Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Rowington Parish Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 85507
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

The Parish Council considers the problem of providing affordable homes in high land and house price areas has proved intractable nationally so that affordable and social housing numbers have declined sharply. Large sites are much more likely to deliver affordable housing either for rent or shared ownership.




Q-H2-2: The Parish Council considers the HEDNA analysis indicates that half of all housing growth results from a shortage of affordable homes. With regard to the above options, larger sites are much more likely to deliver affordable housing either for rent or shared ownership. The issue with the lack of social housing is due to Local Authorities not building any such housing, over a long period of time. During this period a vast number of tenants have taken advantage of their right to purchase their home after just 5 years’ occupancy. This situation and distortion of the housing market is grossly unfair to those Local Authorities who recognise their responsibility in this area and to individuals who search in vain for a home at an affordable rent. Warwick and Stratford District Councils should work in conjunction with housing associations and the Rural Housing Associations that have delivered housing in the past to re-establish their role of providing rented housing for those who work in their area. QH2.3 The Parish Council consider that the best way of addressing this social concern is at a local level, where local voluntary / church groups can be very effective. Local grants to assist such organisations should be made available, and Parish and Town Councils are often well placed to assist with such initiatives.

ID Ffurflen: 85508
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council




QH3 The Parish Council considers this policy could be dealt with in Part 2 QH5 The Parish Council considers these options premature and should be deferred to part 2 Q-H6: The Parish Council considers these options premature and should be deferred to part 2 QH7 The Parish Council considers the problem of providing affordable homes in high land and house price areas has proved intractable nationally so that affordable and social housing numbers have declined sharply. There appear to be no proposals for social housing.

ID Ffurflen: 85509
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

The Parish Council recognise that South Warwickshire Local Plan has a duty to collaborate with the neighbouring authorities. The demand and need which comes from Birmingham and the Black Country is mainly for affordable homes. The problem of providing affordable homes in high land and house price areas has proved intractable nationally so that affordable and social housing numbers have declined sharply. The issues with the lack of social housing is due to Local Authorities not building any such housing, over a long period of time and which should be addressed.

The Parish Council question why should Warwickshire be catering for Birmingham issues when there are significant brownfield sites which should be developed for housing first, with in particular, affordable housing to meet the workforce needs of that area. Building on the green belt is a cheap option and irresponsible.

ID Ffurflen: 85510
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council




ID Ffurflen: 85511
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

The Parish Council does not have expertise to respond to this question.

ID Ffurflen: 85513
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

Don't know

Ni roddwyd ateb

QC2 The Parish Council does not have the expertise to respond to this point QC 3 .1 Don’t Know Too often a false economy and not effectively delivered. QC32 The Parish Council does not have expertise to respond to these options QC3.3 The Parish Council does not have the expertise to respond to this question

ID Ffurflen: 85514
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council






ID Ffurflen: 85515
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council




Ni roddwyd ateb

The Parish Council does not have the expertise to respond to these options. QC5 The Parish Council does not have the expertise to respond to these options

ID Ffurflen: 85517
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council




QC7 The Parish Council does not have the expertise to enable it to respond.

ID Ffurflen: 85518
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council




Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.