Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Rowington Parish Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 85519
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

QC 10.1 The Parish Council does not have expertise to respond to these options. QC11 The Parish Council does not consider this is material for the part 1 Plan QC12 The Parish Council considers development on the flood plains of the numerous watercourses in the South Warwickshire Local Plan area should not be permitted and surface water run off controlled by attenuation measures to avoid surge flooding and contamination of the watercourses. Minimum use of impervious materials to be used in development locations to aid natural absorption.

ID Ffurflen: 85520
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council


The Parish Council considers this proposal to be far too detailed and is an example of excessive scope/detail in the consultation. These are all issues that are being delegated to Neighbourhood Plans and there needs to be some reference in the document to encouraging Neighbourhood Plans to undertake this activity and guidance as to appropriate approaches.

ID Ffurflen: 85521
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council





ID Ffurflen: 85522
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council






ID Ffurflen: 85523
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

The Parish Council consider it is too detailed for this stage of the plan

ID Ffurflen: 85524
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council


QD5 Heritage assets are undoubtedly important to the character of South Warwickshire and should be considered at a strategic level within Part 1 of the South Warwickshire Local Plan, helping inform the strategic growth strategy. Detailed heritage policies are will be deferred to part 2. The Parish Council supports heritage assessments

ID Ffurflen: 85525
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

QW1 The Parish Council considers this is a national and regional issue QW2 The Parish Council considers this is inappropriate for a sub-regional plan

ID Ffurflen: 85526
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

QB4. The Parish Council believes that in general our environmental quality needs to be protected and maintained, however these issues should be raised with the relevant statutory agencies involved. The Local Plan part 1 does not seem to be the correct place to have this debate. QB5 The Parish Council would support option B5a. The core idea is sound, but more research should be undertaken to consider the impact of where this might push more development. QB8.1 The Parish Council consider the Plan should include a policy avoiding development on the best and most versatile agricultural land. Nationally agricultural land will more than ever be needed to feed the country. QB8.2 The Parish Council does not have the expertise to respond at this stage QB8.3 The Parish Council would support the proposal, but it seems doubtful that duplication is essential at this stage. QB6 The Parish Council does not have expertise to respond to this point QB7 The Parish Council does not have expertise to respond to this point

ID Ffurflen: 85527
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council




ID Ffurflen: 85528
Ymatebydd: Rowington Parish Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

The Parish Council has had difficulty assessing the volume and detail of the plan in the timescale. We realise that some difficulties are inevitable but there are in reality only a few key issues in the plan and they are lost in the excessive detail. It would be better if several of the policy areas were dealt with in a separate consultation probably reserved to the individual District authorities in line with the subsidiarity principle. The website states that consultation has been undertaken with parish and town councils, but when and in what depth. Details of consultation undertaken should be stated. The Parish Council considers that the Part 1 plan should be a high level strategic plan which contains the issues which are central to the long term settlement pattern of the sub Region. The plan is also unrealistically long given the rate of social and economic change. The failure to include a major set of options about the green belt in the consultation indicates a lack of appropriate focus. This seems to indicate the Plan is developer led.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.