Mod PM20 - Policies Map 20 Hampton Magna & Hampton on the Hill
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68762
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Steven Price
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
New local plan will have impact on the following:
- Increase in traffic congestion at peak times in all surrounding areas.
- Increase in pollution and risk of accidents.
- No assessment appears to have been made in respect of services, facilities.
- Adverse impact on local infrastructure
- plan should support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, reduce congestion and minimise need to travel
- Local plan has not demonstrated how the choices made in plan are backed up by facts.
My views is that the Local Plan and Sustainability Appraisal (SA) are not safe. I believe the technical references are Mod Number: H27 and H51;
Paragraph Number; Mod Policies Map -H27 and H51 & Table of Proposed Modifications January 2016, Appendix C Changes, Policy Map 20.
I don't believe the Local Plan is Legally Compliant or sound. I feel it has not been positively prepared (by identifying a previously discarded site) or is justified in terms of services such as school, GP surgery and other services which could not cope with the additional families needed to be catered for with an additional 145 homes. It is certainly not effective in terms of transportation. Budbrooke is a rural village surrounded by narrow lanes accessible only via Hampton on the Hill or off the main A4177, both of which are only single carriageway roads reducing to traffic light controlled single lane flow under the bridge at the entrance to Parkway station. There is no prospect of improving the roadway width or capacity to cope with significantly increased traffic flow. There are significant delays already at school times and peak times with the railway traffic. There are some developments to be made to Stanks Island towards the end of the year but this will not impact on the heavy flow of traffic using the country lanes around Hampton Magna and cutting through the village of Hampton on the Hill. Both villages already have traffic calming measures imposed. I don't believe the new plan is consistent with national policy as it increases the village size of Hampton magna by one third - far too great a number of homes and families to be catered for within an existing village WITH LIMITED RESOURCES. Furthermore to be consistent with national policy the proposal for Hampton Magna should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF. This has not been achieved and more detailed reasons are listed below.
By the NPPF paragraph 32, plans and decisions should take account of whether safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all people.
There is already traffic congestion to and from Budbrooke village at peak times.
This is due to the fact that access in and out of Budbrooke village is by way of a single road. At one end, Old Budbrooke Road becomes a single lane under the railway bridge approaching Warwick Parkway Railway Station and this is controlled by alternating traffic lights system which allows only a few vehicles at a time in and out of the village. When traffic enters the village or Warwick Parkway Station it prevents access out of the village.
The overall affect is that traffic congestion and delays are experienced at peak times. If there is a traffic incident on the nearby M40 motorway or the A46, this causes huge traffic build up in areas surrounding Budbrooke Village which further exacerbates the situation. Traffic flows and congestion will increase very significantly for both peak morning and evening if there are additional housing allocations.
An alternative access route to Warwick is through Hampton on the Hill and on to the Hampton Road but this is subject to two narrow access points in Hampton on the Hill which are subject to priority give way lane control arrow signals resulting in potential choke points in and out of Hampton on the Hill. In addition Hampton Road is subject to busy traffic travelling down the hill into Warwick thus forming an impediment to exit. Traffic (particularly at peak times) also uses this route for access into the village down the Old Budbrooke Road and under the railway bridge for journeys to the Birmingham Road and to Stanks Island. All of this will create additional congestion and pollution for local residents and the risk of accidents.
There is a Strategic Transport Assessment which proposes changes to Stanks Island to alleviate traffic congestion due to increased traffic flow to and from destinations served by Stanks Island. This assessment fails to address and demonstrate how the scheme will enable safe and suitable access to and from Hampton Magna at peak times.
There is a separate technical study (Old Budbrooke Road/Warwick Parkway Station Access Junction - LinSig Assessment) which considers the potential impact of the railway bridge on traffic in and out of Hampton Magna. This shows that the peak morning assessment is near to or exceeding The Degree of Saturation shown and states it is likely that congestion will develop. We contend that the cumulative impacts of traffic from the proposed 245 extra homes at Hampton Magna, the additional proposed housing at Opus 40 and Hatton Park, which feed Budbrooke School, the growing commuter capacity and increasing vehicle use at Warwick Parkway station and the increasing use of Hampton Magna as a cut through route from the Hampton Road are likely to be severe.
Also, the peak morning period is taken as 8am to 9am. It does not show the effects on traffic flows if the peak times are increased, as is the case for many motorists needing to reach their destination on time given increasingly lengthy journey times which result from increased traffic flows in the Birmingham Road/Stanks Island vicinity.
The theoretical modelling study has failed to properly consider the above problems adequately. The additional traffic will also adversely impact on public transport at peak times and could result in emergency services vehicle access being delayed or prevented. So the proposal does not enable the delivery of sustainable development or show with certainty that suitable transport access can be achieved for all people. Therefore it is not consistent with NPPF transport policy.
