allocation. I had come to terms with the first allocation to be built. These additional houses swamp us and surely this must break planning guidance.
Please be fair to us and rethink this plan as it affects so many people and our lovely countryside.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68635
Derbyniwyd: 15/03/2016
Ymatebydd: V Di Terlizzi
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Adverse impact on local infrastructure, facilities and services. Problems with parking and increased traffic in village. Density not in keeping with that of village. Adverse impact on character and amenity of village. Should preserve the Green Belt. Should reuse empty properties.
Proposed new development in land adjoining Hampton Magna
This development will have a huge impact on H.M.
Existing infrastructure are already under severe strain.
Roads, School, Surgery, Drainage ,water supply and sewage., and gas mains.
Parkway station giving us lots of problem with people parking all over the village
Hampton on Hill will have more problems and accidents with through traffic
The suggestion to build 245 dwellings on H51 and H27 is rather unfortunate as it would increase traffic through the village something which we are trying to avoid as the population
Is getting older. The extra traffic through the village would create nightmare situation for the residents.
The building of 245 dwellings will destroy the character of HAMPTON MAGNA
The density of 35 dwellings per ha is not in keeping with Hampton Magna
An increase on the population of H M by 38% is equivalent to an increase of population to the Uk from 65 million to 90 million which is unacceptable, the same applies to HM
Also site H51 was rejected in 2013 why is now proposed? what has changed?
we are subject to noise and pollution from the bypass and motorway.
We cannot enjoy our garden in the summer or have the windows open
Why inflict the same problem to other people?
I think we should spend the available resources to improve the infrastructure of the village
that have been neglected. Like a sound barrier to protect us from noise pollution
This proposed development can only have a very negative effect on the residents
and is not the way to go ahead.
David Cameron has pledged to protect the green belt if the Conservatives win the next election declaring: "I am a countryman".
Building must take place on Brownfield land as a priority, he said.
Green belt should be preserved for our future generations
Visitors to the Uk appreciate very much the way the green belt has been respected.
Perhaps we should look to other ways for housing.
There are more than a million homes lying empty in England and Wales, according to a new study by the Office for National Statistics
Speaking at Mansion House, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said:
We have beautiful landscapes, and they too are part of the inheritance of the next generation. To preserve them, we must make other compromises. If we want to limit development on important green spaces, we have to remove all the obstacles that remain to development on brown field sites
Speaking at Mansion House, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said:
We have beautiful landscapes, and they too are part of the inheritance of the next generation. To preserve them, we must make other compromises. If we want to limit development on important green spaces, we have to remove all the obstacles that remain to development on brown field sites
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68637
Derbyniwyd: 13/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Susan Dawson
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
object to allocation: -
- current congestion will be exacerbated
- adverse impact on existing amenities, services and facilities
- additional road infrastructure would be required to cope with additional traffic
- adverse impacts on residential amenity and quality of life
As a resident of Hampton-on-the-Hill I am writing to OBJECT to the proposed modifications to the Local Plan regarding the increase in housing in Hampton Magna- references H51 and H20. The Draft Local Plan had proposed 100 additional dwellings in Hampton Magna and the 'Proposed Modification' has increased this number to 245.
Hampton Magna currently has 632 dwellings and the proposed increase will take this to 877, an increase of nearly 40%. Existing amenities are struggling to cope and will be unable to sustain such an increase. Schools and services are already overloaded and will be unable to function with the additional housing. To accommodate the additional housing will require a substantial investment in extending all amenities.
Access to Hampton Magna is by two principal roads (there is a third road which is a country lane - Ugly Bridge Road linking to Woodway and Church Lane); one is Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill and the other Old Budbrooke Road via a low headroom bridge (12 ft 6 inches) at Warwick Parkway Station. As a result heavy traffic enters along the Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill.