The NPPF (paragraph 162) states that local planning authorities should work with other providers to assess the quality and capacity of water supply, waste-water and its treatment, energy, health and education, and its ability to meet forecast demands. It covers other matters not listed here. I feel the plan must clearly show how they providers have been work with to properly assess how they are able to meet forecast demands at Hampton Magna. General and superficial assurances given in the Infrastructure Delivery plan for water supply, waste-water and its treatment, energy are not adequate. No assessment appears to have been made in respect of health, re GP surgery. More details are given in the "Not Effective" section. Therefore it has failed to meet the requirements in respect of the infrastructure policy.
To be Positively Prepared the plan should be based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements.
One of the key requirements is promoting sustainable transport (NPPF paragraphs 29 - 41). In particular, the plan should:
* encourage solutions which support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion (NPPF policy 29 and 30).
* ensure that developments which generate significant movement are located where the need to travel will be minimized and the use of sustainable transport modes can be maximized (NPPF 34).
For the reasons detailed elsewhere in this response, the additional proposed housing allocation at the sites in Hampton Magna with restricted access to and from Hampton Magna will result in significant increased traffic flow and congestion and conflict with these policies.
To be justified the Local Plan "needs to be founded on a robust and credible evidence base involving research/fact finding demonstrating how the choices made in the plan are backed up by facts."
The new Local Plan in respect of Hampton Magna fails to do this because the proposed figure of 245 additional houses has not been robustly demonstrated as justified even as measured against the Indicative Village Capacity proposed in the Plan.
The Village Profile and Housing Allocations February 2016 document includes the profile for Hampton Magna and contains The Indicative Village Capacity section. This gives a total figure of 180 additional houses for Hampton Magna. It concludes that 180 is indicative and it is reasonable to exceed this "to a degree". However, an increase from 180 to 245 is not "a degree". The proposed 245 is not backed up by facts in the assessment and not justified.
To justify the increase from 180 to 245 houses it uses "the range of services within the village, its sustainable location close to urban area and good quality transport links." However no account has been taken of the negative sustainability impact on certain amenities which will result from the significant proposed number of additional houses, e.g. doctors surgery, primary school and local public and private transport access delays out of the village at peak times.
The plan is also defective in assessing sustainability. The plan says a Sustainability Assessment (SA) for the H51 site for Hampton Magna (land south of Lloyd Close) is not needed because the site has not been subject to change since 2015 when it was originally appraised but not allocated. However this H51 site has clearly changed since 2015 from 0 houses allocation to 145 houses allocation! So there is a huge fundamental change and hence a new Sustainability Assessment (SA) is essential to revisit this. The fact it has not been performed shows no attempt has been made to satisfy the sustainability criteria of justification.
The Local Plan may need to find additional houses in total but it is not justified to allocate another 145 (an increase of 145% to the original 100 houses) simply because Hampton Magna is a village with some amenities. The plan needs to demonstrate precisely how the total figure will be accommodated based on a revised Sustainability Assessment which fully addresses the real problems such an increase will entail.
It does not do this and for these reasons 245 houses in total is Not Justified.
To be effective the Local Plan needs to demonstrate sound infrastructure delivery planning by showing:
* clearly identified policies and proposed solutions
* a schedule setting out who will delivery and when and how it will be funded.
* support for the above by the providers and how it will be achieved.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan does not do this. The Table in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan shows responses from physical Utility providers in very general terms:
U3 - Water and Sewerage assessment says Severn Trent Water's investment plans for drainage, sewerage and sewerage treatment mean that the development proposals can be accommodated.
U1 High Voltage Electricity Transmission System Electricity assessment says the transmission system will have the capacity to accommodate the additional demand.
However, the poor state of existing water drainage and sewerage systems in Hampton Magna is well known and is acknowledged by Severn Trent Water. There is no current detailed assessment of what work will be required and how and when it will performed to enable the existing systems to adequately cope if additional housing is built.
The existing electricity distribution system in respect of Hampton Magna has also been subject to problems for many years and there no assessment even in general terms as to how the existing system might be affected by the additional housing and how and when any problems arising will be resolved.
Social Infrastructure
- Health GP Services, there is no assessment or proposal in respect of how GP practice at Hampton Magna will cope with the additional patient numbers, whether expansion will be necessary and if so how it will be funded.
- Education.
The January 2016 census recorded 266 pupils against a capacity of 315.