This situation is exacerbated by the recently extended development at Chase Meadow to1000 dwellings, many of whom use Hampton-on-the-Hill as a means of access to Warwick Parkway station and as a 'short cut' to the A46 and A4177. A traffic survey carried out in September 2015 showed over 18,000 vehicles a week come through Hampton-on-the-Hill. Roads in the Village already show substantial degradation with the current loading and will require much investment just to cope without the burden of the additional traffic. The quality of life in our village is already being fragmented and the additional traffic will destroy it altogether.
I personally live on the narrow section of Hampton Road as it leaves the village towards Hampton Magna. This section of road is reduced to single lane as a number of residents are unable to park off-road. This prohibits traffic flow particularly noticeable during rush hour travelling times. Increasingly, as Chase Meadow has expanded we are experiencing noisy confrontations between drivers as they try to travel along this part of the road and this will only worsen with yet more traffic travelling along this unsuitable road.
If additional dwellings were to be built in Hampton Magna, it would be essential to build a separate road into them from the A4189, Henley Road and factor in the costs of so doing. Such a road would not only improve the environment and traffic flow for Hampton Magna and Hampton-on-the-Hill, but could also be used by Chase Meadow residents to access the Warwick Parkway station, the A46 and A4177. Furthermore, the route of the road could be used to accommodate the additional services (drainage, water, electricity, telecommunications) which will be required for the new dwellings.
I believe the proposed changes are unsound and should be rejected.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68655
Derbyniwyd: 18/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Stephen & Pat Pilkington
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Objection raised - increase in the number of houses will increase the traffic congestion particularly at peak times.
Impact on the Doctor's surgery and the Primary School and again the increased congestion within the village.
Our objections to the new local plan at Hampton Magna are as follows:-
We totally agree with the objections offered by Hampton Magna Residents Association.
We are very concerned about the increase in the number of houses re the impact it will have on traffic congestion into and out of the village (particularly at peak times which has already in the past few years increased due to the new houses built at Warwick Gates\ Chase meadows and Hatton park).
we are also very worried about the impact on the Doctor's surgery and the Primary School and again the increased congestion WITHIN the village.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68667
Derbyniwyd: 18/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Stephen & Pat Pilkington
Nifer y bobl: 2
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
As per new local plan, increase in number of houses will have an impact on increased traffic congestion within the village.
Our objections to the new local plan at Hampton Magna are as follows:-
We totally agree with the objections offered by Hampton Magna Residents Association.
We are very concerned about the increase in the number of houses re the impact it will have on traffic congestion into and out of the village (particularly at peak times which has already in the past few years increased due to the new houses built at Warwick Gates\ Chase meadows and Hatton park).
we are also very worried about the impact on the Doctor's surgery and the Primary School and again the increased congestion WITHIN the village.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68670
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Emma Garwood
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
- Doctor and schools will not be able to cope with the increased number of houses.
- Traffic will increase - impact on road safety for children and other pedestrians.
- Adverse impact on wildlife and environment.
- Loss of land for recreation.
- loss of residential amenity
- Heavy vehicles could not get access day in and day out.
1. Hampton magna could not cope with the number of houses planned. The infrastructure will not withstand such an expansion.
The doctors surgery and the school are currently unable to cope! How do you expect them to cope with the proposed extra houses?
2) Traffic levels are at an all time high. You cannot get in and out of the estate easily what with the school and all of the people who think it's ok to park for days on end and walk to the train station!
My son is going to Aylesford in September and we have been advised that his bus pass will be free as it is too dangerous for children to walk or ride due to the volumes of traffic! This will be made 100 times worse if these houses were to be built
3. The wildlife will be badly affected. The more we build on green belt the more we are harming the environment! What happens to all the bats that are here?
4) there are hardly any areas left anymore for hikes and dog walks. We see a lot of walkers on a daily basis ourselves included. If we all have to start walking our dogs on the busy dangerous roads that you have already identified, how many accidents do you think will occur????
5. Children need a good environment to grow up in not packed out housing estates where the can't go out at night for fear of something happening to them. We moved here to give our son the opportunity to go out and play in the fields and not have to sit in night after night on his X box! A house I add we have just bought and no such plan showed up on searches!