WDC estimate that the total additional proposed homes for Hampton Magna and Hatton Park will generate in the region of 110 primary age pupils. When added to the 266 pupils it would create a total of 376 pupils which is 61 pupils over the 315 capacity. This would entail an expansion of the school from the time the extra housing is built. It does not take account of a future growth in numbers of pupils. However, in respect of such expansion, there is no current detailed assessment of what work will be required, how and when it will performed and how it will be funded with certainty.
Therefore I believe the plan for Hampton Magna fails to satisfy the key requirement to show it is the proposal is Effective
8. Modifications necessary to make the Local Plan legally compliant or sound.
As the Plan has failed to satisfy Legal Compliance and Soundness then the allocation of 245 houses should be denied on the basis that such allocation has failed a proven sustainability assessment and the other failures in the Plan as stated in this response.
If the Inspector concludes that the Local Plan is Legally Compliant and Sound in some respects then at the very least it is proposed that there should be a significant reduction in the number of houses allocated for Hampton Magna. How this is achieved is a matter for the Inspector. For instance, he could deny the proposal for the additional 145 houses, or reduce the total 245 number in some other way.
There is potentially a more suitable site nearer to Coventry which should be considered as an alternative, e.g. Bubbenhall, given that meeting Coventry's housing is the focus of the Plan. This would also better meet the Positively Prepared key requirement in respect promoting sustainable transport in accordance with NPPF.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68765
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Linda Price
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
New local plan will have impact on the following:
- Increase in traffic congestion at peak times in all surrounding areas.
- Increase in pollution and risk of accidents.
- No assessment appears to have been made in respect of services, facilities.
- Adverse impact on local infrastructure
- plan should support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, reduce congestion and minimise need to travel
- Local plan has not demonstrated how the choices made in plan are backed up by facts.
My views is that the Local Plan and Sustainability Appraisal (SA) are not safe. I believe the technical references are Mod Number: H27 and H51;
Paragraph Number; Mod Policies Map -H27 and H51 & Table of Proposed Modifications January 2016, Appendix C Changes, Policy Map 20.
I don't believe the Local Plan is Legally Compliant or sound. I feel it has not been positively prepared (by identifying a previously discarded site) or is justified in terms of services such as school, GP surgery and other services could not cope with the additional families needed to be catered for with an additional 145 homes. And it is certainly not effective in terms of transportation. Budbrooke is a rural village surrounded by narrow lanes and accessible via Hampton on the Hill and off the main A4177 both of which allow only single track carriageway reducing to traffic light controlled single carriageway under the bridge at the entrance to Parkway station. There is no prospect of improving the roadways width or capacity to cope with significantly increased traffic flow. There are some developments to be made to Stanks Island towards the end of the year but this will not impact on the heavy flow of traffic using country lanes skirting Hampton Magna and cutting through the village of Hampton on the Hill which also has traffic calming measures imposed. I don't believe the new plan is consistent with national policy as it increased the village size of Hampton magna by one third - far too great a number of homes and families to be catered for within an existing village WITH LIMITED RESOURCES. Furthermore to be consistent with national policy the proposal for Hampton Magna should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF. This has not been achieved and more detailed reasons are listed below.
By the NPPF paragraph 32, plans and decisions should take account of whether safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all people.
There is already traffic congestion to and from Budbrooke village at peak times.
This is due to the fact that access in and out of Budbrooke village is by way of a single road. At one end, Old Budbrooke Road becomes a single lane under the railway bridge approaching Warwick Parkway Railway Station and this is controlled by alternating traffic lights system which allows only a few vehicles at a time in and out of the village. When traffic enters the village or Warwick Parkway Station it prevents access out of the village.
The overall affect is that traffic congestion and delays are experienced at peak times. If there is a traffic incident in a nearby motorway this causes huge traffic build up in areas surrounding Budbrooke Village which further exacerbates the situation. Traffic flows and congestion will increase very significantly for both peak morning and evening if there are additional housing allocations.
An alternative access route to Warwick is through Hampton on the Hill and on to the Hampton Road but this is subject to two narrow access points in Hampton on the Hill which are subject to priority give way lane control arrow signals resulting in potential choke points in and out of Hampton on the Hill. In addition Hampton Road is subject to busy traffic travelling down the hill into Warwick thus forming an impediment to exit. Traffic (particularly at peak times) also uses this route for access into the village down the Old Budbrooke Road and under the railway bridge for journeys to the Birmingham Road and to Stanks Island. All of this will create additional congestion and pollution for local residents and the risk of accidents.
There is a Strategic Transport Assessment which proposes changes to Stanks Island to alleviate traffic congestion due to increased traffic flow to and from destinations served by Stanks Island. This assessment fails to address and demonstrate how the scheme will enable safe and suitable access to and from Hampton Magna at peak times.
There is a separate technical study (Old Budbrooke Road/Warwick Parkway Station Access Junction - LinSig Assessment) which considers the potential impact of the railway bridge on traffic in and out of Hampton Magna. This shows that the peak morning assessment is near to or exceeding The Degree of Saturation shown and states it is likely that congestion will develop. We contend that the cumulative impacts of traffic from the proposed 245 extra homes at Hampton Magna, the additional proposed housing at Opus 40 and Hatton Park, the growing commuter capacity and increasing vehicle use at Warwick Parkway station and the increasing use of Hampton Magna as a cut through route from the Hampton Road are likely to be severe.
Also, the peak morning period is taken as 8am to 9am. It does not show the affects on traffic flows if the peak times are increased, as is the case for many motorists needing to reach their destination on time given increasingly lengthy journey times which result from increased traffic flows in the Birmingham Road/Stanks Island vicinity.
The theoretical modelling study has failed to properly consider the above problems adequately. The additional traffic will also adversely impact on public transport at peak times and could result in emergency services vehicle access being delayed or prevented. So the proposal does not enable the delivery of sustainable development or show with certainty that suitable transport access can be achieved for all people. Therefore it is not consistent with NPPF transport policy.
The NPPF (paragraph 162) states that local planning authorities should work with other providers to assess the quality and capacity of water supply, waste-water and its treatment, energy, health and education, and its ability to meet forecast demands. It covers other matters not listed here. I feel the plan must clearly show how they providers have been work with to properly assess how they are able to meet forecast demands at Hampton Magna. General and superficial assurances given in the Infrastructure Delivery plan for water supply, waste-water and its treatment, energy are not adequate. No assessment appears to have been made in respect of health, re GP surgery. More details are given in the "Not Effective" section. Therefore it has failed to meet the requirements in respect of the infrastructure policy.
To be Positively Prepared the plan should be based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements.
One of the key requirements is promoting sustainable transport (NPPF paragraphs 29 - 41). In particular, the plan should:
* encourage solutions which support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion (NPPF policy 29 and 30).
* ensure that developments which generate significant movement are located where the need to travel will be minimized and the use of sustainable transport modes can be maximized (NPPF 34).
For the reasons detailed elsewhere in this response, the additional proposed housing allocation at the sites in Hampton Magna with restricted access to and from Hampton Magna will result in significant increased traffic flow and congestion and conflict with these policies.
To be justified the Local Plan "needs to be founded on a robust and credible evidence base involving research/fact finding demonstrating how the choices made in the plan are backed up by facts."
The new Local Plan in respect of Hampton Magna fails to do this because the proposed figure of 245 additional houses has not been robustly demonstrated as justified even as measured against the Indicative Village Capacity proposed in the Plan.
The Village Profile and Housing Allocations February 2016 document includes the profile for Hampton Magna and contains The Indicative Village Capacity section. This gives a total figure of 180 additional houses for Hampton Magna. It concludes that 180 is indicative and it is reasonable to exceed this "to a degree". However, an increase from 180 to 245 is not "a degree". The proposed 245 is not backed up by facts in the assessment and not justified.
To justify the increase from 180 to 245 houses it uses "the range of services within the village, its sustainable location close to urban area and good quality transport links." However no account has been taken of the negative sustainability impact on certain amenities which will result from the significant proposed number of additional houses, e.g. doctors surgery, primary school and local public and private transport access delays out of the village at peak times.
The plan is also defective in assessing sustainability. The plan says a Sustainability Assessment (SA) for the H51 site for Hampton Magna (land south of Lloyd Close) is not needed because the site has not been subject to change since 2015 when it was originally appraised but not allocated. However this H51 site has clearly changed since 2015 from 0 houses allocation to 145 houses allocation! So there is a huge fundamental change and hence a new Sustainability Assessment (SA) is essential to revisit this. The fact it has not been performed shows no attempt has been made to satisfy the sustainability criteria of justification.
The Local Plan may need to find additional houses in total but it is not justified to allocate another 145 (an increase of 145% to the original 100 houses) simply because Hampton Magna is a village with some amenities. The plan needs to demonstrate precisely how the total figure will be accommodated based on a revised Sustainability Assessment which fully addresses the real problems such an increase will entail.
It does not do this and for these reasons 245 houses in total is Not Justified.
To be effective the Local Plan needs to demonstrate sound infrastructure delivery planning by showing:
* clearly identified policies and proposed solutions
* a schedule setting out who will delivery and when and how it will be funded.
* support for the above by the providers and how it will be achieved.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan does not do this. The Table in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan shows responses from physical Utility providers in very general terms:
U3 - Water and Sewerage assessment says Severn Trent Water's investment plans for drainage, sewerage and sewerage treatment mean that the development proposals can be accommodated.