6. The main and drains cannot cope now. There are constant problems.
7. There is no way any heavy vehicles could get access day in and day out on Lloyd close/ Daley avenue you must see this will be a major issue??
This is all about trying to squeeze as many houses in as possible. Please feel free to walk round and see the problems we all ready have! It will be a catastrophe waiting to happen and this needs to be looked at in depth by people who actually care and not just look at the figures and financial gains! If this is passed it will be the worst possible decision that has ever been made!
I am and never have been against building where it needs to be done and I understand we may well have a housing shortage. But the brown belt and derelict houses should be looked at and build on / renovated first!
There is lots of land around here that could be looked at first which no one would object to but this plot just seems to be an easy option for builders to make an even bigger profit!
Come up with a plan that the community are happy with and will back all the way. As at the moment you have hundreds of very angry and disappointed HOME OWNERS!!!!
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68671
Derbyniwyd: 06/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr R J Churchill
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocation: -
- exaggeration of number of houses required
- adverse impact on environment and wildlife
- impact on greenfield / green belt
- poor infrastructure
- problems with drainage and flooding
- congestion on roads
- concerns around parking
- H27 a better site for development
With regard to the increase of new homes designated to site H27 & H51 from 100 to 245 the Education , Health and Transport will be seriously affected, we are of the opinion that there appears to be a exaggeration of the amount of houses required and the preference to Green Belt than Brown sites. With Coventry unloading 4000 + on Warwick. Why on the 10/9/2014. Coventry Evening Telegraph revealed (169 Coventry Sites Short Listed By Council for Building 36,000 new homes.
The government leader P.M. Mr D.Cameron has quoted. " The Prime Minister pledges to protect precious rural Britain as house building on target to hit 200,000. Building must take place on Brownfield land as a PRIORITY. We have taken a total different approach and the protection of Greenbelt is Paramount.
George Osbourne, speaking at the Mansion House.
We have beautiful landscapes and they too are part of the heritage of the next generation to PRESERVE THEM we must make other compromises. If we want to limit development on important Green spaces we have to remove all obstacles that remain to development on BROWNFIELD sites.
1.Hampton Magna was not built on GREENBELT land it was MOD / GOVERNMENT property surplus to need and it has stayed on its original boundary not encroached further Greenbelt as Hatton Park a surplus NHS hospital site. Chase Meadow a Farm
The farmers have always done the hedge rows and left the 3/5 yards of grass brush for the wildlife over the years this has become abundant. Many species of finches,blue/great/long tailed tits/robins/blackbirds/thrushes/sparrow/starlings redwing/pheasant/family of crows/woodpecker/pidgeons/sparrow hawk/buzzard red kite. foxes/rabbits/a munjack/a deer and seen deer in the spinney in winter time./vole/many mole and bats that join us in the summer, that hibernate in a tree off Daly Avenue
Two developers were involved with the Hampton Magna Site. The storm/sewers were not adopted by Severn Trent till years later we have problems with electricity, power cuts one side of the village will have electric and the other will be off the sewers are connected to the existing mains and have been trouble some for years.
On Site H51 there are three main drains exposed to view the third on the lower of the site has the manhole lid and frame moved from its base and the heavy rainfall on the 9/3/2016 allowed the contents of the drain to flood we are not sure if it is sewage or storm water either, it is a health hazard. The lower of the field has had land drainage but to no avail the ditch at the base of the field had to be a back up by digging it even deeper.
On a personal level our own home nearly got flooded owing to lower gully drains sited at the end of the Close 1 metre from the curb allowing water to build up and flow over the drive under the garage door and reach the last step before entering the house I am only mentioning this to high light the poor build on the groundwork and floods are nothing new and have to be catered for like implementing road gully and ditching maintenance. Since we have had a proper drain connecting to the main drains not a antiquated soakaway that was done by the original builders.