U1 High Voltage Electricity Transmission System Electricity assessment says the transmission system will have the capacity to accommodate the additional demand.
However, the poor state of existing water drainage and sewerage systems in Hampton Magna is well known and is acknowledged by Severn Trent Water. There is no current detailed assessment of what work will be required and how and when it will performed to enable the existing systems to adequately cope if additional housing is built.
The existing electricity distribution system in respect of Hampton Magna has also been subject to problems for many years and there no assessment even in general terms as to how the existing system might be affected by the additional housing and how and when any problems arising will be resolved.
Social Infrastructure
- Health GP Services, there is no assessment or proposal in respect of how GP practice at Hampton Magna will cope with the additional patient numbers, whether expansion will be necessary and if so how it will be funded.
- Education.
The January 2016 census recorded 266 pupils against a capacity of 315.
WDC estimate that the total additional proposed homes for Hampton Magna and Hatton Park will generate in the region of 110 primary age pupils. When added to the 266 pupils it would create a total of 376 pupils which is 61 pupils over the 315 capacity. This would entail an expansion of the school from the time the extra housing is built. It does not take account of a future growth in numbers of pupils. However, in respect of such expansion, there is no current detailed assessment of what work will be required, how and when it will performed and how it will be funded with certainty.
Therefore I believe the plan for Hampton Magna fails to satisfy the key requirement to show it is the proposal is Effective
8. Modifications necessary to make the Local Plan legally compliant or sound.
As the Plan has failed to satisfy Legal Compliance and Soundness then the allocation of 245 houses should be denied on the basis that such allocation has failed a proven sustainability assessment and the other failures in the Plan as stated in this response.
If the Inspector concludes that the Local Plan is Legally Compliant and Sound in some respects then at the very least it is proposed that there should be a significant reduction in the number of houses allocated for Hampton Magna. How this is achieved is a matter for the Inspector. For instance, he could deny the proposal for the additional 145 houses, or reduce the total 245 number in some other way.
There is potentially a more suitable site nearer to Coventry which should be considered as an alternative, e.g. Bubbenhall, given that meeting Coventry's housing is the focus of the Plan. This would also better meet the Positively Prepared key requirement in respect promoting sustainable transport in accordance with NPPF.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68836
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Annie Hill
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The main reason it is said that Hampton Magna has been chosen for a large percentage increase of dwellings is that amenities are already in place.
The extra infrastructure necessary for this development will be costly, the sewage system is inadequate, the roads are too narrow and often single track. All the other amenities are overwhelmed already
I am writing to comment on the proposed development at Hampton Magna. See your Local Plan Places Map 20.
This explosive increase of dwellings represents such a large percentage that it is unfair to existing residents when other more accessible villages have a lesser percentage increase. I am writing to explain why the proposed development at Hampton Magna appears to be flawed and unmanageable. The main reason it is said that Hampton Magna has been chosen for a large percentage increase of dwellings is that amenities are already in place.
We have a doctor's surgery, but this is situated in a very small area sandwiched between the shops, the school and the pub, because the surgery caters for the surrounding villages there is not enough parking spaces for patients. The same applies to the shops, causing congestion and danger to local residents.
There is a school but to accommodate extra children from Hatton Park and the children that the new development in Hampton Magna will generate, it will need to be greatly enlarged. There is already a major problem with parking at school drop offs and pickups.
The rail station has created problems for existing residents of Hampton Magna by the unofficial parking of vehicles around the village, also rail users are speeding through the very narrow country lanes to catch trains this has compromised the quality of life for walkers, horse riders and cyclists.
The lanes, leading into Hampton Magna are only country lanes and already choked with vehicles at peak times.
Why have other sites not been considered? A very large field next to the Warwick by pass on Hampton Road was for sale recently for a considerable time, this field would have had excellent access with potential for even more routes to major roads. It was situated close to amenities schools, doctors, pharmacy, shops and the pub.
The extra infrastructure necessary for this development will be costly, the sewage system is inadequate, the roads are too narrow and often single track. All the other amenities are overwhelmed already.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 68972
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Sharon Bancroft
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Will not deliver sustainable development
Safe access to site not available
Infrastructure does not have capacity to meet demands
Increased traffic flow and congestion
Capacity of settlement not sufficient to cope with additional housing
Bold underlined highlights have been included within texts for emphasis.
To be consistent with national policy the proposal for Hampton Magna should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.
This has not been achieved due to the reasons below.
By the NPPF paragraph 32, plans and decisions should take account of whether safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all people.
There is already traffic congestion to and from Budbrooke village at peak times.
This is due to the fact that access in and out of Budbrooke village is by way of a single road. At one end, Old Budbrooke Road becomes a single lane under the railway bridge approaching Warwick Parkway Railway Station and this is controlled by alternating traffic lights system which allows only a few vehicles at a time in and out of the village. When traffic enters the village or Warwick Parkway Station it prevents access out of the village.
The overall affect is that traffic congestion and delays are experienced at peak times. If there is a traffic incident in a nearby motorway this causes huge traffic build up in areas surrounding Budbrooke Village which further exacerbates the situation. Traffic flows and congestion will increase very significantly for both peak morning and evening if there are additional housing allocations.
An alternative access route to Warwick is through Hampton on the Hill and on to the Hampton Road but this is subject to two narrow access points in Hampton on the Hill which are subject to priority give way lane control arrow signals resulting in potential choke points in and out of Hampton on the Hill. In addition Hampton Road is subject to busy traffic travelling down the hill into Warwick thus forming an impediment to exit. Traffic (particularly at peak times) also uses this route for access into the village down the Old Budbrooke Road and under the railway bridge for journeys to the Birmingham Road and to Stanks Island. All of this will create additional congestion and pollution for local residents and the risk of accidents.
There is a Strategic Transport Assessment which proposes changes to Stanks Island to alleviate traffic congestion due to increased traffic flow to and from destinations served by Stanks Island. This assessment fails to address and demonstrate how the scheme will enable safe and suitable access to and from Hampton Magna at peak times.
There is a separate technical study (Old Budbrooke Road/Warwick Parkway Station Access Junction - LinSig Assessment) which considers the potential impact of the railway bridge on traffic in and out of Hampton Magna. This shows that the peak morning assessment is near to or exceeding The Degree of Saturation shown and states it is likely that congestion will develop. We contend that the cumulative impacts of traffic from the proposed 245 extra homes at Hampton Magna, the additional proposed housing at Opus 40 and Hatton Park, the growing commuter capacity and increasing vehicle use at Warwick Parkway station and the increasing use of Hampton Magna as a cut through route from the Hampton Road are likely to be severe.
Also, the peak morning period is taken as 8am to 9am. It does not show the affects on traffic flows if the peak times are increased, as is the case for many motorists needing to reach their destination on time given increasingly lengthy journey times which result from increased traffic flows in the Birmingham Road/Stanks Island vicinity.
The theoretical modelling study has failed to properly consider the above problems adequately.
The additional traffic will also adversely impact on public transport at peak times and could result in emergency services vehicle access being delayed or prevented.
So the proposal does not enable the delivery of sustainable development or show with certainty that suitable transport access can be achieved for all people.
Therefore it is not consistent with NPPF transport policy.
The NPPF (paragraph 162) states that local planning authorities should work with other providers to assess the quality and capacity of water supply, waste-water and its treatment, energy, health and education, and its ability to meet forecast demands. It covers other matters not listed here.
We consider the plan must clearly show how they have worked with providers to properly assess how they are able to meet forecast demands at Hampton Magna.
General and superficial assurances given in the Infrastructure Delivery plan for water supply, waste-water and its treatment, energy are not adequate.
No assessment appears to have been made in respect of health, re GP surgery.
More details are given in the "Not Effective" section.
Therefore it has failed to meet the requirements in respect of the infrastructure policy.
To be Positively Prepared the plan should be based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements.
One of the key requirements is promoting sustainable transport (NPPF paragraphs 29 - 41).
In particular, the plan should:
* encourage solutions which support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion (NPPF policy 29 and 30).
* ensure that developments which generate significant movement are located where the need to travel will be minimized and the use of sustainable transport modes can be maximized (NPPF 34).
For the reasons detailed elsewhere in this response, the additional proposed housing allocation at the sites in Hampton Magna with restricted access to and from Hampton Magna will result in significant increased traffic flow and congestion and conflict with these policies.
To be justified the Local Plan "needs to be founded on a robust and credible evidence base involving research/fact finding demonstrating how the choices made in the plan are backed up by facts."
In our submission the Local Plan in respect of Hampton Magna fails to do this because the proposed figure of 245 additional houses has not been robustly demonstrated as justified even as measured against the Indicative Village Capacity proposed in the Plan.
The Village Profile and Housing Allocations February 2016 document includes the profile for Hampton Magna and contains The Indicative Village Capacity section. This gives a total figure of 180 additional houses for Hampton Magna. It concludes that 180 is indicative and it is reasonable to exceed this "to a degree". However, an increase from 180 to 245 is not "a degree". The proposed 245 is not backed up by facts in the assessment and not justified.
To justify the increase from 180 to 245 houses it uses "the range of services within the village, its sustainable location close to urban area and good quality transport links." However no account has been taken of the negative sustainability impact on certain amenities which will result from the significant proposed number of additional houses, e.g. doctors surgery, primary school and local public and private transport access delays out of the village at peak times.