H27/H51 both have a criss cross of public footpaths apart from getting flooded and extremely muddy they are used regularly by dog walkers, ramblers and walkers they have been in use for many years they link the Dormer land with Hatton Country World ,Norton Lindsey , Warwick Common and Hampton on the Hill. When we had the heavy rain on the 9/3/2016 the fields ,lower garden were water logged . Budbrooke Road , Woodway , Ugly Bridge Road, Church Road all flooded. Budbrooke Road being the worst and he most important for getting through Hampton Magna. The A46/Stratford/Coventry Link also had problems stationary and crawling through for 12 hours suspected lifting of road surface and coned of to single lane.
That day Warwick made the national news for floods.
The 11/3/2016 a accident at junction 16 again all lanes and rat runs in the area over run by speeding cars. Hampton on the Hill is suffering already with the excess traffic that leaves junction 15 and cuts through both to the station and the 4117 Birmingham Road. Two single decker buses collided in Hampton on the Hill last week only damage to the bus fortunately the passengers unhurt.
Hampton Magna has the only school Hatton Park will be doubling up for their children to attend which is local so it is right will there be adequate parking for them as parking at Hampton Magna is at maximum.
The Parkway Station was a good idea but in hind sight and all the parking space provided we have parking of cars on Blandford Way the nearest road to the station . Cars parked at the park by the main entrance to the school and park. Hampton Magna have not got sufficient space for our own cars there is no parking for school drop off or pick up at the school opening and closing times.
The surgery has the same problem eight parking spaces and committed to Hatton Park residents as well. The surgery staff have to park were they can.
Regarding H27 exceptional Circumstances. 1.least impact on the green belt. H51 will have a great impact on the green belt .
2.H27. Least landscape and visual contact. H51 a massive visual impact.
3 H27.Physically well connected to village with vehicular access. H51 Not connected to village and no vehicular access unless there is some thing we do not know about.
4. H27. Physically well located to the primary school and existing local facilities.H51Primary School if they can accept any further pupils.Local facility is one general store ,Public House,Nail/Beauty type Shop,Parking space limited.
5 H27/Physically set back from the A46 and railway line. Sources of visual and noise.
H51Visually see the A46 and hear the traffic. Was refused compensation on failing to apply before deadline yet residents at Barford managed to receive £500-00.
Article 8 Human Rights Act states that a person has the right to respect for their private and family life.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68675
Derbyniwyd: 13/04/2016
Ymatebydd: V A Churchill
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocation: -
- poor access through village
- noise and pollution created by construction traffic
- current high levels of traffic will be exacerbated by additional housing
- flooding
- impact on green belt
The access through Hampton Magna is madness.
The rumbling of heavy vehicles disturbing the piece of the residents.
The dust and muck they will create into residents homes The roads are not built for such traffic.
What happens if emergency vehicles are needed they would have trouble now with school traffic and Warwick Parkway Parkin
In the 48 years we have lived I the village we have seen the M40 built the modification of Longbridge Island and Warwick Parkway built, and the Budbrooke Road is just a rat run and Hampton on the Hill which was once a lovily quiet village, the houses now shake with all the extra traffic it has to deal with. And now you want to build an extra 245 houses which will on average create an extra 500 cars to travel these roads which by the way are country lanes, and not ment for such heavy traffic, what are you waiting for a Fatal accident to happen, because it will. Two buses collided in Hampton on the Hill only last week.
You say the extra building is needed to take the overflow of Coventry, is it more like the developers will get more for the houses in Warwick than in Coventry. I have heard of two separate sellers trying to sell Coventry Council Brownland for building and they did not want to know. There is still Brown land available CV 7 Exhall.
And as for round Warwick what is wrong with sites like Warwick Police Station which has stood derelict for years Coventry Road there is land for sale Oak lands Farm which would be better with houses.
Hatton Chest Hospital.
Best of all Hampton Road adjacent to the A46 if you have to go on Green Belt would not bother anyone and is up for sale Perhaps you should check the drainage out on the chosen Green Belt Site H51 as it is always like a Lake when we have any rain of any sort so what will it be like filled with more concrete. Recall Wednesday the 9th of March 2016 you could not approach Hampton Magna for flooding on the Budbrooke Road Hampton Road and Watery Lane.