The plan is also defective in assessing sustainability.
The plan says a Sustainability Assessment (SA) for the H51 site for Hampton Magna (land south of Lloyd Close) is not needed because the site has not been subject to change since 2015 when it was originally appraised but not allocated.
However this H51 site has clearly changed since 2015 from 0 houses allocation to 145 houses allocation! So there is a huge fundamental change and hence a new Sustainability Assessment (SA) is essential to revisit this.
The fact it has not been performed shows no attempt has been made to satisfy the sustainability criteria of justification.
We appreciate that the Local Plan needs to find additional houses in total but it is not justified to allocate another 145 (an increase of 145% to the original 100 houses) simply because Hampton Magna is a village with some amenities. The plan needs to demonstrate precisely how the total figure will be accommodated based on a revised Sustainability Assessment which fully addresses the real problems such an increase will entail.
It does not do this and for these reasons 245 houses in total is Not Justified.
To be effective the Local Plan needs to demonstrate sound infrastructure delivery planning by showing:
* clearly identified policies and proposed solutions
* a schedule setting out who will delivery and when and how it will be funded.
* support for the above by the providers and how it will be achieved.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan does not do this. The Table in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan shows responses from physical Utility providers in very general terms:
U3 - Water and Sewerage assessment says Severn Trent Water's investment plans for drainage, sewerage and sewerage treatment mean that the development proposals can be accommodated.
U1 High Voltage Electricity Transmission System Electricity assessment says the transmission system will have the capacity to accommodate the additional demand.
However, the poor state of existing water drainage and sewerage systems in Hampton Magna is well known and is acknowledged by Severn Trent Water. There is no current detailed assessment of what work will be required and how and when it will performed to enable the existing systems to adequately cope if additional housing is built.
The existing electricity distribution system in respect of Hampton Magna has also been subject to problems for many years and there no assessment even in general terms as to how the existing system might be affected by the additional housing and how and when any problems arising will be resolved.
Social Infrastructure
- Health GP Services, there is no assessment or proposal in respect of how GP practice at Hampton Magna will cope with the additional patient numbers, whether expansion will be necessary and if so how it will be funded.
- Education.
The January 2016 census recorded 266 pupils against a capacity of 315.
WDC estimate that the total additional proposed homes for Hampton Magna and Hatton Park will generate in the region of 110 primary age pupils.
When added to the 266 pupils it would create a total of 376 pupils which is 61 pupils over the 315 capacity.
This would entail an expansion of the school from the time the extra housing is built. It does not take account of a future growth in numbers of pupils.
However, in respect of such expansion, there is no current detailed assessment of what work will be required, how and when it will performed and how it will be funded with certainty.
Therefore we believe the plan for Hampton Magna fails to satisfy the key requirement to show it is the proposal is Effective
This "it will be alright on the night" approach is inadequate.
8. Modifications necessary to make the Local Plan legally compliant or sound.
As the Plan has failed to satisfy Legal Compliance and Soundness then the allocation of 245 houses should be denied on the basis that such allocation has failed a proven sustainability assessment and the other failures in the Plan as stated in this response.
If the Inspector concludes that the Local Plan is Legally Compliant and Sound in some respects then at the very least it is proposed that there should be a significant reduction in the number of houses allocated for Hampton Magna. How this is achieved is a matter for the Inspector. For instance, he could deny the proposal for the additional 145 houses, or reduce the total 245 number in some other way.
There is potentially a more suitable site nearer to Coventry which should be considered as an alternative, e.g. Bubbenhall, given that meeting Coventry's housing is the focus of the Plan. This would also better meet the Positively Prepared key requirement in respect promoting sustainable transport in accordance with NPPF.
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69020
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr. Peter Gogerly
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
- Not aware of any traffic surveys being undertaken to ensure safe access to sites.
- In September 2015, a traffic survey was carried out by the Parish Council at request of HOTHRA; results showed that over 18,000 vehicles a week came through HotH.
- This damages the quality of life in the village and measures are currently being considered to regulate traffic flow.
- The proposed additional housing in Hampton Magna (H51 and H27)will add to the volume of traffic and risk destroying the quality of life in village.
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69303
Derbyniwyd: 04/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr Michael Bresolin
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Increase traffic congestion
Increase pressure on local infrastructure and services
Reduce personal safety
More appropriate sites available in preference to green belt
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69324
Derbyniwyd: 15/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Christine Davies
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
This area is already congested, particularly if there are traffic incidents on the trunk roads.
There is more suitable land in the area. such as at Hampton on the Hill. This is open land on the outskirts of Warwick.