We have lived on Hampton Magna for 48yrs 30yrs of which we have moved to this house with a rural view and enjoying the Privacy. You say we are not entitled to a view. I recall not so very long ago we were going to be charged on our Council Tax for a view it seems to me it's whatever suits at the time.
And the most important of all is that you can just change Green Belt to suit how is that years ago Green Belt meant Green Belt. Once it's gone it's gone .
Please take note of your Prime Minister Mr Cameron. How are we supposed to have faith in our government if they lie.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68687
Derbyniwyd: 15/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr. Peter Gogerly
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to proposal: -
- increased allocations will have adverse impact on existing facilities and amenities
- poor road access
- congestion and heavy traffic through village already an issue
- need additional access road from A4189
As a resident of Hampton-on-the-Hill I am writing to OBJECT to the proposed modifications to the Local Plan regarding the increase in housing in Hampton Magna - references H51 and H20. The Draft Local Plan had proposed 100 additional dwellings in Hampton Magna and the 'Proposed Modification' has increased this number to 245.
Hampton Magna currently has 632 dwellings and the proposed increase will take this to 877, an increase of nearly 40%. Existing amenities are struggling to cope and will be unable to sustain such an increase. Schools and services are already overloaded and will be unable to function with the additional housing. To accommodate the additional housing will require a substantial investment in extending all amenities.
Access to Hampton Magna is by two principal roads (there is a third road which is a country lane - Ugly Bridge Road linking to Woodway and Church Lane); one is Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill and the other Old Budbrooke Road via a low headroom bridge (12 ft. 6 inches) at Warwick Parkway Station. As a result heavy traffic enters along the Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill.
This situation is exacerbated by the recently extended development at Chase Meadow to 1000 dwellings, many of whom use Hampton-on-the-Hill as a means of access to Warwick Parkway station and as a 'short cut' to the A46 and A 4177. A traffic survey carried out in September 2015 showed over 18,000 vehicles a week come through Hampton-on-the-Hill. Roads in the Village already show substantial degradation with the current loading and will require much investment just to cope without the burden of the additional traffic. The quality of life in our village is already being fragmented and the additional traffic will destroy it altogether.
If additional dwellings were to be built in Hampton Magna, it would be essential to build a separate road into them from the A 4189, Henley Road and factor in the costs of so doing. Such a road would not only improve the environment and traffic flow for Hampton Magna and Hampton-on-the-Hill, but could also be used by Chase Meadow residents to access the Warwick Parkway station, the A 46 and A 4177. Furthermore, the route of the road could be used to accommodate the additional services (drainage, water, electricity, telecommunications) which will be required for the new dwellings.
I believe the proposed changes are unsound and should be rejected.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68699
Derbyniwyd: 18/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Steve Partridge
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to proposals: -
- adverse impact on infrastructure, services and facilities of additional housing
- poor access through settlement
- extant congestion will be made worse
- separate access road from A4189 would be needed
As a resident of Hampton-on-the-Hill I am writing to OBJECT to the proposed modifications to the Local Plan regarding the increase in housing in Hampton Magna - references H51 and H20. The Draft Local Plan had proposed 100 additional dwellings in Hampton Magna and the 'Proposed Modification' has increased this number to 245.
Hampton Magna currently has 632 dwellings and the proposed increase will take this to 877, an increase of nearly 40%. Existing amenities are struggling to cope and will be unable to sustain such an increase. Schools and services are already overloaded and will be unable to function with the additional housing. To accommodate the additional housing will require a substantial investment in extending all amenities.
Access to Hampton Magna is by two principal roads (there is a third road which is a country lane - Ugly Bridge Road linking to Woodway and Church Lane); one is Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill and the other Old Budbrooke Road via a low headroom bridge (12 ft 6 inches) at Warwick Parkway Station. As a result heavy traffic enters along the Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill.
This situation is exacerbated by the recently extended development at Chase Meadow to1000 dwellings, many of whom use Hampton-on-the-Hill as a means of access to Warwick Parkway station and as a 'short cut' to the A46 and A4177. A traffic survey carried out in September 2015 showed over 18,000 vehicles a week come through Hampton-on-the-Hill. Roads in the Village already show substantial degradation with the current loading and will require much investment just to cope without the burden of the additional traffic. The quality of life in our village is already being fragmented and the additional traffic will destroy it altogether.
If additional dwellings were to be built in Hampton Magna, it would be essential to build a separate road into them from the A4189, Henley Road and factor in the costs of so doing. Such a road would not only improve the environment and traffic flow for Hampton Magna and Hampton-on-the-Hill, but could also be used by Chase Meadow residents to access the Warwick Parkway station, the A46 and A4177. Furthermore, the route of the road could be used to accommodate the additional services (drainage, water, electricity, telecommunications) which will be required for the new dwellings.
I believe the proposed changes are unsound and should be rejected.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68700
Derbyniwyd: 18/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Susan L Smith
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to proposals: -
- need for housing but lack of suitable infrastructure to cope with it
- inadequate road infrastructure
- additional traffic
- limited parking
- congestion
- road safety
- flooding issues
- loss of green belts
I am writing to voice my objections to the proposed development at and around the village of Hampton Magna.
I am particularly concerned at the decision to build at the previously discarded site H51. I am very aware that the council needs to provide housing for the growing population, but even I as a lay person, i find it hard to believe that anyone who has visited Hampton Magna can believe that this, added to the proposals for H27, would be a wise decision.
I also find it strange that the reasons for discarding this site previously have now become acceptable and would like to hear an explanation for this.
I live at 3, Lloyd Close, so would be impacted in many ways by the development, but I have tried to look at the proposals as objectively as I can, as I realise there is a most definite need for housing in the area.
It is the ability of the infrastructure of the village to cope which worries me most particularly regarding traffic and the huge increase in the number of cars travelling in and out of the village. I find it hard to believe that anyone who has visited the village at the relevant times and taken into account any traffic surveys that have taken place, could consider such an increase in traffic moving into and out of the village.
Points for consideration:
* At school arrival and departure times it is quite often impossible to exit out of Woodway Avenue and negotiate your way along Slade Hill and Field Barn Road due to the double parking of parents bringing/collecting children from school and the fact no child has been injured whilst running into the road is amazing.
* This same location also houses a row of shops and the entrance to a doctors surgery, both with very limited parking so the overspill from these has also to be taken into account.
* Old Budbrooke Road which is used by most residents to exit the village, is still quite a narrow country road on which two buses have difficulty passing and traffic often comes to a standstill to allow for the passing of wide load farm vehicles and horses.
* Flooding is also an issue along Old Budbrooke Road as you attempt to exit the village and as a resident here for over 30 years, I have been unable to pass through the accumulated water many times and been forced to enter from Ugly Bridge Road.
* Old Budbrooke Road has two sets of traffic lights. The first set reduces the traffic to a single track due to the restrictions of the railway bridge which cannot be altered regardless of the amount of traffic.
* The second set of traffic lights leading onto the Birmingham Road regularly has a long line of traffic leading to it at busy times , adding to the congestion at the traffic island.
* The opening of the railway station (Warwick Parkway) has also increased traffic flow over the years with car parking spaces for 959 cars. National Express also uses the Station car park as a pick up point for passengers.
* Closure of the nearby M40 due to accidents etc. which happens occasionally sends both Warwick and Leamington into total grid lock and the roads around Hampton Magna become a cut through in an attempt by drivers to avoid the chaos.
I am now retired but I use to teach in a Coventry School and I often used to joke with colleagues that it took me longer to get out of the village onto the A46, than the remaining journey to school including passing through the centre of Coventry!
Taking all this into account how can a population increase of on average 588 and an increase in extra vehicles of 426 be thought possible by those responsible for planning the future of our area?
As I previously stated I have tried to looks at the proposals in as an objective way as possible and I feel there must be land available that has less problematic access to the main roads and motorway than the proposed sites at Hampton Magna.
As a final point surely we should be protecting our green belts where possible and only building on these areas when there is no possible alternative.