Local people should be put first.
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69326
Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Angela Marion Ellis
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The proposals for Hampton Magna will increase traffic when there are already severe problems at peak times. The sewers already experience problems and will be pushed to the limit.
The school will not be able to cope with the additional demand
The doctors surgery will be under extreme pressure
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69575
Derbyniwyd: 18/04/2016
Ymatebydd: J. L. Coombes
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Heb nodi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
No new roads proposed and existing roads are inadequate. Extra traffic will add to congestion.
School is already oversubscribed and there are access problems with parked cars.
Land is green belt.
Alternative site available off A46 large enough for 600 houses.
Sewerage system serving village needs complete overhaul before any new housing can be served.
Increase in density is going to be overbearing and not a pleasant environment to live in.
Site H51 is waterlogged after heavy rain.
Scant thought given to fine details for development which would not improve lives of current or future residents
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69624
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Budbrooke Parish Council
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocation: -
- lack of suitable and safe access to settlement
- additional traffic generated will have adverse impact on public transport, congestion, road safety
- inadequate assessment of infrastructure needs
- specified density of 35dph will prevent identifying locally appropriate density
- Hampton Magna does not have suitable infrastructure as a growth village to accommodate levels of new housing being proposed
- level of housing proposed not justified
- infrastructure, facilities and services inadequate to provide for additional growth
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69637
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs. Elizabeth Rowley
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocations: -
- adverse impact on character of village
- poor / unsafe access into village
- traffic congestion and parking
-road safety adversely affected by increase in traffic
- adverse impact on existing services and facilities
- lack of capacity at train station
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69787
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Hampton Magna Action Group
Nifer y bobl: 144
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to allocations (144 signatories): -
- High green belt value
- Low level of connectivity with Coventry
- Poor infrastructure and lack of local services and facilities
- congestion and traffic issues, constraints include railway bridge and poor accessibility
- surplus of housing now identified in modifications
- other more sustainable locations are available
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69794
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Canal and River Trust
increased housing density next to canal - any development here should not adversely affect integrity of waterway structure, water quality, result in unauthorised discharges and run off or encroachment, adversely affect landscape / heritage / ecological quality / character of the waterway, prevent waterway potential for being unblocked or discourage its use.
New / increased allocations will have impact on highway network though the appraisal documents appear to suggest that works will be limited to the A46 junction and that points on the network, such as the bridge at Old Budbrooke Road which cross the canal, will not require alteration/improvement.
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69796
Derbyniwyd: 19/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Dr Jonathan M Russ
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to proposals: -
- existing congestion will be exacerbated
- poor accessibility to settlement
- inadequate traffic assessment
- adverse impacts of additional traffic on public transport
- inadequate infrastructure, local services and facilities
- increase in traffic not sustainable
- additional housing not justified
- IDP doesn't demonstrate sound infrastructure provision
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69869
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mrs Kay Lock
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
OBJECT to increase in housing in Hampton Magna. Draft Local Plan proposed 100 dwellings - now increased to 245.
Hampton Magna currently has 632 dwellings. Proposed increase to 877, nearly 40% extra.
Services and amenities lack capacity to cope with additional dwellings. To accommodate additional housing will require a substantial investment in services and facilities.
Access to Hampton Magna is by two principal roads; one is Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill and the other Old Budbrooke Road via a low headroom bridge at Warwick Parkway Station. As a result heavy traffic enters along the Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill.
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 69870
Derbyniwyd: 21/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr John Lock
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
OBJECT to increase in housing in Hampton Magna. Draft Local Plan proposed 100 dwellings - now increased to 245.
Hampton Magna currently has 632 dwellings. Proposed increase to 877, nearly 40% extra.
Services and amenities lack capacity to cope with additional dwellings. To accommodate additional housing will require a substantial investment in services and facilities.
Access to Hampton Magna is by two principal roads; one is Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill and the other Old Budbrooke Road via a low headroom bridge at Warwick Parkway Station. As a result heavy traffic enters along the Hampton Road through Hampton-on-the-Hill.
See attached
Proposed Modifications January 2016
ID sylw: 70229
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2016
Ymatebydd: Mr. Michael James Edwards
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Object to proposal: -
- poor consultation process / failure to consult
- sites disproportionate and in excess of housing requirements
- no exceptional circumstances justify green belt allocation
- other more suitable green belt sites available
- should explore compulsory purchase orders
- more suitable areas available closer to Coventry
- limited connectivity with Coventry
- should look at Bubbenhall as more suitable location
- sites not properly assessed
- poor local infrastructure, lack of services and facilities
- site at Hampton Road (43 acres) was available for sale at time of SHLAA - was not considered
See attached